OS X :: Clean Installing With Snow Leopard Disk?
Aug 26, 2009
i have looked all over, and i cant find a simple way to clean install with the SL disk. The screen shots i've seen on engadget shows just "update".
I currently have leopard installed, and time machined everything. I just wanna clean install snow leopard, then navigate into my time machine folder via finder and manually bring over a few files.
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Aug 31, 2009
I just got my snow leopard disc in the door and I threw in the disc, selected the Macintosh HD partition and started installing. I didn't get an option to select either an "upgrade" or fresh install. Could someone please tell me if it's upgrading leopard to snowleopard or is it just installing a clean version of SL? It's currently on a screen where there's 55min left and it says "Installing" Should I press quit or just continue? I just wanna upgrade from leopard to SL. it's a full retail SL disc if that matters.
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Dec 24, 2009
I've staved off installing Snow Leopard but a ready to jump in now. Big question: Does it need a clean install or is the upgrade from the CD OK?
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May 13, 2012
I've just finished a clean installation of Snow Leopard on My MacBook Pro. I've got a cd, called "Applications Install Disc", from which i was supposed to install Iphoto etc. But when i start installing, it says "Installation Failed". It says that an unknown failure has occured. Now i can't install these programs, and it's pretty sad.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 17, 2010
I have an early 08 MBP that shipped with Leopard. I upgraded it to Snow Leopard quite a long time ago. I feel like doing a clean reinstallation but my Leopard disk is spoilt.
Is it possible for me to do a brand new clean installation just using that Snow Leopard upgrade disk?
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Feb 21, 2012
I run a computer business. My customer gave me a white macbook core duo. I upgraded to 2gigs of memory from 512mb. I then purchased a full copy of snow leapard and did a clean install. I setup garageband for the first time. This is all I want to use the computer for. I don't deal with macs in my business. I only work on windows. So, I thought this computer would be nice just to use to setup a small recording studio. I did everything by the book and now when I record I am getting the disk to slow error 10005. This happened after I recorded about five songs. I checked the we and it seems like this error has been around for years with frustration and no resolution. My question is this. Should I just buy another computer or waste my time trying to fix this error. I don't mean that in a bad way. Since this error has been around for so long, I don't to spend all my time working on the computer when I could be recording. What would you do?
GarageBand (Mac) '11, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Garageband
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Jul 1, 2009
Whenever I boot up the SL install disk (either plugged in via USB drive or remote disc from my iMac), I select English as my language, "Continue" on the welcome screen, and when I get to the portion where I have to choose a disk to install onto, my MBA's hard drive has a yellow triangle on it and a caption underneath that says "Mac OS X Cannot Start Up From This Disk".
I've used Disk Utility to Verify and Repair, but still get the same result.
My MacBook Air is a 2nd generation machine, 120G hard drive (45G free), and MS Office 2008 installed. Other than that (and all my music and files), it's exactly as it came from Apple when I ordered it.
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Aug 31, 2009
I have a MacBook Air and just bought snow leopard. While I was trying to install it (through the use of the optical drive of my mac mini), a message came up "the disk "macintosh HD" needs to be repaired". Go to the computer with the mac OS X install DVD, open 'remote install mac OS X' (located in the utilities folder in the app folder) and follow the onscreen instructions for restarting your computer using the DVD. When the mac OS X installer opens, follow the onscreen instructions to install mac OS X. during the installation, the installer repairs the disk automatically". I'm worried about losing files on my macbook air (and do not use time machine) so should i be backing my files up?
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May 24, 2012
My hard drive recently crashed. I just bought a new one and installed it myself. Now it's simply a matter of reinstalling the operating system, which is where I'm having trouble. I insert the Snow Leopard Install DVD into the drive. I power on the computer and hold 'C' (I've tried Option too) to boot from the disc, but it doesn't work. It spits out the disc after a few seconds, whether I hold 'C' or not, and then it gives me a folder icon with a question mark in it in the center of the screen, the same thing it showed when my hard drive first crashed.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Aug 25, 2009
I purchased a copy of SL that I want to install on my MBA. I know that Leopard can be installed using the remote disk feature since my MBA doesn't have a DVD drive. problem is that I can't find anywhere saying that SL will support that function. Although I did see that the minimum system requirements require a DVD drive, but it doesn't say anything about a remote drive.
I'm sure it would be stupid if it wasn't supported, but then again you can't installed XP without the SuperDrive.
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro A1229 (Santa Clara) with a broken CD/DVD Drive and would like to install Snow Leopard.
I also have a G5 PPC running Leopard. Can I use the MBP in Target Disk Mode through the G5 to install Snow Leopard ?
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Jul 3, 2012
Today I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard on my late 2009 Mac Mini. After completing the installation, I began running software update to bring everything up-to-date.While software update did find and install a number of updates (10.6.8v1.1 Combo update, Security Update 2012-002, Apple Software Installer Update, iLife Support 9.0.4, Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.3, Airport Utility, Java, Safari) it did not find an update for iTunes (which starts at version 9.x, I believe, in a SL clean install).I assumed that this was some sort of random glitch and manually downloaded and installed iTunes 10.6.3.After that, I re-installed iLife '11 (from a retail DVD, not the App Store).When I ran Software Update again, it found updates for Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb, but it did not show the updates for iPhoto and iMovie.I found this to be unnerving, as I performed a clean install when I first obtained this Mini a few months ago and didn't experience any of these problems - all of my Apple software updated automatically through Software Update without a hitch.
I began researching this problem online and found that other people have been experiencing this same problem (or some variation of it), and it seems like it began appearing around the time Apple updated some of its security certificates in March.In particular, I've found several references to the missing iPhoto update.This one is especially noticeable because an iPhoto library created in iPhoto 9.2.3 will not open in iPhoto 9.0, and this generates an error upon opening the program (i.e., a user backs up their iPhoto library created in 9.2.3, performs a SL clean install, reinstalls iLife, goes through the Software Update process until it shows that no more updates are available, and are shocked to find that they are unable to open their backed up iPhoto library because they have an out of date version of iPhoto).The most common (and admittedly logical) solution proposed in the threads I've read is to download any necessary updates directly from the Apple website. However, I am curious as to why this previously functional feature now appears to be broken.Has anyone else been struggling with this? Does it indeed have something to do with the new security certificates? Is Apple aware of the problem?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 27, 2009
there is too much about clean installs now on this forum... and a lot of information conflicts with other information. can someone just have a step by step process of how to do a clean install for snow leopard below.PLEASE no guessing, and only people who have done it please comment.then we can just link people to this thread.
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Aug 30, 2009
I thought this might be useful if you wanted do do a clean install with the Snow Leopard DVD. There have been a lot of threads asking about it. Apple designed Snow Leopard 10.6 so that you cannot select 'Erase Install' when booting from DVD like in Leopard 10.5. Apple states that you need Leopard 10.5 installed in order to 'Upgrade' or 'Install' Snow Leopard 10.6 - This is not true.
This guide shows you how to do a clean install of Snow Leopard 10.6. Extremely hand if you need to install a new hard drive. Please note this was performed off the 'Upgrade' disk - which shouldnt [according to Apple] be able to do a full install! I also outline how to migrate your data to the new install. Let me know what you think. YouTube - Guide: How To Do A Clean Fresh Full Install Of Apple Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm fairly new to the Mac OS. Switched from evil Windows. World is much more stable.
I want to upgrade via clean install to snow leopard. I have read mixed messages that this can and cannot be done. If it can, can someone please post some clear and definitive instructions in how to do this from the upgrade disc of snow leopard.
I currently have:
- Original Leopard disc 10.6.5
- iLife 2009 DVD (purchased separately)
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Sep 11, 2009
I'm really getting sick of all these glitches...How can I do a clean install of everything?
I have a TB drive and everything is pretty much backed up on there (I use Time Machine).
So how do I go about doing this?
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Oct 16, 2010
I have a 2.16G (black) macbook that I will be upgrading to Snow Leopard. Since I've had the computer for over three years, I want to perform a clean installation of 10.6. I don't have a ton of files on my macbook and--apart from some large Garageband files--what I do have are relatively small (Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, music, photos) so I've always backed up by saving things to CDs/DVDs. Not the best plan, I know, which is why I recently purchased a Lacie 1TB external drive so that I can have a clone.
I would like to install OSX onto the external drive but I'm not sure how things should be sequenced. I've never partitioned a HD before; should this be performed first? How's this for a sequence:
1) partition the external HD first
2) install Snow Leopard onto the external HD
3) make the clone of my system and
4) do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my internal macbook HD
Does this make sense or is there a better way for me to approach this? Also, is there anything different I'd have to do to install the 10.6 on the external drive?
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Aug 4, 2009
I assume that when I get my mac, a snow leopard drop in disc will be inside.
1. As soon as I finish the setup, and am presented with the desktop, I will immediately put in the snow leopard disc. In this scenario, is it ok to just do a normal upgrade since the system is pretty much untouched?
2. My understanding is that if I do a clean install, I will lose iLife, and will have to reinstall it using the discs that came with my machine, is this correct?
3. I'm confused about archive and install. Will all my applications (iLife, etc) be left alone? Is this sort of like a clean install, except you have a copy of your old system files? Is it ok to delete the old system files afterwards?
4. From the scenario I described in #1 which of the 3 installation methods is the best to do?
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Aug 23, 2009
I'll be upgrading to Snow Leopard when it comes out (hopefully the 28th). I've decided to do a "clean install" because I'm working off a Time Machine backup that originally came from a PowerBook.
So I need some help coming up with a checklist of things I haven't thought of to backup. I've thought of lots of the obvious things:
-iPhoto Library (does backing up just the library preserve albums?)
-Music/ Movies + playlists
-iPhone backup (where is this located?)
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Aug 23, 2009
I currently have my itunes pretty much the way I like - I have used the rating system and the play count feature etc., a lot. But I am planning on doing a clean install of Snow Leopard when I get it. Is there a way to copy this data over on a HDD and then copy and paste it?
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Aug 26, 2009
If i go out and buy Snow Leopard for �25 can you do a clean install or is it an upgrade only meaning to do a clean install you have to install leopard first then snow leopard afterwards
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Aug 26, 2009
I want to do a clean install on my macbook pro with snow leopard, and already have all of my applications and files backed up. But I was wondering, If I restore the apps onto the newly wiped hard drive, will I have to reactivate them? Like with final cut, will I need to re-enter the serial number for it to work? or will it run just like it used to?
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Sep 7, 2009
How do I perform a Clean Installation of Snow Leopard? I mean like in erase every single thing except for the OS.
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Jun 14, 2012
I just got a Mac Mini with Snow Leopard. The guy I bought it from took out the 80GB HDD that was in it and put my old MacBook 160GB HDD in it so it's like my old laptop on a mini. I want to start over with the system fresh and new as it'll be serving a new, re: family computer, purpose now. I don't have the SL upgrade/install disc right now and not sure if/when I'll get them back. Is there a way to wipe it back to new and keep it on snow leopard? This HDD was initially a Leopard drive when I first purchased it FYI.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2012
I'm going to update my MacPro Quad Core 3.2 installing Snow Leopard.The machine has a RAID 5 already installed and working perfectly.I'm wondering how the correct procedure is to rebuilt the RAID and install Snow Leopard on it.I don't want to install the update, I want to inizialise all the disks and get a fresh and clean installation.Do I have to use Disk Utility or RADI Utility?
Mac Pro
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Mar 31, 2012
I have a Snow Leopard Install Disk for the 13-inch Macbook Pro model.I also have a 21-inch iMac. I have OS X Lion installed on both. I have Snow Leopard installed as a partition on my Macbook Pro, which I installed via the install disk. I want to do the same thing for my iMac but I am unable due to (seemingly) my install disk is for a Macbook Pro and not for an iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 30, 2009
am thinking about doing a clean install of Snow Leopard, but was wondering about the use of Time Machine in the Migration Assistant after it's re-installed. I have a lot of music, documents,apps etc (probably around 70-80gb) on my Time Machine backup that I would need to re-install. When you choose Time Machine in the migration assistant, does it let you choose what to pull off the Time Machine, or does it just take everything?
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Aug 30, 2009
I made a clean install of Snow Leopard and now I'm slowly installing all my apps. I had Undercover running on Leopard and I installed it again. After the reboot, a pop up asked my the same question as an iPhone asks"uc" would like to use your current location.
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Aug 31, 2009
I have my "mail" folder from Time machine. I tried to copy one email from the prev folder; but it's clearly not that simple as it doesn't show in mail.
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Sep 1, 2009
I plan to do a clean install for SL, and was wondering if I could simply drag my applications onto a flash drive or DVD and then retrieve them once in SL. For example could I just drag the iWork and MS Office 2008 folders onto a flash drive or DVD, do the clean install, then drag them back into my Application folder?
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