MacBook :: (Aluminum) Fan Running At 5053rpm - Normal?

Jan 17, 2009

How fast is the fan capable of running at? 6000rpm? Is this really fast, or bad for the fan to be running this fast?

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MacBook :: Aluminum MB Fans Always At Around 2000RPM / Is This Normal?

May 18, 2009

My aluminum macbook fans are always at around 2000RPM, is this normal?

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MacBook :: Crackling Sound On Aluminum (not Speakers, From Hdd) - Is It Normal

Apr 6, 2009

Whenever I wake my computer from sleep, there is a crackling sound that comes from the hard drive. After that, every five minutes or so, the crackling sound continues. It's like the sound of some crinkling a plastic sheet/static-y sound. I can hear the hard drive whirring and the crackling sound coming from that.

Is this normal? I have a 2.4 ghz Macbook aluminum, bought in Oct 2008. I'm hesitant to bring it in right now because I have finals coming up in 2 weeks and I need my laptop for it. I've already brought my Macbook in and had it sent in two times due to issues w/ the keyboard (keys not working or falling off), and each time it took about a week to get it back.

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Intel Mac :: Aluminum Keyboard Keys Damaged Just Through Normal Usage?

Feb 11, 2012

It looks like the surface of a few keys has been eaten away by acid, I can only imagine it has happened because my fingernails touch the keys through normal typing, but this is completely unavoidable unless I type like a one-fingered man.  It mainly seems to happen on the A and S keys, this has happened on my white MacBook, Wireless Aluminium keyboard and Wired Aluminium keyboard, but as they are so expensive to replace I am not willing to buy a whole new keyboard for this.  Also, one of my cmd keys has an odd stain on it, possibly from a crumb or droplet of orange juice which I'm sure I would have wiped off immediately, I wouldn't have expected plastic to stain so easily.  Has anyone else found this with their Aluminium keyboard? 

I suppose there's nothing much I can do to prevent it (I refuse to use a silicone cover), so my option appears to be just to replace those keys damaged through wear and tear however I can.  Are the keys interchangeable between these three keyboards?  (Wireless / Wired Aluminium, white 2008 MacBook Core2Duo)  The main keys look the same apart from the bottom row on the Wired Aluminium keyboard which are a bit wider.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iMac 27 inch i5

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MacBook Pro :: Running Hot - Is This Normal

May 25, 2010

I just got my 13" MacBook Pro back from being repaired (apple replaced the display and the logic board), and now it is running at 83 degrees C (according to iStat Pro) and the fans are only at 2000rpm. Is that normal? My computer never used to be this hot. I can't even hear the fans running.

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MacBook Pro :: Electric Current Through Aluminum Case / Running Fingers Across The Top

Sep 12, 2008

I recently traveled to Europe with a MacBook Pro, and plugged it into the outlet with a travel converter. My understanding is that the brick on the magsafe cable works as a transformer and it is safe to plug into a European outlet. I've never had a problem with other laptops.

Everything worked fine with the machine, except I could always feel an "electric" sensation through my hands when touching the aluminum case. This was especially apparent when running my fingers across the top -- it was as if I could feel an electric current running through the case.

This seemed harmless, and I ran the computer without fail during my time abroad. My question is out of curiosity -- is this sensation normal? What exactly is it?

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MacBook Air :: Is It Normal That The Adapter Itself Is Quite Warm When Running

Jul 2, 2012

Is it normal that the adapter unit feel very warm during opertaion?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: What Is The Normal CPU Temperature - Running Itunes, Yahoo And Safari

Oct 8, 2010

I was just wondering how hot is it ok for the Macbook Pro to get before it becomes an issue. Today my CPU got up to 80 celsius, and I got a little worried, because my computer usually runs around 49 - 55 celsius. Here is a screen shot I took a hour ago while I was running iTunes, Yahoo Messenger and Safari.And here is another one I took a minute ago while just running Safari

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MacBook Pro :: Running Particularly Hotter Than Normal - Freezes Itself - Force Quitting Photobooth In The Process

Jan 13, 2010

The problems:
Yesterday and the day before were particularly warm. I didn't really notice until yesterday that my computer was running particularly hotter than normal, even while sitting on my desk for long periods of time. Later in the day yesterday, it was pretty warm and my MBP was running hotter than normal for just sitting on my desk. Noticeably hotter too. At the time, I was running quite a few programs: Safari, Firefox, Msn, Text Edit, and possibly Photoshop as well.

All of a sudden, when I try to open Photobooth, the computer freezes itself for the first time since I can remember... it takes nearly 5 minutes to unfreeze itself, force quitting Photobooth in the process. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I tried opening Photobooth again after everything was back to normal. Same thing, but this time it was taking even longer to try to unfreeze itself. I got kind of impatient and pissed, so I closed a bunch of programs. Tried to log into msn to tell my friends why I left randomly... and yeah, the computer freezes up again. I tried to click into the Finder to force quit the program, but the Finder freezes up and won't even open the "force quit" panel. At that point, I waited a few minutes and then forced a shut down via holding the power button.

I waited a few minutes again, and tried to turn on my MBP. I log into my account like normal... my desktop image comes up, but it just sat there. No files, no HD, not even the Finder toolbar at the top showed. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes. Nothing. Fed up, I forced a shut down again. Closed the lid, and went to sleep. The next morning, it was cooled down considerably, so I started up the computer again. Same deal, except after about 15-20 minutes the HD image loads. And then a minute or so later, my files load, along with the Finder toolbar at the top. Hooray! ...not really.

I open up Safari. Things seem alright. I get to my email, then try to open Firefox. Firefox immediately gives me the "Well, this is embarrassing..." message upon loading the window, and about 20 seconds later quits itself without warning. I tried opening it a couple of times, nada. Same thing happens over and over. Same with Photoshop. I haven't really tried any other programs... because eventually my problems got worse.

I went through the day taking notes for my classes on Text Edit, because apparently Text Edit and Safari are okay with my computer at the moment (using this right now, actually). When I get back, I try to restart my computer to hopefully give it a chance to shut off and start up again to fix the application force-quitting problem. Worse. It goes to restart, and then gets itself stuck on the load image of the purple aurora/galaxy default desktop background. Considering the issue that I had that morning, I let it sit for a considerable time. Nothing happened. So I had to force a shut down again. The ONLY way it seems to be able to start up is to force the shut down and then start it up again. The desktop takes several minutes, if not 5 or more, to load my desktop files. If I try to do anything upon it immediately loading my files, icons, etc., it will freeze up for several minutes trying to execute the command. Ex: clicking on my HD to get to the Disk Utilities application. Eventually, I got the Disk Utilities to open and run a disk repair. The repair was quick and suggested only a few issues with things like Quicktime.

^ it was a bit too late at this point to call a mac place about my issue, so I called my parents. I tried to print something out for my mom via Text Edit and the computer froze up again. Couldn't even get the Finder to unfreeze itself. Forced a shut down, and now I'm here. Safari's up. Just about the only thing that is actually still working. And so is the Disk Utility.

I'm unsure of what to do next... I have two external HD's. One is brand new, nothing on it. I'd love to attempt backing up all of my files before taking my computer in to get it checked out. Not really 100% sure how I might attempt that, considering the way my computer has been handling doing much of anything at all lately. Any advice on what to do next before I take this sucker into a mac shop would be really great.

~Admittedly, I don't treat my computer the best that I could... once I left it on my bed for a while and it had to shut itself off because it overheated. It was fine afterward, but a few times I've fallen asleep after leaving my computer on my bed. When I would wake up, I would immediately check it. Sometimes it would wake up from being asleep (checked the temperature; usually not that warm thankfully), other times it seemed to have turned itself off. I attributed this to the battery running low... but I'm actually not sure. Maybe I let it overheat itself again? I'm not entirely sure, sadly. This is my first laptop though, so I'm kind of slowly learning the "no-no's" of how to treat my computer. Thankfully, I read enough around here to invest in the extended warranty.

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OS X :: How Hot Should IMac Be And Some Odd Things Running - Is It Normal

Jul 12, 2009

I have a '09 24in iMac and the HD temp is in the 120F range. CPU is over 100F, is this normal?

Also I see processes running like ps, configd,windowserv..., pmtool......What is this stuff?

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Intel Mac :: Wired Aluminum Keyboard Not Working Running Snow Leopard

May 27, 2012

I bought an iMac on dec, 2010 it came with snow leopard and a wired aluminum keyboard, everything was good until dec, 2011 when my keyboard suddenly stopped working, I took it to an apple store and they replaced it, everything was fine until last month when my new keyboard stopped working again.

I have an old macbook (1st gen of intel-based macbooks) and if I connect the keyboard to that macbook it works just fine, I have checked and all the USB ports on my iMac and they work but when I connect the keyboard it just doesn't recognizes it as a keyboard (or as anything because it doesn't show on system profiler). I have connected another keyboard I own (a logitech wireless one) and the imac recognizes it, I don't know what to do.

Btw, if I disconnect the keyboard for a day or two it works again when I connect it to the iMac, also If I use the USB ports attached to the keyboard I get an error that the USB is taking too much power and it shuts down (and then the keyboard stops working again on the iMac)

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: Normal IBook Running Temperature?

Jan 11, 2008

On a dual USB iBook G3, what is the standard temp? Mine is currently at 113 degrees

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IMac :: Computer Was Not Doing Anything Other Than Running Normal Processes?

Nov 8, 2009

Safari locking up originally. I would get beach balls pretty often, and simple tasks like opening a new tab would take a long time. One day last week I noticed it took like 30 minutes to index in spotlight..just random weird things like that.Yesterday, I got home and the computer had the little loading icon on the middle of my desktop and was completely locked up. The computer wasnt doing anything other than running normal processes.

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MacBook :: Size Of Aluminum Box?

Feb 15, 2009

Can someone give me the size of a Aluminium Macbook Box? (Not the size of the Macbook, I want the size of the box)

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OS X :: Aluminum MacBook Cannot Shut Down

Mar 25, 2009

My Aluminum Macbook (Late 2008) won't shut down unless I hold down the power button or shut down from the login screen. I've tried to repair my disk, disk permissions, uninstalling some applications, scanning for viruses, resetting the PRAM, and leaving the battery out over night.

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MacBook :: How To Clean Aluminum

Apr 3, 2009

I know that there are a few threads on how to clean the white and black macbooks but can some one share some of ur tips on how u clean an aluminum macbook both screan and the unibody aluminum. I know its a little dumb but ho knows someone might have a better way.

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OS X :: 64 Bit Windows 7 On Macbook Aluminum 2.0

May 22, 2009

Can you install the 64-Bit version of Windows 7 beta on the Macbook Aluminium 2.0 and does it install the drivers for you?

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MacBook :: No Sound On Aluminum 2.0 Ghz

Nov 15, 2009

So my MacBook has recently lost it's ability to output audio through the built-in speakers or another device. I'm quite frustrated as I watch and listen to tons of multimedia, and not being to hear a thing is quite sad. When I hit the volume up/down keys, all I get is the on screen audio level indicator and thats it. I've restarted a few times already, resetted the PRAM as well as the SMC and nothing improved. I want to try avoid taking it to the Genius Bar as I'm really not going to have the time to do so this week, and I believe there is a simpler solution.

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MacBook :: Aluminum 2mhz 4gb Ram

Dec 18, 2009

just bought a 2nd hand macbook unibody..was wondering if i paid over the odds.. ?580..and in mint condition.. did assume it would have some scatches..but non waht so ever..seemes as though it came out the box from the day it was bought... but the onus factor was the 4gb ram which i think will help.. but also am wondering if there are any mods to make the keyboard light up..if so how much will it cost and is it super time consuming.!! last but not least ..are there anymore things i can do to beef up this macbook ive bought..

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MacBook :: 13 Inch Aluminum Getting Hot?

Apr 8, 2012

i have MacBook 13 inch Aluminum Late 2008 and its get very hot sometimes i can't touch the aluminum and my fan its always working nonstop and sometimes getting noisy. I'm only using yahoo MSG and firefox and sometimes the firefox getting slow im running google chorme and firefox At the same time. and i dont know if when my macbook getting hot it get slow or its already slow. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7), Safari 5.1

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OS X :: Macbook Running Leopard And IMac Running Tiger - How I Can Upgrade Them Both?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Extremely Slowly And Fan Continuously Running Loudly?

Jun 4, 2014

My Macbook Pro (from mid-2010) has recently started running EXTREMELY slowly, and the fan continuously runs loudly. From other posts, I have checked my activity monitor to see if any process is taking up a lot of the CPU % and have found that nothing seems high, except the kernel_task which, from what I understand, is supposed to be high. I have also attempted to reset the SMC which didn't fix the problem either. I have taken my computer to the genius bar 3 times now, and they keep telling me nothing is wrong (because it works perfectly there), but when I get it home the fan comes back on, and everything runs slowly.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Late 2008 (2.53/4GB Ram) Running 10.7.3 Seems To Be Running Slower?

Mar 15, 2012

My Mac feels as if it is running slower these last couple of months.  I have thought of pursuing a commercially available "clean up" product, but thought I would try the community first and also for pointers using the Mac's own internal diagnostics or system improvement capabilities.  Any and all advice is most welcome.  I have a 250GB hard drive that is half full, I always update to latest revisions and have an extra high-speed internet connection.  Computer is not heavily loaded with apps and typically using Firefox for browsing.  (MS Office for Mac as well, but usually limited to one program such as MS Word or Excel at a time.)  No heavy graphics utilization.  Videos from the internet load slowly and some are choppy.  Even scrolling just doesn't seem "brisk".

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53/4GB Ram

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Mac :: A Vertical Stand For Aluminum Macbook

Sep 26, 2010

I have an aluminum macbook and I just bought a monitor for it. I want to have the macbook closed on a vertical stand but I am concerned about heat problems. Does anyone use their macbook on the vertical stand most of the time and if so do you encounter any heat problems? and are there any stands out there that cool it as well so you don't have to worry about over heating?

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MacBook :: Using GB Ram In Late 2008 Aluminum Mb?

Nov 2, 2010

I am about to upgrade my late 2008 aluminum MacBook 2.4 Ghz to 6GB of ram from owc but wanted to know if the will support 8GB, running at full stability. From what I can tell from other threads is that the owc 8GB kit doesn't work is this correct? If it can handle 8GB of ram I will do that instead of 6GB.

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MacBook Pro :: I7 Mid 2010 Textured Aluminum Lid

Nov 13, 2010

i have a question: Has anyone else noticed that the new mid 2010 macbook pros (i7) seem to have a rougher more textured aluminum lid than the older ones or any other macbook (pros)? Background info: I first thought this was just me being too fussy about minor details. I compared my brand new mbp with an older one from 2009 and definitely felt the difference between the aluminum of the lid. I went to several stores and they were surprised themselves about the textured aluminum lid. They first told me this was some kind of production fault and I should swap the macbook pro. Well, the next day after cloning my drive and bringing the macbook in for a swap they told me that they looked at other macbooks and they figured this texture thing seemed to be standard. To be honest - I didn't believe them because they couldn't show it to me hands on - so I went to another store where I found mid 2010 macbooks with a more smooth aluminum lid than the one I have.

Well all in all I am quite confused. I googled the hell out of this topic and only found one post confirming my issue - here I don't know if Apple has some kind of release doc for each charge of macbooks they produce, or maybe some tolerance level for the fabrication of the aluminum.

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MacBook :: Aluminum Backlight Went Out - Replace?

Dec 8, 2010

The backlight on my MacBook went out suddenly today, no idea why. Is there some way to replace it without having to replace the entire display assembly? It is very difficult to get the assembly apart, but I will be on break from school and will have plenty of free time to fix it if it will save me a few hundred bucks. So is it possible to replace the backlight only, or is it a part of the lcd panel?

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MacBook Pro :: Play (new Aluminum Version) Through TV

Jan 11, 2011

I want to play my MacBook Pro (new aluminum version) through a TV I have in my RV. It has RCA audio and video inputs. I was told that the old MacBooks were fine as they had DVI output, while the new MacBook Pro has DVA output. I'm not really tuned into what this means, but I'm sure there must be an adapter out there that will allow me to make this connection.

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OS X :: Recommendations For Cleaning New Aluminum Macbook?

Oct 30, 2008

I just bought the new aluminum Macbook.I currently use the black cloth that came with it to clean the glass screen.I was wondering though whats the best method to clean the outer shell and keyboard. I think I got some oil stains/spots on the black keys, which I'm not sure how to wipe off

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MacBook :: Aluminum - Underclocked In Bootcamp?

Nov 17, 2008

I recently bought a 2.4GHz Aluminium enclosure Macbook, and love it to bits. However, when running Windows XP Pro under Bootcamp, it seems like the CPU is underclocked. Both CPUz and CoreTemp report the CPU clock frequency as 1.6GHz, rather than the 2.4GHz it should be (multiplier at 6x, and FSB at 265 Hz). Is this a design decision? If so, why? If not, can I get into EFI to fix the speeds?

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