MacBook :: Intermittent Screen Scrambling - 3cm Block Which Runs Vertically Down

Jun 23, 2014

I'm experiencing a intermittent screen scrambling on my MacBook 2 GHz Core Duo. It's a 3cm block which runs vertically down the screen and scrambles/inverts the colours in a flickering way. 

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IMac (Intel) :: Splitting Screen Vertically?

Aug 21, 2014

iMac tech details for my system are OSX Version 10.9.4. Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5.

Memory is 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3. 

I would like to know whether it's possible to split my iMac screen vertically! I would like to have 2 A4 documents side by side.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Red Line Running All Way Vertically Through Screen

Dec 2, 2014

I have a red line running all the way vertically through my screen.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Intermittent Black Screen Or Loss Of Video

Jun 14, 2012

MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010): Intermittent black screen or loss of video. I do hope they replace it.

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MacBook Pro :: (15-inch, Mid 2010): Intermittent Black Screen Or Loss Of Video?

Jun 4, 2012

My November 2011 17" MacBook Proi has on several occasions gone to a black screen, which requires hard shutdown and re-boot.  It happens in two ways:  coming out of sleep, the screen appears for a second and then goes black, and sometimes when jjust using the Mac. 

It comes back on after re-boot with no apparent problems but seems to be occuring more frequently, so I need to get this fixed. 

MacBook Pro (17-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: G5 Intermittent Blank Screen On Boot Up

Oct 26, 2008

I have a G5 that has started intermittently booting up with a totally blank screen - not blue, no video at all. Sometimes on reboot or after resetting the PRAM it works again.

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MacBook :: Runs Really Slow And Sometimes Red Lines Appearing On Screen

Mar 26, 2012

I just got a 07 macbook white and it has red lines on the screen sometimes and it runs really slow when it does so i think its the ram or vram?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4gb ram

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Laptops :: Have An Intermittent Where Half Of The Screen Will Go Whitish With Lines?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a 17" MacBook Pro 2.16Ghz Core Duo with 10.6.2. I have an intermittent issue where half of the screen will go whitish with lines. A picture of my screen experiencing this is hosted at [URL]To return the screen to normal I simply have to close the screen and open it again.Unfortunately my AppleCare has expired, and my Apple tech is not sure of the cause. Any thoughts as to whether this is the screen, cable, or logic board.If it turns out to be the logic board, will the Core 2 Duo board fit into this case? If I have to replace the board anyway

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Mac Pro :: USB Or Peripherals - Screen Hub / Main Unit Intermittent Fault?

Apr 14, 2009

This is something I've been wondering for a long time. I seem to have a lot of screen-related issues with the Pros that I sit in front of in the main. Brightness controls going haywire displays not turning on, etc. There is also the odd attached USB device lockup, but I'd been putting this down to the devices themselves and the occasional, app-level instability of Leopard. More recently though, I've been seeing a pattern that's leading me to suspect the Pro's more than the peripherals. Is there a documented case of possible USB hub connection issues in (fully patched) 2008 Pros? The most frequent issue is monitors not behaving as expected when the system is booted until the monitors themselves are unplugged from power. There are also less frequent but present problems where iPods lock up, keyboards stop working, etc. I can't really abstract the problem down to an OS issue or a hardware issue, but the need for me to unplug the monitors seems to indicate that there is some sort of USB initialisation issue - as with the other minor problems I experience with other monitor-connected USB peripherals. Since I only use multimonitor environments as far as my Pros are concerned, all USB connections are usually made from the backs of the screens. So the big question is is this a screen USB hub fault, or a main-unit intermittent fault? All of the monitors I'm using have been to Applecare for one reason or another, although I'm not sure if they check everything in these repairs.

Can anyone else shed more light on this issue? It's pretty hard to replicate reliably and it's not been something I can go to Apple with any degree of certainty, yet the little minihoops I have with this problem (and oh so many other Apple issues, but that's by the by) irritate me immensely in comparison to my rock-solid, near-zero-such-issue, non-Apple environments which I also use daily.

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Hardware :: Hide Macbook Pro Vertically Behind A 23" ACD?

Jan 25, 2010

I've recently acquired a 23" ACD. I've seen the "BackPack" shelf concept that attaches a little shelf onto the metal foot of the display. I was wondering, has anyone come up with a solution to vertically store a MacBook (Pro) behind the display, also attaching to the display (or onto the surface if more support is necessary) in this same manner? After hooking my new ACD up to the laptop, I can't help but think how sweet it would be if my laptop could be tucked out of site behind this gigantic screen.

I guess I'm not really looking for a commercial solution if one exist (as they tend to be exorbitantly expensive, but more for pictures of home-made solutions to this sort of thing. I'm never going to look at it for more than a few minutes at a time, so I could care less how it looks!

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Laptops :: Ibook G4 - Fan Runs And Black Screen

Jan 7, 2010

My ibook G4 turned itself off and when I tried to power it up the fan turns vigorously while the screen stays black. Thats it.

Prior to this I was doing some pretty heavy music importing and during that time the fan was going nuts (I then stopped importing)...also while it was charging it the past few nights the light on the connector would go out and it stopped charging while it was still plugged in. This was the first time it happened and it happened 2-3 times.

Like for most people my entire life is on that computer along with a very important document that I need to access ASAP. What could be the issue...not the logic board!

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Power Mac G5 :: Display Shows Gray Screen - Fan Runs High Speed ?

Oct 10, 2007

I purchased my PowerMac G5 in 2003 and no problems till now. My problem is that on startup, the display first shows gray screen with a globe in a white box flashing in the center of the screen. This continues for about 90 seconds --- then the globe in box icon changes to a small file folder icon with alternating face/question mark flashing in the file folder. At about the same time, the fan speeds up dramatically. The fan continues to run at this high speed for about 90 additional seconds, then the fan returns to normal speed, and the startup continues normally to the blue screen. Once startup is complete, computer runs okay. The whole process takes about 4 minutes.

PowerMac G5, 1.8 Ghz, OS X 10.2.8
Mac OS X (10.2.x)

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PowerPC :: G4 Ibook Dead - Blank Screen - Fan Runs On High Speed?

Nov 22, 2008

I purchased a used ibook from owc in January and have had it back to them twice for repairs. Lately, it stopped booting up again and they told me to use [URL] to take the mobo out and ship it to Arizona to have the solder refloated. I did and got it back, put it together and it would boot up, only to run for 15 minutes and shut down. Thinking I missed something, I dissasembled it today and reassembled it. Now it turns on with a blank screen, the fan runs on high, and it will go no further. I tried to reset the power manager, reset the p-ram, the hard drive is only a few months old and my brain is getting fried with frustration.

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Software :: How To Vertically Center A Paragraph In Word

Dec 6, 2008

I need to centre a paragraph for a title page in Word, and know how to do it under Windows, but can't find the same options for the Mac.

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IMac :: Thin Pink Line Just Appeared Vertically?

Dec 11, 2010

I bought a imac 21.5" less than a year ago and I just sent it in to get fixed because of black clouding underneath the LCD panel anyways after sending it away for over a month (and they gave me a piece of crap pc laptop for a loaner) i get it back it's good as new, 2 weeks later (today) now this pink line is stuck across my screen so i;ve been reading some threads and this problem doesn't go away anyway i'm getting pissed off with this i'm about to buy another one so I always have one thats not in the shop (ridiculous) or a pc, i really like my imac but this sucks,, what should I do?

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Hardware :: Wrong External Monitor Resolution - Everything Squished Vertically

Aug 12, 2010

I currently have a MBP1,1 running 10.6.4 on an external monitor with the ideal resolution at 1920x1200. From time to time, when I wake my MBP from sleep through external keyboard/mouse to have it run solely on the external monitor, it sets the display at 1600x1200, so everything seems squished vertically. After a fresh reformat, the problem persists, though it is less frequent. It's just a minor annoyance that I can't seem to find a solution to fix permanently. I usually have to go to safe mode and adjust the resolution back to normal. Alternatively, only sometimes if I put it back to sleep and wake it up again with the external keyboard, it will detect the right settings.

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Intel Mac :: Horizontal Lines Float Up Vertically During Video Playback?

May 8, 2012

Recently I have noticed that in certain videos, specifically those that have a lot of movement and blinking lights there is a horizontal line that will appear and float up during playback.  I tried using different media players and the floating line remains.  I have also tried to de-interlace in VLC to no help. I will also add that all of my drivers and software are up to date. 

I'm currently using: 

Version: OSX 10.7.3
Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac Version: OSX 10.7.3 Processor:

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MacBook Air :: Intermittent Shutdown Even After SMC Reset

May 6, 2012

I got a strange issue on a recently bought MBA 4.2, a week ago I start to get sudden power off, then i can't power it back using the power button, to get it start i have to unplug and plug again the power cable. Then after the boot, shut down repeats between 20 sec to few minutes, with the battery almost full and the power connected. The system is updated (10.7.3).

After research I decide to reset the SMC (3 times now) using the proper apple procedure describe below, it does work for few hours but the problem come again within a day or two maximum no matters witch application are in use or the power supply / battery. [URL]. In last option I'll will reinstall lion...

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro Charger Intermittent Working

May 28, 2012

I am on my 2nd power adaptor with for my MacBook Pro which I bought in 2010, the last one just died just had flashing lights, the new one about 12months later is being a pain, it will only charge in a certain position, I have to keep the cord tought so that the magnetic adaptor is at a angle in the socket.Which as you can tell is a right pain in the backside!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Brand New System Intermittent Freezes

Nov 27, 2010

During the first months of owning my new 15-inch MBP, I had at least three freezes. I remember there being a huge thread about this, which I can't find now. Happily though, my MBP no longer freezes, but I haven't done anything to it (other than software updates). So, was it a software glitch? Everyone were shouting about some sort of controller chip or something before, if I remember correctly...

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MacBook :: Hangs With Weird Intermittent Sound

Sep 11, 2009

Ok, this is kind of hard to describe without a recording of it but my MacBook has this frustrating fault where it beachball's without warning and produces a really hard to describe sound every few seconds. The best I can come with to describe it is an "uh-oh" sound from around the keyboard area. It hangs like this for anything from 2-10 mins and will be pretty much unusable in that time.

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MacBook Pro :: Intermittent Whine / Sound Right Above Power Button

Sep 18, 2008

For a while now, I've been getting a strange whine out of my mbp core duo right above the power button. I don't believe it's the common "whine" others have complained about as I've tried brightening the screen/turning on the camera. Tapping on the case will stop the sound for a bit, but it soon returns. The sound comes and goes, but in incredibly irritating.

I have a sample here. You may need to turn up the volume to hear it. Yesterday I replaced the right side fan, but the sound is back. Now I'm thinking it's the speaker, but don't want to spend more money on parts unless I'm relatively confident of the problem.

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MacBook :: Intermittent Connection Wifi / Password Is Incorrect

Mar 20, 2012

I have a 2 year old macbook that just refuses to connect to my wifi, I also have 4 other apple devices that connect seamlessly. it registers the network, it joins the net work and then fails, I have had several different error messages as follows while re entering my password I get a dropdown box saying I have changed settings, this then sends me back to the preferences to start again. and then i get error message that my password is incorrect (I can confirm it is correct) I have also been to the genius bar, and we managed a connection for the duration of the visit ( a healthy reading too apparantly)they carried out a hardwear diagnoistics check and it was given a full bill of health. I was advised to insert the reinstallation disk and carry out a reinstall - I have done this and the problem is still there.  

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5)

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MacBook Pro :: External Speakers Not Working - Intermittent Audio

May 20, 2012

I have owned my MacBook Pro since June 2010, and have always used a pair of independently powered (via adapter) external Dell speakers for audio output. Since upgrading to Lion about 1 month ago, I was having intermittent audio issues, which were resolved by re-starting my computer (not ideal but it worked). Today, the speakers just stopped working. The internal speakers work, but when I plug the externals into the headphone port, they don't produce sound. Earbuds in the same port also don't work (but the earbuds are good). The external speakers are being recognized by the sound panel in system preferences.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To Monitor Via Mini Displayport And A VGA Adapter - Intermittent?

Jul 4, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro 2012 (Lion) and am connecting to my monitor via the mini displayport and a VGA adapter.  This worked fine for a while, but now is intermittent.  It's not the cable or the monitor as I have tried with several and get same results.  The port works fine with an Apple monitor and no adapter.  I've seen several threads on this, but no solutions other than starting up with monitor plugged in which I've done.I updated the OS and it worked fine yesterday, but today not working again.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: AirPort WiFi Intermittent Dropouts With Full Signal Strength

Sep 11, 2007

I've recently converted to mac and replaced my 8 month old Vaio AR11s with a new white macbook(2.16ghz). Recently I am having all sorts of problems with the wireless. I've been reading this forum for a week of so now and realize that I am not alone with my WiFi woes. My problem is the fact that my wireless intermittently drops and although the signal strength is still showing full I have no internet connection until i turn off and on the airport card.. this happens on both psu and battery!

I have tried installing the 2007-004 update, deleting the airport.plist file and the 2007-002 update and it appears to fix the fault for a while but then it comes back. I' ve also messed with enable/disabling frame bursting,different channels on my netgear wnr834n router but my other mac(using ethernet, bought a 24" imac tuesday!) and wifes vista laptop (wifi 802.11g) are fine so I have ruled out the router.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Block Spams

Apr 2, 2012

block spams at Mail - MacBookPro?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Block Remote From Working?

Dec 31, 2010

I recently bought and started using the universal dock on my MBP with my iPod. I'm trying to figure out how to make the remote only work on the iPod, or mac, and not both. I tried syncing it to the dock and while my MBP was off, but it still works on both at the same time.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Deactivate Popup Block

Feb 29, 2012

how do i deactivate a popup block

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Block PC From MacBook Devices

Apr 14, 2012

I have a windows PC from work that I use at home and I connect to the Internet from the PC and all my other devices using Time Capsule. The PC connects to work on a work VPN but it also shows up on my Devices list on my MacBook. Is there a way to prevent the PC from connecting to the MacBook and to stop it showing up in Devices? I assume it's a OS issue but maybe it can be done in Time Capsule. Either way, I have no idea what to look for. 

Here's why I want to do that. I have two external USB drives connected to my MacBook and they both keep staring and stopping at a minute or less interval. I finally realized that this only occurs when the PC is on and listed in Devices. So I'm pretty sure that the PC is doing something across the network that is causing the USB drives to spin up when they would otherwise be idle. I think it would fix the problem if I could prevent the PC from finding the MacBook. 

MacBook (Aliminum case), Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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