MacBook Pro :: Fan Speed - Temperature Around 110 F And 3000 Rpm - Normal?
Nov 30, 2009
I recently downloaded the fan speed app which allows you to control fan speed. I just uninstalled it and the fan speed seems to be higher than before. The Temperature is around 110 F and 3000 rpm. Is this normal?
I downloaded and installed Temperature Monitor and iMac Fan Control - mainly for observational purposes and not for toying around with the fan speeds and I've got some questions. Mind you, I haven't tampered at all with the fan speed settings, just installed Fan Control. Here are my readings (while browsing the internet with Safari and doing a chat via iChat):
Fan Speeds: CPU fan (desired) 1300 RPM / (current) 1530 RPM HD fan (desired) 2100 RPM / (current) 2099 RPM DVD fan (desired) 1300 / 1298 RPM
My 13 inch Macbook has been getting kind of warm on the right side lately, and with iStat Pro it appears the temperatures of the picture I'm uploading. Are these temperatures normal?? Are the fans okay? I'm not sure, but I think it's been a little slow as well, and I've just bought it 3 months ago...
my biggest problem on my old laptop was overheating, so I like to keep a close eye on my temperature. I'm using istats menu thingie, showing me my temperature (in degrees F). I've been keeping an eye on it ever since I got my new i7 MBP.
It tends to run around 100 or 110 degrees... 120 if I'm running firefox.
According to the coconutbattery app, my laptop's battery temperature is usually around 87ºF. I got worried when I checked my sister's macbook pro and noticed that her battery temperature is around 25ºF (with the same app). I put a fan next to my laptop for an hour and the battery only cooled down to 85ºF. The temperature stays the same regardless of it being plugged in to the charger or not. Is it normal for my battery to constantly be this hot? I play computer games fairly regularly, but even when I have no applications open the battery is still hot. I am currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I don't want to upgrade to Lion at the moment.I have already tried resetting the SMC, and nothing happened.
I was just wondering how hot is it ok for the Macbook Pro to get before it becomes an issue. Today my CPU got up to 80 celsius, and I got a little worried, because my computer usually runs around 49 - 55 celsius. Here is a screen shot I took a hour ago while I was running iTunes, Yahoo Messenger and Safari.And here is another one I took a minute ago while just running Safari
Just recently bought a MBP and noticed how hot it will be when I am running WoW. (I saw it reach 100 degrees on istat.) after searching through the forums, I just downloaded smcFancontrol. Problem is, I have no idea what is an ideal temperature/fan speed. Basically, I have 3 questions:
1) Is there a max temperature the MBP should run at? 2) If I use smcFancontrol, should I use it at max setting (6200rpm) to keep my temperature down to the ideal temperature? 3) If I use a leather casing (Macally) for my MBP, would it seriously impair the MBP in terms of cooling?
New to Macs but loving it so far. I see postings about checking fan speeds and cpu temp but cant find anywhere on the mac to check these issues. Is there software on the macbook air to check these or is this separate software?
I'm using a 2.5" GHz early '08 MacBook Pro and it's running fine. When I'm on Windows, the temperature increases and reaches around 63 celsius but that's normal as I've been told here. When I am on Macintosh, the temperature is usually around 46 to 51 celsius when running on AC power, and lower when on battery. Thing is, I have smcFanControl and I set both fans to 2825 rpm. What is the best speed that I should set them to? This is my computer's temprature - [URL] I won't post it as an image because it's too big to fit the screen and will make the page look ridiculous.
Last night my fan kicked into high gear all of a sudden. I shut it down overnight and when booting up this AM I find it still running on high...quire noisy, of course. Is there something overheating? How to make it run at normal speed?
I'm running an 8,1 MacBook Pro and just upgraded to 10.7.4. While idle, my CPU temperature now stands at around 180 degrees Fahrenheit and my fan runs at 4000+ rpm.
I'm wondering if anyone could tell me what the normal temperatures are when booting Windows on a Macbook Pro.I'm getting around 60-75 GPU temperature and about 48-60 for CPU when I'm doing normal things like I do in Snow Leopard.Is that okay? Is it also okay to have such temperatures for like 5 hours straight or so?I'm getting around the same temperatures when I'm using Snow Leopard, but the laptop doesn't feels as hot as it feels when I'm using Windows, and that is bugging me much.
According to istatpro my fan exhaust speed when not doing anything (ie straight away when I turn the laptop on) is 1800rpm and I can hear fan noise on the right hand side when just sat normally using the laptop (ie not with my ear to it!). Is this fan speed and noise normal? Because on my old powerbook, when doing nothing, made no fan noise at all.
Slow browser speed on all browsers, but the downloading and uploading speed are normal according to Ping is a bit high. Other computers in the house are fine.Already contacted ISP (Time Warner), modem is not the problem. Contacted Linksys router support, router is fine.
If I use the mini display to DVI to connect to a projector, it will work if the displays are mirrored, but if I extend the display, where the projector has a higher resolution, the projector display will have artifacts, noise, and if it has a lot of pictures or videos on the screen, the display sometimes stops working. Even if i set the display resolution to match the same as the laptop, I still get noise and artifacts unless I mirror the displays.
Then if I true to use the mini port VGA to the same projector but Windows won't recognize the projector. I've seen several reports about this. I have the latest Intel graphics driver and my bootcamp partition is running Windows 7, fully updated and patched.
Lastly, this seems to only happen with my MBA with the Intel HD 3000 graphics. I have another MBA with the Nvidia 300M and the mini port to DVI works fine.
Question about MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011) with Intel HD Graphics 3000. I upgraded RAM with 16GB, and wonder if it is possible to allocate more then 512 MB of system memory for shared VRAM. Now system profiler shows 512 MB shared VRAM, the same like it was with 8 GB RAM before the RAM upgrade. Â
"About integrated video on Intel-based Macs" topic [URL] mentions MBPs with 8 GB of RAM only. Â
I noticed that iStat and Temperature Monitor report different temperatures for the same readings on my G5 Powermac Dual Processor System. For example as I am writing this Temperature Monitor is saying My CPU A is 46.8C and CPU B is 46.7C. In iStat it says CPU A is 55C and CPU B is 54C. Which is right!?
I apologists straight away if this have been covered recently, but i need to ask.I have MacBook with Intel Core Due Processor, 2 GB ram.What is the average temperature CPU temperature for standard usage ( I know that standard usage is very arbitrary, and by this I assume safari, iTunes and let say Pages to be the only major apps running ).I use iStat pro widget and according to it my CPU temperature is 55*C. Is this too high? Lately the fan has been turning on more recently almost without any apps running so I think that there might be some hardware problem. I ran HardwareTest it found nothing.
The macbook is 2 yrs old. Do i need to get it cleaned or is there something else I should be worrying about?
The Gateway has everything that I could think of for a monitor, but I have heard good things from some posts and very bad things from other posts. I mean how many displays are out there that are 30" LCD with 2560x1600 that cost under $1000. The 30" ACD is of course a good choice for a monitor but it is twice as expensive just for 1 and it is also old technology.
When I send a file from my XP workstation to the Canon LBP-3000 printer connected to my Airport Extreme Base Station I get the following XP Incorrect port message: "The port to which the printer is connected is not supported. Check the port."
I am trying to use a Canon LBP-3000 printer that is connected to the USB port on my Airport Extreme Base Station from a computer running Windows XP. The AEB is connected to an ethernet port on the same XP computer.
I have installed the latest LBP-3000 printer driver from the Canon .au website.
The TCP/IP port settings have been set up as follows:
Port name: IP_10.0.1.1 IP address: Protocol: Raw Raw settings port no: 9100
Note that the printer works normally when connected as a local printer via a USB port on the XP host.
I am running Windows XP Home version 2002 SP3 The printer driver is titled "Canon Advanced Printing Technology for Canon LBP3000 R1.12 Ver. (Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista)"
The AEB firmware version is 7.5.1
Note that I am able to print via the AEB/USB to my Epson Stylus printer using the exact same setup as above (except for the printer driver).
Have just upgraded from Tiger to Leopard, but I can no longer access the print driver for our EPSON Stylus Color 3000 using the Epson StylusRIP. I can see the RIP server ok and it has installed as a printer. However neither of the two PPDs it finds (Gutenprint v5.1.3 and Gimp-Print v5.0.0-beta2) work...I think these are the native drivers rather than Postscript!
I have a copy of the PPD from the 10.4 installation (EPSON StylusCOLOR3000 v3010.106) but cannot install it. Regardless of where I put it when I try and select it with Driver>Other, it is always greyed out even though all the other PPDs are ok. Have even tried compressing it into a .gz file but it is still greyed out.
The only difference I can see is the file permissions, all the other .gz files have a Read&write permission for both "System" and "Admin", whereas my driver doesn't. However I can find no way to assign these users to my PPD file. This of course may be completely irrevelant. In fact if I copy my PPD to the desktop plus some of the other gz files from Library>Printers>PPDs>Contents>Resources, they lose the System and Admion users, yet I can still select those drivers but not mine!