MacBook :: How To Find Alliterative Source For Adapters?
Feb 3, 2009
After purchasing the alu. macbook, I find my self buying all the necessities: again. quit frankly its getting old. It does seem like most apple computers are what some might call overpriced to begin with, but I am ok with that; you get what you pay for and i don't mind paying the mac tax. But as I purchase the odds and ends required to use my computer in the real world, it seems as if apple is taking advantage of the fact that our computers lack some of the hardware to connect with to overhead projectors, etc. (as most PCs can). I mean $29.99 for a 3 in. piece of plastic and wire???
I was just wondering if anybody has found an alliterative source for adapters?
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Nov 14, 2010
I have an aluminum macbook that is abou a year and a half old. It is making a weird scratching noise every few minutes. It sounds like I have DVD spinning in my disk drive and I am moving the laptop around. There is no disk in it so I am worried it's coming from my HD. Any ideas on what I should do?
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Apr 12, 2009
It seems I have to go a roundabout way in order to connect to the Internet using a USB Dial-Up modem. I thought you could double click on the Safari icon on the Dock and get connected to the Internet. But every time I try to do this, the Diagnostics page keeps cropping up. The only method I have found to get connected is thru the Network folder under System Preferences, which to me is a backhanded alternative to what should be a more direct means by clicking directly on the Safari icon. Is there something wrong with my Internet set-up causing this run around? Also, I am unclear as to whether my 20" screen is setup properly?
Is it true that in order have the sharpest screen readout/visual appearance and still cover the complete display area that everything seems actually smaller than when compared to a 17" inch display usage (which is the size of the LCD monitor I am using with a Power Mac). Finally, what is the best source to find out all about my iMac & its features? The documentation sent is very scant. Aside from the petite booklets (with same information repeated on the computer), is there any extremely pertinent guide I am overlooking that comes with the computer? Any other major sources?
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Jun 23, 2009
I just hate getting scratches easily on my brand spanking new power adapter. Although I'm really, really careful now, I wish Apple upgrades the cheap looking adapters in the near future.
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Aug 10, 2010
I noticed awhile back that apple store had 2 dif mag safe adapters. Now i see the 60w goes with the 13 and 85w goes with the 15 and 17. So my question is it bad to interchange the adapters between the 2 dif models?
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Aug 27, 2010
I have MBP 13", 15" and 17" - from 3 years old (santa rosa) to the current models. Can I share their power adapters? If buying new power adapters, am I best to buy them all at 17" power?
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Oct 24, 2010
I have a bunch for home, work etc. Will I be able to use the ones for the MBP with this MBAir? Or is it a whole new magsafe thing?
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Apr 24, 2008
If so, how do I avoid frying my macbook air and other electrics, like my iPhone, camera battery, and shaver. ?had that built in or something, so as to just buy a weird 3-prong adapter...I saw the set of adapters available on Apple's site, but those would then only work for my laptop charger. I'm sure I could find the UK 3-prong to US-adapter... but what about voltage? I've never traveled overseas and had to convert power before
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Feb 25, 2009
I'm thinking of hooking up a second monitor along with my Macbook for home use, probably just an older CRT. What kind of adapters do I need to do this?
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Aug 19, 2009
Does anybody know if it's possible to boot from these 3rd party Expresscard SD adaptors that operate as a USB device?
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Apr 25, 2010
ExpressCard missing in the last 2 MBP 15" update. i've a great CF reader adapter for that slot. so any CF to SD card adapters if i decide to upgrade to 15" i7 ? i use pro DSLR and that's all CF world.
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May 26, 2012
IS THERE A apple Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapters
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 5, 2009
the mini displayport to DVI and VGA adapters from I received them yesterday, and I was able to test them today with the Dell 24" LCD (1900x1200) at work, and both were able to drive the screen.They aren't quite as spiffy looking as the Apple-branded ones, but the combined total with shipping for both was a less than 1.5 one of the Apple ones.
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Mar 13, 2010
I have the flash mount Sonnet 2 in 1 Card Reader ATM but would like to add some USB ports but the card has to be flash mount.
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Dec 2, 2014
Nothing is happening when I connect this cable,how do I get the tv to recognise my macbook pro...
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012)
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a new 2010 MBP and I'd like to hook up two external monitors to it, more specifically, two ASUS VW246H 24-Inch Widescreen LCD Monitors. Either via HDMI or DVI connections. I've found various usb monitor adapters, but i've read that many can't quite 'keep up' and I really can't seem to find a solid solution out there.
So does anyone have a dual monitor setup they currently use, if so, what are you using to connect the mini display port to both external monitors.
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Apr 18, 2012
I purchased a replacement magsafe 85w adapter for my MacBook Pro and was wondering if the new cable requires you to have your laptop closed to initiate the charge process on your computer.I notice that if I attach it with my laptop powered on and my computer open it will not initiate a charge (light up on the cable or show the charge icon on screen). If I power down my laptop and close the lid, disconnect and reconnect the magsafe cable the light on the cable will light up and initiate the charge. I tried this also on sleep mode with the laptop closed and the light on the cable started up without disconnecting. I was able to boot up my computer and continue working and the charge continued but I had to initiate it first with the lid closed either in an off or sleep mode. Just wondering if this is the new norm as I just moved from the old "T" style magsafe to the new "L" style magsafe.
MacBookPro, MagSafe
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Jun 13, 2012
As the new MBA has an accessory (Thunderbolt ethernet adapter), will its transmission speed be significantly faster than using an old USB ethernet adapter in one of the new MBA's USB ports?
MacBook Air (Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 28, 2010
Apple Order No:MB990LL/A
Apple Subfamily:Mid-2009 13"
Apple Model No:A1278
These are the specs of the MacBook Pro that I have. Long story short a dog got near the AC adapter cord and had its fun. I need to purchase a new AC adapter and went to [URL] to look for one. I noticed there are many different 60W adapters listed for specific MacBooks. I was curious if there was a big difference? Right now I've had to use my ac adapter from my early 2006 MacBook and I haven't noticed any problems. My main question is if it would be OK to buy an ac adapter on Amazon such as: this.
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Aug 8, 2009
Im kinda new to this mac networking thing, anyways I have a mac mini and a macbook. I use the mac mini as a htpc using plex and have most of my videos/music on my macbook. How do I get plex to see the files on my macbook? Do i need the IP address of the macbook, if so how do I find that info. Do i need to share my entire hard drive on my macbook first?
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Jun 24, 2010
I am just wondering why, when I close the lid, it makes a ticking noise. It is as if something is stuck in the hinges but I've checked and cleaned it and it seems fine. Anyone else had this problem or know how I should fix it? It used to be smooth and ticking-noise-free, but now its gone funny.
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Jan 25, 2010
I've made the decision to buy a mac mini and I'm preparing to order online. I have one question: can you explain the video outputs? I want to be able to hook up my flat screen monitor that can be connected via VGA or DVI and my flat screen TV which has VGA or HDMI inputs available. So, what kind of video outputs does the mini have and what ables/adapters to I need to hook up my monitor and TV?
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Jun 19, 2009
So I turned on my Macbook Pro today and this clicking noise is coming from the rightmost fan hole. I am really nervous that it is a serious issue as I use my Macbook for probably 15 hours a day for all sorts of artistic ventures.
After exploring, I've discovered with I use it on certain angles, the clicking stops, or increases/decreases in noisiness
Anybody have experience with this? Is there a way to clean it of the issue?
I haven't had any problems with my system before, and the computer itself is operating perfectly
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Nov 15, 2009
I was wondering, if my specific Macbook will run CounterStrike: Source and approximately how well. I just bought a Macbook Pro - Specs are here: [URL] Or
In a nutshell:
# 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
# 4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB
# 250GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
Essentially, I would use Crossover or BootCamp (But have had bad experience with it in removing it).
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Apr 9, 2010
My MagSafe adapters does not stay green. If I unplug it from the wall and plug it back in it will light up. When I open up my laptop the light goes out. It is still plugged in and the computer still works.
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Apr 27, 2009
My macbook is charging and it's at 33% and it says it has 7 hours remaining until it's complete. iStat tells me that my battery is still 100% with 70 cycles. My macbook is only 6 months old, and this battery issue started happening just a few days ago. Could it be the charger? sometimes I plug in the charger and the light doesn't come on sometimes. Also something odd that I noticed, when my charger isn't plugged in it still says its power source is from the power adapter. Could it be from using my parents macbook pro charger on my macbook?
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Apr 5, 2012
I have bought my first MBP and was wondering if its "upgraded" RAM spec will cause it to run hot. If it will, is the program smcFanControl the best remedy? Where would the most reliable source to download it from be?
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Jun 25, 2012
I have a MBP for 27 months and something wrong with the power source recently. As my MBP is bought for working purpose as a desktop so mostly i kept my MBP connected with the AC adapter. I will let it run on battery once every month or two so as to keep my battery runs. However a couple of days ago I found the my MBP is running with the battery power instead of AC suddenly, then I let it run till 1X% and recharge my battery again.This situation keep happening recently and I needed to keep recharge my battery all the time, and what even worse is the adapter stopped charging in the middle of charging period for two times. It couldn't complete the whole charging cycle and I needed to disconnect the adapter from the socket for a minute and continue charging again.While the battery is charged, i let my MBP runs with the adapter in on as usual, however the green light will go off suddenly while the battery is still in 100% or so, I have to disconnect the adapter from the socket and plugged in again.
As I now always need to keep an eye on the battery icon and coconutBattery and I found that the percentage of the battery won't drop off before the light goes off. Is my MBP got infected or anything will lead to such case? I am just wondering if the recent software updates lead to such case as the it happened coincidentally.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm having some major problems with my Macbook pro. First, since I first got it my macbook has eaten through 4 magsafe adapters, no matter how nice I try to treat them. My husband, who got his at the same time, is still on his first. My latest one just bit the dirt today, and I'm using my husbands adapter to get online long enough to write this. Even with his adapter, the battery is no longer even charging. The icon shows it as charging, but it says it will take 10 hours and it has not increased in power since I plugged it in. The computer is currently at 0% charged. I'm afraid to just buy another adapter for fear it will break again, and I don't want to ruin my husbands adapter either. My computer is no longer under warranty and I'm afraid to bring it in for diagnosis for fear of the cost, depending on the problem.
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Apr 1, 2012
The battery says it is at 99% charge but the computer shuts down when I unplug the power cord.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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