I have problems opening PP. It looks as though it tries to open a couple of files that were left open when I logged off, with no success. Do you know how to block the opening of previously left open files when I launch the program?
Suddenly I cannot open a powerpoint presentation from my finder. It gives the notification protected. I did not change anything in my settings I can recall?How can I change this back?
I'm downloading power point presentations from my university website and trying to open them with Keynote. It starts to open it up then just stops about a third of the way through the progress bar. The activity monitor says that keynote is not responding. So, is it possible to open PP files with Keynote?
I transferred a Powerpoint 2008 presentation using a USB memory stick from my new iMac (latest OSX) to an older iMac (OSX 10.4.11) but could not open the file either by double-click or from the Powerpoint 2004 application on that computer. The file icon as transferred is a Zip file and when I double-click iI get a window saying 'Archiving file ...' but it doesn't open. Neither do I get an unzipped icon to open. I confirmed that BOMArchivehelper is enabled and exists on the computer. What am I missing?
im trying to print out notes for college and i can either download them as pdf or power point files. i need to print them out with 6-8 thumbnails per piece of paper via thumbnails but i cant figure it out. how do i do this on a mac?
Some people on the internet say the remote is automatically usuable but when i tryed to use my remote with powerpoint it does not respond. I am using powerpoint 2011 mac and the aluminium remote
I finally updated my software, first had to use Leopard, and then upgrade to Lion, which I just finished doing. I was checking everything out to see what changed....and now I can no longer use my Microsoft products!
I am running MS Office for Mac 2008 under OS X 10.6.3...
I do not get a printer dialog box when I print my slides so I do not get the chance to print speaker notes. Also, when running Word, I go directly to print bypassing the printer dialog box in Word.
I have repaired permissions, updated all my software (OS X, MS Office), rebooted.
Here's what happens: I create a Keynote '08 document and export it as Power Point. If I either double-click or try to open from within PPT '08, I get a crash stating that PPT has encountered an error and needs to quit. This happens EVERY time with EVERY single exported presentation. Oddly, it never happened in PPT '04.
I download Yosemite a few weeks ago and now I cannot print documents on Mac Word, Excel, and Power Point. I attempted to reinstall the software and it still doesn't allow me to print documents.
I got the frayed power cord issue where it opened up. Went to the Apple store they told me I needed my serial number. Went home came back and now they are having me wait over an hour for them to look at it.
I thought this issue was a common defect like the cracked whitebook and they instantly replace it
How do i get programs to not automatically open when i power on my laptop? I tried system preference > General and unchecked the box "Restore windows when quitting and re-opening" that didnt work.
i have some programs from my previously migrated macbook data and new programs that yield the 'cannot support power pcs apps' error.does that mean i cannot use these programs ever? is there a fix, ie installing new stuffit expander to run an .exe file?i really cannot believe apple would reduce so much functionality with the new operating system.
I have tried installing Parallels about 4 times this morning & I can't get to the point where I input the Product Activation Key. It keeps saying that the installation is sucessfull, but then nothing.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I got my Macbook Air connected to the internet, and want to connect my iPod Touch to the internet through my Macbook Air. I saw people using their Macbook Pro to share the wi-fi through their AirPort. How about Macbook Air? As I don't see such option in the Sharing preference, I downloaded the AirPort Utility and it simply says I cannot install it.
My Macbook has begun to run incredibly slow, it's taken me almost an hour to post this. Keep seeing the spinning wheel.
Its been like this for about a week and normally doesn't boot, even in safe mode. Appeared to be a gradual thing, was irritating at first but worsened as I took steps to troubleshoot. Initially cleared browsing history and closed programs, to no avail. I then booted in safe mode and the computer remained slow.
At this point the I was unable to shut down without holding the power key, for about a week I've been turning the macbook on and off into disc utility to try and fix it. When booting normally the progress bar usually gets about halfway and then goes nowhere. At one point I could hear dings (messages from my phone coming through) on the laptop but the startup progress bar was stuck at halfway; almost as if it had successfully booted but wasn't showing me.Â
I've repaired disc/disc permissions and reinstalled OSX. I tried to reinstall OSX a second time and an error came up, disc utility also kept showing my hard drive as unmounted and would take forever to let me click anywhere.Â
After many failed attempts this eventually allowed me to startup, allbeit slowly (after a particularly fast disc repair)Â
My last backup was a while ago and now I've managed to boot up, trying to back up now but this isn't working either.Â
I've downloaded etrecheck ...
Problem description: Mac Running Slow Unable to backup EtreCheck version: 2.1.1 (104) Report generated 9 December 2014 08:00:22 GMTÂ
[Code] ......
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
having read all the posts about the superdrive failures, mine seems to have died although it is a strange one. It's a Pioneer 107D and it reads, writes, and ejects if a disk is in it (sometimes)...however it will not open (without my trusty paperclip) from keyboard, fkey, drag disk to trash, startup with mouse button held, etc. etc. Terminal mode (drutil etc.) says drive is ok as does About my Mac. I can hear the mechanical attempts to open, but only the ol' paperclip seems to do the job. Any thoughts??? If I replace it are there any thoughts as to what people find reliable? I am thinking Litescribe at the moment (I do not "need" DL or BluRay).
Information: G5 dual 1.8 Ghz Mac OS X (10.4.11) 1 gig ram
I'm having a problem getting my CD drive door to open (the CD drive was empty when the problem started). Have tried pushing and holding down keyboard eject key, holding down mouse key while restarting, and typing "eject cd" in open format. When I do these things, the drive repeatedly makes a sort of "grunt" (effort noise) but doesn't pop open, so this appears to be a mechanical problem. I removed the drive faceplate and was finally able to open the drive by pushing the manual eject button and pulling on the tray, though it requires some finagling and doesn't always work. When the tray does open this way, it does not automatically roll all the way out or back in, but has to be pulled/pushed, and once it shuts, it once more can't open without manual intervention. However, I discovered that as long as there's a CD in the tray, it opens and closes fine. While always keeping a CD in the drive is a temporary fix.
Information: G4 Mirrored Drive Doors Mac OS X (10.4.10)
I created an access point from a router. My question is if I can get a faster connection to devices near to the access point with the direct connection or will a direct connection not work with an access point?