MacBook Pro :: Why Does Mid-2009 13" Only Shows Negotiated Link Speed Of 1.5 Gigabit

Apr 11, 2012

I bought a new Sandisk Extreme SSD 240GB and installed it.  In System Information, the Link Speed is shown as 3 Gigabit but the Negotiated Link Speed is only 1.5 Gigabit.  What's the difference between the two values?  And why is the Negotiated Link Speed is only 1.5 Gigabit?

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MacBook Air :: Compare Transmission Speed Between Thunderbolt Gigabit And Usb Ethernet Adapters?

Jun 13, 2012

As the new MBA has an accessory (Thunderbolt ethernet adapter), will its transmission speed be significantly faster than using an old USB ethernet adapter in one of the new MBA's USB ports?

MacBook Air (Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: WIFI Downloading Speed Very Slow / Speed Test Shows It Is Fast

Apr 30, 2009

Sorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.

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MacBook Pro :: WIFI Speed Very Slow / Speed Test Shows It Is Fast

Jan 7, 2010

I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...).

I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.

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MacBook Pro :: 2009 - Normal 2700 Rpm Fan Speed When Boot Computer?

Feb 8, 2010

Is it normal for my fan to be at 2700 rpm when I boot my computer. Once I reach the desktop the fans slowly decrease to 1900-2000. Is this normal?

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MacBook :: Shows Slow Speed - Pinwheel At Times?

Jun 29, 2010

i downloaded about 3.1 gbs of music onto it and it was working ok, well now that i removed everything off the internal memory its running so slow!! my safari got updated and everytime i go to a website is see that blue bar lag to the other end ,i bought a 1tb external HD to keep memory free in the macbook to keep it from slowing down but its still slow .i am really considering selling this and getting an hp computer if i cant fix this, cause i paid nearly 2k dollars for the laptop

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MacBook Pro :: 2009 17" Fans Running At Max Speed Aafter Hard Drive Upgrade?

May 9, 2012

I recently picked up a 17" 2009 unibody MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz, 4gb RAM, SuperDrive and a Samsung 1TB hard drive. The system did not come with the original hard drive and I don't have any other hard drives to test and verify that the new larger hard drive is the cause. I have tried a clean install of Snow Leopard, Lion and even Mountain Lion but no matter what my fans always running at max speed (5k+ RPM). I have looked at iStat and the temps of any of the components in the machine never show more than 42*C so the fans should never be running at full blast. Oddly enough smcFanControl shows 0* temp but fan speds for both left and right are always 5.5k+ and very noisy. Using HDD Fan Control I am able to get at least the right fan to run at a controlable speed but its silence is drowned out by the left fan that still runs on full blast. I have already done multiple SMC resets and PRAM resets with no change in the condition. These noisey fans are driving me insane! I have run every available update as well. Is there a chance that the hard drive or something elses temp not being supported or detectable by OSX is causing the fans to default to the fail safe constant high speed?!

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8GHz Core2Duo

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OS X :: Link To A Site That Shows The Time Line Of The Builds Releases

Jul 17, 2009

1. can you install it and run it off an external HDD?2.does any one have a link to a site that shows the time line of the builds releases?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme (2009) Support Multiple Xbox 360s For System Link?

Dec 10, 2009

Is it possible to plug three Xbox 360s into an AirPort Extreme for the purposes of system link and Xbox LIVE for each of them?

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Intel Mac :: 2009 Won't Boot, Only Shows File Folder With Flashing Question Mark

May 4, 2012

My imac from 2009 won't boot up. It just keeps flashing a grey file folder with a question mark. Of course now I do not know where my start up cd there anything that I can do???


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MacBook Pro :: "WIFI" Very Slow, Speed Test Shows It Is Fast?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs.

I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful. Any ideas?

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Power Mac G5 :: Display Shows Gray Screen - Fan Runs High Speed ?

Oct 10, 2007

I purchased my PowerMac G5 in 2003 and no problems till now. My problem is that on startup, the display first shows gray screen with a globe in a white box flashing in the center of the screen. This continues for about 90 seconds --- then the globe in box icon changes to a small file folder icon with alternating face/question mark flashing in the file folder. At about the same time, the fan speeds up dramatically. The fan continues to run at this high speed for about 90 additional seconds, then the fan returns to normal speed, and the startup continues normally to the blue screen. Once startup is complete, computer runs okay. The whole process takes about 4 minutes.

PowerMac G5, 1.8 Ghz, OS X 10.2.8
Mac OS X (10.2.x)

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MacBook Air :: USB 2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

Jan 11, 2011

Just wanted to share how well the Monoprice USB 2 gigabit ethernet adapter works on the new MacBook Air. It costs only $20. The speed I get is 30Mbyte/s over my wired home network. Here is the link: [URL]. For Mac OS X, you must use the drivers on the enclosed mini-CD as the default Apple ones do not work. For Bootcamp/Windows 7, download from [URL] the chip manufacturer. Works great and much faster than Apple's fast Ethernet adapter or WLAN.

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MacBook Air :: Lacking Gigabit Ethernet Options?

Nov 2, 2010

So with the lack of Gigabit ethernet options on the Macbook Air, I'm kinda hoping that some bright spark on here is going to shower me with suggestions on what 3rd party adaptors are available/been used. I've had a real good hunt around, and the only adaptor which I can find that people have got excited about (back in 2009!) was the Buffalo one... Annoyingly, this is pretty much nowhere to be found. The one thing stopping me from getting an MBA is the gig-e problem. As I use time-machine for backups, and transfer relatively large files around between offices<->datacentres<->home, it's rather important.

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MacBook Air :: Will Thunderport Work With The New Gigabit Ethernet Adaptor

Jun 18, 2012

Will my thunderport work with the new gigabit ethernet adaoptor ?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Desktop Shows Up As Blue But Shows Up Correctly In Settings?

Aug 21, 2014

My MacBook Pro 13", running on latest update, is showing a completely blue, plain blue, desktop background. It changed all by itself. When I tried to reset it by right clicking on the image I want on my desktop and selecting "Set Desktop Picture" nothing changes. When I go into my settings and try to change it that way, the image I want as my background shows as already being my background, yet my desktop is still blue. Tried rebooting already.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Air :: Upgrading Thunderbolt To 1.2.1 To Support The New Gigabit Ethernet Adapter?

Jun 21, 2012

Has anyone had issues upgrading Thunderbolt to 1.2.1 to support the new gigabit Ethernet adapter?  I have tried about 6 times to do the update but my ethernet adapter still isn't being detected.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: When Use Thunderbolt To Gigabit Ethernet Adapter In Windows 7, It Seems Win7 Cannot Recognize It

Jun 13, 2012

When I use Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter in win7, it cannot be recognized by win7, how to fix it?

MacBook Air, Windows7

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PowerPC :: Put 320gb Drive In G4 Gigabit?

Apr 6, 2007

i been reading up on the drive limitations of a powermac g4 gigabit models and it seems the most it can handle with out any user intervention is a 120gig hdd. now i wanna put a 320gig in that sucker how would i go about doing it?

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OS X :: Best Video Card For G4 Gigabit Ethernet 500 Mhz?

Mar 24, 2009

video card would be the first place to start for better internet rendering--what's the most logical one i should install?

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Intel Mac :: It Does Not Connect Using Gigabit Ethernet

Feb 10, 2012

I have my iMac (2009 model) and MacBook Pro (2011) connected to a D-Link Gigabit switch using CAT5E cables.Switch is connected to my router using gigabit connection. Switch is showing gigabit connections for the link to the router and the link to the MacBook Pro (MBP). Link to the iMac only shows 100 mbit connection.

Cables are ok since behaviour is exactely the same when I change/swap iMac and MBP.

When I go the network/ethernet settings in iMac and change from "automatic" to "manual" and select gigabit, the iMac claims there is no network cable connected at all. When changing back to "automatic", connection is re-established but again with 100mbit connection only.


Info:iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Use ATX Power Supply Gigabit / Digital Audio?

Dec 18, 2006

Step by step instructions for using an ATX 24-pin power supply in a Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio Powermac G4 (one way to do it anyway): First, know that to boot the G4s up, you MUST have at least +12V of power going to the G4's pin #22 spot (white wire) even with the computer turned off. This is called standby power (I didn't know what it meant until a few days ago). ATX power supplies generally only have a +5V SB power source which is not enough. You must use some method of getting the +12V to +28V standby power to the G4's pin #22. I will outline the method I used but there are others (ideally get a ATX power supply with +12V standby, but they are not so easy to find). I am typing this on my G4/533 with an Antec SP-500 power supply. Why do this? With an ATI Radeon 9800 256mb graphics card, three hard drives, a DVD drive, a SCSI card, a USB 2.0 card, a USB 2.0 hub with four devices attached, and a newly aquired G4/1.4 Ghz card (which meant two additional fans for cooling control), I figured the original power supply was overextended. So, here's how it can be done:

1. Make sure the ATX power supply you want to use fits your case and has the power cord hookup in the correct position (lower left corner).
2. Make sure the ATX power supply has a long enough motherboard harness, or else you will need to buy an extension (which you may want to do anyway to avoid mutilating the original power supply's wiring harness).
3. About three inches from the motherboard harness connector (same with all future cuts), cut the ATX wire #8 (gray). Tape the end of the gray wire going to the power supply. You don't use it for anything.
4. Cut wire #12 (orange).
5. Remove 1/2 inch of wire insulation from the stub of gray wire coming from pin 8 in the harness connector and from the long orange wire (that used to go to pin 12) that goes to the power supply and solder them together. Cover with heat shrink tubing (which you must put on before you solder) or electrical tape......

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PowerPC :: Gigabit Ethernet Card (PMG5)

Jan 6, 2008

Is there such a thing for Macs? Can the network card be upgraded? I just browsed over a 100 on NewEgg and not a single one mentions OSX support. Does this work like alot of accessories where you just plug in (via PCI heh) and it just works or im stuck with 10/100? (all equipment in the house is N with Gigabit so if I could turn the PowerMac G5 into a Gigabit Machine, I could network files SOO much faster, other wise, its just a bottle neck)

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Hardware :: Gigabit Ethernet Card For Old OS 9 Machine?

Jan 28, 2009

Despite the prevalence of OS X in the Mac market place now, I've been unable to get OS X versions of some applications I use now and then, and a few games whose source-code no-one seems even willing to acknowledge ever existed, so I have an older blue and white G3 (300mhz) lying around. However, I no longer have any monitors I can really reliably use with it, so I was thinking I'd use VNC to remote-desktop into it instead. I got this all set-up, and it works okay-ish, but the main issue is speed. I'm connecting to it via a direct connection to my Mac Pro, which of course has gigabit ethernet, so I figured it might be possible to pick up a gigabit ethernet card somewhere, but with OS 9 being so old there is the issue of drivers. I'm hoping someone here might know where I can find a gigabit ethernet card for my G3? I may try firewire to see if that works at all, but I suspect that gigabit ethernet would be better overall if I can get that.

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OS X :: Is There An Adapter To Convert The Ethernet To A Gigabit Connection

Oct 16, 2009

In my house there is a wired and wireless connection.

On my macbook (2008 Al) the port on the side is gigabit internet.

In my house the cables are all ethernet (blue cables). These do not fit in the port on the side. Is there a way or an adapter to convert the ethernet to a gigabit connection?

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Mac Pro :: What File Transfer Speeds Possible Over Gigabit Ethernet

Apr 9, 2012

Our still photographic studio has a range of MACs all connected via a gigabit D-Link switch to a series of Buffalo NAS raids. Wiring is CAT5e, all devices have gigabit ethernet cards and the link lights on the switch suggest that all devices are connected at that speed. We currently get file transfer rates of between 5 and 12 MB/s depending on network traffic. We would like to upgrade our NAS to a NAS/SAN, preferably using the existing wiring (and avoid the expense of Fibrenet). 50 or 60MB/s would be great if possible. Any suitable architecture and Hardware. Cable lengths are a maximum of 30 metres.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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PowerPC :: Can Share Gigabit Ethernet With Local Powerbook

Jan 27, 2007

I just got a MacPro at work and I will use this machine in conjunction with my Powerbook a lot. I realized that I could connect the Powerbook to the MacPro with an ethernet cable, given that the MacPro has two ethernet ports. I turned on internet sharing and I am able to browse from the Powerbook and connect to the MacPro as a server. I expected near Gigabit connection speeds when transfering files between machines

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PowerPC :: Quicksilver Power Supply On A Gigabit Motherboard?

Mar 7, 2008

Recently I didn't do my research, and I purchased a Quicksilver power supply to put on a Gigabit machine. I noticed it had four extra pins which look like some of the ones they use to power processors in some PCs (tho I've come to find this is for the ADC port). I dug a little deeper (Googled "powermac_g4.pdf") and found out that some of the pins have differences between the Gigabit PS and the Quicksilver PS.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? Will the PS work without any wirecutting or do I need to get a new one?

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Hardware :: Unable To Use Airport Extreme N (Gigabit Ethernet)?

Mar 6, 2009

I have noticed that about once a day at around 9pm or so my network goes out for 45 seconds to a minute and then comes back on.

I know this is weird and maybe its something we are doing but has anyone ever heard of this issue?

Is there a fix for it?

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Hardware :: Gigabit Ethernet USB Adapter - MBA And Cinema Display

May 26, 2009

Anyone have good luck with a gig-e->USB adapter? I'm planning to get a MBA and cinema display, but I need the use of gigabit ethernet. Will it work well if I plug it into the USB hub on the display and will I be able to max out the USB connection?

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