MacBook Pro :: Disconnect Charger After Battery Fully Charged?
Apr 16, 2012
I've heard that if I don't disconnect the charger after my macbook is fully charged then the battery life and performance will get reduced and will be weaker.
As soon as i remove mains cable from MBP the laptop just crashes no juice even though it says battery is fully charged. As soon as i replace cable, it reboots.i need this laptop to work on battery !!
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), currently based in Ireland
I am using Mac Pro with retina display Processor : 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory: 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Problem: My mac turns on only when connected to the charger even though it is 100% charged. Once it is on, I can disconnect the charger and continue to work on it.
However, if I don't connect the charger at the initial stage it does not turn on at all.
been using my mba for a few weeks now and i noticed that even when fully charged and still pulled into the charged the battery percentage still says 99% i have yet to see it reach and stay at 100% while being plugged in. is this normal? i am on my 5th cycle if that matters.
My MacBook, "2 days old", from when I purchased it at the apple store says it is fully charged at 99% battery. I just re calibrated the battery last boot. Is this normal?
When I bought the mac book pro I was impressed withthe 7 hours battery life, however I have found that when fully charged mine only has 3hours. Is this a fault or did I miss some kind of disclaimer?
"Does it harm the battery or reduce battery life, to use the AC adaptor for extended periods while the battery is fully charged?"Someone answered, "I would have to disagree with the others who say that it hurts your battery & reduces battery life by keeping your AC adapter plugged in with a full battery.I have done extensive research and asked many apple employees and have always come to the same conclusion. They all say to keep your laptop plugged into an power supply whenever possible. Only use your battery if you have to, in those times when you are not near a power supply.
So I charged my battery to 100% and then unplugged it from the charger. Thats when the battery dipped to 97% instantaneously. It was very odd and somewhat scary. I just bought this MBP 2 days ago! Anything i might be missing? Is it supposed to do that?
I have a MacBook Pro. Keeps completely shutting down all the time when its fully charged and at random times when it is at 65% for example. Do I need to get a battery replacement? Or do I have a virus?
i've had my macbook for a little under a year and i think i may have shortened my battery power. i have a tendency to leave my laptop plugged in long past the fully charged time and allow it to run through the battery till it shuts down. i do this when i accidentally fall asleep listening to music or leave for work and forget it's on or plugged in. how hard on the battery or laptop is it to do this repeatedly? when it's fully charged it tells me i have roughly 4 hours of battery power available. is that the right amount? is there anything i should do to protect the battery? the manufacturer warranty will be up in march, should i take it in for a check up while i may have the option of not having to pay for it?
I have a new 13" MBP (1 week old), and the battery is supposed to be fully charged, according to the battery menu and some hardware monitor app. Well, the same menu says the battery is 95% charged, while the MBP is hooked to the home's sector. What the heck is that ? Last week, the information was consistent (100% recharged).
What is happening here ? Is the battery defective or is this normal ? I'm new to the laptop world, so I need to understand what is happening with the battery.
Is it better to keep the charger in after a completely charged or pull out the charger. Basically I'm wondering if the power is pulled from the UPS after the battery is completely charged or is it still constantly charging the battery.
Basically. I have my 15" saying that it is charged with the MagSafe light green. Although, the battery percentage is 96%. Ehh.. Is it supposed to be like that?
Like, not charge if it has only a little bit left to charge? Or is something wrong with my battery or MagSafe?
I have the impression that my MBP still charges when the power lead is hooked into my macbook. Is that true? Do i have to unplug the power cord each time my macbook is charged? Is there any way that the battery life might be affected?
I hope there is some sort of a circuit involved, that stops charging the battery when the battery is full, rather than overcharging it..
I just got a new mbp 15 inch and I calibrated the battey over night. At 8am est I plugged it in so it could be charged. It is now 10:43 and the Light still has not turned green. I haven't turned it on , so it should be charging quicker.
I bought a MacBook pro in march 2011 and has been working perfectly fine since then. The charger did break but I purchased a new one. I was using it for most of the day on Tuesday and it worked fine, I shut it down like normal and stored it in it's case overnight. On Wednesday morning I tried to switch it on and nothing happened! It's fully charged and I've tried the smc reset and nothing happens. There's no fan sounds or anything!
Had my MacBook Air for Christmas last year (2010), I've done the new update on it and now it won't turn on last night there was a world sign flashing when I turned it on instead of the apple sign.
The Apple one looks tempting as it comes with 6 batteries and 29€ isn't too much, plus, as usual, it looks brilliant. I looked at some 3rd party chargers as well ranging from 20€ to 40€. None of them was stunning or special by any means. Cheaper ones usually came with two or four batteries and some came without batteries. I don't really need it for else than Magic Mouse, occasionally for something else too.
I picked up a pair of the apple batteries/charger for use with my magic mouse and wireless keyboard. I still had some juice in my current batteries so charged each set of two batteries for 24 hours and then put them in a drawer. Fast forward two weeks and my magic mouse has reliably run out of juice and when I put in two of the batteries, my mac states the charge at 74%. I've read in some of the other posts that because of the way NiMH and alkaline batteries differ, it is normal to have slightly lower ratings, but 74%?????
Most people reporting stated they got 85%, has anyone else gotten 74% on first run?
Are these batteries defective or is there something about my charging routine that caused them to be so much lower?
I just got my new Macbook Pro 15 (Mid 2010) laptop a few days ago, and i would just like to know if, when I charge my battery and it's fully charged, should I immediately unplug the power cord or can I leave it? What is the safest and best thing to do?
I'm not sure if this is SL related, but I get the service battery warning when I click on the battery status. iStat reports it at 62% health. Rev B 1.6 just 6months old. Should I bring it to apple or is it just a bug of SL?