OS X :: IMac G5 Finder Refreshes Constantly
Jan 4, 2009
OS 10.4.11 iMac G5. The finder "refreshes" every minute or so closing all its open windows. It stops any finder activity during this "refresh." For example, copying a file to another disk--it will interrupt the process. It does leave application windows open but leaves the program to go to back to the finder. It does not matter if I am actively using the applications or not. I have been interrupted during this post several times already.
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Feb 23, 2009
I am really annoying that my Mac refreshes finder itself every 2min. when I open folders, windows close automatically. also, if I transfer data, mac quit transferring too. It happened since a week ago.
Mac G5
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Apr 27, 2008
Today I ordered my new iMac 24" 2.4ghz with 2gb of ram and got the wireless keyboard and mouse. I am wondering if apple updates the iMacs can I send mine in becuase I probably won't get mine for 3-5 days and the updates would come on Tuesday. If I can send it I'm what do I have to do and how can I do it. Also if they changes the ram to 2gb standard do I get 100 back because I updated it. Apple updated it to the new imacs at no aditional cost, I now got this: 24" imac 2.8ghz, 2gb ram, 320gb hdd, 256mb ati graphics card and wireless keyboard and mouse. Also from amazon for 200 dollars less than what apple charges i got the logitech z-5500 digital 5.1 surround sound speakers.
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Feb 9, 2009
For the last 48 hours, my mac will constantly switch to a 'new' finder window every few minutes. I'll be typing away and then bang, I am back on the finder window and my application will be in the background, so I will have to click back on the application to continue working. It's extremely frustrating and I don't have a clue how to fix the problem.
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Aug 17, 2009
Finder constantly expands the same couple of folders on my external drive. The folders have hundreds of photos and scrolling is a pain. I 'unexpand' them and disconnect the drive, then reconnect, open it and the exact same folders are open again. Very, very aggravating.
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Jan 17, 2009
When I start/restart my mac os x 10.5.5 (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM) the desktop refreshes several times before going back to the pale blue screen and then refreshing a final time. The mouse is then sluggish and/or jumps sporadically.
What I've tried:
AppleCare, Apple Hardware, Onyx
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Jun 24, 2009
I just found out that I will be able to order a whole bunch of stuff in October for my office from a Grant our school got. (I know, its a way off), and I want to get some info on possible hardware refreshes. Here is what I'm looking to get.
Mac Pro
2 x 24" LED ACD
17" MacBook Pro
I just received a new Mac Pro a few days ago from our last fiscal year, which was the 2 x 2.88ghz Quad Core version. Can I expect a new refresh before October on the current specs? The 17" MacBook Pro that is currently out will do perfect for what I am going to use it for, but I don't want to put in a spec sheet if it will 'possibly' change before Oct. I don't need to hear the normal stuff, that if I need a notebook now, get one etc. I have a perfectly fine 15" MBP, this is more for a order that is still somewhat off.
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Nov 24, 2009
I had a bit of a dispraxic moment the other day and meant to do one keystroke but ended up doing another (I work on both the old- and new-style (aluminum) keyboards and sometimes misjudge where the keys are). Anyway, God knows what I've done but now, when I move my mouse around the screen, the desktop moves. If the cursor is in the middle of the screen, all is well, but as I move out towards the edges, the desktop moves by about 10 pixels in that direction. At first I thought it might be an issue with the settings on the monitor but I've logged onto that machine remotely this morning and it's still doing it - the frustrating thing being that now the whole screen refreshes every time I move the mouse.
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Feb 6, 2009
Having some trouble with my iMac5,1 - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.16 GHz. It's about 2yrs old. Symptoms include: 1 - freezing when I open, close or move windows too quickly, open too many windows and/or when I multi-task in general. Anything processor intensive is unreliable. 2 - apple mouse cursor shoots off to the side of the screen for no apparent reason and scroll button is unreliable. 3 - lines across the screen that resemble pixel drop-outs - they come and go. I'm still running 10.4. I've wiped out my hard drive twice in the last 2 months and started over from scratch. When I re-install 10.4.0, it seems to run fine. until I run the system updates. That's when my trouble begins again. I've also cleared out my caches and histories repeatedly. I've run the Disk Utility repeatedly. This is getting serious. My PC at work is WAY more reliable than my Mac. I'm considering switching back! I owned a G4 for 7 years and was very happy with it. Was the switch to Intel a bad idea?
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Feb 22, 2012
My 13" MacBook Air Mid-2011 Version currently running Mac OS X 10.7.3. Is constantly overheating and the fan is constantly loud. The fan is around 5500rpm even when I am not doing anything on it or even when it is off.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2009
Got the computer a couple days ago and firefox has been crashing a lot. I cleared the history and cache but it still crashes. I did a quick search and it seems like a lot of people are having this issue and there's no solution for it. I was doing something very important and this has been pissing me off. If I don't find a fix I'm going to return this POS as the only web browser I like is Firefox. It's rarely ever given me any problems on windows based computers.
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Sep 5, 2010
For some reason my Lacie external drive that's hooked up to my imac is constantly being read for no reason. It's never idle and never rests until I eject it. I'm afraid the drive's gonna fail soon and all my work gone? Did a search but can't find anything online.
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Jul 8, 2007
What is wrong with this picture? The fans are running out of control constantly. This machine is sooo loud. The power supply was just replaced, which did little/nothing. Reset all ram/etc.
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Jan 27, 2009
I have a 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24 inch iMac in may-june 2008. I bought it because I wanted to avoid the 20 inch display problems. Somehow I feel I ended up with the wrong side of the deal. Check the snapshot please:
The picture was taken using my iPhone so it's not exacty Cannon quality, but still, it describes my problem in 1000 words
What would you do in my place. Would you risk getting another one, maybe a crappier one? It is ludicrous that you take part in a russian lottery when buying a fairly expensive product like a Mac.
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Jan 27, 2009
All the documents, files and icons displayed on my desktop keep disappearing and then reappearing whenever I do anything - though especially when I save or update something, create a new folder or rename a document/file. Sometimes they don't reappear at all and I am forced to restart the system.
I use a Mac Mini Power PC G4 (1.2) with OS X 10.4.11 and I have an external hard drive which I use to save most of my files and documents onto.
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Feb 18, 2012
I have a 24inch iMac 3.06ghz and seems to be stuck restarting. It will not get to the any screen (just stays black) and constantly restarts, the chime seems to get quieter each time, after about 6 times it comes back to full volume but will not get any further in the start up process.
I restarted it myself because the screen was flickering very quickly and seemed to freeze (this is the first time I have encountered that). I had to power down by the button at the back, then restart using the power button and now won't start up. All software fully up to date. Running Lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Aug 24, 2014
I recently installed Mavericks on my iMac. Any software that is connected to iCloud (FaceTime, Messaging, Calendar, Contacts, etc.) constantly asks for my apple ID password. iTunes is doing the same thing. Feel like I had a similar problem with Key Chain in my Mac Pro.
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Jun 29, 2014
Why is Safari and iTunes constantly asking me for a login keychain? What is that? And how do I disable it?
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Feb 4, 2009
My parents have an older 20-inch white Intel iMac that has run great through the years. But about a week ago it just started spinning the CPU fans up to 3500-4000 RPMs and it won't bring them back down. Istat shows that the CPU temp is around 90 degrees and the computer remains cool to the touch.
So it isn't overheating. My parents keep it off most of the time because they don't want to ruin it, but they're planning on using it in their business they're trying to start up. We've done some web searches and nothing seems to fix it.
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Jun 12, 2012
I am having trouble with crashes. It seems to be finder. I have Lion 10.7.4 I have looked on the net for answers and they all say to delete the finder prefs. I don't see any in library/preferences? Where are they? Sometimes when in either photoshop or Indesign and I try to save the folder is blank, when I know there are files in it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 28, 2010
I was working on my iMac (last year's model) today and the finder hung up (beach ball spinning). I force quit the finder, but it then refused to relaunch (although I could use other programs as before). I then tried to restart the computer but couldn't, and had to force the power off by holding the power button for a few seconds. Now when the computer starts up, it gets to the point where the "loading wheel" (with external spokes) starts turning, but then this "wheel" freezes. I put in my TechTool Pro 5 disc to start it up from that, but the same thing happens (yes, I have been holding down "C" when it starts to make sure that it uses it as a start-up disc). I am at a total loss, and live far from any computer repair store.
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Nov 19, 2009
how to resize the Finder window every single time I open the Macintosh HD. how to set the Finder window size so it opens at that size every time?
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Apr 6, 2012
Why do Finder pages disappear; how do you get them to stay available with other multiple windows open?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2014
I have Processor 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB, Serial Number YD******0TG, Software OS X 10.9.3 (13D65) Did not have any problems until recently. Now my finder is frozen. When I open finder I see a lot of windowo all piled on top of each other and I am not able to click on anything and see my files. I read somewhere that Google Drive causes problems but can't find the article. I cannot afford to get rid of my files in Google Drive. I do not have a lot of computer experience and am somewhat afraid I will do something that will make me loose a good deal of information on my computer. Have the same problem when I try and access Mackintosh HD from my desktop. I have shut down and restarted computer.
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a desktop Intel machine. Due to an error, it is trying to copy thousands of .jpg files onto the desktop. It keeps grinding away and I can'tdo anything else. The cursor is not frozen, but if I try anything I get the spinning wheel. I've tried restarting. I need to interrupt this copying and get all the photos off the desktop.
iMac (17-inch 1 GHz)
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Jan 23, 2010
I have accidentally deactivated 'Finder' when I used the 'Force Quit' option. I didn't look before I clicked. I still have the icon in the dock but when I click on it, it says: 'The application Finder can't be opened. -10810.' How can I reactivate it?
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Feb 1, 2010
I noticed that this problem started last night. When I open anything in Finder or a folder on the desk top and double click it doesn't open. But on the desktop,if I right click the folder and click open it opens. But in finder it doesn't. I have shut down the computer and waited and re-started but still no help. This also happens when I use pages, and numbers.
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May 12, 2010
When ever I start up my computer there are like a 100 or so windows that open up... They are all "my computer" The same folder opens like 100 or so times.. They are all in the finder.. I can Hide them but how do I delete these so they don't show up everytime
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Jun 21, 2010
I accidentally quit finder instead of Safari this morning and now Finder will not open. I still have it in the dock but nothing will work. I also do not have the toolbar at the top either. I can still open the other icons on the dock and use them so I can get on Safari, Ical, etc. I thought I did this once before but I can't remember what I did to rectify the situation.
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May 18, 2008
I am running the following system:
Apple Macintosh (Intel)
PROC 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
The hanging appears to have been caused when I accidently moved about 40GB of old photo's onto my desktop. Almost immediately I tried to cancel but all that happened is that the system has hung. Processer can be heard working in the background.
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