MacBook Pro :: Switching The Boot Drive (want To Boot From The Optibay) How Can This Be Done
Mar 28, 2010
I run SSD/HDD, my HDD in the optibay is broken, I stuck it in a external and it makes finder freeze, it got bumped around too much so I want to put a new one back in the 'correct place' for a spinner, and stick the SSD in the optibay.(I figure the extra 2% of shock protection offered by the orange rubber circle things is worth the trouble of moving everything).
I am also going to buy a WD 3 platter 1TB laptop drive, and I read that they fit fine in the regular spot in MBP's (I'm going to open and measure in a min.)Anyways, there's no BIOS, only EFI, so how to I pick what drive to boot from? with 10.6 is it as simple as holding option down on boot, and picking my 'OSX' HDD, and then it will auto boot from that until I specify otherwise? (I ask because before 10.6 people on here were always talking about how to switch boot drives.)
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Jan 3, 2011
I installed a second HD in my Macbook Pro via Optibay.1st drive is SSD and second "normal" HD for data.When I boot I get a strange loop with the apple logo appearing and disappearing. It looks like my Mac does not know which of the two drives to choose for booting. Only when I press the options button before booting do I get the Bootcamp selector for Mac or Win which are both on the SSD.
As I use the second drive only for data, I want to make the SSD drive the "primary boot drive" without me having to press the option button on startup every time.
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Mar 26, 2010
I am looking to do the optibay or DIY version, but what I want is a ssd for the boot drive, how big of one do I really need? Do all of the applications need to be on the boot drive as well or can some of them run off the secondary drive, which will be the 1TB WD Scorpio?
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Aug 3, 2010
I just did the whole SSD/optibay upgrade, and now i have a question about booting from the SSD.I used CCC to clone my HD to the new SSD. After it was cloned, I installed the drives into my macbook pro, placing the SSD in the original HD bay, and the old HD into the optibay. When i turned on my computer, i think my laptop was still booting from the old HD. How do i set things so that i boot from the new SSD? I plan to use the old HD for music/movies/documents. I tried a search but didn't come across anything.
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Oct 13, 2010
Is it possible to boot from an external Firewire DVD Drive? It certainly isnt from an external USB DVD. Real answers only please, not "I think so" ones based on HDDs or rumours you may have heard!...
I've got an MCE Optibay in my Mid-2010 i7 MBP. When installing Bootcamp it refuses to install from the external USB DVD drive. In the end I pulled the 2nd HDD out and reconnected the internal DVD. It then worked fine without a hitch. Then I reinstalled the 2nd HDD and all was fine for a few days.
Now I want to resize my Win7 partition (bigger, as MS Visual Studio's bigger than I thought, and I might stick some games on). I can shrink the OSX partition fine with Disk Utility, but windows won't grow the Win7 one because the empty space is before the Win7 partition, not after it. Apparently this can be done with GParted. Guess what? I can't boot the Linux based GParted CDROM from the external USB DVD drive! So, will a Firewire one work where USB fails, and solve my alternative OS booting issues? If I buy one I can then either use GParted, or delete the Win7 partition and start again without having to pull the laptop to bits all over again, only to put it back once I'm done, and possibly have the same issues in the future. Obviously I don't want to blow extra money getting a Firewire DVD drive though if it's a waste of money...
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Jan 14, 2010
I installed a x25-m, of course, transfering the HDD to the optibay. Here is my problem: Whenever I shutdown, restart or hibernate, I hear, right as the fans shutoff, a loud, almost sharp click. It is obviously the HDD. As many of us know,(that have this set up, or have read the optibay thread) this "hard shutdown" is probably due to the lack of sudden motion sensor for the HDD in the optibay setup. What to do, what to do...especially considering the fact that I boot frequently between Win 7 and OS X. Well, after some research on the interwebs, I have come to the conclusion that ejecting the poor thing prior to shutdown, much like any external device, nets a happy HDD. In the process I came to the conclusion that there should be some automation to this, and sure enough, in terminal, you can augment the volume to not mount on boot. It is a beautifully simple process as noted in this post: [URL] This is all very good news, except that I've only found a solution for OSX. I was expecting to find an equally elegant process in windows. Lo and behold, the process, script and/or command are/is evading me. If anyone out there is on a similar path, could they be so bold as to link their findings? Possibly we could collaborate to right this terrible wrong. To specify, I am hoping to make it so that the drive in question is never "mounted" until chosen to do so, hopefully something similar to the approach in OSX.
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Dec 30, 2010
I have an SSD in place of the usual hard disk my MBP 13" came with to which i placed in the optibay. Since i did this (yesterday) ive noticed how noisy the drive is over just using the SSD alone.
Is there a way to either powerdown the optibay drive or 'eject' it when not in use for silence and prolonged battery life? Would you recommend it? Most of the time i will just use it as a netbook unless i download media to the optibay.
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Jun 11, 2009
I've just bought a 500GB Western digital scorpio blue HD. I'm going to put it in my mac mini which I don't have yet. I have a macbook at the moment, so want to format the new drive so it's ready to put straight in the mini and use
Is it OK if i put the 500GB HD in the macbook, then boot it from disc and install leopard onto it that way? Or do i need to format the disc in some way before I install leopard?
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May 30, 2008
I've been hearing good things about the Spinpoint Drives and the 750GB ones are coming down in price.Here is my current setup1 - 500MB Drive - Leopard2 - 320MB Drive - Vista 643 - 500MB Drive - FAT32 (Shared, Irrelevant)I plan on replacing drives 1 and 2 with 750GB Spinpoint drives.My question is, can I boot off of the Leopard dvd and put in Drive 1 and NewDrive1 and just clone it, and do the same for Drive2 and NewDrive2 and clone it? And then go into Leopard and resize the HFS partition, and go into Vista and resize the NTFS partition?
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Dec 20, 2007
This is bad and old, and full of lessons about backing up. Anyway, internal boot drive crashed a week ago, and internal optical drive is busted. New external LaCie dvd burner works fine, but all attempts to start up from Tiger, Leopard and Diskwarrior installation disks just end up back in OS10.3 on my external LaCie FW drive. I've tried many things: unplugged everything; switched external LaCie to USB (wouldn't boot), unplugged power from internal optical drive so Mac wouldn't look there first (somebody suggested that). Attempts to start up installers from mounted DVDs result in installer screen with restart button, which, when clicked on, results in... you guessed it... boot back to dreaded 10.3 system. Night owls and westcoasters, I am up for hours yet, pulling hair.
G5 Dual 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.3)
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Apr 27, 2012
Last week I finally upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7, but now my Mac Pro (2008) won't boot properly. It'll start to boot with the gray screen and the Apple logo, but then the entire screen goes gray and it just locks up there. However, if I reboot and hold down the Option key to bring up the list of bootable drives that works fine. I've checked my Startup Drive settings and the proper drive is selected. why it won't boot on it's own anymore? Holding down the Option key is getting old.
Mac Pro - Octo Core, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jan 25, 2009
I decided that I couldn't wait for Gainestown and ordered a 2.8x8 MP today. I'm going to get another 8GB of RAM (I assume 10GB in matched pairs will still perform at full speed). My real dilemma is a Boot/Storage solution-I'm moving from a Dual 867 G4, so all my current drives, both internal and external are IDE, which basically means I'm starting over as far as internal drives goes. The G4 power supply gave out so I'm getting this external enclosure to put my old drives into for file recovery. As far as new drives go, I can't figure out what to do. I'll spare you my million iterations of drive configs I've sketched over the past two days.
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Mar 25, 2012
MacBook Pro 15" (15-inch Core 2 Duo) late 2006 this apple macbook boot lion from usb or firewire ext hdd or usb stick which of 3 better must boot Lion on ext device? or none at all?
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a MacBook 4,1 with Intel Core 2 Duo processor 4GB Ram. It is taking over 10 minutes to boot up past the gray apple screen when I turn it on. First I cleared the PRam (?) then I checked the disk using Disk Utility Verify, and it said the disk needed repairs. So I ran the disk repair and it said it was unable to fix the errors on the HD.
I did a little research and tried booting into the Single User mode, then running /sbin/fsck -fy. It said that it found errors but could not fix them. I ran it two more times as suggested and got the same result each time. I then tried rebooting and now instead of taking 10 minutes to boot up, it takes about 5 minutes on the gray apple screen and then just turns off. I started in Verbose mode to try to troubleshoot the error and it appears the last thing to come across the screen before power down is a message "Apple Yukon 2: RxRingSize <= 1024....etc".
I decided next I would run the Apple Hardware Tester. The test came back with an error code "4SNS/1/40000001:IG0C-0.265". I am very good at searching the web but I could not find any errors that had the IG0C or IGOC or any combination at the end, but plenty of 4SNS/1/40000000(1) errors with different endings. From what I can tell people are saying anything with 4SNS/1/4000000 is a logic board failure, but this computer was literally just booting this morning until I did the /sbin/fsck -fy.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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May 13, 2010
Just an FYI. Tech Support at Allsoft states The Disk Warrior 4.2 Boot DVD will not Boot the new 2010 MBP's. They are waiting for information (software) from Apple.
Will need to use Target Mode or another Mac connected with Firewire till then. Boot from that then run DW from your MBP.
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Jun 25, 2010
Im trying to reinstall osx from my flash drive. The problem im having is after i hold option and click on the flash drive icon to boot it, nothing happens the arrow icon greys out like its being click, but it does nothing.
I also tried installing from the dvd with the same result. Im posting here because I searched google far and wide and have come up with nothing. Anyone know whats going on here?
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Feb 10, 2009
Ok so my macbook just froze up on me, and I shut it off manually. However, when I tried to start it back up it would not boot up. I am just receiving a message telling me " You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button. "I did what the message told me to do, and when I started the computer back up I just received the same exact message. I tried to take the battery out and hold down the power button to discharge any electricity in the laptop, and then I plugged in the power cable with the battery still out, and I am still receiving the same error message.I have tried the same process a couple of times and put the battery back in and then I decided to try inserting the Installation DVD, and it did nothing different then what I have been getting.
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May 11, 2009
Just recently got back from a visit to my local Apple store in regards to a faulty power adapter. My Macbook started up fine at the store, as it has over the past two years. However, after getting home and trying to turn it on, the laptop fails to boot up. It sits at the grey screen with the Apple-logo and spinning progress circle, all while the fan starts to whirl as if my macbook were on fire. I've experienced a failed hard-drive before, so I know of the folder w/question mark screen, and this screen is not like that. I've also tried booting up in "Safe-Mode," but that won't work as well. I do have a start-up disk and external hard-drive... I'm just curious to see what other options I might have before reinstalling Leopard.
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm asking this question for my brother. He has a 15-inch MacBook Pro (late 2011). He recently reinstalled OS X Lion but now every time he boots his computer he ALWAYS gets the option to chose Macintosh HD or Lion Recovery disk. I'm tech savy but I've tried resetting the PRAM and everything else I culd think of but he still gets that same screen. He is not pressing the option key when booting it just does it automaticlly. Should I do reinstall OS X Lion aain for him or just take it back to Apple and have them look at it?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.3GHz Core i5, iPhone 4S,new iPad
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Jun 4, 2014
i have a big problem with my MBP 13". I install Mac os x (try also Maveriks) on a HDD drive it works fine, but when i put this HDD inside (internal) it won't boot.
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Nov 15, 2010
When I travel I would generally take a small travel drive that is clone of my white MacBook as a rescue drive.Now that I have the MBA I am wondering if I could just clone my 11.6 MBA to a 64 GB flash drive and then if the worst happened I could reverse clone from the flash drive to the MBA.
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Jul 14, 2010
Spent hours searching on MRoogle etc, couldn't find anything helpful, wondering if anyone else is having this problem.
I recently installed an Optibay in my new 2010 i5 2.4 MBP using Lifehacker's guide, which can be found here:
I have an 80GB Intel X-25 SSD in the main hard drive slot, and a 500 GB Seagate Momentus XT in the Optibay. The OS and applications are installed on the SSD in the main slot, while my home folder and some Pro Tools session files are located on the Momentus XT connected via Optibay in the optical drive slot.
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Dec 17, 2010
So I expanded a bootable .iso image of openSUSEx64 11.3 onto my 16GB USB thumb drive following the steps I found on a website. When I restarted the MacBook with the option key pressed, the USB drive did not appear. Why the USB drive's not being recognized at boot-up? Here is the website I used (option 4): URL
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Aug 16, 2010
If I replaced the optical drive in a MBP with an SSD and used that as the boot drive, and used the HDD to keep data on would there be a noticeable speed boost. I'm just confused cause if the data is on the HDD, then it wouldn't really matter if I had an SSD cause the machine would still be constantly reading from the slow drive.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have tried zapping the pram, nvram, unable to boot from a disk, tried safe mode, tried verbose, did the single user /sbin/fsck -fy several times and it came back with everything appears OK. Tried the hardware test & no trouble found, did the short & long test.The MacBook is a college kid (friend of my youngest) that dropped it off last night and I am stumped. I thought it was surely the HD but all the test say it is fine.I cannot get it to boot from a disk either.
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Feb 1, 2012
If I have iTunes on an SSD drive (the boot drive in my Mac Mini), can it read the music library on a second rotational hard drive? I'd like not to have the large music library on a 120GB SSD drive.
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Sep 8, 2010
Can i install OSX from an external dvd drive? if yes how do i boot to an external dvd drive?
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Dec 20, 2010
I'm a complete newbie to Macs. Bought my first Mac and wanted to upgrade the hard drive and complete a fresh install with my OSX DVD that came with my system. When I change the drive how to I get the OS on the drive? Do I boot to the DVD or the HD? How do I boot the drive I need?
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May 9, 2008
Ok I connected my Air to a LG drive GSA-E50L USB DVD drive. It seems to work fine in Windows and OS X. For booting it does work with the OS X dvd's.
However, it refuses to boot from a Windows XP installation disk.
I've tried different boot disks aswell. No luck.
When I boot pressing the option key, the DVD drive is one of the options. It says "Windows CD". I then choose it. It starts reading the CD and then the apple sign is displayed. The apple sign changes into a stop sign and goes back to the apple sign again.
Does anyone know what is going on?
Has anyone been able to boot from a Windows disk with a non Apple USB drive?
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Jan 27, 2009
I had to cold boot my macbook after a freezeup. Everything runs fine except disk utility showed a verifying disk result of "needs repair." Unfortunately my dvd drive is broken. Is there anyway for me to boot it from the CD with a broken DVD drive? I have a iMac at home to if there is anyway to use its drive to bootup my macbook....
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