MacBook Pro :: External HDD Not Connecting Properly?

Feb 9, 2010

I've had a 500GB WD My Passport for about 2 months now. It was working perfectly, until last week when it didn't want to connect properly (i.e. I would connect it 10 times, and about 6 of the times it would work). Now, it doesn't seem to connect at all. I can feel the HDD vibrating inside, so it is getting power, but it's not showing at all. What's very weird is that it doesn't even show on Disk Utility. I'm completely lost as to what I should do. I need to either get it to work again or reformat it somehow, because I'm going on a trip next week and need the space on it.

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PowerPC :: Interface Hasnt Been Connecting To My Emac Properly?

Jan 13, 2011

I've been on a 1.25 GHz Emac for 2 or 3 years now. I use it for pretty much everything, but mostly messing about in logic 7. I have a M audio firewire 410 interface, and daisy chained into that is a Iomega firewire harddrive. Everything has been fine for a long time with the exception of some very occasional digital distortion.

But since sometime last week, my interface hasnt been connecting to my emac properly. When booting up, the interface's blue power light is meant to flash until it connects. But at the moment, it never stops flashing as it never connects.I initally thought the interface just needed its firmware updated, or had a dodgy cable. But I've also tried plugging my external straight into the emac, and that dosnt mount when its on its own either.

So far I've tried: 2 cold starts, hundreds of restarts/power cycles, zapping PRAM, reseting NVRAM, reinstalling the interface's firmware, installing the "combo update" and using the alternative firewire port. However none of this has worked.'ve spent a long time just trying to get it work and i really cant.Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do to get my firewire ports working ?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't It Startup Properly Without External Monitor And Keyboard

Mar 14, 2012

If I connect a external monitor and keyboard to my late 2011 Macbook Pro (running Lion) it starts up just fine. But if I try to start it up without these (or any other devices) attached, I get no display on the internal screen and the internal keyboard is ignored (the caps lock light doesn't light up when the key is pressed). However, I don't think it's a hardware issue, as a PRAM reset seems to work (I get the second chime) indicating that the keyboard is OK. And I get a second or so of grey screen before the screen goes black. I've tried resetting my SMC and my PRAM. The latter seemed to fix the problem once - but then it came back, and won't go away again this time. I've also tried starting in safe, single user, and verbose mode, but none of these seem to make any difference. I've been having some issues installing Windows (under both BootCamp and Parallels) but wouldn't have thought that these were related.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHz i7 4GB 750GB 7200RPM Matte

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OS X :: Can't Get MacBook To Connect Properly To Samsung External Monitor XL2370

Apr 26, 2010

I used to have a mac Mini that connected so effortlessly to the monitor and allowed the full resolution (1920x1080). But I'm trying to do that with my MacBook (as I recently sold my Mini) and I'm unable to get it to do what I want to. I have Snow Leopard. It would not allow me to do anything until I updated the OS. The monitor was not recognized at all. Except I noticed when I plugged it in, the macbook screen would I figure it's recognizing something. But in display settings, detect display wouldn't show anything, neither would restarting. That is, until I updated Snow Leopard.... Anyone know why this might be? And now that I've been able to get something on the display, I'm still not at all satisfied. The resolution is terrible. It will not allow me to choose anything other than the resolution on my macbook screen, but over 23" it just looks terrible. Not only that, but the Macbook screen stays on. I want the mb screen to go off, and full resolution be on the external monitor. I can choose another option for an extended desktop but that's just ridiculous. I have no desire for anything like that.

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MacBook Pro :: External Display - Monitor Doesn't Sleep Properly

Jun 25, 2012

Have a brand new MBP 13" using Thunderbolt-DVI adapter with my old Dell 2405 LCD. Have an interesting scenario ... when the display goes to "sleep" there is still some type of signal coming out of the display port.  The monitor will stay on and just blink "NO SIGNAL DETECTED ON INPUT 2".  But the monitor actually still stays on.When I put the entire laptop to sleep them the monitor will properly power down to sleep mode. 

I don't think its the monitor because I've used this monitor with a number of different machines and graphics cards, in every scenario when I had the display set to sleep it powered off just fine.   

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MacBook Pro :: External Hard Drive Not Recognized After Not Ejecting Properly

Jun 23, 2014

i have Macbook Pro 2011 8GB RAM, 1 TB Hard drive OSX Mavrick. i recently ejected my back up drive but it was not a properly ejected now when i plug in the computer it doesnt come up as hard drive. it shows up in the disk utlity but it doesnt open its my backup drive and i dont want to loose m data 

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MacBook Air :: Connecting MBA With External Monitor?

May 30, 2009

I just got a Samsung 2333sw monitor. When I plug into my 128GB SSD Rev B, it automatically uses the samsung as 2nd monitor. The screen is fully covered.

But when I select mirror (using the samsung as primary screen and turned the brightness of my MBA to the lowest), the samsung LCD picture is not clear and the screen is like 4:3.

Does this means that MBA can't support ext LCD as primary screen at 1080 resolution?

How about for those who has the new Apple 24" Cinema display? Can you use that as primary screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Two External Monitors To New 15 RD?

Jun 22, 2012

Can you connect two external monitors (1 in portrait and 1 in landscape mode)  to new MacBook Pro 15 RD or perhaps a new iMac? Currently using two Dell monitors (27 and 24 in) in Landscape and portrait modes respectively.  Looking to get rid of the PC and replace with new MBP RD.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Connecting To An External Monitor With Mini DVi

Dec 6, 2010

I've had my Macbook for about 3 years and have always been able to connect it up to my external monitor using a mini dvi cable.

A couple of weeks ago my hard drive died and since using the new one I cannot connect.

The external monitor shows my wallpaper but nothing else, no desktop, no dock etc...

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting External LCD - How To Adjust Display

Dec 26, 2010

I have been trying to set-up an external LCD tv to my 13in MacBook Pro (mid-2010). I am connecting it through a mini-dvi to HDMI adapter. But on the the 32" Dynex LCD the top menu bar and a lil bit on the bottom and sides are not showing and I cant figure out how to adjust the screen. The resolution is 720p.

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OS X :: Connecting Simpletech External Drive To Macbook

Jan 1, 2008

So I just bought a SimpleTech Simple Drive 60gb to use on my MacBook with Mac OS X 10.4.11. I followed the instructions and plugged the Mini-B part of the USB cable in the hard drive and the other end of the USB plug in my MacBook. The instructions tell me I am supposed to see the drive pop up on my desktop but I see absolutely nothing.

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MacBook :: Connecting Unibody 2,4 With External Monitor

Mar 2, 2009

Just bought a mini dvi to vga cable and now im trying to connect my unibody 2,4 with a samsung display but my macbook won't find the display.

When i press search for displays my screen goes blue and then returns to the normal desktop and the external screen keeps saying check signal cable.

Already checked the cables there al in properly....

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Multiple External Displays?

Aug 3, 2009

Is it possible to get the following:

1. miniDP -> DVI
2. DVI -> VGA
3. DVI -> HDMI

and connect different displays. Or will there be troubles because of the double converters (first to DVI and then to VGA or HDMI).

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To External LCD With All Cables Attached?

Dec 23, 2009

I ordered a VGA cable and a minidisplayport to VGA adapter from ebay, and my lcd keeps saying no signal when I plug in all the cables. I am at a loss as to how to get this to work.

The MBP won't detect any external displays.

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MacBook Pro :: Cables / Converter For Connecting External Monitor?

Aug 19, 2009

Could you please check if I have all the cables necessary to hook up my Macbook Pro 17" to this Vizio monitor? I got the mini display port to HDMI converter, and an HDMI cable. Is there anything else I need or do you have recommendations for a different brand? I am buying a Vizio 25.5" monitor: [URL]. Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter: [URL]. High Speed HDMI 1.3a Category 2 Certified CL2 Rated (In-Wall Installation) Cable (24AWG) w/ Net Jacket - 8ft (Gold Plated Connectors): [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Error When Connecting The MBP 2010 To An External Monitor

Jun 3, 2010

I have been using my MBP (2010, i7 17" model) with a 24" HP external HDMI LCD monitor. The connection is via the Apple's Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter. It was working perfectly the first day I tried. However, when I connected the external monitor to the MBP yesterday, I found that the LCD screen of the external monitor was blinking. It lasted for about 5 minutes and then the problem was gone by itself. I have just reconnected my MBP to the monitor again. The problem reappears. Anybody knows what is going on and how to fix it?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting External Hard Drive Via Adapter?

Aug 11, 2010

I just upgraded to a new MacBook Pro as some of you saw in a recent post. My external hard drive is connected to a 400 firewire port but the new mbp's have 800 firewire ports. I have an adapter but for some reason the external doesn't show up. It works on my old macbook but not on this new one, doesn't even show up in the disk utilities. Do the fire wire ports have to match up in speed? Can my backup and the files be saved?

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OS X :: External HD Not Mounted Properly - All Files Gone

May 12, 2009

I was writing files to an external hard drive that was NTFS using NTFS-3G by MacFuse. However, I closed the macbook lid and it went to sleep and I unplugged the drive. Then, when I opened it back up again, it said it wasn't unmounted properly and now all my files are gone on the drive! However, there are only 58 gigs worth of files showing on the drive, but it says there are 132 GB used. So I am guessing the files are still on it, just not showing up. Is there a way for me to see these or access them. It is very valuable files!

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MacBook Air :: Air Optimised For Clamshell Mode When Connecting To External Monitor?

Jan 3, 2011

I have used my ultimate 11" on usual mirrored display on battery power and in clamshell mode.

A few hours ago, I was running many apps in mirrored mood and my air just began to lag so badly after an hour. Expose is slow as well as surfing and clicking. I wondered what happened. Then I plug back power supply and close the lid of Air, hence running in clamshell mode. It then returned to full speed.

Please help explain to me if title is true. It is disturbing to learn that plugging into to ext monitor could lag.

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MacBook :: Internet Options When Connecting System To External Screen?

May 14, 2010

I have connected my Aluminium Macbook (2008) to my HDTV via a Mini Display to HD port.This works fine when I mirror the image from my macbook. When I turn off mirror image however (IE effectively having two seperate screens) my internet slows down drastically. In some cases it also disconnects. This issue is resolved by turning on the mirror screen button, or unplugging the cable from the laptop.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To External Hard Drive Via Home Network?

May 3, 2012

I have a MacBook pro.  I want to store media on an external hard drive. Can I connect my G Drive external hard drive to my existing home network? I have AT&T internet provider, and their modem (residential gateway) only has ethernet ports. 

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MacBook Pro :: Colors Reversed On External Monitor After Connecting To Sony TV?

May 20, 2012

I have an 15" Macbook Pro (Lion) with external HP monitor, which has been working fine. It is connected to Thunderbolt port via DVI.Today I connected the MBP to a Sony TV using Thunderbolt port via HDMI, which worked. When I switched back to the external HP monitor, colors were reversed on the HP monitor (you can read the contents but the colors are mostly green and pink). The MBP internal monitor displays correctly. I've tried rebooting the computer, resetting the HP monitor to factory settings, and deleting the HP monitor profile. No change.

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MacBook Air :: (10.9.3) Grey Flickering Screen After Connecting To External Monitor

Jun 2, 2014

Recently I connected my macbook air (bought it in 2011, now on Version 10.9.3) with a Panasonic TV (TX-32LM70F) via Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter. After I disconnected the external device, the macbook air's screen still worked normal, but when i restarted it, it was only flickering grey.  

I found out that it actually boots normally and i can use it with an external monitor (in fact I am using it right now), but that the built-in macbook screen simply doesn't work anymore.  

I tried to restart while connected and while disconnected to an external screen, I have reset the SMC Controller, I have reset the PRAM Controller, but it hasn't changed.  

This is actually the second time something like this happenend (it was another external device i connected it to), and last time, about a few weeks ago, it just worked again after a few days for no reason, all i did was wait until all energy was gone from the battery and the reload it. So might it be a battery problem? Or is it some controller i don't know? It was the same phenomenon two times: connect to external monitor - disconnect - built-in screen still works - restart - built in screen only flickers grey - macbook still boots and works fine with the very external monitor that might have caused the problem.  

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Eject / Unmount External HD Properly

Dec 10, 2008

My external hard drives simply refuses to eject/un-mount, and I've done everything I can think of to terminate any processes and/or applications that may be using the drive and preventing it from being ejected properly, but I haven't had any success. Is there some Mac-Jedi way of going about isolating what might be preventing this drive from ejecting properly? I've scoured the activity monitor but can't figure out what might be preventing the drive from ejecting?

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Intel Mac :: External Drive Not Showing Up Properly On It

Apr 4, 2012

It no longer shows up in the list like the other one in the double enclosure does. I can see it with DU but cannot verify or repair b/c choices are grayed out. Smart says it is read only. How do I get data off of it, as it seems to be on its last leg?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.4 late 2008

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To External Display - Apple Mini Displayport To DVI And DVI To DVI Cable

Oct 7, 2009

I have a presentation tomorrow and need to hook up my MBP to the projector in class. I bought an Apple Mini Displayport to DVI cable, and a DVI to DVI cable. I thought this would be the case, but come to find out the system does not support DVI. So I had to run to Best buy to get a DVI to VGA cable. I tried out the MDP > DVI > VGA rig on my external monitor and got nothing. The screen on my MBP responded by turning blue for a second and then back to normal...but the monitor said "No Signal". Is this some jargon with DVI-D and DVI-I? I need to know by tomorrow morning if I have to run back to the Apple Store and get a Mini Displayport to VGA cable.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Macbook Pro: Migration Assistant Not Connecting To External Hard Drive?

Mar 30, 2012

I've had my hard drive re partitioned today and all my data was dragged onto an external hard drive. connect the drive & use migration assistant to transfer everything. I understand I could drag and drop files but I want everything to be done properly through migration assistant but it won't pick up the external drive , however it's files are accessible through finder. Migration assistant just constantly gives me the message, 'looking for computer'.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: External Monitor Not Working Properly With Snow Leopard

Jan 17, 2010

Recently I installed the Snow Leopard OS on my Macbook Pro, previously I had 10.5 installed. However, now when I connect my Macbook to my flatscreen TV (Panasonic Plasma), using a mini display port cable to an HDMI cable, there's a black border around the edges of the picture. Before the Snow Leopard upgrade I was able to view the entire screen area of the Plasma TV, without any borders. The only thing I've done differently since then is install Snow Leopard. Does anyone know how I can fill the screen with image without using the zoom option on the TV screen, as the zoom cuts off some image at the top and bottom?

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MacBook :: Connecting An External Monitor To New 2.4GHz MacBook

Jul 1, 2010

I have a new MacBook that I was thinking of connecting up to an external monitor 20� or bigger, what is the maximum resolution my MacBook would output. Would I be better using VGA or HDMI? I want it to fill the screen perfectly and look stunning!

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting An External Monitor To A 17" Macbook Pro Possible?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm new to the forum and just have a quick question re using an external monitor with my Macbook Pro. I have a 17" Macbook Pro 5,3 (purchased new Aug 2009) and want to connect an NEC PA241W external monitor to it. Does anyone know what the best way is to do this?

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