MacBook Pro :: Looking For Some Info On Possible Hardware Refreshes
Jun 24, 2009
I just found out that I will be able to order a whole bunch of stuff in October for my office from a Grant our school got. (I know, its a way off), and I want to get some info on possible hardware refreshes. Here is what I'm looking to get.
Mac Pro
2 x 24" LED ACD
17" MacBook Pro
I just received a new Mac Pro a few days ago from our last fiscal year, which was the 2 x 2.88ghz Quad Core version. Can I expect a new refresh before October on the current specs? The 17" MacBook Pro that is currently out will do perfect for what I am going to use it for, but I don't want to put in a spec sheet if it will 'possibly' change before Oct. I don't need to hear the normal stuff, that if I need a notebook now, get one etc. I have a perfectly fine 15" MBP, this is more for a order that is still somewhat off.
OS 10.4.11 iMac G5. The finder "refreshes" every minute or so closing all its open windows. It stops any finder activity during this "refresh." For example, copying a file to another disk--it will interrupt the process. It does leave application windows open but leaves the program to go to back to the finder. It does not matter if I am actively using the applications or not. I have been interrupted during this post several times already.
When I start/restart my mac os x 10.5.5 (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM) the desktop refreshes several times before going back to the pale blue screen and then refreshing a final time. The mouse is then sluggish and/or jumps sporadically.
I am really annoying that my Mac refreshes finder itself every 2min. when I open folders, windows close automatically. also, if I transfer data, mac quit transferring too. It happened since a week ago.
I had a bit of a dispraxic moment the other day and meant to do one keystroke but ended up doing another (I work on both the old- and new-style (aluminum) keyboards and sometimes misjudge where the keys are). Anyway, God knows what I've done but now, when I move my mouse around the screen, the desktop moves. If the cursor is in the middle of the screen, all is well, but as I move out towards the edges, the desktop moves by about 10 pixels in that direction. At first I thought it might be an issue with the settings on the monitor but I've logged onto that machine remotely this morning and it's still doing it - the frustrating thing being that now the whole screen refreshes every time I move the mouse.
Today I ordered my new iMac 24" 2.4ghz with 2gb of ram and got the wireless keyboard and mouse. I am wondering if apple updates the iMacs can I send mine in becuase I probably won't get mine for 3-5 days and the updates would come on Tuesday. If I can send it I'm what do I have to do and how can I do it. Also if they changes the ram to 2gb standard do I get 100 back because I updated it. Apple updated it to the new imacs at no aditional cost, I now got this: 24" imac 2.8ghz, 2gb ram, 320gb hdd, 256mb ati graphics card and wireless keyboard and mouse. Also from amazon for 200 dollars less than what apple charges i got the logitech z-5500 digital 5.1 surround sound speakers.
I am unable to get into my account info on the iTunes store to check my account info. I keep getting a message that it is unavailable and try later, but this has been going on for weeks.
Some of my investigations on how to get SATA working on my machine may be useful to Macbook Air users with the same chipset. This is a work in progress but is presented for your consideration on how to get a SATA interface where one hasn't been supplied.
1. Enabling ICH8-M SATA controller MacBook air Hacking - USB PORTS announced there was an unused SATA port on a MBA. This got me curious in finding and enabling a ICH8-M SATA controller on a HP 2510P with the same chipset. I succeeded in enabling the SATA controller to be visible in the OS. Relevant documentation on how to do this is here. All that remains now is finding the 4 SATA I/O from the southbridge pins on the systemboard, plus a 3.3V and GND (6 lines) and connecting it to say the Samsung SSD (below). I present this here so perhaps MBA ppl can do this too, and more importantly, identify if that is *all* that is required to get it working. Left: test pads from Macbook air southbridgeRight: SATA I/O pins on southbridge of interest2. Use the Sony SATA to ZIF AdapterPreliminary findings are here. Has a proprietory connector on the systemboard side though. Sony part number 1-878-429-11 as used in Sony Vaio P series.3. Creating a microSATA to ZIF adapterIf the native SATA controller cannot be enabled and it's I/O lines found, all is not lost OR the Sony adapter is too expen$ive, then could have a go at making this. The parts are rather inexpensive.
The 1.8" harddisk measures at 2.13x2.79in, we find this could potentially fit:Size of SATA to 3.5" IDE adapter: 2.13 in x 1.81 (size as given for 2-port version)Size of 3.5" IDE to ZIF adapter: 3.54 in x 1.30 Total: 3.54 in x 3.112 Size (shrunk) estimate: 2.13 in x 2.33 (removal of 2x~0.39 IDE connectors + more)I have *no* performance benchmarks to say how effective, or not, this would be but am awaiting feedback in those threads about it. More details, including source of parts, in thread titled For those with slow 1.8" PATA drives wanting SATA...
Followup If anyone has success enabling and using the SATA controller and/or creating the microSATA to ZIF adapter, please chime in on the threads above with what could be quite useful information to others in the same boat.I guess our platforms are the same (chipset) but different at the same time 1.8" SATA SSD offers a considerable performance boost to 20MB/s 4200rpm 1.8" HDD or 32MB/s 5400rpm 1.8" HDD.
I want to install a new, larger HD in my macbook and then make it my primary computer. Currently, I have most of my info on my aging G5 iMac which is slowly starting to fall apart (i.e. optical drive/keyboard no longer work, making strange noises, etc.). I know that, once I put a new, larger HD in my macbook, I will have to format it and install Leopard. Is there a way to then transfer all of my info from the iMac to the new HD in the macbook after I put Leopard on it? I currently have a Time Machine'd backup external HD hooked up to my iMac.
so i just got a new unibody MB...and with my old one this worked...
when i lets say come to these forums, i have to login in right...well i have my login info saved via firefox, so i just just type the first letter of my email and click on the email, and it auto enters it...all good. but
on my past MB, when i got to these forums (or any login page) my stuff was already sitting there, and i just had to click submit. this is what i want again.
My MBP 15" Hi-Res Glossy i7 is on the way (ordered on 19th) and I was just wondering how the batteries on these machines were doing. I've seen a lot of feedbacks from great (8~9 hrs) to average (4~6 hrs) to bad (2~3 hrs). So how is it that these reports are varying so much? Is it possible for numerous defects to be out in the world right now?
I just purchased my first mac, a refurbished mid-2009 MacBook Pro after being a PC user my whole life. So far, the transfer has gone great, but I'm having one minor hiccup with iCal.
I use my iPhone's calendar quite heavily for my job. My phone's calendar is synced to a Google calendar. I'm trying to get the information in my iPhone calendar into iCal using iTunes, and am having no luck. If I add something into iCal on my computer, it syncs into my phone, but I can't get the information already on my phone to sync into iCal.
My MacBook HDD crashed and I just had some questions. This is still in the middle of the quarter and thankfully my midterms are already over so I'm free till finals, besides papers. The problem is I was walking around my apartment and tripped over my chair, which caused the macbook to fall and the hdd to fail. I took it over to the bookstore for them to check it out and they said they could see the hdd but not the partition. I'm not exactly sure what this means but I need 3-5 folders out of my documents folder and the entirety of my pictures folder (completely forgot to back it up). I also needs my bookmarks from firefox and calendar/mail stuff (not sure if that's possible) What are the chances of this happening? I'm giving my mac to a buddy of mine who has a good friend that's a genius at the apple store in OC. I'm just wondering if I can get my information back... or I'm screwed for finals pretty much? On a side note I did order a new MBP so I guess I'll have half the quarter's notes.
Just picked up a new iMac today. I have my Macbook Pro pretty much all setup with bookmark, emails, ical, contacts, etc...
Is there anyway to import all that to my iMac? or do i have to setup everything manually on the iMac?
I noticed when i first started the iMac is asked something along the lines of transfering data from another mac via firewire BUT i dont have a firewire cable, So not sure if this is what i need?
Got a new MacBook Pro and want to give my grandson old MacBook - how do I delete all info, etc on the od unit? Can I do a reset like I can on my iPod/iPad?
I have a early 2012 Air, and just bought a new one last week. Migrated all my stuff but now need to get the old one back to new for my employee to use. No discs like we had with the Pro, and the alternative of wiping the hard drive and reinstalling Lion seems a little harsh. How would I reinstall Lion without the disc anyway?
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My Macbook battery died and when Mac replaces it, the hard drive will be wiped out. Does anyone know where to go and how much it costs to save what's on my hard drive?
I've been pouring over the various threads on this forum and around the internet and I thought that I would share what I feel is the most useful info out there regarding the 5400 vs 7200, size, heat and noise issues.
I own a 24" iMac, as well as my newly purchased MacBook Pro. How can I keep my contacts, files, music, pictures, etc. up to date and the same between the two?
I have a Macbook Pro (about three years old,) and I'm running OS X (10.4.11)
It has been fantastic and perfect, but in the last few days, mysterious things have begun happening, such as it refusing to shut down, restart, or log out, and my dashboard issue.
More specifically, I had lots of stickies on Dashboard, which contained lots of information that I really really really don't want to lose. Suddenly, (after doing something in disk utility called "repair disk permissions," I noticed that dashboard was completely empty. I can drag all the widgets and star all over again, but what I want is the INFORMATION.
I just got my new MBP today and had some files I wanted to move from my external hdd to my new laptop. I was running windows 7 on my desktop that the external hdd was plugged into. When I plugged it into my mac I couldn't see any of the files so I plugged it back into my desktop only to find out my desktop couldn't discover it. After doing a little research on the web I came to believe that by plugging it into my mac it got reformatted. I had a lot of important info on my hdd and I was wondering if there was any way I could recover it.