OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Does Stay Stuck On The Boot Screen After Installing 10.7.4

Jun 16, 2012

I use a White MacBook (early 2008) with OS X Lion on it. I checked for updates recently, when I found that OS update 10.7.4 was available. 

When I started the update, the Software Update utility asked me to update by restarting. After I did this, the update got downloaded and the machine restarted. Now, it is getting stuck on the boot screen with the Apple logo replaced by a 'circle with a line in it' (like a typical "not allowed") logo. 

MacBook (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Installer Stay Stuck On Password Enter Screen When Installing Apps?

Apr 11, 2012

When installing apps through Installer (from .dmg disk images and .pkg packages), everything works smoothly until it asks me for a password. When I enter it, Installer goes back to the screen before it asked me for the password. When I click next, it asks me for my password, and the cycle repeats. I tried removing my password to no avail. I can install .pkg files from the sudo installer -pkg command. I dont know how to do this for installers that are in app form.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP Early 2011

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Mac Pro :: Stuck At Gray Boot Screen - Boot XP

Apr 27, 2008

trying to boot in Leopard my Mac Pro will get the the gray loading screen with the "loading circle" and just sit there forever. Than after a bit it will just stop and the whole computer can shut itself down. I just installed the 8800gt upgrade kit last week, and have had no problems at all for the past week. The only thing that changed that may be related is the 8800GT XP Driver. I installed the latest beta driver for it under XP in boot camp because it wasn't working properly with the default boot camp drivers. So I can correctly boot in the XP via boot camp, but trying to boot in Leopard it just hangs at the gray loading screen.

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OS X :: Mac Stuck On Boot Screen - Too Much App Memory

Mar 2, 2009

I have osx leopard. It froze up every so often and saying 'too much application memory on start up disc'. I end up restarting my computer. I have over 100gigs on my hardrive. I restarted my computer and now it does not boot up.

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Safari :: Gets Stuck On Opening Websites After Installing Lion?

Jun 7, 2012

Just downloaded Lion. Safari is sluggish or gets stuck on opening most sites. Many do not open. Never had this problem before installing Lion.

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OS X :: Imac Boot Camp - Gets Stuck At Screen

Sep 23, 2010

I recently upgraded my Imac Harddrive from a standard 320 GB to a 1.5 TB Segate Barracuda 7200 Rpm 3GBS. Previously I had a boot camp partition for windows 7 ultimate. When I put in the new harddrive I decided to start fresh and do clean installs. Now when I try and install Windows 7 it goes fine until the last restart (4 total including initial restart). Then it just gets stuck at the screen where it says "Push any Key to Boot from CD or DVD". It will stay like that for a few seconds then the disk will stop spinning. So my question is now what do I do? I have to have windows for work purposes and this is driving me insane.

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Boot From DVD - Stuck On Logo Screen

Oct 21, 2010

I have an issue with a macbook pro and booting from DVD. When I try to boot from the DVD it starts reading and after a few minutes I hear the driver stops and only a gray screen with the apple logo in the screen. I have tried two snow leopard disk and the original disk that came with the macbook pro. I can boot into the operating system, repair permissions, verify disk and disk utility does not find any problem. I also tried with a usb dvd and the same symptom, after a minute it stops reading the dvd.

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OS X :: Power Mac G5 Not Boot - Stuck On Logo Screen

Oct 17, 2009

I'm in way over my head after promising to fix my father in laws power mac g5. When I press the power button everything seem normal. You hear the apple sound but after a short while the fans speed up the screen turns grey with a folder icon and a flashing question mark and then the apple logo appears. I have never been past this stage. I have paired the memory installed correctly and I have tried every memory combination possible. I have reset the Pmu and I have reset the pram. I also tried to remove the battery but that didn't help either. I also tried to boot from a system disc but nothing I hear the disc spinning but nothing happens.

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MacBook :: Its Stuck In Boot-up On The Grey Screen?

Apr 19, 2012

Mac book is stuck on the grey screen with the apple logo and the spinning timer?


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MacBook Pro :: Stuck At Grey Boot Screen

Jun 29, 2012

So yesterday i turned my laptop on to find out it wasnt booting up past the grey screen. Later on i did some trouble shooting and finally got it past to the main desktop screen. Now, recently i had just uninstalled and deleted my Windows 7 Pro partition i had put onto my laptop a while back but when doing so, when i tried getting my hard drive back to full storage amount by deleting the partition,it gave me some error. I believe i figured out the error and was able to use my laptop from then. Once my computer was letting me get to the desktop screen, once i would click on an app it would often give me the pin wheel and stop me from clicking on anything else for a good minute.

Today,i had backed everything up and thought that i would just reformat and re install OSX to remedy the whole issue. This was not acheived. I had been able to get to the desktop screen a few times but still got the pin wheel situation going on. A couple tries later im stuck here at my grey boot screen. No Apple sign showing up, just stuck. Im usually a very computer savey person but this is kind of just making me wonder. I ordered a new hard drive (which i was going to upgrade anyways)but wanted to know if this even could possibly be the issue. I upgraded from my stock hard drive about 6 months after i had gotten my laptop (mid 2009 model). The last 3 years ive been traveling very often, flying frequently and using it often for playing my DJ gigs. Im wondering if alltitude and hot clubs could take a tole on a hard drive when its running hot?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.2 C2D,8GB RAM,320GB WD 7200RPM HD

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OS X :: IMac Won't Boot And Stuck On The Apple Logo Screen?

Jan 14, 2011

I have Time Capsule and everything is backed up on there. My data is on a separate USB HD + Drobo, but for now I need my iMac to boot but it won't. It won't even get into the Desktop. all the guides online says double click the Install Icon this and that...I would if I can get into the Desktop !

It is just stuck on the Apple Logo screen with the spinny thing, that stops spinning!

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OS X :: Macbook Stuck On Gray Apple Boot Screen?

Aug 23, 2009

Last weekend, my white Macbook was requiring a software update to 10.5.8. So I said, go for it and let it restart. That's when the trouble happened.

It began to restart but just stuck on the gray apple screen with the gear circle thing spinning. I tried several times to restart, but it never worked. I did all the things I knew to do (boot from DVD and run disk utility to repair permissions, zapped PRAM, ran it in the fsck thing; Booting in safe mode wouldn't work). So I booted from my backup and used SuperDuper to rewrite my boot drive. (I guess I should point out that when booting from my backup, I was able to access all my files on my internal HD, it just wouldnt boot). After doing that revert thing to 10.5.7, everything worked fine.

So then I tried to update again this weekend. Same thing happened. I've tried the same steps. I can still get to anything I've added to my regular drive since my backup and all that. Just won't boot from that main drive.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Installation Stuck At Boot Up Screen?

Aug 31, 2009

I put the install disc in and went threw the windows, it started installing so I left it for a while, when I come back it has the gray apple and the spiny boot up screen, I thought no problem its just restarting after the install. Now its been like this for almost an hour. Anyone have any ideas, I'm afraid to push the power button fearing it might screw up the install.

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OS X :: Macbook Won't Boot - Stuck On Gray Apple Screen?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a four year old Macbook that's not in the best of shape, but it hasn't failed me like this before.. ever.

I installed a new security update yesterday morning along with the new iTunes, and it worked alright for most of the day.

Around 10:30 or so, it just shut off.

I tried to turn it back on and was faced with the gray apple logo and the horrible spinning icon.

I've tried booting it up in safe mode, verbose mode, and even resetting the PRAM, and nothing works!

It eventually did go to a blue screen after maybe three or four hours, (I fell asleep so I'm not sure) but it still wouldn't let me do anything.

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Software :: Imac Won't Boot Up - Stuck At Grey Screen

Aug 19, 2009

24" imac. leopard system. the system was frozen (which was the first time in two years) a couple of days ago, so i turned the power off to reboot the system. then it's stuck at the grey screen. to make it worse, i have a dvd inserted in the drive. please tell me what seems to be the problem and how to solve it.

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MacBook Pro :: Suddenly Won't Boot - Stuck On Blue Screen

May 31, 2012

Original MacBook Pro is stuck on blue screen. Restarted, then went to gray background with the apple logo....now on to a plain blus screen......isn't moving off of that. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Original MacBook Pro w/ core duo

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OS X :: Stuck On Blue Screen And Gray Gear Spinning On Boot Up?

Mar 30, 2009

Everything was fine until this morning when i came into work, started up my Macbook as usual from sleep mode. was able to use OS X for a little while, had to leave to go onsite so i locked my screen (i use sizzle keys and made Command + L to lock my screen to the log on prompt). as soon as the cube spins to the logon screen, BOOM, all i see is the solid light blue screen just sit there. i walk away and 5 minutes later, it's still on there, can't recover or go back to my desktop, so i force shut down (hit the power button, and attempt to reboot the OS X. then thats when it all gets bad. Everytime i boot into OS X it just sits there with the blue screen and flickers back and forth with the gray gear wheel spinning and so forth.

Ok, so next check, i go to boot into my Boot Camp partition into Vista. no problems, was able to boot in my boot camp partition without any problems (im typing this in boot camp at this moment.)

So far i've been able to boot into my Boot Camp and the OS X Restore Disc without any problems.

I booted into the OS X boot disc, and ran Disk Utility, ran the perrmissions check and the disk check and both fixed problems aparently on my OS X partition. went to boot back into OS X, blue screen.

So now i do the PRAM and NVRAM reset doing Command+Option+P+R and again booted into OS X. blue screen.

Booted into Safe Mode (Safe Boot) took awhile, but again. stuck at blue screen and if i press any keys or move the mouse, the grey gear spins for like 10 seconds and just goes back to the blue screen. and the process goes over and over again.

(later on this afternoon) I even ran FSCK to check the volume for problems. "it appears to be OK"

The good thing atleast in this situation is that i can access my OS X partition in Vista (via MacDrive) without any problems, so if having to reload my previous Time Machine backup (which stupid me forgot to back up my system over 60 days ago ) or having to just Archive my OS X and reinstall it, that will have to be my final choice. But i don't REALLY want to have to do this all over again if at all possiable.

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MacBook Air :: Stuck On Grey Screen - Also Not Able To Boot From Recovery Disk

Mar 27, 2012

After partitioning my hard drive, I was not able to boot up my computer. Currently it is stuck at the white screen when it boots up. I tried using the USB Recovery Disk to boot up however it does not seem like it is responding to anything 

I pressed C while having the USB inserted I also tried pressing D to go in to the Apple Hardware Test nothing happened.

I also tried resetting the VRAM? It did beep and it reset however I still can't bootup

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Won't Boot Up Fully - It Stays Stuck In The Gray Screen

May 12, 2012

My iMac won't boot up fully. It stays stuck in the gray screen with the pinwheel spinning, then after about 5 minutes just shuts itself off.

iMac (20-inch Late 2006)

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MacBook :: Boot In Safe Mode - System Stuck At Blue Screen

Nov 30, 2010

I tried fsck -f fsck -y multiple times, booting in safe mode, zaping the pram and all that stuff, nothing as worked. I don't really care about how to fix it but I care more about, Is there any possible way I can get files off of the macbook even though it wont boot. Like is there a way for another computer (windows or mac) to pick it up so I can transfer files? What accessories will I need?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Stuck In Boot Screen - Windows Boots Fine

Mar 8, 2010

So as the title explains, since last Friday I've been trying to figure out why my Macbook Pro started getting stuck on the boot screen with the spinning gear. Sometimes a progress bar appear and it fills like 1/20th of the way and goes back to the spinning gear. However, if I boot into Windows 7, it works fine. I tried using the Snow Leopard install disk to get into disk utility and it won't even boot from cd (For reference, I tried the hold-c command to boot into the cd). The I tried resetting the PRAM, the SMC reset and the fsk thing, no bananas. I have this Macbook Pro since June 2009. I'm shot of ideas, if you guys have no idea what's wrong its a call to Apple, or a meeting with a "Genius" ugh.

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Power Mac :: G5 Stuck At Light Blue Screen - Will Not Even Boot In Safe Mode

Mar 22, 2012

I have a 2.0 GHz early 2005 Power Mac G5 (7,3) that won't get past the light blue screen at start-up. I've tried everything - reset the PRAM, Apple Hardware Check (on overnight loops, everything came back OK), fsck (all OK), repaired my HD and permissions on it, and then erased the drive using Target Disk Mode and another Mac, and attempted to reinstall OSX from the install disk that came with it (with OSX Tiger). I've tried switching out the RAM with no luck.

The only thing I haven't tried is a new video card (the installed one is an ATI Radeon 9600). Here's what it does: powers on with the usual chime, then moves on to the white Apple screen, the wheel spins, then it moves on to a darker blue screen, then it finally moves on to a lighter blue screen with an arrow, and it just stays there. It will boot into safe mode (pressing shift), but I can't even upgrade to Leopard in safe mode, much less figure out what's wrong.

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MacBook :: (2008) Won't Boot / Work - Stuck On Gray Apple Logo Screen

Jul 25, 2010

For several weeks, my black MacBook (2008) has been acting odd. Certain applications won't open, and when I attempt to open them, the computer makes a quiet clicking noise, like the drive is failing. Last week, when trying to boot it, the thing just wouldn't. Stuck on the grey Apple logo screen. Assuming a hard drive problem or failure, I ran the tests. I ran Disk Utility from the Snow Leopard install disk, checked & repaired permissions, checked & repaired disk. All okay. I ran the Apple Hardware Test from the install disk that came with the computer, using the test that runs for an hour or so, and all appears to be fine. The computer won't boot into safe mode. I've tried flashing the PRAM. I doubt I could achieve much through target disk mode, as I've already run Disk Utility. What's left to do? Something doesn't add up here.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Dim Screen Brightness / Installing Boot Camp Drivers

Oct 14, 2010

I've got a 2010 i7 15.4 MBP, after installing boot camp drivers from MAC OS DVD, I could not find any option about how long to dim screen brightness. However, my friend's 13.3 MBP does have. What about yours, guys?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stuck At Grey Screen?

Feb 16, 2012

Updated airport utility and macbook got stuck on progress bar.  I restarted and it is now stuck at bootup screen. 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stuck On Registration Info Screen?

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to set up new IMac desktop. Basic with no migration. Stuck in registration screen. How do I continue?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Just Updated To 10.7.4. Now Screen Is Stuck With Pinwheel?

May 13, 2012

I just updated to Lion 10.7.4 and now everything is frozen with the spinning pinwheel. I tried to force quit, but there is no change.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Macbook Air Stuck On Apple Screen After 10.7.3 Update

Feb 2, 2012

Installed the update to 10.7.3 and its stuck on the gray screen with apple logo.  Underneath just spins for hours. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Boot Camp Drivers Without Installing NVidia Driver?

Jul 28, 2009

I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.

But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: After 10.7.4 Update IMac Stuck On Gray Apple Screen

May 9, 2012

While updating my imac, I got an error message saying that there is an error. And then it restarted by itself. Now its stuck on the loading screen.


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