MacBook Pro :: How To Disconnect From 2nd Monitor?

Sep 18, 2010

What is the proper way to disconnect my mini-display port-VGA to the second monitor? Can I just yank it out when I am done or are there a proper steps?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Disconnect From Other Devices

Mar 12, 2012

i m using macbook pro. one of my frend bought an iphone. he needed an apple account to log in. so i gave him mine. but now i feel unsecured as he may download any of the apps from the store . so i want to disconnect that device from my apple's id. how should i do it.?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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OS X :: MacBook Disconnect IBM Off WiFi Network

Aug 30, 2009

A friend of mine is having an issue with the wifi. When they use a MacBook on a wifi network, it tends to keep the family's IBM laptop off the network. This happens on all networks the two computers try to join, and in some cases other PCs on the network.

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MacBook Pro :: Wifi Disconnect Every 5 Minutes?

Jul 18, 2010

anyone knows how to fix my 13" macbook pro keep disc. from wifi every 5 minutes? it's not the router because non of the other laptops/iphone have the problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Disconnect Camera From Laptop?

Jun 23, 2014

forgot how to disconnect camera from laptop

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MacBook Pro :: Says Nothing But Screen Turns Blue For An Instant When I Disconnect It

Jul 7, 2010

[URL ]and i connected it just the right way. my tv says no signal. what is wrong? it doesn't get it. Macbook pro says nothing bt screen turns blue for an instant when i disconnect it. i click detect displays and nothing happens.

adittional info;
mbp is 15" 2010 i5 2.4 ghz
tv is samsung led tv bought in september 2009.

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MacBook Pro :: Mini-DisplayPort To HDMI Disconnect Causes Sleep

Feb 24, 2012

MBP 13" (Late 2011) --> Moshi MDP to HDMI Adapter --> iogear 4x1 HDMI Matrix --> LG 24" LED DIsplay 

Xbox 360 and Tivo are also on HDMI Matrix 

I dock the MBP with all my cabling, close it, and use a Wireless Apple Magic Mouse and Wireless Apple Keyboard with it. If I switch to port 2 or 3 on the matrix, the MBP will sleep. I have installed both smartSleep and InsomiaX to try and prevent this from happening. The MBP needs to run 24/7, even if that might be damaging. To mitigate heat issues I run smcFanControl to change the minimum speed of the fan to a higher level. The Xbox 360 and Tivo access music on this Mac, and so if it is sleeping; it kind of defeats the intention I am going for here. The iogear has no possible way of signalling the MBP to sleep. Also a Gefen HDMI Detective is not a reasonable fix. Also FWIW: This happens even if I physically unplug the cable, not just if I switch the port on the matrix. Kudos to the first person who finds a permanent fix for this issue.  

tl;dr - Prevent Macbook Pro from sleeping on Mini-DisplayPort disconnection.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Enlarged Screen After Disconnect Power And Usb Devices?

Mar 5, 2012

When I need to take the macbook pro with me, I usually turn it off, remove the power output and all the usb cables from it. So later when then I turn it on, the screen is a little bit enlarged and doesn't go back to normal size - or at least I don't know how to make it go back to the normal display. And the zoom is not turned on - already checked it a couple times.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: File Transfer Causes Bluetooth Devices To Disconnect?

Mar 13, 2012

Whenever I try to upload files to my FTP site (via my standard FiOS wireless internet connection), my Apple bluetooth keyboard disconnects. My Apple Magic Mouse also behaves strangely (jumpy, but also disconnects sometimes). Both devices reconnect when the file transfer is complete. This happens both when I transfer files via the web browser OR using Fetch. What the heck? I'm having a hard time troubleshooting this issue or finding anything online about it, but the bluetooth disconnect and file transfer are definitely related, because my devices don't disconnect any other time, unless the batteries are low. 

I want to reiterate: I am NOT trying to transfer files via bluetooth. The files are being transfered via wireless internet (Verizon FiOS), but the bluetooth devices are disconnecting during the transfer. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 8GB RAM

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MacBook Pro :: Disconnect Charger After Battery Fully Charged?

Apr 16, 2012

I've heard that if I don't disconnect the charger after my macbook is fully charged then the battery life and performance will get reduced and will be weaker.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Disconnect The Optical Drive To Save Battery Life?

Sep 3, 2010

I've been longing for a bit longer battery life, and I was just wondering if removing/disconnecting the optical drive would make a difference. I don't need it, and common sense says I could just disconnect it.

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MacBook Pro :: Read Of Wireless Router - Continuously Disconnect And Reconnect?

May 21, 2010

I have read of wireless router issues with MBPs. I have the 13in, 2.26, 2GB (upgraded to 4GB) MBP. When I first got my MBP, I was having to continuously disconnect and reconnect to my router. I assumed I was having the same problems as others on this board have noted. Soon after, however, my work laptop (PC) started having connection issues as well and I have to perform the same process on it. disconnect, reconnect via the laptop, and then everything will work fine for anywhere from 10 minutes to a few hours. (Note: on the MBP, things only work fine for 5 mins or so before I have to perform the action again). It seems as though the MBP is more sensitive to the router issues than my PC.

Nonetheless, I am planning to purchase a new wireless router, since mine clearly has issues and it seems to be getting progressively worse. My question: Is there a particular router that seems to work better with MacBook Pros than others? Any that you guys would specifically recommend? (I need it to still work fine with a PC, as well, because of my work laptop)

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MacBook Air :: New I7 Make Internet Disconnect, Tried To Install Again Received Error 21 00F?

May 19, 2012

When i unpacked it find that the home internet very slow and disconnected from other computer i thouht there is a virus came with it formatted it and tried to install from internet but was not able to download then received this error message .21 00F

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Easily Disconnect From DSL?

Feb 27, 2009

Is there an app that lets me disconnect/connect Leopard from my DSL quickly and easily, maybe from the desktop? Is this the only OS in existence that doesn't allow for this? Previous Macs had Internet Disconnect; on my PC I can do it with 2 clicks. I know i can reconfigure each time in Sys Prefs, but what a pain.

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Hardware :: How To Disconnect After Connecting Printer

Dec 16, 2010

i want to disconnect it and use it wirelessly because i want to use the scanning feature which i can't use if i'm connecting the printer to the airport extreme.

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OS X :: IMac G5 Hooked Up To Cable Box - How To Disconnect It

Feb 2, 2009

my brother connected my cable box to my computer yesterday to record the superbowl. Anyways, I need to disconnect it and put it where it belongs.

The only problem is that he says it will kernelpanick if I try.

So what do I do? It's just a comcast dvr cable box connected to my iMac with through firewire.

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OS X :: Staying Signed On With IChat Even After Disconnect?

Aug 29, 2009

After reading about the Wake-on-Demand feature of Snow Leopard, it got me thinking about why I never put my iMac to sleep.

The reason is because if i put it to sleep, I lose my network connection.

In other words, the only reason I keep my iMac awake: to stay signed on with iChat.

(There's other stuff too, like downloading something or seeding a torrent, but they are very rare occasions, and I wouldn't mind turning sleep off for those, then turn it back on once done).

I think AIM or Apple should introduce a feature where you can stay signed on even after you disconnect, like how it works with the iPhone. That way your computer can go to sleep, and you will still receive your messages. You will receive them as soon as you wake up your Mac and re-connect to the internet.

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OS X Yosemite :: WiFi Disconnect Every 2-3 Minutes?

Dec 2, 2014

I recently around 3-4 weeks ago update my Mac Book Pro to the new Yosemite software and everything was going fine until I got onto my internet! i was connected to my home wifi and everything was fine! Click into something and said I wasn't connected..! I looked up to see the wifi had disconnected! So i thought it was just a fault in my wifi modem, i manually clicked my wifi again it connected. It wasn't until after the 6th time it happened that i realised it wasn't my network and that it was my laptop! now everytime im watching a movie online or youtube its get disconnected and I have to continuously manually connect to my network! This happens every 2-3 minutes and had been frequent since I have updated! It's super annoying as it interfers with my regular web surfing and have looked for and tried so many things to fix it and nothing seems to work!

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Network Connection Failed / Disconnect Every 5 - 10 Minutes

Nov 12, 2008

Since I installed Leopard on my Macbook, AirPort (network) disconnect every 5-10 mins then I have to turn the airport off and turn it on again to got it reconnected. I went several time to different apple stores but I have nothing resolved from them. they created a new user account, reinstalled Leopard etc,. I used many networks at home, school and public and the problem is still occurred. I am using a linksys router.

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Hardware :: Bluetooth Mouse And Keyboard Disconnect?

Apr 10, 2009

I am having a very 'strange' variant of the bluetooth keyboard and mouse disconnects.

I use the new thin Apple wireless keyboard and wireless mighty mouse. I have the lates Mac Mini 2Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Leopard 10.5.6

While I use the computer it can occur that the mouse and keyboard suddenly stop responding. The battery charge is full on both of them and the Keyboard or Mouse Disconnected Dialoge does not appear.

Turning the keyboard or mouse off and on again does not fix this. However, if I hit the power-switch on the Mac Mini to bring it into sleep mode, I can then hit a key on the bluetooth keyboard to wake it again, and all is fine.

What could be the problem?

Btw: I have never had this problem with my Macbook Pro 2nd Gen (2.33 Ghz C2D), Leopard 10.5.6.

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OS X :: Time Machine - MBP - Disconnect While Backup Running?

Aug 13, 2009

Instead of Time Capsule or a NAS, I've decided to just use an external Firewire 1TB external drive to backup my MBP with 500Gb drive. Does Time Machine run 100% in the background? I'm concerned that I may want to disconnect my external drive at a time when Time Machine running a backup. How do I know when Time Machine is backing up and when it's finished? Are you expected to wait for Time Machine to complete before disconnecting, or are there some smarts built in to Time Machine to account for this?

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OS X :: USB Drive Disconnect - Make It Work Like Windows?

Nov 7, 2009

There is something that has been bothering me something fierce since I made the switch to the Mac.

When I used Windows I could connect and disconnect USB drives whenever I wanted without fear of losing data. The way Windows works, it's designed for this so you don't have to "eject" the disk every time.

OS X however is different. I have a USB hub, which has at any given time at least 4 drives plugged into it. If I want to say, grab my laptop and head out the door, I have to wake it up, eject all the disks/media cards, and then go.

I find this to be extremely annoying, especially when I forget.

Is there a way to make OS X behave like Windows in this regard?

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Mac Pro :: Download File Will Sometimes Disconnect And Force Starting Over?

Feb 8, 2012

the download file will sometimes disconnect and force starting over. File is 6GB. wifi through airport extreme.

iPod touch, 8GB

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Intel Mac :: Constant Wifi Drop & Disconnect?

Mar 9, 2012

My one month old iMac does not maintain an interent connection for very long. Sometimes it stays connected for <maybe> an hour, but  MORE often it drops either the wifi signal all together or just stops connecting to the internet... when it does seem to have a connection it is VERY slow.  

My solution: turn off Wifi wait a few seconds and turn it back on... which is very annoying, but that fixes it.  

I have the latest software across the board. I'm running wifi on Time machine. My signal is strong. I have a Powerbook and iPad that connects to it without issues (for a couple of years its been fine until this iMac problem). 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Disconnect All Users In Airport Utility

Mar 12, 2012

In AirPort Utility I have just noticed (possibly since doing the OS X update to 10.7.3, early March 2012) that there is no longer a button to 'Disconnect All Users" from a Time Capsule disk. I used to:Open Airport UtilityClick Manual SetupClick the Disks iconClick the button that says Disconnect All Users However, the AirPort Utility interface is now different. Anyone know how to disconnect all users from a Time Capsule?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Can't Make Monitor On Mini Display Port Primary Monitor?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a fresh install of Windows XP, service pack 2 on a boot camp partition on my macbook (13" first gen aluminum case) and a Apple LED Cinema Display attached to the mini display port.

I can't seem to make the Cinema Display the primary display (the "Use this device as the primary monitor" checkbox is always greyed out in the Display Property Settings tab). I also can't shut the macbook lid and continue to use it closed (with kb, mouse and monitor attached) like I would when booting OSX.

Is there some other way to make the Cinema Display the primary monitor, so I can leave the macbook closed when booting into Windows?

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Mac Pro :: Bluetooth Magic Mouse - Disconnect / Reconnect At Random

Apr 25, 2010

This came about after buying a Magic Mouse and finding that the mouse wasn't working how it should. The pointer was lagging and the mouse would disconnect are reconnect at random. Taking a look on the net I found lots who have the same problem even with older Mac Pros. There is a fix for the older models which involves swapping antenna wires that go to the bluetooth card. Now I can't verify this but some say the labels on the antenna cables are wrong but it could be that the wire swap fix uses the airport antenna instead of the bluetooth antenna ? So I decided to take a closer look and came to the conclusion that the Mac Pro bluetooth antenna does not work as it should. This could be down to bad placement, bad designed antenna or the metal of the case.

Where is the bluetooth antenna? If you try to follow the bluetooth antenna cable you see it goes behind the motherboard but impossible to follow. I wanted to know so out came my motherboard. You can see from the picture below that is on the right sort of behind the PCI blanks. The antenna is flat, about half inch wide and 3 inch tall. Looks pretty rubbish. Sorry I didn't take any photos. After more research I have found 2 possible fixes both costing about $10. The first and easiest. Buy yourself a usb adaptor plug it in and off you go.. Well not exactly. It seems that 2 bluetooths together aren't so happy. So to fix this you will need to disconnect the original apple bluetooth located on the motherboard .

1: Remove power cable .
2: Remove case cover
3. Remove processor tray.
4. Locate bluetooth card and disconned the small plug on the left hand side.
5. Put back in reverse order.

Test: Bluetooth Fix Using Original Bluetooth Card. I prefer this way as I'm not adding any hardware as such I'm just replacing the antenna. This way no usb ports are being used and you use your original bluetooth card. You will need to buy 2 things. EBAY is your friend. A WiFi antenna. As wifi uses the same frequency as bluetooth. A U.FL Mini Pci to RP-SMA CABLE to connect from the bluetooth card to the new antenna.

1: Remove power cable .
2: Remove case cover
3. Remove processor tray.
4. Undo the 2 screws and remove the PCI holder plate
5. Undo the 2 screws for the fan and pull the fan forward. (You need to do this to remove the graphics card.)
6. Push the metal bar on the left side of the graphics card to the left and remove the graphics card.
7.Remove a PCI blank and drill a 6.5mm hole in the middle.
8. Fit the RP-SMA connector and tighten the locking nut.
9. Put a little insulation tape on the other end as we need to fish this behind a support and don't was to short anything on the motherboard.
10. Pass cable behind support and fit the PCI blank into place
11. Disconnect the old antenna.Its a very small plug and you must pull it forward towards you (away from motherboard) and connect the new U.FL cable. Tie up and insulate the old antenna cable to avoid short circuits.
12. Refit all in reverse not forgetting the push the metal bar that holds the graphics card to the right before refitting the fan.
13. Screw new antenna into back.

My bluetooth works fine now with my original bluetooth card and new antenna. I have tried it form far away as possible 5-6 metres and works fine. The other thing to do is add your mouse as a favorite in the bluetooth preferences.

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Battery Is Fully Charged / But When Disconnect From Mains MBP Won't Start

May 26, 2012

As soon as i remove mains cable from MBP the laptop just crashes no juice even though it says battery is fully charged. As soon as i replace cable, it reboots.i need this laptop to work on battery !!

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), currently based in Ireland

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Final Cut Pro X :: Duplicate Events - How To Disconnect Editing From One Project To Another

Aug 25, 2014

This may be a complete bone head question, but whenever I duplicate a project in a library, whatever I do to one is done to the other. I want the two projects to be distinct. How do I disconnect the editing from one project to another?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8 GB Memory; 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Properly Disconnect Memory Card

Dec 3, 2014

how do you properly disconnect your Memory card?

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