MacBook Pro :: Does Specific System Run CS Source?
Nov 15, 2009
I was wondering, if my specific Macbook will run CounterStrike: Source and approximately how well. I just bought a Macbook Pro - Specs are here: [URL] Or
In a nutshell:
# 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
# 4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB
# 250GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
Essentially, I would use Crossover or BootCamp (But have had bad experience with it in removing it).
It seems I have to go a roundabout way in order to connect to the Internet using a USB Dial-Up modem. I thought you could double click on the Safari icon on the Dock and get connected to the Internet. But every time I try to do this, the Diagnostics page keeps cropping up. The only method I have found to get connected is thru the Network folder under System Preferences, which to me is a backhanded alternative to what should be a more direct means by clicking directly on the Safari icon. Is there something wrong with my Internet set-up causing this run around? Also, I am unclear as to whether my 20" screen is setup properly?
Is it true that in order have the sharpest screen readout/visual appearance and still cover the complete display area that everything seems actually smaller than when compared to a 17" inch display usage (which is the size of the LCD monitor I am using with a Power Mac). Finally, what is the best source to find out all about my iMac & its features? The documentation sent is very scant. Aside from the petite booklets (with same information repeated on the computer), is there any extremely pertinent guide I am overlooking that comes with the computer? Any other major sources?
I ran a system defrag on my Macbook pro with techtool Pro and after the defrag is done, if I run the defrag again it shows on the graph a specific strand of the hard drive is still fragmented its minuscule but no matter what it doesn't go away and it doesn't leave em with one contiguous block of free space... whats going on?
Im kinda new to this mac networking thing, anyways I have a mac mini and a macbook. I use the mac mini as a htpc using plex and have most of my videos/music on my macbook. How do I get plex to see the files on my macbook? Do i need the IP address of the macbook, if so how do I find that info. Do i need to share my entire hard drive on my macbook first?
I am just wondering why, when I close the lid, it makes a ticking noise. It is as if something is stuck in the hinges but I've checked and cleaned it and it seems fine. Anyone else had this problem or know how I should fix it? It used to be smooth and ticking-noise-free, but now its gone funny.
So I turned on my Macbook Pro today and this clicking noise is coming from the rightmost fan hole. I am really nervous that it is a serious issue as I use my Macbook for probably 15 hours a day for all sorts of artistic ventures.
After exploring, I've discovered with I use it on certain angles, the clicking stops, or increases/decreases in noisiness
Anybody have experience with this? Is there a way to clean it of the issue?
I haven't had any problems with my system before, and the computer itself is operating perfectly
After purchasing the alu. macbook, I find my self buying all the necessities: again. quit frankly its getting old. It does seem like most apple computers are what some might call overpriced to begin with, but I am ok with that; you get what you pay for and i don't mind paying the mac tax. But as I purchase the odds and ends required to use my computer in the real world, it seems as if apple is taking advantage of the fact that our computers lack some of the hardware to connect with to overhead projectors, etc. (as most PCs can). I mean $29.99 for a 3 in. piece of plastic and wire???
I was just wondering if anybody has found an alliterative source for adapters?
My macbook is charging and it's at 33% and it says it has 7 hours remaining until it's complete. iStat tells me that my battery is still 100% with 70 cycles. My macbook is only 6 months old, and this battery issue started happening just a few days ago. Could it be the charger? sometimes I plug in the charger and the light doesn't come on sometimes. Also something odd that I noticed, when my charger isn't plugged in it still says its power source is from the power adapter. Could it be from using my parents macbook pro charger on my macbook?
I have bought my first MBP and was wondering if its "upgraded" RAM spec will cause it to run hot. If it will, is the program smcFanControl the best remedy? Where would the most reliable source to download it from be?
I have a MBP for 27 months and something wrong with the power source recently. As my MBP is bought for working purpose as a desktop so mostly i kept my MBP connected with the AC adapter. I will let it run on battery once every month or two so as to keep my battery runs. However a couple of days ago I found the my MBP is running with the battery power instead of AC suddenly, then I let it run till 1X% and recharge my battery again.This situation keep happening recently and I needed to keep recharge my battery all the time, and what even worse is the adapter stopped charging in the middle of charging period for two times. It couldn't complete the whole charging cycle and I needed to disconnect the adapter from the socket for a minute and continue charging again.While the battery is charged, i let my MBP runs with the adapter in on as usual, however the green light will go off suddenly while the battery is still in 100% or so, I have to disconnect the adapter from the socket and plugged in again.
As I now always need to keep an eye on the battery icon and coconutBattery and I found that the percentage of the battery won't drop off before the light goes off. Is my MBP got infected or anything will lead to such case? I am just wondering if the recent software updates lead to such case as the it happened coincidentally.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an aluminum macbook that is abou a year and a half old. It is making a weird scratching noise every few minutes. It sounds like I have DVD spinning in my disk drive and I am moving the laptop around. There is no disk in it so I am worried it's coming from my HD. Any ideas on what I should do?
Registered my laptop as 'stolen' and it snapped my picture, tracerouted my network, located me on google maps, and I also made it sound an alarm. Pretty good for free
Until several days ago I had no problems on myspace. I am a filmmaker and in a band/book shows, and myspace serves as a great place to promote and find contacts. However, the myspace music player hangs up any browser I attempt to use on my Macbook (OS X 10.5.7). Regardless of which myspace music site it is, the myspace music player freezes the browser and I constantly have to do a force quit. When I restart the computer, the music player will actually load (it usually hangs before it even loads) briefly, and freeze up the browser once more. I used Flashblock to locate the source (as many other forums have suggested) and it definitely is only the myspace flash music player. No other flash effects my browsers.
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro, and last night, it suddenly restarted. When starting it again, it stayed on the grey screen with the Apple logo. Following a support page provided by Apple, I tried the following:
1. Start the Mac in safe mode 2. Reset the PRAM
To no avail. Then I restarted it, and held Command and R, and it went into disk utility. There, when Repairing my hard drive, Dis Utility told me to back-up the drive and repartition it.
I tried to back the disk up to a flash drive, but I got the error "The Source Could not be validated"
Then I proceeded to repartition the disk anyways, but I am confused on how to. I'm scared that if I erase the disk, Mac OSX will be gone, and I won't be able to use my computer.
I have two questions:
1. How can I backup my disk 2. How can I repartition it?
Is there a way I can use my external hard drive without the files being transferred on to my computer? as like like my iTunes music being on my hard drive without them being copied onto my computers hard drive ? because i dont have that much memory and i wanted my external hard drive to be the source for my music files and not my computer.
I know theres a million threads about sleeves, so all I can say is I looked through many
basically I'm looking for the 13 MBA equivalent of this for the MBP:
[URL] Something well padded and somewhat rigid so I could throw it in my backpack or briefcase, with a pocket that could hold small stuff (hdmi cable, iphone cord, earbuds)
anything like that for an air? or would you not be concerned about the extra space in that guy designed for a MBP
My MacBook simply does not get along with one specific DVD, and I can't figure out why. It's the third disc in a set of four (First 13 episodes of Glee on DVD -- don't judge), and the others play perfectly. The disc is flawless, as far as I can tell, but for some reason, my MacBook won't recognize it. When I put it in, it sounds like the disc is trying to spin but can't. It does this for about ten seconds and then it gets spit back out.
The DVD will play anywhere else but the MacBook and the MacBook will play anything else except that DVD. I would just accept that this DVD and my Mac will never be friends IF it was just a stand alone DVD, but like I said, it's from a set of four. They should all be in the same format/region/what have you, right?
I'm trying to learn how to build applications from source on Mac OS 10.5.7, and I'm not really sure how to do it. What do you do with files that look like 'filename.tar.gz' or 'filename.tar.bz2'.
How do you install these and build them on your computer?
Is there any way to migrate only specific apps to a new MacBook? I got a new macbook but I don't want copies of old programs getting moved over. Plus there are some programs I just don't want to move.
I am using the Z5500 speakers with optical cable everything works fine in OS X 10.5.7, I am booting into windows and here everything works ok, but if after windows I boot into Mac OS X its not recognize any of the output source, nothing. I must reboot again to see the speakers (internal or external)?
disk utility is a such a pain because whenever i try to restore a partition on my usb flash drive it greets me with an annoying message "restore failure" "could not validate source"?So in my thinking i choose to scan the image for restore?
I have iMac 27" with thunderbolt connectivity in it. Is it possible to connect an external computer (with or without a converter) to use the iMac's Display? If possible, kindly let me know how.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), Also having windows on it
I thought this was a USB connected device (I am looking at 1T - two 500MB drives mirrored). I have read that if using large file formats (yes - RAW) perhaps the way to go is something like Sonnet Temp SATA Express 34. There is a lot of 'talk' of Western Digital My Book but these only seem to be USB. Now I am a little confused - am I restricted (device wise) if I go Express 34 as it appears to have a specific I/F? I do not have a limitless budget and have seen external storage devices between �50 - �100. On a winXP machine it seems almost any will do but I'm not familiar with the mac world.
I have a brand new macbook pro that I bought about 4 months ago. I am running snow leopard and out of the blue one day my computer gave me the spinning wheel and it went on for so long I had to power off my notebook by holding down the power. When I turned it back on I was stuck on the apple screen and I couldn't get passed it. So, I did a clean install and just moved all of my personal files and folders that my computer backed up to their original location.
After doing all of this and being up and running again I noticed when I try to access a personal folder on my system that contains images (jpegs, pngs) and some videos and psd files that my computer starts freezing up again and spinning and I have to power it off to get it to stop. I have resorted my permissions and ran Onyx once a week since this has happened and the folder is still giving me issues. I need to access this folder asap.
I'm working via Safari on an online jigsaw puzzle at The computer zoomed in on the puzzle...a Mac-based zoom-in menu appeared and accidentally flashed on "zoom in"...and now I cannot undo the zoom. All normal methods fail, and part of the puzzle is off-screen. I don't know how to see the rest of the puzzle now. I thought perhaps deselecting "show all" would help, but it won't let me deselect either.
How can I find history from a specific website (such as: time spent on that website and things of that nature) on my MacBook Pro? I would also like to see if I can get a detailed history for other things done on the computer, such as: Date & Time Spent running a specific application, etc.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X 10.6.8 & Safari 5.1.10
System: uMB 2.4/4GB Ram, October 2008, running 10.6. In the past couple days, I've all-of-a-sudden noticed that I'm receiving incoming network traffic; sometimes it's 300-400kbps, sometimes it's almost 1Mbps. It'll occasionally stop for a period of a few seconds to a minute, then pick up again. Disconnecting the computer from the network will stop it (obv), but it picks right up immediately upon reconnecting.
No programs are running that would seem to cause this behavior. Nothing is being downloaded (I mostly do that on a separate machine anyways) and nothing is running when this begins that would lean me towards a problem. Switching from a wired connection to a wireless connection does stop the download completely, which lends me to think that this is most likely an attack on that IP, though I can't find a way to be sure or to even look further on that idea.
I'm interested in running a Darwin OS, basically just the open source parts of Mac OS X. There isn't a whole lot of recent information that I've been able to find on my own. Seems like most sources top out at Darwin 8.