So I bought a MBP i7 in May and I love it, Never had any issues with it at all. But I never used the DVD drive once until today. I wanted to rip a DVD with MacTheRipper. It didnt work. Rips fine on my new Mid 2010 Mac Mini...
So I tried to play the DVD with the DVD player app... just get a solid black screen... VLC, nothing.
Hello. I am looking to sell my old iBook (for parts) but first want to wipe it clean. Unfortunately, part of the reason I want to get rid of it is because the cd player doesn't work anymore. Therefore, I am unable to 'c' boot from the original OS X disk and erase the hard drive. Is there another way to wipe all personal info from my computer, leaving only the operating system?
macbook pro charger is not working? I have tried other chargers on my macbook pro ,but no luck. so im not sure if it is the charger the the computer it's self.
Yesterday my macbook's wifi started getting really slow to the point where it takes 10 minutes to load a webpage. I reseted my router and everything but it was still slow. Then I noticed that my iMac and Ipod touch had full internet speed and everything. What happened? I didn't do anything different from my normal routine at all.
I was running on old firmware for my macbook and decided to attach an ethernet cable to get the latest and greatest but it didn't fix the problem.
I have two POP email accounts that have been working quite well on my MacBook for several months. About a week ago one of them stopped receiving emails. I have deleted the account and set it up again to no avail. If I check the account information it lists all the emails on the server. I can open it on my browser and the mail is being delivered just fine there - just not on my imail account. The two email accounts that I have are set up the same and only one is receiving mail.
I just recently upgraded my 2010 macbook pro RAM. I went from 4gb to 6gb and now my backlit keyboard is no longer working. I have tried messing with the keyboard settings as well as the F5 and F6 buttons. The keyboard does not even come on in low lit conditions. Why is my backlit keyboard no longer working?
am using a Rev A MBA, and I just noticed that after the 10.5.6 update, I have lost the functionality of the pinch gesture when trying to enlarge/reduce icons ? both on the desktop and finder. Still works in all other areas like photos or webpages.
I've been using my M Mouse successfully with my MacBook until recently when the Mouse Pointer no longer moves. The button does engage the dashboard and if I position the cursor using the MacBook trackpad, then the click function of the mouse does work. I have tried changing the batteries. It appears I am having a similar problem when I use a wired mouse. Just in case it's connected, I run Parallels and did recently upgrade Windows software.
About 3 days ago I noticed that right clicking on items was becoming increasingly difficult to do. The system would only register about 75% of my right clicks. Later that day the left click stopped working almost entirely. When I go to drag items, I either get no response or the pointer will grab the item briefly and then let it go after moving a very short distance. It does seem to work when I put a significant amount of pressure on the trackpad when clicking but I've seen some horror threads about trackpads cracking so I'm attempting to avoid applying too much pressure.
My usb slots and sd card slot is no longer working in Windows 7 on my macbook pro. I've tried reinstalling the bootcamp drivers but it doesn't help. My firewire 800 works fine with my lacie external hard drive. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?
Recently I had a issue with my macbook pro so I had it repaired at the Apple Store(problem with the display). They replaced the logicboard(2nd time in 4 months) and the battery. Now after taking it hope and plugging in my external speakers into the headphone jack I get this weird thump sound. It happens twice and I'll watch the audio strength at the top right. Each time it goes from like it's working to a gray color as if it's not or locked. If I try to play something like music with the jack in my entire screen freezes and I have to restart my computer entirely for it to work. Btw there is no red light in the headphone jack. The last time I had the logic board replaced it was a sound problem.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Just replaced the logicboard
I have a 17" unibody MBP (most current version) with 10.6.4, and I downloaded the recent firmware updates for the MBP's. Before I did this, the mini port to HDMI video/audio output was working perfectly, I could watch anything right off my MBP. After installing the updates, when I plug in the cable, my MBP flickers, goes blue, and then comes back, but the TV does not detect the signal from the laptop. In the Display and Sound menus in System Preferences, there's no option to set up a second display like there was before.
It worked when we first bought the computer (a few months ago). I've updated the MacBook Air software and re-installed Lego Digital Designer and it still doesn't work.
I bought a 23" used HD Cinema display the other day along with the ADC-DVI and DVI-Mini Display adapters. I had it hooked up and it was working perfectly for 3 days. Today my wife tried to connect her Macbook accidentally via the USB that is part of the ADC-DVI adapter which didn't work (why is that USB there anyway?). Then when she went to connect the external display back to my Macbook Pro it did not wake up after being connected.
I have tried resetting the PRAM on the MBP and have disconnected and re-connected all connections but nothing will get the display working with the MBP anymore. When I connect and disconnect the mini-display plug into the MBP the MBP flashes the blue screen as it appears to be reacting, but that's it. I can't detect any display when I go into the display system preferences. Does anyone know how I can get the Apple Cinema display working again?
This morning, On my Macbook Pro, I was able to use the option-tab shortcut to cycle through windows within an application. This afternoon, when I do the same keystroke, I just get a tab character. Or I cycle through the links on a website. The option key is working, as I can use other keyboard shortcuts. I even plugged in an external keyboard and it is responding to the option key. But the shortcut option-tab appears to no longer be working.
I have the fear that I accidentally pressed some weird key combination without realizing it that remaps the key for accessibility purposes. I've looked around the system preferences and I can't see anything that would reassign the combo. Does anyone have an idea of what happened?
I've been using a 6870 in my Mac Pro 1,1 for over 6 months now with virtually no issues (some minor artifacting a few times). Earlier this week, the Mac Pro would no longer display any video. Display works fine, as I've tested it with a Mini. I tried connecting a different display to the Mac Pro, still no video. I've tried removing RAM, resetting SMC, PRAM, etc....Â
The Mac Pro chimes, boots up fine, keyboard responds. Only issue I can find is with the lack of video. I tested it with another brand new 6870, and still no video. I thought perhaps I downloaded some kind of Apple update that affected the 6870 working with it?BTW, I've also tried booting from a drive with Snow Leopard as well as powering on with no drives installed to see if I could get the flashing folder.Still no video of any kind.
I wanted to get my MacBook Pro (OSX 10.6.8) to boot from a CD, which it did (turns out CD was faulty and didn't work). In order to do this I went to the System Options and selected boot from Disk option.Â
Only problem is now my Mac will only boot from a CD and not from the hard drive! How do I get it to boot from the hard drive again?
So I use an external USB harddrive with my airport to backup my computer. The harddrive is 250gb and the computer is 250gb (with about 40gb free space) - previously this worked for backing up just fine...then one day it stopped and started telling me it required "251.46gb" but the drive only has "249.05"...why if I'm at only about 210gb of actual space being used?
So I reformatted the drive and tried again - same error...anyway to make this work again...seems so odd that it was always fine and then just quit one day.
My DVD player on my Imac is not longer working...I put a disk in of some video and it stopped responding and then would not eject...I rebooted and held down the eject key and eventually got it out..but the DVD player no longer works...
I have the following script that worked just fine last year, but since upgrading the OS it no longer works as it should. First it only scales and save the first image file of a batch to the 'Photos' folder and does not scale and save any to the 'Thumbs' folder. Â Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I finally grudgingly installed Lion and have had NOTHING but problems ever since! Now my CS 4 apps won't open. I get the message Your license is no longer working - error 150:30 Apple support could not help me. I went to Adobe support online and tried all the fixes they list none of which work.Â
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
A few days ago my macbook pro stopped getting iMessages. Interestingly I still get SMS from all of my non-apple friends. I have checked to make sure everything looks right, logged into iCloud account, etc. Double checked on my iPhone as well. My iPad and iPhone still communicate with each other and receive all messages. Running most current OS on all three devices.
I don't know why, but just now, I tried to burn a few .mov files onto a dvd and it won't work, I get the following error. , and yes, the drive reads, but won't write.
never really had a terrible problem with this computuer until the last few months with the battery wearing out and having to replace the charging cord twice but now it seems like I have a problem here. Earlier today, less than an hour ago, i burned a CD for my buddy, when i went to burn the second disk, it didnt want to accept it. Finally, when it did, it wouldnt read I had a disk in it. When i got home, i tried other cds/dvds and it wouldnt read them either. It was making a rather bad sound, kind of like an alarm sound. The CD will not spin and is ejeceted shortly after. I was planning on bootcamping my Macbook Pro later this weekend, but if i can not get this to work, I wont be able to. I dont think i have Apple Care and the nearest apple store is about a 2 hour drive from my house.Â
My 1.2 GHz G4 iBooks Firewire stopped working recently. Have tried zapping pram, reloading OSX etc but no luck. Fortunately USB is still working fine so I can still use my external 500GB hard drive, but I can't download video from my aging Sony video cam.
Any suggestions, other than chucking it and getting a new Macbook/Pro? (Which I plan to do sometime anyway, but would rather prolong the life of my iBook for the moment if possible)