OS X :: Unable To Eject / Unmount External HD Properly
Dec 10, 2008
My external hard drives simply refuses to eject/un-mount, and I've done everything I can think of to terminate any processes and/or applications that may be using the drive and preventing it from being ejected properly, but I haven't had any success. Is there some Mac-Jedi way of going about isolating what might be preventing this drive from ejecting properly? I've scoured the activity monitor but can't figure out what might be preventing the drive from ejecting?
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Jun 22, 2008
I have a Western Digital 500gb external hard drive, with 2 partitions, 'KAINARC' and 'JUNGLEMAC', connected to my Intelmac (Tiger 10.4.11 via my firewire, i have connected via usb but the problem is still the same). I may have shut down the drive improperly to cause this situation.
KAINARC now appears on my desktop, but the partition of JUNGLEMAC does not. I go to disk utility and both partitions are visable, KAINARC is mounted but JUNGLEMAC is not. I cannot mount JUNGLEMAC.
When i try to verify and repair the partition I get the message:
Verify and Repair disk �JUNGLEMAC�
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 non HFS volume checked
1 volume could not be repaired because of an error
So I try to verify and repair the partition KAINARC but get this message:
Verify and Repair disk �KAINARC�
Repairing disk failed with error Could not unmount disk
So I have opened diskwarrior (unbelievably long time to start up and scan disks) in the hope of fixing the hard drive, but when i try to repair I get the error message 'unable to unmount KAINARC'.
I have tried other repair/recover programs but get the same message: 'Could not unmount disk KAINARC'. Im asuming that to fix the hard drive it has to be able to unmount KAINARC.
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Apr 23, 2009
Supposedly, the external is in use and cannot be ejected, but i don't think it's in use. I've only recently been encountering this problem, and i have no idea why. I've tried quitting every application, but it still claims to be in use.
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Sep 8, 2014
I am having problems ejecting the external hard drive that I use to back up my laptop. It is a 2012 MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion OSX 10.8.5. My external hard drive is a WD 2 TB My Book Studio. I use it to back up my laptop with Time Machine. Every time I try to eject my disk now I am told that "The disk (Diskname) wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it." I have tried some solutions like to stop Spotlight from indexing the disk and to try and turn off TimeMachine, but neither of these worked. The only thing that has worked so far is to log out of my user name and log back in with a guest user and eject it from there. This takes up a lot of time and is ultimately not really a sustainable way of working on my computer.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Mar 13, 2008
I've been having a few problems with Leopard. The first problem is that I can no longer eject external drives or disk images. (I've tried relaunch finder dumping finder.plists and sidebarlists.plists, resetting PRAM, dumping various plists reinstalling the combo update etc. and nothing works).
Secondly I don't see disks on my desktop when I insert them and I have CD's and DVD's set to open finder for blank disks. I have no preferences option under finder. When I click the Finder tab there is no preferences listed there. It just has: About Finder, Secure Empty Trash faded out, Services, Hide Finder, Hide Others, Show All (faded out).
I realize I'm also missing the Empty Trash along with the Preferences. How do I get this back?
I got it solved thanks to DeltaMac. I just opened Onyx and went to OnyX/Parameters/Finder put a check in the box next to Show Preferences item and also Show Empty Trash item and logged out and back in again and both things show up now.If only I could solve the problem of not being able to eject disk images or external disks from the desktop.
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Dec 5, 2007
Anyone have suggestions? I have a single 1.8ghz g5, 1gb ram, 10.4.10. I have a maxtor OneTouch III USB 2.0 200gb drive attached to it.
I can not seem to eject/unmount this drive. Every time i hook it up I just have to end up pulling the USB plug or turning the drive off suddenly to get it to "eject" but then i get the improper device removal error/warning message.
I have tried dragging to trash, I have tried apple E (which is what I usually do to any device) and I have tried going into disk utility and ejecting/unmounting from there as well. no dice.
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Dec 27, 2010
this is starting to irritate now. apparently macs are supposed to be able to read ntfs formatted disks.
now although mine is able to do so, i find it strange that when i eject the disk its unable to do so. and so i end up pulling the usb cable to exit it. of course this is an improper exit and i am sure harms the drive in some way.
after mounting the drive, i normally see 2 icons - one has the drive letter and contains all the data, and the other shows the setup for the software installation in windows. now whenever i highlight both these and drag them to the trash can / right click to exit, only the drive icon disappears and within a second or two the software installation icon reappears and the drive does not shut down as it should.
so, is there some way to eject the drive properly?
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Feb 28, 2009
I'm not a total newbie with mac and computers in general, but I cannot get the one and only super drive to eject... yes, I have hit the eject button, it shows the eject icon in the screen and nothing...how can I get the thing to eject?
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Jan 18, 2009
I rarely use my superdrive, so I thought it might be more practical to have the button eject my external hard drive(s). Is there a way to do this through OS X or a third party app?
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Feb 22, 2009
i've had a Macbook for a couple years and I have some knowledge of OS X but this one has stumped me.My friend called me tonight and she told me on her new iMac that in the finder window, after clicking on Macintosh HD, the eject button was missing that should be next to the device.This apparently happened earlier today with a CD and happened when she called me with an External HDD.
She was however able to eject the stuff by either dragging it to the trash or doing "Open Apple" + E, key shortcut. I'm stumped on this because she was till able to eject the HDD or CD with the previous methods but the Finder, "eject" button for the devices was missing.
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Mar 8, 2012
On my new imac (version 10.7.3), every 20 minutes or so I get an error message that says, "you did not eject the disk properly" (even though I did not eject or remove or change anything)?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 19, 2008
When I try to format my Western Digital "MyBook" external drive, I get an error. It says "could not unmount the disk." What does this mean, and how do I fix it? Also, what's the difference between Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and not journaled?
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Jan 27, 2009
Unable to Use TIme Machine to backup a new Western Dig external 1 TB drive. It is connected through an adaptor to my Firewire 800 using a Firewire 400 with adaptor. I cant dismount the drive to reformat it to MAC using disk format utility.
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Dec 19, 2010
I inserted a blank disk earlier today. Automatically a hazard icon appeared where the eject icon should be. Now the disk wont come out and there is no obvious way to remove it.
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Aug 6, 2008
I have a 2.5" hard drive connected via USB to my MacBook that keeps unmounting itself. This happens under some (what seems to be) undetermined amount of time, the drive will all of a sudden unmount itself and disappear from the Finder, Disk Utility, et al.
Is there some fix, setting or work around for this? Very annoying. If not, is there a way to re-mount the hard drive without turning it off then on or reconnecting the USB cable?
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Apr 14, 2012
My Mac Pro [with 4 internal disks, 2 External Disks (Sata Raid 0), and several external FireWire disks and a Voyager disk station] has a little problem with letting externals go Since a few weeks I have a problem with unmounting my externals. After unmount, the unmounted disk will mount again immediately.No time to disconnect cables and/or power. Hinders disk management, backup, and simple disconnecting disks. It only happens with disks (FireWire 400/800/ SATA and USB alike). USB sticks work fine.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a Macbook pro 17" (2011) running Mavericks with a Crucial 960Gb SSD and a 750Gb WDC in the optical bay. My ssd is divided into 710 Gb to OS X and 182 Gb to Windows 7 Bootcamp. All was well until the other day when the OS X partition failed to boot. I got the grey screen and the very slow progress bar which after 15 minutes powered the machine off. The Bootcamp partion continues to work without issues. I booted from an install disk and ran disk utility. The OS X partition appears greyed out on the left panel. I attempt a repair disk and after a 15 minute delay it says it is unable to repair the last action being "updating boot support partitions for the volume as required". Its all backed up regularly on time machine but when I boot an install usb and attempt to restore from time machine, the OSX disk does not appear as an option. I go back into disk utility and attemp to erase/repartition the disk to start a new install but it refuses to unmount. I appear to be running out of options,
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Dec 15, 2006
I found this iBook in my dad's attic at his business. He said he had bought when they released and planned on using it for financial stuff, but figured his Windows laptop would do better. It was in its box BTW, not collecting dust.
Anyways, it's out of warranty and it's specs are:
1.07 GHz PowerPC G4
Combo drive
12" screen
The combo drive is not fun. It takes a good push, no shove, into the slot for it to go in. It reads it fine and all, and can burn CD's, but pulling it out is plain horrible. I can't just take it and pull it out, I have to have my dad hold the iBook, and I grab the CD and pull it out. The CD ends up having deep scratches and is unreadable from then on. What do I do? Replace it? Or is it repairable?
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Jun 21, 2012
Can any body tell me how to eject my Garmin Ant stick from my USB port safely.I was told to go to Finder & eject by using the icon for the device.I have looked on finder & there doesnt show any device on there for me to eject.I did try ejecting by using the eject key on the keypad but when I pulled the stick out I got a dropdown warning me I had done it wrong.
Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 1, 2010
I want to plug in my computer into my USB dock, automatically mount my external HD, have TimeMachine do its thing automatically (so far, so good), but then immediately after the backup finishes, I want the computer to automatically unmount the HD. This will allow me to close the laptop and go somewhere without having to constantly eject the HD everytime I unplug the computer.
So - what I need is a program / script / etc that will tell the computer to eject the drive as soon as TimeMachine is done backing up.
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Jul 5, 2008
G4 Dual 867 2g OS10.5.4. I have 2 external drives (Lacie 200g USB - Western Digital 120g USB) that unmount unexpectedly, sometimes they remount.
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Jun 21, 2014
I replaced a 1 TB external drive partiotioned in 2 with a 3 TB extrnal drive run/store my corbon copy cloner back up and time machine.
The 3 TB drive was successfully partitioned through the disk utility and both back ups are installed and the initial back up is complete.
My question is about the 1 TB drive. I want to completely erase all data from the drive in order to use it for a different use.
Using disk utility one of the partitions deleted without incident when following the same protocol the second partition produced error messages.
Volume erase failed
Volume Erase failed with the error:
Couldn’t unmount disk.
If I try to eject the disk
It says it will not eject becaus e a program may be using it...
The only program that utilized this partition is Carbon Copy Cloner which is not being utilized on the new 3TB drive.
I do not see where there is a option to have more than on disk chosen for this purpose so am unsure why the disk utility is seeing the old partion as still in use.
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Aug 28, 2014
I have a MacBook Pro running OSx 10.9.4 and have been successfully using Time Machine with a WD My Passport External Hard Drive for a while. Now (after 10 days with a successful back-up), the computer will not back-up. I have gone into disk utility and tried to erase, partition, and/or repair the disk, but repeatedly get error messages - it can't erase the disk, re-partition the disk or unmount the disk.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), External Hard Drive
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Mar 26, 2012
When I use Disk Utlity to repair an extenal 2 GB USB drive, I get a message -"unable to unmount the drive" How to correct this
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 25, 2007
I have just started getting this pretty annoying error today on my external FW drive.
I want to eject it so I can put some felt pads underneath it as its making a right humming noise on the desk but when i try to eject it i get the error.
Now unless I am missing something, it tells me to quit all apps, yes, ive done that, the only thing that is running is finder.Is there any easy way of finding out what is open on the external drive before I just pull the plug on the whole thing!?
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Oct 16, 2009
Last weekend I watched a movie I rented on my macbook and after I was done it kept trying to eject the DVD and now I keep getting the ejection sound and it wont keep CD/DVDs in how can I fix it.Also I got a MacBook Aluminum on October 15, 2009 and I got an eMail saying that I registered an iPod Touch and I want to install AppleCare Protection thing that came with it but it says that my serial code is not accepted or something like that should I take my computer to the Apple store (or could I take it to Best Buy I feel more comftorble there) to be able to install it.
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Dec 21, 2008
I burned about 4 cd's earlier today and as i was burning the 5th one i got some sort of burn error and the disc tried to eject but wasn't able to do so.
it makes two noises as if it is trying to but it just wont go.
i tried the multiple methods like looking for the spring in the middle , holding the mouse button , tilting the macbook at a 45 degree angle, etc.
after 45 minutes i thought problem was solved as i finally just used double sided 3m tape and put it on my school id and was able to stick it onto the top part of the cd and yank it out while pressing the eject button at the same time.
i thought everything was ok but now i put any other cd in there and i get the same result.
suggestions please? how much would this cost to fix if my drive is broken?
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May 6, 2012
I have spent several hours trying to eject a cd from my wifes computer. I have tried shutting down several things from rebooting to using termal commands. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I have gone to youtube and found some suggestions but am not too excited with trying some of them.
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May 26, 2012
New computer, unable to eject CD.
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May 13, 2007
I have a wireless Apple keyboard. The eject button on the top right of the keyboard stopped working recently.
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