MacBook Pro :: 2009 - Normal 2700 Rpm Fan Speed When Boot Computer?
Feb 8, 2010Is it normal for my fan to be at 2700 rpm when I boot my computer. Once I reach the desktop the fans slowly decrease to 1900-2000. Is this normal?
View 2 RepliesIs it normal for my fan to be at 2700 rpm when I boot my computer. Once I reach the desktop the fans slowly decrease to 1900-2000. Is this normal?
View 2 RepliesMacBook Pro running Yosemite...seems to be running way to speed it up.
MacBook Pro
Last night my fan kicked into high gear all of a sudden. I shut it down overnight and when booting up this AM I find it still running on high...quire noisy, of course. Is there something overheating? How to make it run at normal speed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy brand new MBP 13" vibrates.
It is a subtle kind of vibration, notable only as a ticklish sensation on your palms when resting them on the case, rather than a concrete, strong up and down shaking.
I wouldn't even mind, if my wooden desk didn't pick up the vibration, acting as a soundbox with an audible, deep humming noise. You probably need good ears to hear it, I only do in a quiet room (like, my home desk...). After a short while, the deep humming is joined by a subtle higher-pitched humming. This is when there is absolutely no activity (no programs running, just an empty desktop). I am definitely not talking about the higher fan speeds accompanying increased processor activity and heat.
Now I heard multiple reports of MBPs doing this, but never found an objective conclusion: Is that something MBPs simply do (it's still better than most laptops)? Should I, *sigh*, return the damn thing?
In other words: Is there someone who could confirm that he or she has a 2009 MBP 13" (standard hardware load, cheapest of the unibodies) that has no vibrations whatsoever? Please note that it's subtle and I only noticed it after a while (but now can't stop thinking about it).
According to istatpro my fan exhaust speed when not doing anything (ie straight away when I turn the laptop on) is 1800rpm and I can hear fan noise on the right hand side when just sat normally using the laptop (ie not with my ear to it!). Is this fan speed and noise normal? Because on my old powerbook, when doing nothing, made no fan noise at all.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI recently downloaded the fan speed app which allows you to control fan speed. I just uninstalled it and the fan speed seems to be higher than before. The Temperature is around 110 F and 3000 rpm. Is this normal?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSlow browser speed on all browsers, but the downloading and uploading speed are normal according to Ping is a bit high. Other computers in the house are fine.Already contacted ISP (Time Warner), modem is not the problem. Contacted Linksys router support, router is fine.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wanted to see how hot my temps would get at max so I ran handbrake for 30 minutes and Cinebench simultaneously over and over. This room does not have A/C. As soon as Cinebench started running the multi core render for a while the machine was at max temp.
CPU A 157 Fahrenheit Northbridge 126 Fahrenheit
Remember, I set the temps to display in Fahrenheit and not Celsius. So I would assume CPU A was maxed out at 70 Celsius.
Is this okay/normal when pushing the machine to a max temp? And what in the world is the Northbridge temp? It just looked important so I listed it. lol
Also how can you tell the temp of the GPU?
I bought a new Sandisk Extreme SSD 240GB and installed it. In System Information, the Link Speed is shown as 3 Gigabit but the Negotiated Link Speed is only 1.5 Gigabit. What's the difference between the two values? And why is the Negotiated Link Speed is only 1.5 Gigabit?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI recently picked up a 17" 2009 unibody MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz, 4gb RAM, SuperDrive and a Samsung 1TB hard drive. The system did not come with the original hard drive and I don't have any other hard drives to test and verify that the new larger hard drive is the cause. I have tried a clean install of Snow Leopard, Lion and even Mountain Lion but no matter what my fans always running at max speed (5k+ RPM). I have looked at iStat and the temps of any of the components in the machine never show more than 42*C so the fans should never be running at full blast. Oddly enough smcFanControl shows 0* temp but fan speds for both left and right are always 5.5k+ and very noisy. Using HDD Fan Control I am able to get at least the right fan to run at a controlable speed but its silence is drowned out by the left fan that still runs on full blast. I have already done multiple SMC resets and PRAM resets with no change in the condition. These noisey fans are driving me insane! I have run every available update as well. Is there a chance that the hard drive or something elses temp not being supported or detectable by OSX is causing the fans to default to the fail safe constant high speed?!
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8GHz Core2Duo
I downloaded and installed Temperature Monitor and iMac Fan Control - mainly for observational purposes and not for toying around with the fan speeds and I've got some questions. Mind you, I haven't tampered at all with the fan speed settings, just installed Fan Control. Here are my readings (while browsing the internet with Safari and doing a chat via iChat):
Fan Speeds:
CPU fan (desired) 1300 RPM / (current) 1530 RPM
HD fan (desired) 2100 RPM / (current) 2099 RPM
DVD fan (desired) 1300 / 1298 RPM
CPU Heatsink: 92F
Internal HD: 108F
Internal DVD: 95F
GPU Heatsink: 107F
Are these, under the circumstances, normal readings?
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
View 1 Replies View Relateddo you think the 17 macbook pro is too big for normal computer usage (not talking about professional usage they require the extra size like photographers and video) is it too big for the rest of us? Is the extra screen space and pixels not worth the compromise in size?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI bought my new MacBook Alu., 2GHz, 2GB Ram, with OSX 10.5.6 about 5-6 weeks ago, and was pretty astonished about how long it takes for the thing to boot-up. Approx. 60-70 seconds (just over a minute).My old MacBook (white), with 1,8GHz, 1,25GB Ram, and Tiger, took about only half the time. (About the same number of Apps on both notebooks)Is this boot-up time of about 1 minute normal, or should I contact Apple Service?
View 23 Replies View RelatedMy Mac won't boot. It goes to the screen with the apple and loading circle, but doesn't go past that. I've got WIN7 installed on bootcamp, so I can access that, but when I hold down option, Macintosh HD appears as EFI BOOT. I've used disc utility from my installation disc. When I've checked the permissions, it has failed. It also fails normal verification, saying "incorrect block count for file temp555244.".
I was able to select repair disk once, but that failed as well. That would say "missing thread record (id=554666),
keys out of order,
rebuilding catalog b-tree,
stopped repairing because filesystem verify or repair failed."
Someone suggested I open terminal and enter "fscl_hfs -fy/dev/disk1s0" While it ran the common and gave me a bunch of what seemed like options (r to repair btree, etc) i couldn't do anything from there. I tried entering "fsck and then /sbin/fsck -fy" as apple suggests on their site, but that did nothing.
Here are my specs:
15" Macbook Pro, Mid 2009, 500GB HD, 4GB RAM, 2.8GHZ Processor Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I was having similar problems a few days ago, when windows crashed as I was transferring files across partitions using macdrives. I had snow leopard when that happened, and reinstalled leopard. It worked fine after the reinstall, but the next day I started having these problems, which are similar in nature to the inital ones.
how much time (secs) might need a 2 months 13'' MBA to boot up and shutdown? ( i don't have any apps download)
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
This morning my MacBook Pro will not boot to the normal Lion screen. Pressing the Alt key during the start process I do get to the Macintosh HD, Recovery HD, Choose Network screen. The mouse moves around, the keyboard works, obviously the screen works, it appears to connect to the network. I did notice when I double taped on the mouse pad it didn't work. What should I do next?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
I made my bootcamp partition small at 16 gb (apparently far too small) since I was just going to use it for a couple of programs. I went to install a game and it looks like windows 7 on it's own is taking up 14 gigs. Is this normal?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy MacBookPro 17-inch mid 2009 is unable to boot AHT
i press the "D" key before the grey screen appears and hold it but with not result.
As soon as i release the key it boots to usual system loading.
the other night my girlfriends white 2009 Macbook (was updated to lion) stopped recognizing the battery. Only would boot when plugged into AC. I have other Macs so I tried different power adapters and switching in a battery that I knew was charged from another Macbook, and still did not recognize. Both batteries show 80% full or more when button pressed on battery. I moved it to my office to debug, requiring that I shut down and move the power cord. Then when I booted up, it started shutting down 10 seconds after reboot to user screen. I did the SMC reset and the PRAM resets, did Safe mode checking. Mac would still not "see" the battery or stay on for more then a few seconds even on AC. I then used the Snow Leopard install DVD and disc utilities, did a complete erase of the hard drive and reinstall of the Snow Leopard DVD. That took around 30 minutes, and the Macbook stayed on the entire time during reinstall. 1st boot after reinstall, stayed on long enogh to "set up" a user, then the shutdown problems appeared again.
Not entirely sure, as the power light on the front has been faulty for over a year, so i can not see if it is "on", but if I plug in a thimb drive, the thumb drive light blinks as if it is getting poweer, I would think thta means the computer is on, maybe the display is just shutting off? I do not have the original install discs, just the Snow Leopard 10.6.3 install DVD and a Lion install thumb drive, how can I do a AHT?
White Macbook early 20092 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo2 Gb Ram
120 GB Harddrive
Serial W8909P004R1
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
Specifically the hard drive fan runs at 1600rpm and the optical fan always runs at 1350 rpms.
Those fans run faster than my 2007 24" 2.4ghz iMac.
Somehow I figured with the cooler running ddr3, 9400M igpu and better cpu architecture that this new 2009 20" iMac would be dead silent because the fans would barely have to run. Or at least be less noisey.
But that's not the case.
Anyone have any fan speeds to report on new iMacs? Particularly the 20" model?
Download the iStat Pro widget and report your fan speeds today!
How do I speed up boot.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust had a new logic board installed in my MID 2009 MBP. Boot-up is very slow. provide suggestions on how to speed up.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMaybe its the 64 bit kernel but I just timed my computer starting up and it took 1:08.91 seconds. It used to start in 37 seconds (with my old and dying hard drive) I'm really not too bummed because my apps and everything load really fast. I just kind of wonder why it is taking so long to start. A old XP machine at my friends with a 1.81 Processer 256MB vram and 2GB ram starts in 45 seconds. I know sometimes start up times change but this is kind of long.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought my MBP few weeks ago ... and I realized the boot time is getting a bit longer.
View 24 Replies View RelatedSafari locking up originally. I would get beach balls pretty often, and simple tasks like opening a new tab would take a long time. One day last week I noticed it took like 30 minutes to index in spotlight..just random weird things like that.Yesterday, I got home and the computer had the little loading icon on the middle of my desktop and was completely locked up. The computer wasnt doing anything other than running normal processes.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThe other night, my MacBook Pro's fans started running at high speed when the computer was asleep. Loud enough to wake me up. And this just kept on going until I finally decided to turn the computer off. Is this normal? Is this anything to worry about?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
i upgraded my imac hard drive to a 2tb drive. how do i use time machine to get my computer back to normal?
I created a ubuntu live disc and tried it in my iMac. So I went into system preference=> start up disc and changed the boot order in order to test the disc. Now when I booted my computer this morning it automatically went to booting from the disc even when the disc was not in the drive. I thought it should have just gone back to booting from the hard drive. Does anyone know what I have to do in order to put the boot order back to mac hd?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if anyone could tell me what the normal temperatures are when booting Windows on a Macbook Pro.I'm getting around 60-75 GPU temperature and about 48-60 for CPU when I'm doing normal things like I do in Snow Leopard.Is that okay? Is it also okay to have such temperatures for like 5 hours straight or so?I'm getting around the same temperatures when I'm using Snow Leopard, but the laptop doesn't feels as hot as it feels when I'm using Windows, and that is bugging me much.
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