MacBook Pro :: Can't Boot From CD After Installing New SSD

Oct 2, 2010

I installed a new SSD from Crucial and I want to recover from my Time Capsule. How do you boot from the CD? I've done the press Option key and there I can choose the OSX install cd but then after I press it the screen changes to the apple logo and sits there. Do I need to wait for a long time or something? Did I press the wrong keys?

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Boot Camp Drivers Without Installing NVidia Driver?

Jul 28, 2009

I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.

But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.

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OS X :: Slow Boot After Installing Windows Vista Using Boot Camp ?

Dec 25, 2008

This is the 1st time i got a Mac , i bought a black Macbook 2.4GHz some days ago .

I installed Windows Vista Ultimate using Boot Camp , and all went smoothly .

Only 1 prob is when restarting , i have to wait too long for the Windows to log on , i think about 1min with the black screen.

And if i want to boot in Mac OS , i have to push down the D button or the Alt, it takes quite a long time too .

So do you guys have any solution to this problem ? I want to get rid of the waiting time, way too much.

And do you know how to make my Macbook jump right in the choosing section when it starts ? ( so that i dont have to push down any button when it starts )

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MacBook Pro :: Installing OS On Bare Drive - How To Boot

Dec 20, 2010

I'm a complete newbie to Macs. Bought my first Mac and wanted to upgrade the hard drive and complete a fresh install with my OSX DVD that came with my system. When I change the drive how to I get the OS on the drive? Do I boot to the DVD or the HD? How do I boot the drive I need?

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OS X :: MacBook Won't Boot After Installing Snow Leopard

Aug 28, 2009

It just hangs at the spinning pinwheel. I shut the machine off and booted it into Verbose-mode (Command-V) and it stops at "Initializing Power Manager" or something very early on. I pulled the battery and unplugged the machine, am letting it cool off (not that there's a point) -- it's one of the original MacBooks that had that "shutoff" problem with the wire that'd melt and short to the heatsink but mine never had the issue because I wasn't using it very often at the time. Any ideas? The drive does show up when I hold down Option.

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Boot Into Recovery Mode After Installing New HD

Jun 17, 2014

I just installed the Samsung EVO SDD in my Macbook Pro (mid-2009). I want to get into Startup Manager or Recovery Mode to restore my data. My main goal is to use my Time Capsule as my recovery disk.  

So far I am getting a folder with a question mark everytime I boot into Recovery Mode (Cmd + R) and a white screen with the mouse cursor when I boot into Statup Manager (Option key). My last resort is to re-install my old HD and use a SATA cable.

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MacBook :: Installing Snow Leopard From DVD - Cannot Boot From Disk

May 24, 2012

My hard drive recently crashed. I just bought a new one and installed it myself. Now it's simply a matter of reinstalling the operating system, which is where I'm having trouble. I insert the Snow Leopard Install DVD into the drive. I power on the computer and hold 'C' (I've tried Option too) to boot from the disc, but it doesn't work. It spits out the disc after a few seconds, whether I hold 'C' or not, and then it gives me a folder icon with a question mark in it in the center of the screen, the same thing it showed when my hard drive first crashed.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac Pro :: Refuses To Boot Normally After Installing New RAM?

Apr 8, 2008

I recently purchased a mac pro for my work! I just got my memory modules from OWC and i installed them. After installing them, my macpro refuses to boot normally. It keeps going to a black screen that tells me there is no boot disk available and please insert disk and press enter to boot. My bootable HDD is in the HDD bay. I held down the option key and it booted up by selecting the bootdisk. Problem is after i booted up, everything in my Mac OS is lagging. All the applications are lagging. As i am typing this thread, the words that i am typing are really lagging.

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OS X :: Installing New HDD In MBP Unibody To Boot Windows 7

Feb 19, 2009

I have a spare hdd I want to install Windows 7, can I just pop in the HDD and install windows 7 or will my macbook not allow that?

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OS X :: Installing Windows 7 Through Boot Camp

May 16, 2010

I am having problems trying to install Windows 7 through Boot Camp. I have already deleted my old Win XP. I get to the step in Boot Camp when it asks me to enter the Win OS CD into the computer, than click continue or w/e, and it says no CD found. It's not a problem w/ my CD/DVD reader cause it appears on my comp that I have CD in. I have already updated my mac for all firmware and OS updates. I am using MacBook Pro 2009, BootCamp version 2.0, and Windows 7.

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Software :: Boot Camp And Installing Windows XP

Oct 24, 2007

I am going to purchase leopard and I was wondering the limits of the Xp installation. I bought a XP computer last year and it came with a recovery CD. Could I use the recovery cd to load XP or would I have to go out and buy a new version of Windows XP S2P. And one other question with running windows on a mac, would I still catch viruses using the windows OS or would the Mac side kick in and block them. Then if it doesnt then I would have to buy an anitvirus.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing 7 X64 Boot Camp Drivers?

Oct 10, 2010

have legit snow leopard dvd with boot camp 3.0

if i run the boot camp setup in win 7, it says my laptop doesn't support x64.

if i install the .msi it says i don't have the elevated privileges to do it.

if check the properties of the .msi the option to run the program as an administrator is grayed out

if i change the user account settings to eliminate the prompt to run as admin and then reboot, i still cannot open the damn installer because it says i need the priviliges.

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Windows On Mac :: Error When Installing XP Via Boot Camp?

Dec 13, 2009

I have been trying to install Windows XP Pro SP3 on my MacBook, and after the installation finishes, I get an error saying that hal.dll can't be found. Really strange. Windows 7 installs fine, but I'd like to install XP for nostalgia's sake.

The disc is clean and I get no errors during install.

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OS X :: Tried Installing XP With Boot Camp And Got Disk Error?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm a new MAC user and would need to install XP on my MAC. I'm sure there are thousands of threads out there about this but I couldn't find one. I've tried installing with Boot Camp and got Disk Error. Realised I had Service Pack One. The CPU then wouldn't boot properly as it looked for the WIN CD later so I have to hold down the Option key every time I boot up. I now have XP Pro with SP3 and have partitioned the space (20gb). Just don't want to mess it up so I'll wait for a reply here.

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Windows On Mac :: After Installing XP - No Boot Camp Exe / Drivers

Apr 3, 2010

I have just got a new 15" MBP (2009/2010) and installed XP with boot camp. I have done this before on my MacBook White and iMac and had no problems but this time it has been a real pain in the neck. When I put in the MBP install DVD after installing XP I found it had no Boot camp exe or drivers? I got around this by using the DVD that came with my MacBook White which had Boot Camp and 99% of the drivers that I needed. The only problem I am having now is with the isight,Bluetooth and WLAN drivers, Does anyone know where I can get them?

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OS X :: Installing Snow Leopard -Mac Won't Boot From Disc?

Apr 28, 2010

with my Leopard installation i have a problem where it fails to boot up likely due to a previous unexpected power cut.

From googling the issue it seems like the only solution anyone has had to the same problem is to re-install.

However I've lost my Leopard system discs.

I booted into my Bootcamp Windows installation and installed the latest drivers from the Snow Leopard disc which i recently purchased (and came today)
This gave me the option to read files (and presumably copy) from the mac partition but no delete function.

I have two problems here:

1. I only have 2.61GB free on the mac partition, Snow Leopard requires at least 5GB. Since I can't boot into OS X and Windows can't write to the partition i can't delete any files.

2. My mac won't boot the Snow Leopard DVD for installation. I hold C while booting and it has no effect. It does however run the Hardware test if i hold D while booting.

I have an external drive i could probaly make enough room on to back up my entire osx partition for a totally clean re-install.

However this requires some sort of access to the drive/write capabilities. Maybe something like bootable linux?

And any idea why my disc won't boot? (even if i had enough space for a install...that would be a bit pointless if i can't get the disc to boot)

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OS X Yosemite :: Cannot Boot Mac After Installing PList File

Dec 9, 2014

I have a MacBook Pro using latest OS and had been having trouble with my wallpaper changing back to default settings. After reading this support thread: URL...., I followed the instructions to install the following file in this

directory: Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ The file called autodiskmount.plist had the following content (all following the directions of the thread above): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" URL....

After trying to restart the laptop, it has now been stuck at the grey screen with the apple logo and the rotating circle. I have tried using disk utility and repairing the start up disk. Doing a safe reboot does not work.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Laptops :: Boot Failure After Snow Leopard Installing?

Nov 26, 2009

I tried to install snow leopard on my 3 mos. old macbook pro and received a failure message with the invalid node structure, rebuilding catalog B-tree message.

Not sure what to do, I tried booting up from the leopard install disk and it took about 15 minutes to boot up and everything is wonky, doesn't work right.

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IMac :: 09 27" I7 Won't Boot After Installing Additional 8GB RAM, It Beeps?

Aug 26, 2010

I bought 2x4GB modules of RAM from OWC for my 2009 27" i7 iMac. Following the video on OWC for replacing the memory, I opened the RAM tray / area at the bottom of it, and there were two RAM modules in it, one on each side (2x2GB), I moved the 2GB module on the left over to the right side, and inserted 2 4GB modules into the left tray, reattached the metal panel / strip and booted up and it beeps :/

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Fusion And XP - Do I Need A Partition Like Boot Camp

Nov 5, 2010

I know with Boot Camp, you need to create a partition and install Windows on it. Is the same true with Fusion? Or during the install process, Fusion will create the space needed?

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IMac :: Installing New HDD - What Is The Best Way To Copy A Boot Camp Partition To Hdd

Jan 9, 2011

I want to replace the hard drive in my iMac (2009 i5 model) but I'm not sure how I can copy my Boot Camp partition over. I had a difficult time trying to installing Windows 7 on my computer the first time I did it, I had to slip in extra drivers and remove ram sticks and stuff like that but once I got it running it has ran fine without any problems. I skimmed through the SSD upgrade thread looking for info but I didn't see anything that jumped out at me. When I google'd the issue, almost all of the info I found was from 2009 and older. So, what is the best way to copy a Boot Camp partition to a new hard disk?

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PowerPC :: Installing Cheetah On IBook G4 - Doesn't Boot

May 29, 2009

i didnt have much to do a couple days ago so i thought i'd install Cheetah on my iBook G4, turned out to be harder than i thought. For some reason it doesnt boot any os prior to Tiger, so I installed Tiger and copied an image of the Tiger OS with the OS 9.2 (i think you have to have it on the system to install prior OS's). So i did that and when i pop the Cheetah cd in it loads and opens OS 9.2 but then it says: "This Application Does Not Run In The Classic Environment - To Install Mac OS X, start up your computer from the Mac OS X CD." Which i did but still doesnt load. I still have an old PowerBook G3 and installed Cheetah on it, then i removed its hd, and created a new sparse image from it. Then i booted up Tiger on the ibook g4 and restored from the image, all went fine, i selected the correct boot device and even repaired permissions but still it doesnt want to boot up Cheetah on the iBook!

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Windows On Mac :: Installing 7 In Boot Camp/VMWare Fusion

Jun 14, 2009

Alright, so I've installed Windows 7 RC on my iMac with Boot Camp. Booting straight into Win everything works fine (I had some issues trying to connect my Wireless Keyboard and Mouse, but it's fine now). I have 3 issues:

1. Firstly, is there any way for me to access my files stored on the Mac partition in Windows (e.g. Music, Videos etc.)? I tried using HFS+ Explorer but it I get stuck at the 'AutoDetect Partition' phase because it says "No HFS+ Partition found". Any ideas?

2. Now I've also got VMWare Fusion running on my Mac, and when I start it, it detects my Windows partition and so I load Windows through it. The OS loads up fine, but for some reason it doesn't detect my WiFi adapter and so the Internet in Windows doesn't work (it works fine via Boot Camp). Is this normal (since maybe the WiFi is already connected through OS X so won't work in Windows at the same time)?

3. Lastly, I've installed the VMWare Tools in Windows, and it seemed to go on without a problem, but for some reason my 'Unity' option doesn't work. The button is there, but when I click it the Win7 window disappears. I figured, OK, probably just loading or something, but nothing happens. The VMWare main screen still shows that Windows is 'Powered On'.

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Windows On Mac :: Can't Find Boot Camp After Installing Win7 X64?

Jan 3, 2010

So, I have a mid 2008 24" iMac (the one with the black plastic backing) with all the possible hardware upgrades available at the time. I recently upgraded Leopard to Snow Leopard, which went great, except it messed up Vista. So i deleted the partition and started over, only with 64 bit Win 7 (with a disc i bought from MS). Boot Camp 3.0 installed it just fine, except now that I'm running Win 7, Boot Camp is no where to be found so I can't access Snow Leopard in any way. I pop in the Snow Leopard disc and it simply says my computer model does not support x64 boot camp.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Win7 - Need Dual Boot To Run Some Programs

Jun 28, 2010

I've bought my 13" MBP (love it) but need to dual boot to run some programs, so I bought the Windows 7 Prof 64bit Upgrade. Now... because it's the upgrade version do I need to have a previous version of a Windows OS installed before I can upgrade or can I install straight away? Another question, at some point I'm tempted to upgrade to the 500gb Momentus XT. Will my Windows 7 disk be okay for multiple installs?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Intermittent Failure To Boot After Installing SSD?

Mar 10, 2012

I have recently installed new RAM and an SSD in my late 2009 MacBook Pro, running OS X 10.6.8, and it now frequently hangs when I try to start it up. Here are  details: 

In recent weeks I noticed signs that seemed to point to a failing hard drive. I took the machine to a Genius Bar. The genius tried Disk Utility and a quick diagnostic and could not reproduce an error, but he noted many, many I/O errors recorded in a log file.  

He said I probably had a failing disk, but it might be a cable issue. He gave me two options: leave the machine with Apple overnight to run diagnostics and perhaps repair if the problem was confirmed, or just take a chance and replace the drive myself, for less money and less downtime.  

I went to a local computer store, and the salesman there noted that I was using relatively little disk space. He suggested that I swap my failing 160 G disk for a smaller, 120G solid-state drive, which happened to be on sale. I agreed and also bought some new RAM.  

I installed the drive and RAM, partitioned the disk (with HFS journaling), and restored my files with Time Machine. For that day and the next, everything worked perfectly.  

The second day after the installation, the system hung while starting up. The Apple logo appeared, the gray spinner appeared, and it just spun. I tried resetting PRAM. I tried safe restart. I started up from the install disk and ran Disk Utility: no problems found. I repaired permissions. I took out the new RAM and put back the old. In some cases after trying these steps, the system booted fine — once. In others, it would not boot the first time, but would boot on the second or third attempt. I reinstalled OS X and updated software. The problem persisted. I installed some freeware to enable trimming the new disk. No better.  

I have booted many times in verbose mode. During the unsuccessful boots, there is usually a message "Bug: launchctl.c: 3557 (23930):6 ioctl(S6, SIO CAIFADOR_IN6, &ifra6) ! = -1". The next line is the command "fsck_hfs", and the machine hangs. Eventually it sometimes spits out "launchctl: please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisory.plist". If I let it go for a long time, I sometimes come back to find a long string of I/O error messages, to the effect that media was expect to be there but wasn’t. I think every time I have gotten the launchctl message, it has booted successfully on the next try.  

During the successful boots in verbose mode, everything happens so quickly that it is hard to say what is going on, but I don’t think it is running fsck_hfs. If it boots successfully and I give it a heavy I/O task, like doing a virus scan, everything works fine. If I run Disk Utility off the installation disk, it says the disk appears to be OK.  

I started the machine in single user mode and ran fsck manually. It gave me reports similar to running Disk Utility, and told me the disk appeared to be OK. It then gave me the prompt for a new command. I typed "exit". It responded "logout". And hung. 

One last thing: I just tried a couple of times to restart with the Apple Hardware test. Despite holding down the D key, the test failed to load, and after a long pause, the machine attempted a normal start-up.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Does Stay Stuck On The Boot Screen After Installing 10.7.4

Jun 16, 2012

I use a White MacBook (early 2008) with OS X Lion on it. I checked for updates recently, when I found that OS update 10.7.4 was available. 

When I started the update, the Software Update utility asked me to update by restarting. After I did this, the update got downloaded and the machine restarted. Now, it is getting stuck on the boot screen with the Apple logo replaced by a 'circle with a line in it' (like a typical "not allowed") logo. 

MacBook (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X Yosemite :: Not Booting After Installing Boot Camp Windows 8

Dec 2, 2014

I installed Windows 8 with Boot Camp Assistant however I couldn't boot into OS X anymore. I get a prohibited sign on boot. If I press Command+V on boot it says "Error loading kernel cache (0xe)". Windows 8 can still boot without problem.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Windows On Mac :: Cant Find Boot Camp After Installing Snow Leopard?

Sep 5, 2009

I cannot find Boot Camp 3.0 on my Mac. I just upgraded to SL and it seems like it disappeared. A search in Spotlight returned nothing.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Boot Camp Drivers - Using Troubleshooting Install

Feb 2, 2010

so i just installed windows xp.

now im trying to install the boot camp drivers and its not working.

it will not even let me mount the install cd or view it (when installing from an external drive)

i have tried to install it with an external drive with 10.6 and another partition of 10.5, and have tried the install dvd for 10.5.

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