Is there an app that lets me disconnect/connect Leopard from my DSL quickly and easily, maybe from the desktop? Is this the only OS in existence that doesn't allow for this? Previous Macs had Internet Disconnect; on my PC I can do it with 2 clicks. I know i can reconfigure each time in Sys Prefs, but what a pain.
My 2.5 year old (wired) mighty mouse gave up the ghost recently, and I just replaced it with a new one today.
The thing is... it doesn't seem to scroll "down" as easily as it scrolls "up" and "left to right". (as it is right now, I have to apply a lot more pressure to scroll down than I do to scroll up or laterally)
Is there an adjustment I can make to get this thing to scroll "down" as easily and freely as it does "up"?Has anyone else had this sort of issue, or is it just me? Ok, Thanks.
What is the proper way to disconnect my mini-display port-VGA to the second monitor? Can I just yank it out when I am done or are there a proper steps?
i m using macbook pro. one of my frend bought an iphone. he needed an apple account to log in. so i gave him mine. but now i feel unsecured as he may download any of the apps from the store . so i want to disconnect that device from my apple's id. how should i do it.?
i want to disconnect it and use it wirelessly because i want to use the scanning feature which i can't use if i'm connecting the printer to the airport extreme.
After reading about the Wake-on-Demand feature of Snow Leopard, it got me thinking about why I never put my iMac to sleep.
The reason is because if i put it to sleep, I lose my network connection.
In other words, the only reason I keep my iMac awake: to stay signed on with iChat.
(There's other stuff too, like downloading something or seeding a torrent, but they are very rare occasions, and I wouldn't mind turning sleep off for those, then turn it back on once done).
I think AIM or Apple should introduce a feature where you can stay signed on even after you disconnect, like how it works with the iPhone. That way your computer can go to sleep, and you will still receive your messages. You will receive them as soon as you wake up your Mac and re-connect to the internet.
A friend of mine is having an issue with the wifi. When they use a MacBook on a wifi network, it tends to keep the family's IBM laptop off the network. This happens on all networks the two computers try to join, and in some cases other PCs on the network.
anyone knows how to fix my 13" macbook pro keep disc. from wifi every 5 minutes? it's not the router because non of the other laptops/iphone have the problem.
I recently around 3-4 weeks ago update my Mac Book Pro to the new Yosemite software and everything was going fine until I got onto my internet! i was connected to my home wifi and everything was fine! Click into something and said I wasn't connected..! I looked up to see the wifi had disconnected! So i thought it was just a fault in my wifi modem, i manually clicked my wifi again it connected. It wasn't until after the 6th time it happened that i realised it wasn't my network and that it was my laptop! now everytime im watching a movie online or youtube its get disconnected and I have to continuously manually connect to my network! This happens every 2-3 minutes and had been frequent since I have updated! It's super annoying as it interfers with my regular web surfing and have looked for and tried so many things to fix it and nothing seems to work!
Has anyone gotten a dent on their new MBA?It seems to me like thin aluminum might be a bad material choice since it will dent instead of flex like plastic does. So just wondering on the toughness of it.
I have several folders backed up on an external firewire drive that is not always connected. Is there software or a way within OS X or Automator, etc. to easily synchronize the folder on my PowerBook with the one on the external drive without re-rewriting the entire folder and subfolders?
I want to run some terminal commands fairly often... yet I don't want to have to type them. I just switched from windows, so I need some help as to how to do this.
In windows I would've just used a batch file to run command prompt commands. I need something that will let me just run it and it will automatically run the commands.
just got a 2nd ATI 3870 for my Mac Pro 2008. THe fan is just as loud or slightly louder than the 1st one. *ugh*. So I downloaded smcFanControl 2.2.2 to see if I can up the fan settings to cool the machine down to hopefully slow lower the fans on the 3870's.
I just bought a clear speck case for the MBA. I noticed that the case weighs a little bit and when the top cover is on, at a certain angle, it closes the MBA due to the sheer weight.
Over time, will this loosen the hinge?
On another point, how the **** do you get the top cover off easily? I scratched the cover with a credit card the first time around! The thing is almost impossible to pry off!
Since I installed Leopard on my Macbook, AirPort (network) disconnect every 5-10 mins then I have to turn the airport off and turn it on again to got it reconnected. I went several time to different apple stores but I have nothing resolved from them. they created a new user account, reinstalled Leopard etc,. I used many networks at home, school and public and the problem is still occurred. I am using a linksys router.
I am having a very 'strange' variant of the bluetooth keyboard and mouse disconnects.
I use the new thin Apple wireless keyboard and wireless mighty mouse. I have the lates Mac Mini 2Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Leopard 10.5.6
While I use the computer it can occur that the mouse and keyboard suddenly stop responding. The battery charge is full on both of them and the Keyboard or Mouse Disconnected Dialoge does not appear.
Turning the keyboard or mouse off and on again does not fix this. However, if I hit the power-switch on the Mac Mini to bring it into sleep mode, I can then hit a key on the bluetooth keyboard to wake it again, and all is fine.
What could be the problem?
Btw: I have never had this problem with my Macbook Pro 2nd Gen (2.33 Ghz C2D), Leopard 10.5.6.
Instead of Time Capsule or a NAS, I've decided to just use an external Firewire 1TB external drive to backup my MBP with 500Gb drive. Does Time Machine run 100% in the background? I'm concerned that I may want to disconnect my external drive at a time when Time Machine running a backup. How do I know when Time Machine is backing up and when it's finished? Are you expected to wait for Time Machine to complete before disconnecting, or are there some smarts built in to Time Machine to account for this?
There is something that has been bothering me something fierce since I made the switch to the Mac.
When I used Windows I could connect and disconnect USB drives whenever I wanted without fear of losing data. The way Windows works, it's designed for this so you don't have to "eject" the disk every time.
OS X however is different. I have a USB hub, which has at any given time at least 4 drives plugged into it. If I want to say, grab my laptop and head out the door, I have to wake it up, eject all the disks/media cards, and then go.
I find this to be extremely annoying, especially when I forget.
Is there a way to make OS X behave like Windows in this regard?
My one month old iMac does not maintain an interent connection for very long. Sometimes it stays connected for <maybe> an hour, but MORE often it drops either the wifi signal all together or just stops connecting to the internet... when it does seem to have a connection it is VERY slow.
My solution: turn off Wifi wait a few seconds and turn it back on... which is very annoying, but that fixes it.
I have the latest software across the board. I'm running wifi on Time machine. My signal is strong. I have a Powerbook and iPad that connects to it without issues (for a couple of years its been fine until this iMac problem).
In AirPort Utility I have just noticed (possibly since doing the OS X update to 10.7.3, early March 2012) that there is no longer a button to 'Disconnect All Users" from a Time Capsule disk. I used to:Open Airport UtilityClick Manual SetupClick the Disks iconClick the button that says Disconnect All Users However, the AirPort Utility interface is now different. Anyone know how to disconnect all users from a Time Capsule?
On windows, when you open a photo within a folder, you have the options to scroll through that entire folder just by clicking the right or left arrow key. Is there any way to do this on a Mac? It's a pain having to click on every photo, close it and open the next one, just to see all the photos in one folder.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), iOS 8.1.1