MacBook :: It Only Runs When Plugged In To Wall Power Source
Apr 1, 2012The battery says it is at 99% charge but the computer shuts down when I unplug the power cord.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
The battery says it is at 99% charge but the computer shuts down when I unplug the power cord.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
My pc is not charging when plugged to the power source
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), battery not charging
I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this. I notice this everytime I minimize a window. When my MBP is plugged to the wall, and I minimize a window, the animation is very smooth, but when it is unplugged, just using the battery power, it is still smooth, but not as smooth.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook is old (2008) but until today has worked perfectly.My battery ran down very low and today I have switched it on but I can only do so with the mains charger plugged in. The green light is on inidcating power but my battery icon says "Not Charging" and then as soon as I remove the plug the Macbook just dies immediately.
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
it only runs with the charger and also when I plugged in it starts automatically. The battery icon indicates that it has an 83% of the battery remaining. I don't know how it could happen and I would like to know if there is anything I can do because take it to repair it will be time consuming and I need for my job. The software is OS X 10.9.3Â
View 4 Replies View RelatedI bought my girlfriend a MacBook Air and 24" LED Cinema display, and the MBA works great when it's on its own. However, when she plugs in the 24" and runs the MBA in clamshell mode, she gets beachballs even when trying to print, open folders...the whole system seems to slow down. It's the Rev B MBA with the 1.6Ghz C2D, so I can't imagine it's the 9400m, she doesn't have a full hard drive...I just can't think of what is causing the system to slow to a crawl like that?
View 9 Replies View RelatedAfter update to 10.7.4, My macbook pro cannot sleep when using wall power. Using battery everything is OK.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Sleep
I've recently started using headphones more and more and something that really bothers me is that I can't change the output source to the Mac's speakers unless I unplug the headphones entirely. Is there a way to do this without unplugging the headphones? I've looked through Audio MIDI Setup Utility as well as the Sound system preferences but found nothing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.
I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery statsÂ
Battery Information:Â
Model Information:
Serial Number:Â Â Â DP-ASMB016-384e-7636
Manufacturer:Â Â Â DP
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My macbook is charging and it's at 33% and it says it has 7 hours remaining until it's complete. iStat tells me that my battery is still 100% with 70 cycles. My macbook is only 6 months old, and this battery issue started happening just a few days ago. Could it be the charger? sometimes I plug in the charger and the light doesn't come on sometimes. Also something odd that I noticed, when my charger isn't plugged in it still says its power source is from the power adapter. Could it be from using my parents macbook pro charger on my macbook?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a MBP for 27 months and something wrong with the power source recently. As my MBP is bought for working purpose as a desktop so mostly i kept my MBP connected with the AC adapter. I will let it run on battery once every month or two so as to keep my battery runs. However a couple of days ago I found the my MBP is running with the battery power instead of AC suddenly, then I let it run till 1X% and recharge my battery again.This situation keep happening recently and I needed to keep recharge my battery all the time, and what even worse is the adapter stopped charging in the middle of charging period for two times. It couldn't complete the whole charging cycle and I needed to disconnect the adapter from the socket for a minute and continue charging again.While the battery is charged, i let my MBP runs with the adapter in on as usual, however the green light will go off suddenly while the battery is still in 100% or so, I have to disconnect the adapter from the socket and plugged in again.
As I now always need to keep an eye on the battery icon and coconutBattery and I found that the percentage of the battery won't drop off before the light goes off. Is my MBP got infected or anything will lead to such case? I am just wondering if the recent software updates lead to such case as the it happened coincidentally.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My macbook pro won't charge again or even start up if it runs out of battery power, so I use my wife's power cable it charges and starts .. I have to charge it with her's for 20 min, then I can use mine and it works fine ..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just bought a macbook air, and i am wondering, if i can use my macbook air plugged in to the charger at all times using at home? or i have to charge it , then empty the battery, and charge it again then remove the plug and empty the battery again and again? Cant i just use the macbook air plugged in when i am home? Will that affect the battery life of my MBA?Â
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a late Macbook Pro 13''I using it at home about 10 hours a day. so it's allways plugged in to AC Power while I'm using it, and when I'm not using, I disconect it from Power.I want to know if this damage my battery OR not? Or should I running my Macbook on Battery? and recharge it (and cycle monthly ... )
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I think the title pretty much explains it all. I'm wondering if there's any harm that would come from leaving the power adapter plugged in all the time, but without the MacBook connected some of the time. I'm a college student, and with the way I have my desk set up, I can't really take the power adapter with me everywhere I go. So yeah, I was wondering if there was any harm that would come from it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a 13 inch Macbook Pro that sometimes it works fine, but it always suddenly slows down and doesn't fix itself, but the moment I plug it into the electrical power it normalizes itself and works fast without a problem.
Technical specifications:
Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.3 GHz,
1.3 GB free memory.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Will this have done any damage? The macbook pro was not powered up, but I had the the mac ac adapter plugged into a power strip with the magsafe adapter connected to the laptop, since I keep it plugged into ac all the time at my desk. The power strip was on while the power outage happened. I had the 3 prong extender cord of the magsafe plugged into the power strip. The power outage was due to a problem with some power lines in my neighborhood, not from a surge of overuse of fuses in my home, so my whole block was without power for about 2 hours.I did notice the power strip has always had 2 lights on; one red, not protected, & one green, grounded. The outlets in my room are only 2 prong, so I have a 2 to 3 prong adapter plugged into the wall that the power strip plugs into. I know this is not the best, but my house is a 1950's era house, & I do not have the knowledge & have safety concerns about trying to convert my bedroom outlets to 3 prong. I hope this did not cause damage to my macbook pro. Is there anything I need to do before powering the mac on to use the next time? besides convert my 2 prong outlet to 3 prong? will there be any static charge? this outage happened on a very hot & dry day in my area.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis probably seems a bit ridiculous, but after having my first power supply melt and short out on me I've been completely paranoid of this happening again. My first power supply was one of the older models from 2006. I then got it replaced by one of the newer smaller models. After about a half a year it started twisting around on the inside of the cable which got me worried. The apple store wouldn't replace it unless it was melted so I called Apple and got a new one.
I've had the newer one for about a year and the cable seems to be wrapping around itself on the inside again. There doesn't appear to be a place where it's melting or breaking. I take care to not wrap it too tightly. Using it as a desktop replacement I'd like to not have to worry about leaving it plugged in when I'm gone. I find it crazy that this is even an issue but after having the first one melt right in front of me I find it hard to trust. Are the newer power supplies any better?
My MacBook Pro power adapter lights up orange even though it is not plugged into a device. When I do plug it into my laptop it remains the same and does not charge. Due to this my laptop is now dead.
What does this orange light mean?
I'm in the process of moving my iTunes folder to an external hard drive due to my computers hard drive being full. Now the external hard drive I'm using needs to be plugged in to a power source, now if I transfer all my music/movies to the external drive and also have my iTunes automatically download everything to the drive will I be able to copy my movie files back into my computers hard drive when I wan to be able to watch them on plane trips or would I be better off using a external hard drive that doesn't need a power source so I can just take it with me?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a G5 (Power PC, g5, Dual 1.8 GHZ with 1.25 GB SDRAM, and Mac OS X 10.4.10-phew!) and I recently: added more USB ports using a PCI card, and purchased a non-Apple 22" widescreen display.
Prior to adding USB ports, I was using a hub that ran off its own power source, and used a Samsung 19" monitor.
My situation now: everything starts up fine, but ultimately the fan will kick in at SUPER HIGH and won't stop. I can put my Mac to sleep--which stops the fan noise--but then it won't wake up.
I have run the Apple Hardware test and everything checks out OK. I've also reset the SMU according to directions from this forum; AND I've vacuumed out all the dust bunnies.
The fan runs so loud and so high it sounds like it's an airplane that's about to take off.
Short of bringing in my Mac to a technician, can you recommend anything? My Mac has been glitch free up until now.
mac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
I recently purchased an X800 and installed in my G5 1.8DP (OS X 10.4.9) with the intention of having something to drive my shiney new 30" Cinema display. All booted fine and, in glorious wide-o-vision, I spent the next 30 mins playing with all of this extra screen real-estate. At that point, I started to notice that things were not as quiet as I'd initially anticipated.
In fact, the amount of fan noise was so high that I'm not going to be able to use the new card as the machine is part of a project recording studio installation. Doh! So, a quick trawl of the ATI web site lead me to the ROM updates claiming to address fan speed control.
Update to the most recent version of the ROM and no change. Similarly, I've installed the most recent version of teh ATI control panel.
Odd as other people seem to be saying that they're not experiencing the same problem. And strangely, the GFX card fan runs at a low "normal" speed in Safe Boot mode whilst installing the ROM updates.
G5 1.8DP + Macbook Pro
I purchased my PowerMac G5 in 2003 and no problems till now. My problem is that on startup, the display first shows gray screen with a globe in a white box flashing in the center of the screen. This continues for about 90 seconds --- then the globe in box icon changes to a small file folder icon with alternating face/question mark flashing in the file folder. At about the same time, the fan speeds up dramatically. The fan continues to run at this high speed for about 90 additional seconds, then the fan returns to normal speed, and the startup continues normally to the blue screen. Once startup is complete, computer runs okay. The whole process takes about 4 minutes.
PowerMac G5, 1.8 Ghz, OS X 10.2.8
Mac OS X (10.2.x)
Just wondering if anyone has ever encountered this or if any experts out there know of the issue.I have a spare White Macbook (late 2008: Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz, 1GB, 120GB) that I'd like to set up for my brother to use to introduce him to the wonderful world of Macs. The problem it is having is that when I have a battery connected to it (I tried 2 different ones included a known-good one that is brand-new just purchased from Apple) it powers on and gives me the chime, but then immediately shuts off unexpectedly giving that little "whine" sound like if it just lost power all of a sudden. However, when i take out the battery, and just plug it into the Magsafe AC charger it works fine. Also when just trying to run on battery it does not turn on at all. Here's some cliffs:
1) Macbook with just battery does not turn on
2) Macbook with battery + Magsafe AC charger connects powers on, gives the chime, but then immediately shuts off making the "whine" sound as if the power was suddenly cut off
3) Macbook with no battery connected and just the Magsafe AC charger connected works fine.Do you guys think this is either:
A) battery connector issue (the little piece with the metal wires that the battery connects to. ~$50 part)
B) Logic Board issue
I already tried resetting the PRAM and SMU to no avail.
When I unplugg my pc vid card 5770 i can boot to mac but when i plug it in the power port on motherboard i can only bootcamp to windows is this normal?kind of a hassle everytime i want to play games because i have to shut down then plug in vid card to crossfire
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just took apart my Power Mac g4 and put it back together again , but i cant remember where the ethernet cable plugged into on the motherboard..
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I get this strange message every so often, sometimes more often than other times. It says:
USB port drawing too much power. The device that is plugged into it will be deactivated.
There are only two things plugged into the USB-The keyboard and mouse. When I get this message, the mouse freezes. If I jiggle the mouse cable where it is plugged into the USB, it comes back and everything is fine until this message comes up again.
I use my MBP 15" (the new one), as my primary machine in my office. I sit by my best usually 10-12hrs a day working on it.
I am trying to figure out what is best to do, keep the AC plugged in or have it un-plugged and only plug it in when the battery is drained (or less then 50%)? I have tried different experiments, plugged in, not-plugged and time is about the same for life of the battery. The true question is, how is is best to do it for the health of the battery.
So I just got hold of a few of these new battery chargers from Apple and I'm just wondering if these are meant to stay plugged in the wall, even after the green light goes off. Does the light going off mean that the batteries will no longer draw power from the power outlet and that it is safe to assume power will continue to be consumed? Or is it preferred that I plug and unplug the charger only when needed to avoid any, unnecessary, extra power consumption?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought the family pack for Leopard. I installed Leopard on my G4 laptop fine.When I tried tried to install on my G5 I got a fail to install due to a source problem (?)In any event I restarted from the Tiger hard drive and it's totally screwed up my computer. It tries to start and I get initial Apple logo for about 2 seconds then it locks up and I get a bunch of computer code.
Mac OS X (10.4.9)