Laptops :: Ibook G4 - Fan Runs And Black Screen
Jan 7, 2010
My ibook G4 turned itself off and when I tried to power it up the fan turns vigorously while the screen stays black. Thats it.
Prior to this I was doing some pretty heavy music importing and during that time the fan was going nuts (I then stopped importing)...also while it was charging it the past few nights the light on the connector would go out and it stopped charging while it was still plugged in. This was the first time it happened and it happened 2-3 times.
Like for most people my entire life is on that computer along with a very important document that I need to access ASAP. What could be the issue...not the logic board!
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Jun 25, 2010
I just had a quick power interruption for about a second while I was using my laptop. The laptop shut down and will not boot up. The screen is black. Any ideas on what is the problem?
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Nov 23, 2009
Does not boot, I hear chimes, fan spins black screen.
Tried to reboot with OSX disc holding c. I'm lucky I got my disk out?
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Sep 11, 2010
1st time posting to this forum. My iBook G4's (1.2 Ghz) screen flashes grey/white for a brief second upon startup and then remains black. No ghosting at all... simply black screen though computer is running fine. Later, I decided to connect it to my desktop Mac and restart it in Target mode, and was surprised to see the standard blue screen with moving Firewire logo screensaver on my iBook's screen - no different than anytime before when I've booted in Target Mode.
I ran Diskwarrior on my iBook's HD from my Mac desktop and all was clean so not a HD problem. Btw, I used SuperDuper to copy my iBook's HD to Disk Image for backup.
With some semi-calculated guessing on my part, I had come to the conclusion - prior to seeing the Target Mode screensaver on my laptop's screen - that the LCD screen had gone bad. As a result of what may have been flawed reasoning on my part, I purchased a used replacement screen off eBay from a reputable seller. I will be getting that replacement screen in a few days (including working inverter board).
My question here is can the LCD screen actually be bad and need replacing IF the Target Mode screensaver works beautifully on it? And the follow-up question is if it's not a bad LCD screen, what might the more likely problem be? It doesn't seem like it would be a backlight problem because moving yellow/orange Firewire logo of the screensaver looks fine.
A couple of things probably worth noting here:
Earlier before first experiencing my black screen issue, the power cord was accidentally jerked by a passing foot when laptop was on floor. It was enough of a jerking motion to move the laptop's position on the carpet but I didn't think it was that bad at the time... now wondering if something may have been pulled loose inside.
As those familiar with the iBook will know, the power connector light is orange when computer is turned off and it's also orange when laptop is in Target Mode (with the screen seeming to work correctly). However, when not in Target Mode and turned on with screen black, the power connector light is green as it normally would be. Is it possible the screen is powered via Firewire port when in Target Mode and therefore bypassing some screen power situation via the power connector? Obviously the power connector must be working if i'm able to power up the iBook without the battery installed.
Now for the other bit of info which seems important to me and I'm embarrassed to even admit to here.. Just prior to experiencing my black screen problem, i was plugging my power connector into an electrical outlet near where I was going to use my iBook... In the past, I have always done that PRIOR to plugging the power cord into my iBook. Regrettably, that time I already had the power connector plugged into my iBook. While attempting to plug the connector into the electrical outlet, the prongs did not easily slide into the outlet and I heard some popping sounds which didn't seem too bad at the time. But it was immediately after that when my iBook's screen failed to start up.
Thanking anyone in advance who may be able to offer up some expertise regarding my situation. Also I should say that I am running OS 10.5.8 on my iBook. I realize the easiest thing for me to do to get this matter resolved would be to simply take the unit into a local service center for repair... but the value of the iBook at this point wouldn't be worth spending a large sum of money for repairs I likely can do on my on. Over the years, I've learned how to follow direction pretty well when it comes to replacing defective items inside my desktop computers, so I'm not terrified of doing same with my iBook.
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Dec 24, 2009
My MacBook Pro won't turn on. When I turn it on, I can hear the motor whirring, but the screen stays black. I've tried leaving it off for an extended period, I've tried unplugging the charger, leaving it to charge for 24+ hours, taking the battery out, checked that the screen brightness wasn't accidentally turned down, everything!! It started about 2 weeks ago, since then it's turned on a couple of times, but when I stop using it and it goes into sleep mode, or I turn it off, it won't come back on again. Not sure what's wrong with it, but there's some urgent files I need on that computer! I also have an iMac, which I was hoping to transfer the files to, so I can send the laptop to be looked at. So, I have 2 questions...
1. What is most likely wrong with the laptop, and is it something I can fix so it will turn on again?
2. Is there a way to transfer the files from the laptop to an external HDD or my iMac even though the laptop has a black screen.
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Nov 22, 2008
I purchased a used ibook from owc in January and have had it back to them twice for repairs. Lately, it stopped booting up again and they told me to use [URL] to take the mobo out and ship it to Arizona to have the solder refloated. I did and got it back, put it together and it would boot up, only to run for 15 minutes and shut down. Thinking I missed something, I dissasembled it today and reassembled it. Now it turns on with a blank screen, the fan runs on high, and it will go no further. I tried to reset the power manager, reset the p-ram, the hard drive is only a few months old and my brain is getting fried with frustration.
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Jan 16, 2009
I'm trying to fix the blank screen but I don't want to use any heat. I found this method. This is the only one I found that didn't use a blow torch or such. [URL] Do any of you know where I can get a heatsink like that or if just the fins are available anywhere? I'm not sure what to search for when I do it online and I tried different variations but all the heatsinks I find have fans. I don't want to spend more than I have to since I don't need the fan. I also don't really want to buy online unless I can't find it in a retailer.
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May 15, 2009
I have an iBook G4 (14-inch screen, 1.42 Ghz.) and it has a cracked screen. I also have a PowerBook G3 PDQ (14-inch screen, 233Mhz.) with a good screen. Question: Can you swap the screens even if they were made 7ish years apart?
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Mar 16, 2010
I have an old iBook graphite SE (466MHz G3 320RAM), which I haven't used for quite a while. I have loaded 10.3.9 on to it and it's working fine.
The only problem I have is that the screen wont display the the full width of a page when I am using Safari (1.3.1), I have to scroll from left to right to see everything, (screen set to 800X600). Other applications seem to be ok. I realise that it's all pretty old stuff but can it be fixed?
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Aug 14, 2009
have an iBook 12" the screen and the screen is very grainy, disintergrated image and text?Loads up perfectly and functions are all good , just hard to read the vague image.Any clues?Supposedly it has had the motherboard replaced by the dealer who said it is the screen. But not sure if i can believe this.
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Apr 30, 2007
My iBook will not display anything on its screen. Rather, it just remains black. One time, the screen did come on, but then shortly after booting, it flickered a lot and then went black again. A year ago, something similiar happened and when I took it to be serviced (when I had AppleCare), they had to send it away and have a new logic board installed. Now this machine is out of warrenty and and I am not sure what to do, or even if it is the same problem. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
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Dec 29, 2009
I have seen this question answered before but can't find it in the archives. Almost immediately after starting to use the laptop the fan starts running and doesn't quit until you put it back to sleep or turn it off. Any ideas on why this is happening and is it harmful to the computer in the long run?
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Aug 15, 2010
When I made the switch to the Mac world with a MacBook Pro, I needed to replace my old Microsoft Money for simple small business functions. I tried a number of Mac programs, and all were lacking. Fortora came close, but definitely no cigar. So I installed Windows 7 to permit me to run Quicken. Despite all the strong negative reviews, this program works well and is far ahead of all Mac financial software. Since I use Windows only for Quicken and for Audible Site, since iTunes does not play nice with my Sansa Clip.
I didn't want to divide up my 4 MB of RAM using virtualization software. So I use Boot Camp, and this solution works well for me. What was immediately obvious was that my Mac Book runs very hot when using Windows, where I do little more than use Quicken. So hot that I dare not set my machine on my lap. As soon as I reboot to the Mac OS, the machine cools down. My impression, although I have not really tested this, is that the battery also runs down faster on the Windows side.
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Oct 25, 2010
MacBook Pro 2.16 Intel Core2Duo with 2 GB 667MHz SDRAM runs very quietly when being used. When left with lid closed overnight but still logged in, each AM the the fan is running loudly at high speed and the case is hot. As soon as I open it and it starts up, the fan quiets down and the case is cool in a few minutes. The temps range (when open and quiet) from 90-125 F for various components and the fan speeds are about 2000 RPM. Why should it run hot when closed and asleep.
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Oct 19, 2008
I have an early 2008 Black MacBook with 4GB of RAM and the stock 160GB hard drive. Sometimes, when I have only Mail and Safari open and am just browsing emails, the fan starts to run full speed, and the internal temperature reaches 180. This often happens when the Mac is actually idle and only displaying the screen saver! The room I'm in is rarely over 75 when this occurs. I don't really have any intensive login services, just a GMail notifier and things like Suitcase and iTunes Manager.
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Nov 27, 2006
My wife has a three-year old iBook G4 and yesterday while she was doing some work, the screen just went black. By the time she brought it to me the machine was shut down. I hit the power button and it started to boot up, but about five seconds later it shut itself down again.
I kept playing with it and I was able to get back in to OS X and I played with it for a few minutes and all seemed fine. I then shut the screen and put it to sleep, then when I tried to wake it back up it shut itself down once again.
After a few more tries of getting it back in to the OS I was able to get all her files off the hard drive, but the problem is still there.
My guess is that it's the logic board, but that's just a guess.
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Jun 5, 2008
Just bought a used ibook G4 from ebay for my sister and was giving it the once-over. did a software update and installed 10.5.3 (no backup first!). It installed ok, but after restarting it just sits on a black screen and goes nowhere. It plays the on chimes and churns the DVD drive, but then nothing. BTW, the computer didn't come with any installation discs
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Jul 24, 2008
I was using my ibook just now, when suddenly, the screen went black, as if it were sleeping. I don't know if it was sleeping, but it would not wake up. I turned it off, and tried to turn it back on. But when it comes on, I just hear the fan. The apple logo does not light up. I'm not sure what's wrong.
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Apr 25, 2008
I have an apple iBook that I bought in 2001 (yeah, its old but then Mac's are suppose to be immortal!). Lately, I have started to have a particular problem as in the screen goes black when I switch on the machine. It's not completely blank as I can see the back ground but not enough to use the computer. I have to manually adjust the screen by getting is back and forth close to the keyboard till I see the screen brightly. When I let go the screen it again turns black.
More recently even this has stopped working and when I wake my my computer first thing in the morning it refuses to show a bright screen. And I have to wait for a couple of hours for the machine to warm up and then after fiddling with the screen it finally allows me to watch a normal looking bright monitor. I am quite fed up. Am planning to show it to an Apple authorized service provider.
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May 18, 2009
I'll keep it brief as possible. My iBook was crashing alot with the black screen saying "you need to restart your computer". I did a disc utillity permissions verify and repair and erased the hard drive. Next I started to reboot Tiger with the discs that came with the machine. It seemed to load everything up fine until the little movie came on about Mac OSX. The black screen came back on. When I rebooted I got the grey screen ( I think it's called the single user screen) where it says "Welcome to Open Frimware, the system time and date is:.... When i type "mac-boot" it flashes once and goes to an all blue screen with a folder in the center with a question mark on it. One more detail: on the very top of the firmware screen it says:
Illegal instruction at %SRR0: ff85e778 %SRR1: 0008 1000
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Jun 1, 2014
Im trying to reset my ibook. When I hit command s all I get is a black screen. And command r does not work.
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Feb 21, 2009
A friend of mine has an ibook clamshell with black marks on the screen. He sent me a picture but I really can't tell if it is a broken screen or pixels or something else.
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Feb 8, 2009
Everytime I turn it on I get a black box asking to shut down or restart the mac. I have managed to get it to turn on to powersave and managed to update the software. Thought it might help but just made it worse - it won't boot up at all now past an apple symbol with a little swirly thingy underneath (I apologise now for my lack of intelligence when it comes to computers/knowledge/names of things!) The first time I managed to boot the computer up it came up with the grey screen and a little folder flashing between a face and a question mark which I assume meant it couldn't find anything but that appears to have gone away now. I bought this computer new from Apple about 2 - 3 years ago and no disks were provided with it.
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Jul 26, 2009
bought old 12-in. ibook A1005/2002 (I assume G3) at yard sale today. screen is black, but hard drive mounts in target disk mode on my eMac, working well! how can i get system info for the ibook in target disk mode? all i see is the it's running 10.4.11, hard drive size and used/free space. i'd like to know RAM, CPU speed, etc. secondly, what could be wrong? boots up with chime, no fan/other noise, stays on and keyboard lights work, but screen is black.
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Mar 31, 2010
I find that Camino runs very well on my iBook G4 1.2 Ghz machine. It leads me to think that because Camino is not so memory intensive and full of add-ons and so on (like Firefox), that it will work well on other low-end machines...
What do others think? Any other browsers that you find optimises performance? (I am even thinking of putting Camino on my MacBook, as Safari seems to slow down a lot at times...).
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Aug 11, 2009
I have an iBook (OSX 10.3.9)that's been great for the last couple of years. However the last week or so the screen goes dark for no apparent reason. You can still see through enough to fiddle around and hit shut down...and after it shuts down, and I restart seems normal...that is until the next time. It's happened about 4 times in the last three days. A couple of times on battery and once plugged in I think. It's like it goes to sleep but you can't hit the space bar to wake up. Also seems like maybe an energy saving deal gone awry.
Now for info that may be pertinent: I dropped this laptop(in it's case) about a year ago. Holy crap..all docs would only read in magenta. No black no color only magenta and a "photograph negative" looking image for background or any graphic. I was sure it was dead duck and fried but kept trying it periodically. After about a month, after giving up...I turned it on and it was if nothing was wrong. Weirdest deal. It's been fine ever since.
I thought perhaps I was too lucky...and assume this may be a result of that fall.
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Nov 13, 2009
my mother with her ibook g4. She lives next door in a side by side house and gets her internet from our dlink router. The signal seems to be working as my wife's laptop gets the internet in our house. My mother has a dlink booster in her house that seems to be getting the signal as its light is flickering which means it's working. Her ibook seems to be getting the signal as all bars on top are black. When trying safari or mail an error shows that the server can't be found.
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Feb 17, 2010
Someone has suggested that I reformat my system to help eliminate problems with my version update. I have an ibook G3 128+512 mg ram 900 mhz white case 12' It had a Mac osX 2.8 verion. I updated to Mac OS X 3.9. I have had problems ever since with firefox versions not working and crashing. I have not been able to use flash or adobe flash because they won;t load. Flash or adobe flash won't load on Safari, either. How do I a reformat. Will this erase my hard drive. Is this the same as a clean install.
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Apr 15, 2010
I've got an iBook G4, 1.2 GHz, OS 10.4.11, 125 gb HD, 1.2 GB RAM, usual 32 MB vram.Thing is, the video speed isn't quite what it used to be. YouTube vids used to run just fine, about 2-3 years ago. Now, of course, it's choppy at best. Ditto Hulu and pretty much any other online video.
I seem to recall something from years and years ago, back in the Classic days, of how you could let the graphics use regular RAM to supplement the vram, something like that - the end result being that it would play smoother than before, kind of a speed bump for the video.
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Feb 2, 2010
I have a 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4 (1.2) version 10.4.11 ibook that was purchased in May or June of 2005. Lately, out of the blue, the power chord has stopped working.
The light that indicates the computer is charging goes on for a second and then promptly turns off and stays off; the laptop is then running on battery power; it is almost dead.
When it tries to connect (before turning off) it makes a sound like a lightbulb that is flickering and trying not to die.
This could be an outlet problem, I suppose (I will have my dorm check on that), but think it might have gotten fried when I was home for christmas because our house has ancient outlets and I usually have to use the two prong adapter there.
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