MacBook Air :: Static / Crackling And No Sound

Aug 31, 2014

I've had a late 2010 Macbook Air for over 3 years (February 2011). About a week or two ago I started hearing a strange popping noise every now and then while I was using headphones. I thought it was a problem with the headphones but then discovered the same thing when I used different external speakers. Almost simultaneously the internal speakers started periodically having no sound at all, even though it wasn't on mute. This was previously fixed by restarting the computer, but now the problem is permanent. The popping noise when using headphones has also rapidly worsened, and now crackles constantly and sometimes there is even very loud white noise. This occurs with any program on my computer - web browsers, spotify, itunes etc. I'm using Mavericks but the problem started some time after I installed it. After doing some googling to try to fix it I've tried:

- Turning it off and on again

- Installing AntiPop

- PRAM reset

- SMC reset

- Disabling and reinstalling Adobe on google chrome

- Resetting the sound card with terminal

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Crackling Sound When Opening Macbook

Oct 17, 2006

Sometimes when I open my macbook when it's sleeping it makes this weird crackling noise for a couple seconds. Is this normal?

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MacBook Pro :: Crashes After Crackling Sound On The Right Side?

Jun 1, 2014

I have a MBP 15" mid-2010 which worked perfectly until two weeks ago:

From time to time a kinda loud crackling sound happens on the right side of the laptop which freezes and shutdown.

I had similar issue on my Bootcamp partition with Win 7, some weird repeated noise then a shutdown.

I can't use AHT diagnostic as it says it is not available on my computer when I hit ALT + D when I reboot.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), SSD Samsung, Crucial RAM 4Go

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MacBook :: Crackling Sound On Aluminum (not Speakers, From Hdd) - Is It Normal

Apr 6, 2009

Whenever I wake my computer from sleep, there is a crackling sound that comes from the hard drive. After that, every five minutes or so, the crackling sound continues. It's like the sound of some crinkling a plastic sheet/static-y sound. I can hear the hard drive whirring and the crackling sound coming from that.

Is this normal? I have a 2.4 ghz Macbook aluminum, bought in Oct 2008. I'm hesitant to bring it in right now because I have finals coming up in 2 weeks and I need my laptop for it. I've already brought my Macbook in and had it sent in two times due to issues w/ the keyboard (keys not working or falling off), and each time it took about a week to get it back.

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MacBook Pro :: Crackling Or Clicking Sound From Headphones And Speakers?

Apr 18, 2012

I have been getting a crackling or clicking sound from headphones and speakers of my macbook pro. It not even a year old.. I use this for music production. I have an external sound card which plays fine but when I use the internal sound devices I get this strange sound. Nothing plays correctly on it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Speakers Making Static Sound

May 29, 2009

Whenever an application uses the internet, such as Opera, Safari or aMSNn the speakers create a static, crackling sound thats incredibly annoying. The only way to get rid of it is to shut down the app that makes it (usually aMSN or Safari) but it may start again soon. It must be an issue wtih the speakers as it doesn't have any effect on headphones.

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MacBook Pro :: Blown Speakers - Sound Extremely Static

Jun 16, 2007

I've had my MBP C2D for about 6-7 months now. Just recently both speakers seem to have blown. Any sound that comes out of it is extremely staticy. It happened the first time, but when I turned the sound off and back on again (with F3) it corrected itself. But now it's constant. I'm wondering if it's a hardware or a software issue. When I plug my iPod headphones into the side jack, I hear the same static. If it was just the speakers, wouldn't the headphones sound correct? Should I try to install the sound driver (can you do that in os x?), or do a reinstall of the OS? On a side note, I didn't buy the Apple Care package when I got my laptop.

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MacBook Pro :: It Has Been Making A Static-y Sound From The Left Side?

Mar 20, 2012

I know this question or thread has been asked a lot, but I started noticing yesterday that my mbp has been making this weird ticking sound.  It was a light clicking sound, and it happened on and off.  However, it was bothering me so I went to best buy (where I bought my macbook) and told them about it; they said they couldn't do anything for me because it probably wasn't my hard drive. They told me to wait until my computer slows down and then bring it in. But today the sound got worse, it sounds like white noise from the tv or some static from a really bad connection.It usually happens when I turn it on and while I'm using it.  Some of my friends think it's over-heating but I doubt that's the case?

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Windows On Mac :: Giving Crackling Sound / Using Blu-ray And Internal Dvd Drive

Nov 12, 2008

I have a blu-ray drive that I connected to my macbook pro under vista buisness using boot camp. I put in a blu-ray movie and a regular dvd and they both give me a crackling sound about once or twice every minute that is pretty annoying whenever I try to play a movie under cyberlink dvd. This happens when I use the external blu-ray drive (with a dvd and blu-ray) and the interal dvd drive (with a dvd) I'm watching a movie in (URL) right now and I occasionally hear a very small crackle, but no where near as bad as with cyberlink.

I'm not sure if this is a cyberlink problem or an audio problem under boot camp.

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OS X :: Loud Crackling Noise [Sound Clip Included]

Oct 20, 2009

My Macbook Pro 15" [2 GHz Intel Core Duo, OS X 10.5.7, 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM] makes a loud crackling, chainsaw-like noise from the upper left part of the keyboard. I think it maybe the fan but I'm not sure. I've attached an audio clip of the noise:

20091009 175820.m4a - 3.78MB OR (in case the first one doesn't work)

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Power Mac :: Stream Of Static Sound Coming From Speakers

May 31, 2012

I have logitech speakers set up with my MacPro, and there is a steady stream of static noise coming from the computer. It's not the speakers because I have tested them with another device. It's definitely coming from my desktop. The strange thing is that if I restart my machine it goes away for a bit. But it starts back up as I open programs, browse the web, etc.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core

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MacBook Air :: Strange Crackling On 13''?

Apr 20, 2012

I've got a i5 MacBook Air 13", and for some weeks now I can hear a strange crackling noise when I took it by the thinest side.I'm very worried about it, cause on my friend's mba, that noise is non-existent. Is this the aluminium, is this normal ? I'm under warranty, should I take it back to Apple

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), i5 - 13"

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MacBook Pro :: Crackling Noise When Closing MBP Lid?

Apr 26, 2009

There is a small crackling noise when I close my MBP lid. It seems like the joints are really dry and need oil almost. Is this normal?

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MacBook Air :: Crackling Noises Of The AIR Housing?

Mar 12, 2012

I bought a MB Air 3 weeks ago. After a few hours the aluminium housing started to make some strange crackling noises.Mostly on the front right side, but meanwhile it's allover the housing and it gets more worse every day. Is anybody outside with similiar experencience

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hissing And Crackling Through ITunes On MacBook Pro

Mar 29, 2012

Funny that most complaints about this issue are from people running ITunes through their PC's. I have the same problem through ITunes on my Mac. Play music through VLC player and it plays perfectly!!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Speakers Are Crackling/skipping?

Jun 17, 2012

I've had my macbook for almost a month now (late 2011 model) and it started a few days ago where when im playing music or watching tv shows online, my speakers start crackling or skipping a little bit. I'm worried something is wrong with the computer because i don't play my volume loud at all, and i tried plugginf in earphones and it was still doing it. It doesn't do it all the time, it'll start up and stop after a few minutes and do it again.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: 13" 2010 Crackling Noise From HDD When Waking?

Feb 7, 2012

My macbook pro just started making a crackling noise from the hard drive when waking up. What does this mean? It happens every time now, including when starting up the machine.  

Mac Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Strange Crackling Noise Coming From Right Side?

Jun 28, 2012

My mac book pro is making a strange crackling noise, coming from the right side, at first it was occasional now it's constant. It doesn't matter if the volumes on or off.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: (2007 Intel) Freezes Or Spontaneously Shuts Down And Crackling Comes From The Speakers?

Jun 3, 2012

My MBP (2007 intel) freezes or spontaneously shuts down and crackling comes from the speakers. Sometimes this happens together all at once? It happens with and without peripherals.It does not seem to be linked to a specific program or peripheral use. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Nivida Whitebook Making Crackling Noises / Noise Coming From Center Of Notebook

May 10, 2009

when I was browsing the BBC website . I happened upon the front page and could hear a crackling sound, eventually after looking round the room for about 5 minutes I realized it was the macbook.

When the news page 'scroller' at the top types its news story out in a tika tape kinda way that is when the crackling noise happens .

does this make sense ? is my macbook faulty ? ..does it take soo much power to perform this function as to make my macbookCPU crackle ?

the noise is coming from approx the center of the notebook and is quiet(ish) but audible enough

anyone have any ideas ?

link to the site is below , you'll see the words scrolling across the screen at the top which then creates a clickable link to a news story : URL

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MacBook Pro :: How To Make Static Ip?

Dec 17, 2010

its all in the title. Im using a netgear wpn824

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MacBook Pro :: Static Electricity - Is This Normal?

Aug 31, 2007

I recently purchased the latest iteration of the MBP 2.2 ghz. When plugged into a wall socket (220v here in HK), if I touch the lid I can feel a light electrical current in my hand - similar to the feeling of electric massagers, a light vibrating feeling. I didn't notice this while plugged in in the States (though I bought the comp here in HK). It doesn't hurt, but is this normal, or something I should be concerned about?

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MacBook :: Static / Noise On When Idle

Dec 22, 2008

This has been driving me nuts for a few months now. My macbook keeps emitting a sound very much like static. Only today, I realized that this sound goes away when the processor is working. So if I scroll down in Safari, open a New Folder, etc, the sound briefly pauses before resuming again. Almost sounds like a refrigerator. It bugs me a lot lot. Anybody else having this issue? Or has Apple been able to fix this for anyone?

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad - Static Zaps?

Jul 3, 2009

I keep getting zapped - I think its when I touch the trackpad with my palm bzap. 15" uMBP. Anyone else noticed the same thing happening?

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MacBook Pro :: Static Noise When Connecting To TV?

Jul 29, 2009

I connected my MacBook Pro to my TV (non-HD) using a 3.5 to L/R composite for audio (from headset hole) and an Apple DVI to S-Video/composite for video. I'm using the S-video part of the adapter. I get good sound out of both channels, but when I connect the S-video cable, I immediately get static feedback from the stereo speakers (the L/R composites are connected directly into my stereo receiver and the S-video goes into my TV).

The video quality is fine when it's connected...

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To A TV/getting Static Image?

Aug 14, 2009

I bought this in hopes of connecting my Macbook to my tv: [URL]

So I connected it, but all I get is a very static-y image... no matter what resolution it is, it still has static/distortion.

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MacBook :: Creating Static IP Address

Aug 17, 2009

I'm trying to connect my Macbook to my work internet via an ethernet connection- I do not have access to the main router, just a ethernet jack. Currently, I have a desktop PC at work that works fine and when I plug in my Macbook, the machine does not recognize the internet. I spoke with my IT department who said that I need a static IP address but they do not support Apple so I'm on my own. I tried typing ipconfig in the command window and got 3 numbers : IP address, subnet mask and gatewy address. In the system prefs I typed in the IP number, subnet mask but am not sure where to put the gateway address - Still can't connect to internet -

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MacBook Pro :: Static / Snow On Second Display?

Oct 8, 2009

I just walked in the door and shook my mouse to wake up the screen. My Macbook Pro's display came up instantly (and normally) but the second monitor... a SyncMaster 220WM hooked up via mini displayport to DVI, showed nothing but snow... like exactly what you'd see if a TV station wasn't getting reception.

I'm running on the 9600m GT at the moment. 2.66Ghz C2D mid-2009 MBP unibody.

I waited about two minutes... and the image of my second desktop came back to normal in an instant. No excessive fan or heat... no need to restart, no kernel panic... nothing of that sort. And the kind of static that showed up again reminded me of either a TV channel with no reception... or the static you see when you boot into a PS3 game via HDMI... you get a momentary bit of static when it negotiates the HDCP signal.

I never encountered this issue using the same cable connected to my SR MBP with DVI.

Is this a graphics card issue? or an issue with the mini-displayport DVI adapter? Was it having a hard time negotiating HDCP?

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MacBook Pro :: Safe From Static Shock?

Jan 7, 2010

Twice this week I?ve been shocked by Static electricity as I touch my MacBook Pro. It?s cold so I get shocked a lot lately. Is the MacBook Pros internal circuits safe from static shock? Is the outer shell protecting the CPU?

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MacBook :: How To Beware The Static Shock

Jan 13, 2010

So I'm at a client tooling around with my late 2008 Aluminum MacBook. Carpet. Cold, dry weather. Are you getting scared yet? Go to pick it up off a table and zt! Shocked the hell outa myself and apparently my MacBook. I grabbed it on the right hand side and the static charge must have discharged through the slot loading cd rom drive. Now it won't charge. Battery and Mag Safe brick tested fine at the Apple store. They're going to swap out the Mag Safe port for $110 first and then the flat rate repair for around $380 if needed. Note to all Aluminum MacBook/Pro owners. Ground yourself, or plug in the grounded PSU brick.

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