MacBook :: Click Startup Boot Volumes But Nothing Happens - Won't Boot
Jun 25, 2010
Im trying to reinstall osx from my flash drive. The problem im having is after i hold option and click on the flash drive icon to boot it, nothing happens the arrow icon greys out like its being click, but it does nothing.
I also tried installing from the dvd with the same result. Im posting here because I searched google far and wide and have come up with nothing. Anyone know whats going on here?
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Jan 12, 2011
So I'm considering a new boot volume for my Mac Pro revolving around this RAID controller, since I have had great experience with 3ware's products in my Linux boxen and it really seems like $700 for the Mac raid controller is a bit much. My workflow revolves very heavily around virtualization. I've been thinking about a variety of options for SSDs and hybrid drives and even just fast laptop HDs. Am I crazy for considering 2.5" drives other than SSDs? I'm thinking of 2.5" drives because I put a pair of them in the lower optical bay without issue. The amount of storage needed on the boot volume is probably in the range of 150-200GB. Getting SSDs that size may not be in the budget. Thus, I am currently considering either a pair of 320GB WD Scorpio Blacks or a pair of 250GB Seagate Momentus XTs. I'm not sure the hybrid Momentus drives are worth it. Additionally, I know that a lot of SSDs don't fully support RAID in their firmware. Thus, I am reluctant to buy one, let alone a pair, since a lot of places don't seem to have terribly generous return conditions for SSDs. Is this a fool's errand? Should I just relegate my VMs to other storage and get a smaller SSD for the OS + apps?
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May 18, 2012
I have a Mid 2011 13-inch MacBook Air. My speakers chime perfectly at boot up, but then when Lion 10.7.4 loads, it won't load whatever driver is needed to run the speakers.Â
The really weird thing is that I have the speaker icon on my top bar and "Internal Speakers" are not only listed in the Outputs of my Sound tab in System Preferences but even selected. Both the volume bar in the Sound tab and on the top bar are grayed out and non-adjustable. But whenever I reboot, I get a lovely chime sound again.Â
This seems to be purely a software problem, but I didn't even know Mac OSX could recognize the internal speaker hardware without loading a driver for it!
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 13" only
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May 6, 2010
I have a mid-07 Santa Rosa MBP. When I turn it on, nothing comes on the screen (not even backlight), but I'll hear the startup chime and 2 seconds later, it reboots and does the same thing. Here is what I have tried:
1. Reset SMU
2. Reset PRAM
3. Replacing HD
4. Replacing PRAM/CMOS battery
5. Tried booting off DVD (but it reboots too fast after the chime)
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Nov 9, 2010
just using my new MBP today and twice when turning it on it started to boot up and got as far as the blue screen (just before the desktop pic and stayed there.Is this normal sometimes?
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Feb 25, 2010
I was troubleshooting an issue my brother was having with his Macbook over downloading files, installed Firefox for him, ran Apple updates and while the updates were installing the computer froze. He restarted it, and on startup he got a circle with a slash through it. I've been googling and checking forums and I tried booting into safe mode (Shift at startup, I believe?), and putting in the OS X disc that came with it and booting from that (C at startup?) but I get nothing. It just goes from the Apple with the loading circle, to the picture of the slash circle. I'm not really sure on the specs of the computer or the OS version, as I'm rarely on it.
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May 13, 2012
I have a MacBook pro core 2 duo from 2009. I am running os x lion. I ca not get it to boot past the apple icon and the progress wheel. Btw why has apple not made a mobile friendly support site?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 27, 2014
My computer has a kernel panic problem. And I'd like to fix it by booting as safe boot. I hold the shift key after the tone, and release it when the apple and loading gear appear. But, the bar that indicates that safe mode is loading never appears. It'll just boot on regular boot.
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Jun 4, 2014
When I try turning the computer on, I get the option to choose the startup disk, but only Recovery is visible. When i check in Recovery, it still shows my original start up disk, but I cannot restart off that. What do I do?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Dec 5, 2007
I posted this awhile back, but didn't find a solution. Anyway, my 12" PowerBook G4 is back from the shop, where, I found out, they haven't worked on it for three weeks or so (it's been there two months!) It still will not boot. The battery charges, and when I press the power button, I can hear the "click" noise that means it's trying to start. I can never hear the HD spin all of the way up. It sounds like it tries and then fails. Nothing ever appears on the screen... ever. I have to do a hard shut down, and then it sounds like the HD spins down. For awhile, it did the "double dinging" noise, but I don't know what that means... and couldn't find anything on [URL:...]about it.
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Oct 1, 2010
The other day my 1st gen MBP functioned without any probs, until it suddenly powered down. After I removed the question marks from my eyes, I offcourse tried to reboot it.
But it never makes it beyond the grey screen, sometimes untill the apple logo, sometimes not even that far.
Offcours I googled around first to gather some info before I decided to put this problem down on this board. I found this could be a HDD failure, but in those cases, with other people, it could be powered holding apple + s, and doing some checks that way.
Mine doesn't even come that far
I have a second hand 1st gen MBP with upgraded HDD and RAM, snow leopard, and coincidently since last week no more battery... so i may have powered down a completely unprepared mac by tripping over the wire, once or twice...
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Apr 19, 2012
my macbook pro won't start begins to boot up but stops short before the screen comes on. the light which indicates that the computer is on dims and the booting.stops.Â
MacBook Pro
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May 25, 2012
I have a weird problem with my MacBook Air. I was browsing the web when I think I hit a wrong keyboard combination. I was trying to select text cmd+a. But a small white window popped up with some text. After that safari started acting weird. Whenever I tried to open a new link it did not simply open the link like usual. But it downloaded it into my download folder. I also noticed that I could only type special symbols.
So I tried to reboot my MacBook Air. Usually it boots right to the login screen. But now it first shows a startup screen where I can select a boot device. So I select macintosh HD and it boots up like normal. But I can still only type weird symbols so I cant login. First I thought maybe my alt key is stuck but it works just fine and I did not do anything with it.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 25, 2012
MacBook Pro 15" (15-inch Core 2 Duo) late 2006Â this apple macbook boot lion from usb or firewire ext hdd or usb stick which of 3 better must boot Lion on ext device? or none at all?
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a MacBook 4,1 with Intel Core 2 Duo processor 4GB Ram. It is taking over 10 minutes to boot up past the gray apple screen when I turn it on. First I cleared the PRam (?) then I checked the disk using Disk Utility Verify, and it said the disk needed repairs. So I ran the disk repair and it said it was unable to fix the errors on the HD. Â
I did a little research and tried booting into the Single User mode, then running /sbin/fsck -fy. It said that it found errors but could not fix them. I ran it two more times as suggested and got the same result each time. I then tried rebooting and now instead of taking 10 minutes to boot up, it takes about 5 minutes on the gray apple screen and then just turns off. I started in Verbose mode to try to troubleshoot the error and it appears the last thing to come across the screen before power down is a message "Apple Yukon 2: RxRingSize <= 1024....etc".Â
I decided next I would run the Apple Hardware Tester. The test came back with an error code "4SNS/1/40000001:IG0C-0.265". I am very good at searching the web but I could not find any errors that had the IG0C or IGOC or any combination at the end, but plenty of 4SNS/1/40000000(1) errors with different endings. From what I can tell people are saying anything with 4SNS/1/4000000 is a logic board failure, but this computer was literally just booting this morning until I did the /sbin/fsck -fy.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Oct 13, 2010
Is it possible to boot from an external Firewire DVD Drive? It certainly isnt from an external USB DVD. Real answers only please, not "I think so" ones based on HDDs or rumours you may have heard!...
I've got an MCE Optibay in my Mid-2010 i7 MBP. When installing Bootcamp it refuses to install from the external USB DVD drive. In the end I pulled the 2nd HDD out and reconnected the internal DVD. It then worked fine without a hitch. Then I reinstalled the 2nd HDD and all was fine for a few days.
Now I want to resize my Win7 partition (bigger, as MS Visual Studio's bigger than I thought, and I might stick some games on). I can shrink the OSX partition fine with Disk Utility, but windows won't grow the Win7 one because the empty space is before the Win7 partition, not after it. Apparently this can be done with GParted. Guess what? I can't boot the Linux based GParted CDROM from the external USB DVD drive! So, will a Firewire one work where USB fails, and solve my alternative OS booting issues? If I buy one I can then either use GParted, or delete the Win7 partition and start again without having to pull the laptop to bits all over again, only to put it back once I'm done, and possibly have the same issues in the future. Obviously I don't want to blow extra money getting a Firewire DVD drive though if it's a waste of money...
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Mar 28, 2010
I run SSD/HDD, my HDD in the optibay is broken, I stuck it in a external and it makes finder freeze, it got bumped around too much so I want to put a new one back in the 'correct place' for a spinner, and stick the SSD in the optibay.(I figure the extra 2% of shock protection offered by the orange rubber circle things is worth the trouble of moving everything).
I am also going to buy a WD 3 platter 1TB laptop drive, and I read that they fit fine in the regular spot in MBP's (I'm going to open and measure in a min.)Anyways, there's no BIOS, only EFI, so how to I pick what drive to boot from? with 10.6 is it as simple as holding option down on boot, and picking my 'OSX' HDD, and then it will auto boot from that until I specify otherwise? (I ask because before 10.6 people on here were always talking about how to switch boot drives.)
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May 13, 2010
Just an FYI. Tech Support at Allsoft states The Disk Warrior 4.2 Boot DVD will not Boot the new 2010 MBP's. They are waiting for information (software) from Apple.
Will need to use Target Mode or another Mac connected with Firewire till then. Boot from that then run DW from your MBP.
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Dec 30, 2010
I recently reinstalled a clean Tiger on my old MDD G4 with the intent on giving it to a friend of mine in Oregon. Everything was smooth here in Los Angeles. Got the OS on and running sweet... 10.4.11 combo update... all's well.
I drive up to Oregon, set it up in his office using his old CRT monitor and power it on. It chimes and manages to find the Tech Tool eDrive recovery partition, but not the OS on the boot drive. Then, seconds later, screen of death/kernel panic and no boots or startup chimes thereafter.
Steps I've taken:
I have reset the PMU
I have removed all peripherals, including viddy, SATA adapter and all but on stick of RAM
Tried every stick of RAM by itself
No startup chime -- just a fan for a few seconds then a super fan kicks in... no signal to monitor at all.
Strange symptom: at times power was making it to the drives, and other times not. (determined by me putting my hand on the drive to feel its vibration or lack thereof during boot).
Do I need a new PSU? And if so where to buy?
Dual 867 MDD G4
SATA adapter/w 300GB Tiger boot drive and 200GB data drive (w/ Panther still installed)
120GB data drive on IDE 66 bus w/Tech Tool recovery / restore partition
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May 20, 2010
I am trying to find a way to have my computer automatically boot into the Startup Manager by default. Right know I know you can set it to boot into Verbose, Debug, Single User and Safe mode with the nvram. But is there an option to set it to the Startup Manager.
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Jun 1, 2010
Whenever I try to load up boot camp, so that I can do basic functions, like change the brightness/volume, AND RIGHT CLICK (which is vital for gaming in tight spaces like I so often enjoy doing), it immediately closes, with Windows giving me the error that is shown in the photograph that I have provided.
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Mar 22, 2012
i was using my imac with lion and the machine froze up. i powered it off and now it will not reboot. the apple logo comes on like normal and the "wheel" turns, but it wont load. I also have windows 7 through boot camp and it loads and runs correctly?
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Oct 11, 2007
We have an older model G5 Dual (no Intel Core) at the office that we tried to install CS3 on. I told them that first we would need to upgrade from 10.3.8 to 10.4.10, which they did, and then installed CS3. But they did it without running the disk utility repair permissions after the OS software installation, as I have routinely done with my Mac Mini at home, after the horror I experienced with the 10.4.9 upgrade. For a couple of days, the computer ran fine, but I noticed an increase in the fan spinning up yesterday afternoon, then quirky keyboard things -- like I'd select an item with point and click, and it would highlight everything else near it, I'd go to quit an application and it would ask if I wanted to quit all applications.
After backing up my current InDesign work files on a flash drive (but not the whole darn art folder), I rebooted and it came up in Safe Boot mode 6 times without holding any key down. Attempts to boot from disk have failed, even with holding down the "C" key. It's also not allowing us to type out full passwords at the log-in screen... you start typing and after you hit four digits, it clears, then only allows two digits. How we can:
1.) Force boot from disk, and,
2.) Hopefully fix with disk utility whatever wonkiness is occurring?
Mac Mini, Intel Core & G5 Dual (not Intel)
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jan 1, 2009
I need your help please. It all started when I was trying to install Windows XP under Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro (Leopard). I followed the manual and made the partition for Windows (32GB), but when I inserted Windows XP Install CD and had to choose partition to install it on, there was just one that seemed to be my Leopard startup disc (it had some 120GB). I did not know what to do, so I just left the installation process and the notebook restarted. When it loaded, it was trying to boot from the Windows CD so I tried to install it, but same problem appeared -> restart. I tried to load Leopard by holding Option key while loading, but only options for windows and windows cd appeared, no Leopard -> Shut down. While booting, I force-ejected the CD by holding down trackpad button -> blinking underscore on black screen appeared. I shut the MBP down by holding power button and inserted Leopard Install CD. When it loaded, I booted from the CD by holding Option key. This time I was ready to even re-install Leopard just to make it work but when I had to chose the harddisk to install Leopard on, there was none. It seems to me that somehow nobody can see the harddisk and I have no idea what to do with it.
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Feb 15, 2009
I have an iMac that I bought in October 2007. All of a sudden, when I try to boot up my computer, I get a kernel panic. Can't get any further than the kernel panic even though I keep on re-booting.
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Jul 21, 2009
I am having troubles booting from the Mac OS X Install Disc by holding down the "c" key at startup. Can I change the startup disc in Leopard to the DVD and then change it back to Macintosh HD after I am done doing what I need to do with the disc (no, not a reinstall of the OS). Is this possible? Will it work?
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Oct 17, 2009
Whenever I hold Alt at startup and then select Windows the computer seems to freeze for about a minute and then starts loading windows. While it is frozen I can't move the mouse cursor and nothing seems to be happening.
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Nov 7, 2009
Is there anyway to make it always boot to the startup manager. Then maybe after 30 seconds or so it would default to os x. I'm constantly having to switch between OS's and it would be nice if I could make it so that it would auto pop up startup manager rather an me have to hold down the option key every time.
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Nov 16, 2009
I moved over to an IMac from windows about 2 years ago and have never had any issues, until now. Whenever I boot my IMac I get a 'kernel panic' message (grey screen with 'you need to restart your computer in 4 languages). I cannot boot from my Mac HD, nor from a bootable superduper backup external HD, nor from my orginal SL or Leopard disk. All go into the kernel panic. I can however boot from my bootcamp Windows Vista partition. Tried booting into safe mode also does not work and gives the kernel panic screen. I have run both the standard and extended hardware tests and both have no errors. I booted in single user mode (that still works)and done a fcsk and unmount and both are without errors. Also done RAM flash. In single user modei can not find a PanicReporter directory or panic log. Cannot even install a fresh SL copy as my DVD wont boot either.
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Apr 21, 2010
Yesterday I was helping someone getting to know their MacBook Pro (early 2008, Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz, Mac OS X 10.5.2). I installed Perian and Flip4Mac and Firefox 3.6. I also checked for updates because she's on a very old version. I tried downloading the updates, but because we had a very bad internet connection I stopped the download quite early on and told her to do it at home. However after I left she tried to shut down the computer but it hanged. She manually shut it down using the power button. When she tried to turn it on again she got a kernel panic message saying she should reboot. This however didn't work.
Now I've tried all sorts of things. I've removed Perian and Flip4Mac manually. I did a disk verification (all was well) and a permissions verification and repair. I tried booting in safe mode (still won't boot) clearing the SMC and resetting PRAM, none of it worked. I just wanted to check here first before either taking it to an Apple store or reinstalling Mac OS X. I've read on forums about hardware failing (RAM mostly). No idea if that's the case. I tried a hardware test, but I don't have her DVDs and used my own with version 10.5.5. The Standard test said it was all ok, but the extended test seemed to hang. I could ask for her own DVDs which I will need anyway if I'm going to reinstall Mac OS X.
Some details of the kernel panic:
The error code is: 0x000000010
Apart from that it says the following:
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):>0x2e65afff
And later on it says: Mac OS version: Not yet set.
And of course it shows some more info with lots of hex codes, I can type them out for you if you like, but I read elsewhere that the error message is usually not very useful. Would you recommend going to an Apple store to see if the RAM is faulty? Or do a reinstall of Mac OS X?
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