MacBook Pro :: Computer Freezing During Bootup From OS X Disc
Apr 16, 2010
Took my Powerbook to the Apple store because, if can you believe this, it shut me out with a mysterious log-in request, which I had not engaged, plus the thing had begun slowing down... I asked if they could override the mysterious password issue and do a backup/erase/reinstall. They told me they could not and my hard drive was failing so I bought a new drive, installed it and am now experiencing a "freezing" issue everytime I try to boot-up from my OS X installation disc. Actually, the "freezing" was occurring with the old hard drive as well, but only during a reboot through the disc.
Ive had my macbook for about 2 months and its seemed to working just fine. However today while listening to music it decided to lock up and freeze for a good minute before it would unlock and continue playing the music through itunes. It did this a few times so I finally decided to restart the computer. The first time I booted it it froze on the apple logo and the loading circle. I killed it and rebooted, it takes about four to five minutes to get to the desktop picture, and another five to pull up the main menu bar. I am going to let it sit over night and see if it gives me any error messages, however; I still haven't seen the dock at all, and ive let it start for about twenty minutes now. It will usually show the top menu bar and then the mouse will give me the sbod while it slowly loads up the top menu bar, and usually the clock is a good few minutes behind.
I have tried a pram zap, draining the power off the board, checking the sata connection, unplugging the power, and I ran a hardware check at start up and it said everything was ok. I am currently typing on my tank of a toshiba laptop that still works after being dropped multiple times and has been heavily used for a good 3 years. The mac has been completely useless is most work situations. Its a refurbished 2.53ghz 4gb ram 9600m 512mb 15" mbp. I am thinking of reformatting it and hoping it works, and then selling it and using the money for a new toshiba or a custom built desktop, because I just cant deal with the amount of money and time I have lost trying to deal with this thing while I could have been getting work done.
recently attached an external hard drive with data from an early 2008 Macbook to my early 2009 Macbook running Maverick 10.9.Now my computer will only boot up once in every 10 tries and I can't access any files or my finder.I do get a message saying my start up disc is full and I must delete some files. How can I do this if I mostly just get a grey screen and when it does boot up I can't get my finder to come up
I have got the message "You need to restart your computer. Hold down..." in my MBA. Having read what have been posted before about this problem, I do not find a proper solution for it. So I have just copied the message I get from the screen after a safe boot op. It says
I am currently using a mid-2009 13-in MacBook Pro with an upgraded hard drive (750 SATA disk). I had ZERO problems with the computer prior to or after the hard drive upgrade UNTIL I got Lion (currently have 10.7.3).
Now, not a day goes by when my computer doesn't freeze. If I try to open multiple web pages AND Word at the same time, the spinning wheel of death pops up. God forbid I even think of opening PhotoShop. I can usually get the Force Quit application to appear, but it never works, and ultimately my computer can only be made to work by shutting down and restarting.
As a grad student who uses my computer for research (usually involving multiple web pages, datasets in Excel, Word notes, and sometimes statistical software packages like Stata all running at the same time) this is very very frustrating.I'm tech-capable to a point, but I am not well-versed enough to know how to fix this on my own (or if there even IS a fix). I was a loyal Mac enthusiast until recently, but this has got me at my wit's end.
My mouse pad is acting weird. My mouse keeps freezing and I cannot log in to my computer. Sometimes when I move the mouse it just jumps around the screen but it will not go to the what I'm trying to click on. I tried to reboot the computer.
I am working with a macbook pro, 13 inch. So I do not have an external mouse, I use the trackpad. Recently, it tends to freeze on occasion. If I leave it alone for a minute or so, it will unfreeze. Also, if I apply some force where the click button is, that seems to speed up the unfreezing process. When my trackpad freezes, the whole keyboard is frozen, Caps Lock won't work, control+apple+escape doesn't work, the only button that works is the power button if I feel I need to emergency shut down the computer.
Also, When I turn my computer off at night for the past two nights, I take out the power source. When I go to turn it on again, it won't turn on? The first day I freaked out, thought I would have to bring it in, but like 10 minutes later it turned on. Same happened this morning. Also, I more and more frequently am getting that signal that comes up in a couple different languages that tells me my computer froze and I must hold down the power button to power off my computer and turn it on again. Do I have a virus or something? What is happening to my mac?!
It seems to be happening on certain pages, but a lot of different internet sites. Could it be the internet? I ran a virus scanner (XCLAVE or whatever the name of it is) and it came back clean.
Every time I try to install the latest version of leopard when the computer restarts it's self and it starts to "Configure installation", it freezes. I really don't think it should take OVER 12 hours to STILL be "Configuring". I called Apple, and the representative told me that I might need to install safari, but, it won't let me. Heh, I don't know what the problem is. I have an iMac G5 with 57.21 GB on my it. Does anyone know of any solution for this issue?
i have with my Mac Pro. When i'm watching videos on youtube on full screen, the computer starts freezing and crashes. it happens almost all the time. and not just streaming, today the computer froze just during checking a website without any "moving" elements.Â
i bought the computer around april 2014, it is a 6-core MacPro with 16 GB RAM, two AMD FirePro D700 video runs on OSX 10.9.4.two displays are connected over thunderbolt.Â
I run a MBP early 2008 2.5 Penryn. I have 6GB OWC RAM and a 500GB Hitachi HDD. I run SL 10.6.2. From time to time, Safari freezes my computer for a time between a few seconds up to about 15 seconds, when I open a new tab with "CMD+T" or a new window with "CMD+N". As the whole computer freezes during this time, it is pretty annoying.
My mail app freezes randomly while I have my computer on while I go to use it and I have to restart the app to get it to work again. I'm not sure what to do?No beach ball cursor comes up, I just can't click on anything.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Every now and again my Mac Mini will freeze except whatever audio is currently playing will continue to play until end of file is reached (ie, the next track comes on iTunes) and the mouse cursor moves but the rest of the GUI is frozen, not allowing anything to be clicked, no keyboard interaction, and nothing else on the screen gets updated (the clock stays at whatever minute mark the computer froze at). I can SSH into the machine with Terminal on a different computer and poke around but I can't figure out where to take it from there. I've tried looking at processes with top and performing 'kill -9 pid' but I'm never able to bring the machine back without a hard reset.
Through the kill command I've tried quitting the Dock, Finder, any "big" programs I'm running (eg Logic Pro), but none has ever recovered my system.
Recently ive been having a couple of issues with my mac; the thing is i havent used it in a few months.
anyway lately when i have been using my computer if i dont use it for a few minutes it will freeze, causing me to force it to shut down. and the other issue is kinda hard to explain but for some reason when i am gaming the picture has been acting up lately; i can see almost perfectly fine but there are vertical lines all over the screen - about 2cm long...the lines only seems to pop up on 3d imaging.
i have an iMac PPC G5 with 512mb ram
like i said i have not used this computer in a while
This just started yesterday, I was trying to send an email and computer froze. Only way to quit apps was command tab Q...but computer was still frozen, had to hold power button to restart then happened again several times, It may have to do with hitting return or using the numberic keypad. Ideas anyone? Maybe alittle off subject but my computer will not mount dvd's as of 2 weeks ago...I'm under warranty, but live in the middle of nowhere.I did repair permissions and verify disk.
Info: latest safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac i7 first generation
Ok, here's the deal. I just bought a 2.4 15'' MacBook Pro Unibody. I tried to wipe the drive and do a clean install from the system software installation disc that came with the computer. Three tries, failed each time. "Faulty disc" is what it said.
Well, I had to get a project done, so I borrowed same system software installation disc from a friend who bought the exact same computer on the same day. The disc worked fine! Leopard up and runnin'!
But I still called Apple to get a replacement disc. They said they did not recommend using another computer's disc to install. Well I'm thinking "dude, it's the same exact computer! So it must be the same disc?"
Anyone have experience with this? Should I wipe and reinstall AGAIN (NOOO!) after I get my disc. After a few days, it's been working just fine as is.
I am trying to read a disc with photos created on xp or vista on my Imac, V.10.4.11, but i get this error, this disc is unreadable by this computer, are there any programs i can get to make it readable?
I have an iBook G4 933 and recently inserted a DVD that I was going to put on my ipod. It opened DVD but I quit cuz I was going to Handbrake it later. I got sidetracked and never did anything with the movie. I eventually shut down my computer and noticed the next day there was a disc in my computer but not on the desktop. I continousley clicked eject with nothing happening. I restarted my computer a few times trying holding "c" or ejct with no success so does anyone know how I can get the disc out.
I have to repair an external hard drive and disc utility said to restart my computer wit the system disc and thenrepair the disc. Iforget how to do that. I insert the USC and then hold down some keys I believe, but not sure.
I recently purchased a MacBook 2.1 running 10.4.11, however the seller of the item sent the computer to me with a lot of his own data on so I decided to delete this and start fresh.Whenever I insterted the Tiger disc it would tell me that it was unable to install Mac OS X on my computer so I decided that the best thing to do would be to erase the hard drive, however in doing so I erased the operating system and now whenever I try to boot the computer from the disc I am faced with a folder with a question mark flashing at me.
It appears to do something when I insert the disc that my housemate got with his MacBook Pro which runs Snow Leopard but still tells me that it is unable to install OS X.
I'm not seeing a disc show up in the sidebar of my mac mini running Lion 7.3 after enabling CD and DVD sharing on my Macbook Pro (running snow leopard 6.8)
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just bought a used MacBook Pro off somebody online to replace my 2005 pre-Intel Power Mac, which still runs great but I'm just tired of lugging it around. The MacBook Pro was erased but still contains some of the old owner's information (computer name, accounts, etc), and before moving files over I'd like to just wipe it clean and reinstall the OS. He did give me the gray discs, but they are for 10.6 (Snow Leopard) but the computer has been upgraded to 10.7 (Lion); I fear by rebooting I would downgrade to 10.6 since that's the disc I have. Reinstalling 10.7 after 10.6 is out because I don't have the login info used to buy 10.7. I've also considered just keeping 10.6 and just upgrading to 10.8 whenever it comes out (likely soon).