MacBook :: Mouse Keeps Freezing And Cannot Log In To Computer
Jun 5, 2014
My mouse pad is acting weird. My mouse keeps freezing and I cannot log in to my computer. Sometimes when I move the mouse it just jumps around the screen but it will not go to the what I'm trying to click on. I tried to reboot the computer.
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Mar 27, 2012
Every now and again my Mac Mini will freeze except whatever audio is currently playing will continue to play until end of file is reached (ie, the next track comes on iTunes) and the mouse cursor moves but the rest of the GUI is frozen, not allowing anything to be clicked, no keyboard interaction, and nothing else on the screen gets updated (the clock stays at whatever minute mark the computer froze at). I can SSH into the machine with Terminal on a different computer and poke around but I can't figure out where to take it from there. I've tried looking at processes with top and performing 'kill -9 pid' but I'm never able to bring the machine back without a hard reset.
Through the kill command I've tried quitting the Dock, Finder, any "big" programs I'm running (eg Logic Pro), but none has ever recovered my system.
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Nov 22, 2010
Watch this video and read the description.[URL]
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Oct 9, 2007
I have 15", 1.8 GHz Macbook Pro with 2GHz RAM. The keyboard and mouse pad freezes from time to time. No button on the computer works except the power button. I always have to press and hold the power button to reboot the computer.The computer seems to be running normal. Just the keyboard and mouse pad don't work.I brought the computer to Mac guys @ apple for couple of times and the computer acts normal when he guys is testing.
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Dec 28, 2008
my air is rev B with SSD. when i open the lid to wake it up from the sleep, the mouse is freezing for couple of seconds and then back to normal.
it's not tthe whole OS freezing i believe, because ical event suddenly appears on the desktop when the mouse is freezing. so it's not the system i guess.
could it be the lack of voltage because of coolbook? but the system is so stable with these new lower voltages settings i applied a week ago.
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Mar 21, 2012
I am currently using a mid-2009 13-in MacBook Pro with an upgraded hard drive (750 SATA disk). I had ZERO problems with the computer prior to or after the hard drive upgrade UNTIL I got Lion (currently have 10.7.3).
Now, not a day goes by when my computer doesn't freeze. If I try to open multiple web pages AND Word at the same time, the spinning wheel of death pops up. God forbid I even think of opening PhotoShop. I can usually get the Force Quit application to appear, but it never works, and ultimately my computer can only be made to work by shutting down and restarting.
As a grad student who uses my computer for research (usually involving multiple web pages, datasets in Excel, Word notes, and sometimes statistical software packages like Stata all running at the same time) this is very very frustrating.I'm tech-capable to a point, but I am not well-versed enough to know how to fix this on my own (or if there even IS a fix). I was a loyal Mac enthusiast until recently, but this has got me at my wit's end.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 20, 2010
I am working with a macbook pro, 13 inch. So I do not have an external mouse, I use the trackpad. Recently, it tends to freeze on occasion. If I leave it alone for a minute or so, it will unfreeze. Also, if I apply some force where the click button is, that seems to speed up the unfreezing process. When my trackpad freezes, the whole keyboard is frozen, Caps Lock won't work, control+apple+escape doesn't work, the only button that works is the power button if I feel I need to emergency shut down the computer.
Also, When I turn my computer off at night for the past two nights, I take out the power source. When I go to turn it on again, it won't turn on? The first day I freaked out, thought I would have to bring it in, but like 10 minutes later it turned on. Same happened this morning. Also, I more and more frequently am getting that signal that comes up in a couple different languages that tells me my computer froze and I must hold down the power button to power off my computer and turn it on again. Do I have a virus or something? What is happening to my mac?!
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Mar 3, 2010
It seems to be happening on certain pages, but a lot of different internet sites. Could it be the internet? I ran a virus scanner (XCLAVE or whatever the name of it is) and it came back clean.
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Apr 16, 2010
Took my Powerbook to the Apple store because, if can you believe this, it shut me out with a mysterious log-in request, which I had not engaged, plus the thing had begun slowing down... I asked if they could override the mysterious password issue and do a backup/erase/reinstall. They told me they could not and my hard drive was failing so I bought a new drive, installed it and am now experiencing a "freezing" issue everytime I try to boot-up from my OS X installation disc. Actually, the "freezing" was occurring with the old hard drive as well, but only during a reboot through the disc.
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Jun 24, 2012
just bought a new macbook air and it keeps freezing on me and asking me to hard restart the computer
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 7, 2010
I have a IMac G4 mod. Power mac4,2 operating system osx version 10.411 processor 800 MHz 768 MB SDRAM. Every now and then my mouse pointer freezers up and I have to unplug the mouse and it starts working again. If it does not unfreeze I have to restart. Then I am back in business. Some times the whole screen goes gray with a black square-telling me to shut down and restart.
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Aug 18, 2010
Problem: Was surfing on my Mac Mini when the cursor starts acting erratically, when I try to move it, either freezing or it jumps all over the screen. I have tried repairing permissions using disk utility, resetting the 'pram', used clamXav to scan for virus. starting in safe mode to repair permissions. Don't think it is the mouse its self, used it on Macbook and it's fine.
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May 20, 2010
Recently a problem with my macbook pro started (2.33 Ghz, 3 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM). Every now and then the mouse and keyboard is freezing for between 15-60 seconds before it kicks up again. It often starts with the fan is increasing. If I am on the internet for example and there are some moving content on the website that still moves so the whole computer doesn't seem to freeze. If I am listening to music through for example spotify the music works a maybe 10 seconds more (probably whats buffered on spotify). Summon it up:
- happens often in the same time as the fan is increasing
- mouse and keyboard freezing
- moving internet content still moves
- spotify works 10 seconds more.
What I have tried:
- opened up the macbook and cleaned it from dust
- lifted up the mac (if it should be a heating problem) so air can pass underneath
- used onyx to fix the mac
Other information:
- the temperature on the CPU is around 60 but sometimes up to maximum 90 degrees
- I installed last summer a memory so increased the ram from 2 to 3 GB. but it worked without any problems until recently.
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Apr 21, 2012
All I'm trying to do as add a few playlists to my iPad 2...When it's connected through either Wi-Fi or USB, while I'm trying to manage any of my iPads settings, iTunes completely freezes after EVERY mouse-click. Example:I click on my iPad in the iTunes sidebar ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for several seconds.I click on the "Music" tab at the top ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for another minute or two.I check one playlist ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for 5 minutes!!! (...not exaggerating.)I finally click "Sync" or "Apply" ...more "Spinning Beach-ball"!It finally starts to sync ..."Spinning Beach-ball" periodically every few minutes.In the end, the sync cancels itself before it's ever even put the new music on the device!!iTunes completely freezes and I have to force quit!!! As usual, I've tried everything I know how to do, short of witchcraft and bashing things with a large hammer!!! I've restarted both the iPad and computer, completely wiped and restored the iPad (at least twice since this issue arose), reinstalled iTunes, screamed at the top of my lungs, and rebuilt my iTunes library from scratch (which I can't do again for another 90 days, as I have iTunes Match activated). Also, this only seems to happen with my devices using my iTunes library. Using the exact same install of iTunes on the same user, I can open an alternate iTunes library (with a different music collection) and sync my sisters iPad and iPod with no problems. It's as if iTunes literally just hates me (or at least my taste in music)!!!  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iOS 5.1iTunes 10.6.1
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Jun 21, 2012
My mac keeps freezing, its slow, and the connection to the mouse keeps getting disconnected. can someone help me. please Also up in the right corner were the it shows the internet connection it never shows bars but the internet works.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 31, 2010
I am having the problem of my iMac freeszing and becoming unresponsive. I can move my mouse curser around the screen, but nothing is responsive. Tried a force quit using the keyboard but that doesn't work either.
I have to power my iMac on then off to restart.
I think it may have something to do when I launch iTunes, and I am using CPU intensive applications? This problem has occured recently when i have been watching YouTube videos, then launched iTunes. Also on another occasion when using Ableton Live, then launched iTunes.
When my iMac reboots after the freeze, and launch iTunes for the first time the "Checking iTunes Library" dialogue box appears and takes a while to load before iTunes launches. My iTunes Library is quite large, 55GB.
Anybody got any trouble shooting advice? I know the console app shows errors but am not very sure what to look for.
I'm running 10.6.4 and iTunes 9.2.1.
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Mar 9, 2010
Every time I try to install the latest version of leopard when the computer restarts it's self and it starts to "Configure installation", it freezes. I really don't think it should take OVER 12 hours to STILL be "Configuring". I called Apple, and the representative told me that I might need to install safari, but, it won't let me. Heh, I don't know what the problem is. I have an iMac G5 with 57.21 GB on my it. Does anyone know of any solution for this issue?
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May 5, 2012
My computer is constantly freezing up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 7, 2014
i have with my Mac Pro. When i'm watching videos on youtube on full screen, the computer starts freezing and crashes. it happens almost all the time. and not just streaming, today the computer froze just during checking a website without any "moving" elements.Â
i bought the computer around april 2014, it is a 6-core MacPro with 16 GB RAM, two AMD FirePro D700 video runs on OSX 10.9.4.two displays are connected over thunderbolt.Â
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 11, 2012
How can I set the computer to use the trackpad and not a bluetooth mouse?
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Jan 21, 2010
I run a MBP early 2008 2.5 Penryn. I have 6GB OWC RAM and a 500GB Hitachi HDD. I run SL 10.6.2. From time to time, Safari freezes my computer for a time between a few seconds up to about 15 seconds, when I open a new tab with "CMD+T" or a new window with "CMD+N". As the whole computer freezes during this time, it is pretty annoying.
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Mar 26, 2012
My mail app freezes randomly while I have my computer on while I go to use it and I have to restart the app to get it to work again. I'm not sure what to do?No beach ball cursor comes up, I just can't click on anything.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 13, 2010
Recently ive been having a couple of issues with my mac; the thing is i havent used it in a few months.
anyway lately when i have been using my computer if i dont use it for a few minutes it will freeze, causing me to force it to shut down. and the other issue is kinda hard to explain but for some reason when i am gaming the picture has been acting up lately; i can see almost perfectly fine but there are vertical lines all over the screen - about 2cm long...the lines only seems to pop up on 3d imaging.
i have an iMac PPC G5 with 512mb ram
like i said i have not used this computer in a while
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Apr 3, 2012
This just started yesterday, I was trying to send an email and computer froze. Only way to quit apps was command tab Q...but computer was still frozen, had to hold power button to restart then happened again several times, It may have to do with hitting return or using the numberic keypad. Ideas anyone? Maybe alittle off subject but my computer will not mount dvd's as of 2 weeks ago...I'm under warranty, but live in the middle of nowhere.I did repair permissions and verify disk.
latest safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac i7 first generation
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Aug 25, 2014
When in an opened safari page my mouse is freezing i can move it freely around page but can not click on any item. I can not even go to the quit option to get out of page???
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Jul 18, 2010
I got my 2010 Mac Mini like 4 days ago , And you can see the spec on my signature... Now the thing is that i got 4GB Ram, And lately it happens a lot that the computer is just using RAM For nothing. For example if i go to the Activity monitor i can see there's only 1GB Ram and 3GB Ram is used. Now i really don't understand on what. Everything open me for me is the Google Chrome browser. And even if i close it it changes only a little. and i can actually feel the Mac OSX Is being slower... I wonder what wouldn't upgrade my Mac Mini and i would stuck with 2GB Ram.
Another issue i'm having is with the Magic Mouse, Lately it just becomes very very slow and i have to re-connect it to work fast as normal.
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Mar 26, 2012
Everytime I open my Imac, it cannot find connection to the mouse... Only when I cut off the power and restart it can find the mouse.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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May 12, 2010
Every time my computer goes to sleep, the connection to my magic mouse is lost. I have to press the button on the bottom and get the Bluetooth to find my mouse again everytime, but then it works fine. The battery level is at 93%. It loses the mouse connection every time the computer goes to sleep. I even set the mouse as a favorite, and it did nothing.
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Nov 7, 2010
I have a magic mouse, which is paired to a Mac Pro which is on a truck about 2000 miles away. I want to pair it to my Macbook Pro which I have with me.
How do I pair the mouse to the Macbook Pro without unpairing it from my Mac Pro?
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Dec 26, 2010
I have a MBP 13", and I just got a magic mouse. Everything works fine, but every time I turn the mouse back on after turning it off, I have to manually connect my mouse to my laptop. Is there a way that the mouse can automatically connect to my computer, or do I have to "system preferences" it every time?
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