ITunes :: Syncs The Same Songs Everytime
Mar 26, 2012
iTunes 10.6 with new iPhone 4SÂ
When I sync my iPhone everything syncs normally but about 120 songs keep syncing over and over. I did a little research and it appears that it's the ID3 tags need re-doing to fix it. The problem is it scrolls thru it so fast it's next to impossible to get the songs with the problem.Â
iMac 27, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8Ghz Intel Quad Core i7 / 8GB / 1TB
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Jul 16, 2008
So i have an ipod classic and quite a few songs on there. But i have a problem that occurs every time i sync, it will recopy and replace the same 109 songs every time i sync. They are not in any certain order, or playlist, they have not been recently added, or modified, or played, or had added artwork. Just every time i sync, even if i sync, unplug, then sync, they will copy all over again.
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May 29, 2012
I have a Mac Pro 5,1, 16 GB, 2T Startup Drive & three other drives for additional storage and Time Machine.Â
My finder & Dashboard quits and re-starts every time iTunes plays a new song. The screen goes completely gray & blank under whatever I may have open. It lasts only momentarily, but is quite annoying. As part of the troubleshooting, I ran Disk Utility. Checked permissions which were OK. Checked verify disk & got result that the disk is corrupt & should be repaired. When I tried to start my computer from the Recovery disk (using the Option key), it would not start (going instead to a gray patterened screen). I tried this several times & one time it did go to the screen showing the Recovery disk and my startup disk. But when I selected the Recovery disk, it went to the gray patterned screen again. I then connected my Mac Pro to my MacBook Pro & booted the Mac Pro to Target Disk mode. When I ran Disk Utility Repair Disk on the Mac Pro's startup disk, the result showed no problem with the disk. I'm not sure where to go from here, so I can use some help.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 10, 2012
My Macbook Pro Keeps deleting Songs from my folder or Itunes constantly loses track of my songs and can't locate them, How Can I stop this?Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.0.1, Lose of songs
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Apr 16, 2012
I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion. I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 12, 2009
Ever since I installed the latest iTunes, it has been doing the first time setup time everytime I open it.
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Jun 8, 2012
I cannot listen one of the songs of an album of songs bought on itunes
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 5, 2010
I'm not sure why, but I have the latest version of iTunes running on my machine [Windows XP] and whenever I turn my computer on and open iTunes that window pops up asking me if I want to import songs and start using iTunes yadda yadda.
And my settings get reset, meaning that my library isn't set to be consolidated, my equalizer isn't how i want it etc etc.
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Mar 10, 2012
I have a power mac G5 and after I updated to the highest software update available, I find that iTunes and Safari reset their data everytime I close them. I have checked all settings and tried resetting to regular software and trying again.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 4, 2009
So over the past few months I have noticed this small bug/glitch in iTunes... and it is very annoying.
I cannot drag songs from playlists into different order. iTunes just doesn't let me drag at all.
I have to quit iTunes, then restart it. It will work for one time, but as soon as I got back to "Library" and then try to go back and edit a playlist, I have to exit iTunes.
Any fix for this?
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Jun 5, 2009
I don't know if it's even possible to sync to iPhones with a single application, but I'm looking for a simple financial application that does this.
I want to be able to use two iPhones to record information about daily transactions and then sync that information with a 'mother' app on the mac, spreading and updating information between the iPhones.
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Aug 17, 2008
I've been looking for a homework planner application for a long time. Right now I'm giving Things a try, because it has a Mac app and a iPhone app that syncs. But it's not specifically for homework so I'm still looking for other apps. I like Schoolhouse, but it's only for Mac (no iPhone app). I really loved iProcrastinate and it DOES have an iPhone app to go with it but it doesn't offer syncing and the author has been promising sync for more than a year and I'm tired of waiting. I've tried a ton and really have been impressed. My favorite by far was iStudiez Pro, but I was heartbroken to find it ONLY was an iPhone app, no Mac app to sync with :-(. My school has an A Day/B Day schedule and I really like the applications that let you put in the schedule for your classes along with times (like iStudiez Pro). I think Schoolhouse used to be able to do that but the newest update took that out in the redesign.
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Jun 23, 2010
I need a good note taking app for my mac. The criteria that I have is that it -
- isn't Evernote or Springpad
- syncs with my iPhone
- is FREE
- can export to common file extensions
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm looking for something to help me stay on task, and I'd like to try a good todo program. I primarily use Toodledo synced to my iPhone w/ Appigo's Todo. I'd like a program on my Mac that would pop-up reminders of todos.
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Apr 11, 2007
i have recently switched from safari to firefox. it seemed a little bit faster, and it easily syncs the bookmarks across all my computers using a google plugin.
one thing i miss though...the method that safari viewed rss feeds.easily saved a rss feed i wanted to a folder.. and then to view them all l i just 'viewed all rss feeds'
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Jun 28, 2012
When I create a note on my mac, it is just 'on my mac'. How can I create notes which automatically syn with Icloud? To get it to sync I have to copy the note to Icloud which means I end up with two identical notes on my mac.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 22, 2010
I transferred all my itunes library to an external hard drive.I had all my songs in itunes and then went to "preferences" and set itunes to look on my external hard drive for my itunes. Then I went to "library" and then "consolidate", and it moved all my library over to my external. I can verify that my songs are all there on my externalHowever, now, itunes won't play any songs of mine. I double click on the song in itunes and it just wont play. There's no error message, there's no exclamation point, it just won't play. Any idea what is goign on? Preferences still shows that my library is directing to the external
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Sep 27, 2010
I've been searching for a note taking app that does what I want, but I couldn't really find anything. Before you start to suggest Evernote, don't. I don't like it. What I need is a simple note taking app without all the fuzz, much like Mac OS X's built in notes (Mail) that syncs to my iPad and iPhone. I should be able to create multiple notes, and I need to attach pictures to the notes (or embed them).
That's really all I am asking for. The only reason I am not using Mac OS X's own notes app is that the notes have a size limit. As soon as I attach 2-3 pictures, the notes are being truncated on the iPhone and iPad (e.g. I only see part of the note, the rest is missing).
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Jun 23, 2012
She has 3502 contacts in her Address Book on her OS X Lion 10.7.4 MacBook Air. She has two iPhones. They're both running iOS 5.1.1. She has enabled iCloud on ALL these three devices, using her identity and appropriate password. She updates Address Book contacts ONLY on her MBA - for sync'ing to her phones - and she does NOT update any Contacts info on her phones in order to have them transferred BACK to her Mac. That's how she prefers to work.Â
The only way that her Address Book contacts will sync UP to iCloud from the Mac appears to be to select 'All on My Mac' within Address Book, and to Export as vcards to a file on her Mac, and then, in the online iCloud Contacts webpage, to Import that file of vcards. All well and good, but that seems to ignore all her various Groups; everything ends up bundled all into one group. (Perhaps each Group in her Mac's Address Book needs to be separately Exported and then Imported, but surely it shouldn't be as long-winded as that.) Â
(About 402 of these contacts are not accepted by the online iCloud Contacts, although they seem to fall within the requirements of not being too many, not being too large, etc. But that's a separate problem which I'm still investigating ..maybe the names are formatted incorrectly; I'll keep working on that separately..)Â
Anyhow: by explicitly Importing all those Address Book contacts into the iCloud Contacts, they then immediately start to get distributed - correctly! - to her iPhones ..but also back into the Address Book on her Mac, thereby DUPLICATING them all in Address Book! (They CAN be seen as SINGLE entries by choosing 'All iCloud'.)Â
I cannot understand the opaque instructions in all of the iCloud documentation. NONE of the documentation which I've studiously read (online, in System Prefs, in every Help file I can find) seems to indicate a DIRECTION for this iCloud sync'ing. WHERE - if there is such a place - does one specify that contacts should go only UP FROM the Mac, and not BACK DOWN to the Mac?Â
There seem to be options only to turn ON sync'ing (or off), but not the DIRECTION of sync'ing, or which device(s) take precedence. (..In iTunes - when sync'ing phones to a Mac with a cable - there's a preference to over-write EITHER the host Mac with data FROM a phone, or to over-write an iPhone's data with data FROM the Mac..)Â
(a) Can one specify a DIRECTION when turning on sync'ing for a device?
(b) With iCloud sync'ing turned ON on a Mac, is there any known reason why Address Book contacts should not send themselves UP to the iCould, instead of having to be manually Imported?
(c) Does one Export Groups individually? ..But what if a name is in more than one Group ..does it get duplicated online in iCloud?
(d) Is there not the intelligence within the iCloud facility for the system to NOT distribute back, or duplicate, contacts to the device which is the SOURCE of those contacts? Should it not do a comparison between iCloud and a device, and then recognise that those contacts already exist on the remote device, and therefore NOT distribute them BACK again to the SOURCE? (..Or am I having too high expectations?..)Â
G3,4,5, Intel mini, late'08 MBP; iPad, iPhone4, iMovie 2 to 9; FCE HD, FCP HD;, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Sony, Canon, Panny HD cams; FW drives, iPods, TV
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Jun 1, 2014
I have a Macbook with about 5,000 songs on it, all of which are burned from actual hard copies of CDs that I own. Rather than re-burning each CD to my new Windows computer, I would like to see if there's a way to transfer all these songs from Mac to PC using an external hard drive.Â
The real question is how can I format my external hard drive to be recognized on both a Macbook running Snow Leopard and a PC running Windows 7?
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Dec 27, 2010
I have 2 macs with two completely independent iTunes databases. They are used for differnt purposes and contain different music. I really do not want to merge these two databases.
From time to time I need to selectively transfer some few songs from the one computer to the other one. Is there a clever way I can achieve this? I would like to transfer the files including the metadata.
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May 16, 2012
I recently cleaned out my computer and reinstalled all of my applications, photos, videos, and music. Now, some of my songs are being cutoff before the song reaches the end. I suspect this is due to iTunes inaccurately placing gaps between my songs.
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May 21, 2012
I have discovered that some of the songs I have purchased from Itunes have been cut off and I no longer have the full song. How can I fix this issue?
iPod touch, iOS 5.1.1
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Feb 25, 2010
so i have all my music on one computer and on my iphone, but i want to know how to go to another computer and get songs off that one without losing my original library,
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Aug 26, 2010
How come this feature has never been released? How many times have you been listening to music with friends through a stereo, or simply enjoying a good shuffle list, and all of a sudden you're struck with an urging to hear a different song. Problem is, you don't want to leave the one you're on, you only want to listen to it next. And even after you finish listening to it, you want to be able to resume your previous shuffle list. Seems common enough right?
Then why has Apple never released this feature? I understand the ability to make customizable playlists, but we're not talking about lots of songs. Just one single song. And it could be designed to only allow one song to be qued. Not too challenging I would think.
And it would be so easy to implement. Add a button next to the genius button on the bottom of iTunes with a big Q on it. Highlight the song you want, press that button, and BAM. Done. On an iPod touch/iPhone, just swipe over the song you want to que up (like in email), and a red button will pop up saying "que" and done. And on an iPod with a click wheel, maybe hold down the center button and the fast-foward button when you're highlighted over the song you want to que and done.
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Oct 2, 2010
i made my first purchase in itunes store. I purchased the Following song: Shakira Waka Waka Single. Then i copied it to my bootcam partition and it can play on windows media player and ituens without having to authorize the computer. Shouldn't it be blocked? im confused.
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Jan 21, 2008
I am currently using a dashboard widget which shows lyrics of the song playing and places them into itunes but is there any app that will do all the songs at once.
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Oct 5, 2008
This has happened to me many times now. Certain .mp3 songs will not open in iTunes at all. I will double-click on them and iTunes will pop up, but the song will not appear in the Library. I have also tried dragging it into the library manually, but it still doesn't show up.
I have read about this problem before, so it is not an isolated issue, however no one seems to have an answer that actually works. Some suggested changing the file to .mp4, but this doesn't work either.
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Mar 2, 2012
I've recently copied some cassette tapes onto the computer (using Audio Hijack Pro) as mp3 files. *None* of those longer than a minute and nineteen seconds will play past that point in iTunes on Lion. They show up as their proper length (and are *not* set to cut short in options), but playing them, they just skip to the next song at 1:19 as if they'd finished, no error or anything. If I drag the slider to a point past there, the counters stop at that point and it starts the next song when I release it. The files play perfectly well if I press the spacebar in Finder, or if I open them with Quicktime Player, or if I use my iPod Touch, or if I use iTunes in Windows XP, but not on the Mac. Every last one of them... and no others. Older tracks play perfectly, regardless of source or format.
All software is the latest version available. (Within reasonable meanings of "latest" for XP, at least.)
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Mar 13, 2012
I'm running an eMac 1.25 with 1 G of Ram. My iTunes keeps sticking on songs. I have to move to another song to get it to stop.
Mac OS X (10.4.4)
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