MacBook :: Installing Snow Leopard From DVD - Cannot Boot From Disk
May 24, 2012
My hard drive recently crashed. I just bought a new one and installed it myself. Now it's simply a matter of reinstalling the operating system, which is where I'm having trouble. I insert the Snow Leopard Install DVD into the drive. I power on the computer and hold 'C' (I've tried Option too) to boot from the disc, but it doesn't work. It spits out the disc after a few seconds, whether I hold 'C' or not, and then it gives me a folder icon with a question mark in it in the center of the screen, the same thing it showed when my hard drive first crashed.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Aug 28, 2009
It just hangs at the spinning pinwheel. I shut the machine off and booted it into Verbose-mode (Command-V) and it stops at "Initializing Power Manager" or something very early on. I pulled the battery and unplugged the machine, am letting it cool off (not that there's a point) -- it's one of the original MacBooks that had that "shutoff" problem with the wire that'd melt and short to the heatsink but mine never had the issue because I wasn't using it very often at the time. Any ideas? The drive does show up when I hold down Option.
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro 17" with 10.6.8 installed but won't bootup. It stays on the logo and spinning gear screen and won't proceed from there. I have tried to reboot from a Snow Leopard install disk but it won't recognize it and haven't been able to startup from another computer using firewire connection.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), stays on logo and rotating gear
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Oct 17, 2009
I have a tower Mac Pro with Snow Leopard running on it.Unfortunately one of the software that I use doesn't have yet a Snow Leopard update. So I am thinking maybe I can install older version of Leopard on one of the internal drives (i have 3 additional internal drives), so I can boot my computer from either Leopard or Snow Leopard, depending on needs (i don't want to get rid of Snow Leopard).
I never installed OS X system before, so I am a bit scared.The internal drive is ready, I have the old Leopard on disks, what are the next steps to take?
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Apr 28, 2010
with my Leopard installation i have a problem where it fails to boot up likely due to a previous unexpected power cut.
From googling the issue it seems like the only solution anyone has had to the same problem is to re-install.
However I've lost my Leopard system discs.
I booted into my Bootcamp Windows installation and installed the latest drivers from the Snow Leopard disc which i recently purchased (and came today)
This gave me the option to read files (and presumably copy) from the mac partition but no delete function.
I have two problems here:
1. I only have 2.61GB free on the mac partition, Snow Leopard requires at least 5GB. Since I can't boot into OS X and Windows can't write to the partition i can't delete any files.
2. My mac won't boot the Snow Leopard DVD for installation. I hold C while booting and it has no effect. It does however run the Hardware test if i hold D while booting.
I have an external drive i could probaly make enough room on to back up my entire osx partition for a totally clean re-install.
However this requires some sort of access to the drive/write capabilities. Maybe something like bootable linux?
And any idea why my disc won't boot? (even if i had enough space for a install...that would be a bit pointless if i can't get the disc to boot)
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Jul 1, 2009
Whenever I boot up the SL install disk (either plugged in via USB drive or remote disc from my iMac), I select English as my language, "Continue" on the welcome screen, and when I get to the portion where I have to choose a disk to install onto, my MBA's hard drive has a yellow triangle on it and a caption underneath that says "Mac OS X Cannot Start Up From This Disk".
I've used Disk Utility to Verify and Repair, but still get the same result.
My MacBook Air is a 2nd generation machine, 120G hard drive (45G free), and MS Office 2008 installed. Other than that (and all my music and files), it's exactly as it came from Apple when I ordered it.
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Aug 26, 2009
i have looked all over, and i cant find a simple way to clean install with the SL disk. The screen shots i've seen on engadget shows just "update".
I currently have leopard installed, and time machined everything. I just wanna clean install snow leopard, then navigate into my time machine folder via finder and manually bring over a few files.
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Aug 31, 2009
I have a MacBook Air and just bought snow leopard. While I was trying to install it (through the use of the optical drive of my mac mini), a message came up "the disk "macintosh HD" needs to be repaired". Go to the computer with the mac OS X install DVD, open 'remote install mac OS X' (located in the utilities folder in the app folder) and follow the onscreen instructions for restarting your computer using the DVD. When the mac OS X installer opens, follow the onscreen instructions to install mac OS X. during the installation, the installer repairs the disk automatically". I'm worried about losing files on my macbook air (and do not use time machine) so should i be backing my files up?
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Nov 26, 2009
I tried to install snow leopard on my 3 mos. old macbook pro and received a failure message with the invalid node structure, rebuilding catalog B-tree message.
Not sure what to do, I tried booting up from the leopard install disk and it took about 15 minutes to boot up and everything is wonky, doesn't work right.
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Mar 10, 2012
I have recently installed new RAM and an SSD in my late 2009 MacBook Pro, running OS X 10.6.8, and it now frequently hangs when I try to start it up. Here are details:
In recent weeks I noticed signs that seemed to point to a failing hard drive. I took the machine to a Genius Bar. The genius tried Disk Utility and a quick diagnostic and could not reproduce an error, but he noted many, many I/O errors recorded in a log file.
He said I probably had a failing disk, but it might be a cable issue. He gave me two options: leave the machine with Apple overnight to run diagnostics and perhaps repair if the problem was confirmed, or just take a chance and replace the drive myself, for less money and less downtime.
I went to a local computer store, and the salesman there noted that I was using relatively little disk space. He suggested that I swap my failing 160 G disk for a smaller, 120G solid-state drive, which happened to be on sale. I agreed and also bought some new RAM.
I installed the drive and RAM, partitioned the disk (with HFS journaling), and restored my files with Time Machine. For that day and the next, everything worked perfectly.
The second day after the installation, the system hung while starting up. The Apple logo appeared, the gray spinner appeared, and it just spun. I tried resetting PRAM. I tried safe restart. I started up from the install disk and ran Disk Utility: no problems found. I repaired permissions. I took out the new RAM and put back the old. In some cases after trying these steps, the system booted fine — once. In others, it would not boot the first time, but would boot on the second or third attempt. I reinstalled OS X and updated software. The problem persisted. I installed some freeware to enable trimming the new disk. No better.
I have booted many times in verbose mode. During the unsuccessful boots, there is usually a message "Bug: launchctl.c: 3557 (23930):6 ioctl(S6, SIO CAIFADOR_IN6, &ifra6) ! = -1". The next line is the command "fsck_hfs", and the machine hangs. Eventually it sometimes spits out "launchctl: please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisory.plist". If I let it go for a long time, I sometimes come back to find a long string of I/O error messages, to the effect that media was expect to be there but wasn’t. I think every time I have gotten the launchctl message, it has booted successfully on the next try.
During the successful boots in verbose mode, everything happens so quickly that it is hard to say what is going on, but I don’t think it is running fsck_hfs. If it boots successfully and I give it a heavy I/O task, like doing a virus scan, everything works fine. If I run Disk Utility off the installation disk, it says the disk appears to be OK.
I started the machine in single user mode and ran fsck manually. It gave me reports similar to running Disk Utility, and told me the disk appeared to be OK. It then gave me the prompt for a new command. I typed "exit". It responded "logout". And hung.
One last thing: I just tried a couple of times to restart with the Apple Hardware test. Despite holding down the D key, the test failed to load, and after a long pause, the machine attempted a normal start-up.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 6, 2008
I have a 1Ghz PowerPC G4 iMac and want to delete everything and start again with Leopard. (it seems to be within the system reqs.) Problem is the DVD drive isn't functioning properly. It sees the OSX DVD but won't boot from it. Question - What's the best alternative method? Create a boot firewire disk?
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Sep 5, 2009
I cannot find Boot Camp 3.0 on my Mac. I just upgraded to SL and it seems like it disappeared. A search in Spotlight returned nothing.
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Aug 25, 2009
I purchased a copy of SL that I want to install on my MBA. I know that Leopard can be installed using the remote disk feature since my MBA doesn't have a DVD drive. problem is that I can't find anywhere saying that SL will support that function. Although I did see that the minimum system requirements require a DVD drive, but it doesn't say anything about a remote drive.
I'm sure it would be stupid if it wasn't supported, but then again you can't installed XP without the SuperDrive.
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro A1229 (Santa Clara) with a broken CD/DVD Drive and would like to install Snow Leopard.
I also have a G5 PPC running Leopard. Can I use the MBP in Target Disk Mode through the G5 to install Snow Leopard ?
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Oct 17, 2010
I ran verify disk, and was told I need to repair disk... I try to boot from my OSX snow leopard disk buy holding down C at reboot, but I get nothing... I hear it go to the disk, but then I just hear clicking and noise from dVD. I can boot normal, but I can't boot from safe mode or DVD? What can I do?
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Jun 16, 2012
I just purchased a LaCie triple interface (500GB disk to use as a bootable external drive to support our family's family of mac's, all running 10.6.8 including a 2006 Core Duo iMac, a 2007 Core2Duo iMac, a Core2Duo Mini, and a 2010 MacBook Pro.
The firewire drive does not appear as a bootable option on any of the computers, attached to either of the iMacs via the Firewire 400 port (through a 400 to 800 adaptor), or attached via the Firewire 800 port on the MBP. This is the profile of the LaCie via System Profiler on the iMac?
FireWire Bus:
Maximum Speed: Up to 400 Mb/sec
Rugged FW USB3:
Manufacturer: LaCie
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May 24, 2012
I have no recovery disk at boot since I upgraded from Snow Leopard through app store?
80 iMacs 30 MacBook Pro's 40 iTouch, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 10, 2010
I want to create a minimal recovery boot disk for SL. I've followed how-to's on creating one for 10.4 and 10.5, but so far it I couldn't get it to work with 10.6. If you have successfully done this, or can point me to a pre-made image or how-to.
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Mar 31, 2012
I have a Snow Leopard Install Disk for the 13-inch Macbook Pro model.I also have a 21-inch iMac. I have OS X Lion installed on both. I have Snow Leopard installed as a partition on my Macbook Pro, which I installed via the install disk. I want to do the same thing for my iMac but I am unable due to (seemingly) my install disk is for a Macbook Pro and not for an iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2009
I just bought a brand new 13 inch Macbook Pro. Is it possible for me to use the Mac OS X install disk that came with it to install Leopard on my June 2006 Macbook, which is currently running Tiger? I've attempted to do so a couple of times and have gotten an error message.
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Jan 9, 2010
I'm a new MAC user and would need to install XP on my MAC. I'm sure there are thousands of threads out there about this but I couldn't find one. I've tried installing with Boot Camp and got Disk Error. Realised I had Service Pack One. The CPU then wouldn't boot properly as it looked for the WIN CD later so I have to hold down the Option key every time I boot up. I now have XP Pro with SP3 and have partitioned the space (20gb). Just don't want to mess it up so I'll wait for a reply here.
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May 15, 2012
How do I launch disk utility from the Snow Leo install disk?
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Jun 4, 2014
I have an old Macbook via 2007 and I'm trying to update my operating system (currently OS 10.5.8) to Snow Leopard, but the disk is not reading in the disk drive. And unfortunately, Snow Leopard is only on a DVD, it can't be downloaded.I figure I have 2 choices:
1) take it in and spend $49 to have them do diagnostics and then tell me they probably need to replace the superdrive
2) I could buy an external optical drive. But I would need to know which one would be compatable with my old *** Macbook.
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Aug 31, 2009
My wife's Macbook (2.0 Intel Core Duo) is not recognizing the Snow Leopard disc, and I'm not sure why. I initially thought that even though Apple is saying that all Intel's are compatible with SL, they focus on the Core 2 Duo's and since her computer is technically a single core, it wouldn't work. Everything I have read has stated that SL will just run in 32 bit mode with Core Duo's - so I'm pretty confused. As for it being a bad disc, it's recognized immediately in my MBP...
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Nov 11, 2009
I just received my new unibody macbook today with a 160gb hd and snow leapard installed, I also purchased a new 500gb hd and want to install snow leapard on the new hd how would I go about doing this? (I don't need to do any backup being I haven't even turned on my macbook yet!) I just need to install snow leaprd on the new hd and put it in my macbook.
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Dec 21, 2010
I'm trying to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on to my macbook but I keep getting this error.
"mac os x installation couldn't be completed" I get this message usually within 5 minutes of installation.
My macbook specs are...
Mac OS X Version 10.5.8, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
I've already tried repairing the disks. (I repaired my leopard with the snow leopard CD because I couldn't find the leopard CD.
I heard it was fine to do.) I would have tried to verify and repair the partition but the buttons seemed to be grayed out for some reason.
Here is the error log...
(sorry for the download, forum rules. "the text that you have entered is too long (123483 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long.")
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Jul 8, 2009
Will it install like the OS does on the iPhone, as in the existing data isn't put in a new folder? What exactly happens when you install a new OSX?
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Aug 30, 2009
My MacBook Pro will not go to sleep after installing Snow Leopard. It WILL go to sleep if I close the lid; however, if I have it sit open for 15 minutes, it won't go to sleep. It attempts to sleep, but instead the screen will just go black for less than a second. It's just like a flash of black, and then the screen goes back to normal. It simply won't sleep.
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Sep 4, 2009
i got my first Mac today and it didn't come with snow leopard installed but it did come with a snow leopard disc. the problem is whenever i try to upgrade, i insert the disc, it stay's in for about 30 seconds making weird noises, and then it spits the disc back out. i'm very new to mac, today is my first time ever using one so i really don't know what to do so i came here. i have a 13 inch MacBook Pro running on OS 10.5.8. also, i installed iWork perfectly fine so i'm guessing it has to do with the disc.
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm trying to install OS X on an Intel X25-M SSD. I'm at the point where it asks to select the disk where you want to install Mac OS X but no disks are showing as available. I can see that the computer recognizes the Intel SSD in Disk Utility but it says it's not formatted. Is that the issue?
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