MacBook Air :: Is It Normal That The Adapter Itself Is Quite Warm When Running
Jul 2, 2012Is it normal that the adapter unit feel very warm during opertaion?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Is it normal that the adapter unit feel very warm during opertaion?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just thought i'd share my applecare story. I have a 2.2 ghz SR macbookpro. the headphone jack was acting a little static and i thought that the computer was running warm. So i sent it to apple with my installed seagate 500gb 7200rpm drive. Apple called me and told me they couldn't fix it with my drive in it because it wasn't under their warranty. But, they would put a free 160gb drive in instead and mail my 500gb back. They also did some additional work.
So the first time i sent it in they replaced:
Logic Board and graphics processor
Left in/out board
flex cable
hard drive
flex cable (a diff one)
left fan
right fan.............
On my second macbook and notice a difference in this one as opposed to the first one (although in all fairness i didn't use my first one all that much as i had to return it because of bad vibrations). I have no programs running and all I'm doing is lightly browsing the web (craigslist, macrumors, gamefaqs). My temps are 42C and approx. 1801rpm. I think this is normal, but my palmrest really warms up. Not to the point I can not use the notebook...just wondering if this is normal...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my 13" MacBook Pro back from being repaired (apple replaced the display and the logic board), and now it is running at 83 degrees C (according to iStat Pro) and the fans are only at 2000rpm. Is that normal? My computer never used to be this hot. I can't even hear the fans running.
View 17 Replies View RelatedHow fast is the fan capable of running at? 6000rpm? Is this really fast, or bad for the fan to be running this fast?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering how hot is it ok for the Macbook Pro to get before it becomes an issue. Today my CPU got up to 80 celsius, and I got a little worried, because my computer usually runs around 49 - 55 celsius. Here is a screen shot I took a hour ago while I was running iTunes, Yahoo Messenger and Safari.And here is another one I took a minute ago while just running Safari
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe problems:
Yesterday and the day before were particularly warm. I didn't really notice until yesterday that my computer was running particularly hotter than normal, even while sitting on my desk for long periods of time. Later in the day yesterday, it was pretty warm and my MBP was running hotter than normal for just sitting on my desk. Noticeably hotter too. At the time, I was running quite a few programs: Safari, Firefox, Msn, Text Edit, and possibly Photoshop as well.
All of a sudden, when I try to open Photobooth, the computer freezes itself for the first time since I can remember... it takes nearly 5 minutes to unfreeze itself, force quitting Photobooth in the process. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I tried opening Photobooth again after everything was back to normal. Same thing, but this time it was taking even longer to try to unfreeze itself. I got kind of impatient and pissed, so I closed a bunch of programs. Tried to log into msn to tell my friends why I left randomly... and yeah, the computer freezes up again. I tried to click into the Finder to force quit the program, but the Finder freezes up and won't even open the "force quit" panel. At that point, I waited a few minutes and then forced a shut down via holding the power button.
I waited a few minutes again, and tried to turn on my MBP. I log into my account like normal... my desktop image comes up, but it just sat there. No files, no HD, not even the Finder toolbar at the top showed. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes. Nothing. Fed up, I forced a shut down again. Closed the lid, and went to sleep. The next morning, it was cooled down considerably, so I started up the computer again. Same deal, except after about 15-20 minutes the HD image loads. And then a minute or so later, my files load, along with the Finder toolbar at the top. Hooray! ...not really.
I open up Safari. Things seem alright. I get to my email, then try to open Firefox. Firefox immediately gives me the "Well, this is embarrassing..." message upon loading the window, and about 20 seconds later quits itself without warning. I tried opening it a couple of times, nada. Same thing happens over and over. Same with Photoshop. I haven't really tried any other programs... because eventually my problems got worse.
I went through the day taking notes for my classes on Text Edit, because apparently Text Edit and Safari are okay with my computer at the moment (using this right now, actually). When I get back, I try to restart my computer to hopefully give it a chance to shut off and start up again to fix the application force-quitting problem. Worse. It goes to restart, and then gets itself stuck on the load image of the purple aurora/galaxy default desktop background. Considering the issue that I had that morning, I let it sit for a considerable time. Nothing happened. So I had to force a shut down again. The ONLY way it seems to be able to start up is to force the shut down and then start it up again. The desktop takes several minutes, if not 5 or more, to load my desktop files. If I try to do anything upon it immediately loading my files, icons, etc., it will freeze up for several minutes trying to execute the command. Ex: clicking on my HD to get to the Disk Utilities application. Eventually, I got the Disk Utilities to open and run a disk repair. The repair was quick and suggested only a few issues with things like Quicktime.
^ it was a bit too late at this point to call a mac place about my issue, so I called my parents. I tried to print something out for my mom via Text Edit and the computer froze up again. Couldn't even get the Finder to unfreeze itself. Forced a shut down, and now I'm here. Safari's up. Just about the only thing that is actually still working. And so is the Disk Utility.
I'm unsure of what to do next... I have two external HD's. One is brand new, nothing on it. I'd love to attempt backing up all of my files before taking my computer in to get it checked out. Not really 100% sure how I might attempt that, considering the way my computer has been handling doing much of anything at all lately. Any advice on what to do next before I take this sucker into a mac shop would be really great.
~Admittedly, I don't treat my computer the best that I could... once I left it on my bed for a while and it had to shut itself off because it overheated. It was fine afterward, but a few times I've fallen asleep after leaving my computer on my bed. When I would wake up, I would immediately check it. Sometimes it would wake up from being asleep (checked the temperature; usually not that warm thankfully), other times it seemed to have turned itself off. I attributed this to the battery running low... but I'm actually not sure. Maybe I let it overheat itself again? I'm not entirely sure, sadly. This is my first laptop though, so I'm kind of slowly learning the "no-no's" of how to treat my computer. Thankfully, I read enough around here to invest in the extended warranty.
Not sure if there is anything newer firmware than 1.02 but I need ~something~ to drive my new minty Eizo 30" on my unibody MBP
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View 1 Replies View RelatedSafari locking up originally. I would get beach balls pretty often, and simple tasks like opening a new tab would take a long time. One day last week I noticed it took like 30 minutes to index in spotlight..just random weird things like that.Yesterday, I got home and the computer had the little loading icon on the middle of my desktop and was completely locked up. The computer wasnt doing anything other than running normal processes.
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is it normal for MacBook Pro 13in to get warm up to 80 celcius?
Another question, I get this view that you can see in the image in the first second while opening my laptop from the sleep, is that ok?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
On my second macbook and notice a difference in this one as opposed to the first one (although in all fairness i didn't use my first one all that much as i had to return it because of bad vibrations). I have no programs running and all I'm doing is lightly browsing the web (craigslist, macrumors, gamefaqs). My temps are 42C and approx. 1801rpm. I think this is normal, but my palmrest really warms up. Not to the point I can not use the notebook...just wondering if this is normal...
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I tried googling for a bit but all I could find were gloves with the fingertips cut off. I think I must have poor circulation in my hands or something because my fingers and toes seem to stay cold most of the winter regardless of how warm my body is. And working on a computer in a cold room just makes it exponentially worse of course.
Apple say MacBook Pro early 2011 should have 7+ hour capacity. Mine dries out in less than 2 hour. Beside: The computer gets very warm, cannot contact to a table without damage the table.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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(In this screenshot the Fans speed was about 2600rpm although under 90? they drop to 2000rpm)The laptop itself is not hot though, it's warm. (And I like it <3)
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I was wondering if I purchase the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter, will I be able to use a simple DVI to VGA adapter to use it as a VGA adapter also???
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The temperature in the air conditioned house is 71�F. Programs open at the time were Safari - which was on an idle screen as I had logged out of a site. Two sessions of Finder Entourage Excel - which I was actively using. Is this an over temp shutdown? I recall some people posting the temperature of their Macs. Are there any monitors on the iMac to see how hot it is running? There were no warnings that it was going to shut down.
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