MacBook Pro :: MBP Get Warm Because Heat Cause Fans To Kick In So Much That They Power Off Instantly?
Jun 18, 2010
Just on a curious thought, anybody's MBPs experiencing heat issues that cause the fans to kick in so much that they power off instantly? And another question, if you do feel heat, where is it the most intense?
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Apr 9, 2009
lately my macbook has been getting a bit noisy and hot the fans seem to kick on alot 3500-4500rpm range and @idle my CPU is ranging 68-75C (iStat), right now as im typing this she's at 77-80C. Functionality aside everything is pretty stable, including playing the occasional WoW.
Anyone else have any issues like this? I've booked a Genius Bar appointment just in case.
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Jan 18, 2009
My macbook is becoming pretty warm , 76 Celsius and the fans are still only at 2000rpm.. should they not be going faster?
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Apr 14, 2010
So today I opened up my MBP to clean it out and stuff (it had a ton of dust... A wall of it had built up where the fans blow out)All is fine and dandy now except for one thing. Since I don't want to open my case up for the second time today (right fan wasn't plugged in all the way first time I started it up... oops x( ) I'm asking here since everything else seems to be fine.
What I did:
Opened everything up all the way down to the heatsink.Applied correct amount of Thermal paste.plugged everything back in (right fan wasn't perfect at first, but fixed and stupidly didn't double check everything else while I was in there)
And now both fans are running at 6k (full) constantly. I tried resetting PRAM and SMC with no luck. I'm about to grab my disk 1 and run the diagnosis to see if that turns up anything.Are there any plugs that I might have accidentally not plugged in all the way or at all that would cause this? Also any other suggestions if everything is plugged in correctly?
MacBook Pro 2,2 15.4" late '06
C2D 2.33GHz
2GB Ram
Also, I have iStat Menu. No apps using all my CPU (Mostly <10% usage right now) and temp is mostly <40c right now. All temps have a temperature so I'm assuming all heat sensors are fine.On a great note: My computer is so much cooler now! Even before this at 6k rpm I'd get down to MAYBE 45c if I was lucky.I also have Fan Control installed and it's not having any effect
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Jan 3, 2009
On my second macbook and notice a difference in this one as opposed to the first one (although in all fairness i didn't use my first one all that much as i had to return it because of bad vibrations). I have no programs running and all I'm doing is lightly browsing the web (craigslist, macrumors, gamefaqs). My temps are 42C and approx. 1801rpm. I think this is normal, but my palmrest really warms up. Not to the point I can not use the notebook...just wondering if this is normal...
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Oct 9, 2010
My CPU heat sink fans always run above 2000 rpm. Is that avoidable?
Can I do something about that to drop the speed and get rid of the noise?
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Dec 23, 2009
Maybe someone can help me understand this a bit better. I have a MBP with a 2.16GHz CPU. I think it's about 2.5 years old. It has the ATI x1600 GPU. My dad previously had an iMac G5 2GHz but now has one of the new iMacs at 3.06GHz.When running iStat, I can notice an obvious difference in the CPU temperature. I don't think my MBP runs less than 120 degrees idle, while the iMacs were easily under 100. I haven't seen the new iMac while doing CPU-intensive tasks, but the old iMac never got above 140 if I'm not mistaken.As I'm encoding video on the MBP for a DVD using iDVD, it's getting up to 187 degrees. The CPU is using about 125 percent of my processing power -- 200 percent max if you didn't know. The temperature is the same even when HandBrake gets up to about 190 percent of processing.
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Oct 31, 2007
Just recently (this night,) whenever I would unplug my main USB hub, my iMac (Late 2006) would turn off (that is, instantly shut down as if the power had been disconnected). I don't know why this happened, but it turned on immediately afterward so I shrugged it off. The last time this happened, (the 4th time,) the iMac wouldn't turn back on at all.
It responds to power button presses, and you can hear the harddrive spinning up and the CD drive whirring and fans spinning. The sleep light in front stays on, but the display stays black, and it doesn't make the characteristic chime when it "turns on". In addition, it doesn't seem to be delivering power to USB devices, so there's no way that I can boot up from a startup disc or anything to see what's going on.
What do you guys think could be wrong with my computer? I doubt my non-existant applecare would cover anything of this sort, and I'm pretty sure that i'm SOL for hopes of a computer that just works. In addition, one other question. I was working on a VERY important school assignment at the time, (cliche, I know,) so is there any way I can connect another computer to my iMac so I can get my school assignment off of it?
G5 Intel iMac (Late 2006)
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Aug 17, 2009
I got a new macbook black that is not covered under warranty, the magsafe fried on it and it used to boot up but not charge the battery or show any signs of power from the magsafe so then I bought a new magsafe that connects to the logic board and replaced it and when I plugged the power adapter in it tried to turn on right away and then the fan spinned and the sleep light light up then it shut off right away and I didn't smell nothing from the macbook or logic board. The battery now charges and the light on the magsafe adapter lights up so I tried to turn it back on and it doesn't the same thing turns on and then right off just the fan spins and then the hdds spin lasts for like a sec or two. I tried to turn it on with the battery out and with just the battery in nothing swapped the RAM same thing went from two 1 gig sticks to 2 256mb sticks and then tried another two 2gig sticks same thing then I tried a different hdd and have the same thing happen? What I need to do to get this working and yes I tried a google search and every1 ended up taking it to apple and I cannot do that.
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Aug 23, 2007
I have an old G4 mirror-door that I use as my PVR. It's stuffed with 4 big drives to record media, but it runs all day and sucks tons of power. Plus, it heats up the cabinet like an oven. Is there a piece of software etc. that can help the mac better manage its power consumption? I don't like using the OS X drive sleep option because the drives always go to sleep just when you need them..
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May 22, 2010
My friend has a macbook and when his gets above 150 (or there abouts) his fan turns on to a higher speed. now when my cpu gets hot like 150-160 the fan still stays at idle of the low setting and wont kick into high speed, any reason for that?
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Jun 4, 2010
I am almost 100% that an iMac 27 is my target, (not quite discounted the MP but lack of remote without extra is actually a big factor).I would prefer the internal HDD bays and such forth, but I've had a MP before and as I have some ext FW its not a deal buster. The imac looks stunning, has simplicity and a nice big screen.My only real questions are (with it being on top of the desk); what's the noise and heat like for the i5 and i7 models? I'd like to get thoughts on both.For my uses an i5 has enough oomph, but the i7 would be nice (just speed up those transcodes etc).Is there a huge difference in the power draw on these machines (I have a 1200VA UPS).
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Nov 3, 2007
My back up 1.6 ghz G5 power mac is misbehaving. I moved the system to another room and when I went to boot up, the only response I got was the fans running at normal speed - and then they started to slowly creep up to a very high speed. No hard drive activity, no monitor activity. I swapped out the memory for the original factory mem - same problem - reset the switch... nothing.
Power Mac G5 1.6 GHZ
Mac OS X (10.4.3)
1 Gig Mem, 80 Gig HD
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May 31, 2012
My powerMac G5 keeps freezing with the fans highly idled
PowerMac, iOS 4.3.3
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Jul 27, 2009
the other day i wake up and open my macbook pro and immediately heard the fan making noises ive never heard it make before. i checked istat pro. the fans were going at 2000rpm. this is when i started to get concerned since i would never hear the fans at that speed before. the difference was day and night. it sounds like the one or both of the fans are hitting something. i always hear the noise when i start up or wake up from sleep and after a while (30 minutes to an hour) it usually goes away but has come back once without me turning off or putting the computer to sleep. its a refurbished less than a little more than a month ago. im hoping its just some dirt that made it through keyboard and will eventually go away because i dont want to send my machine in to get manhandled by apple repair. has anyone had something like this happen before?
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Jun 25, 2010
My PCI bay fan is running at full speed no matter what. The temperature sensor reads correctly in OS X, so I don't think it's a bad sensor.
Is there any way to set the fan speed manually, say in openfirmware?
It's a 1.8 DP June '04; I've ran ASD 2.5.8 to calibrate and test the mobo, which passed.
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May 14, 2012
The fans starts but no video... nothing?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 6, 2007
I have a G5 dual 2gig and in idle mode it seems to a be slightly overheating as my fans start to blow harder and I get my mouse sticking I am running the latest version of Tiger with 3.5gigs of ram I did post in the IDvD, Logic Pro, and the Final cut pro forums the impact of an upgrade of 8gig of ram on my system whether my apps would run better and the system as a whole.
But I have not been able to get any feed back on this that was clear and I was asked to try here on this forum so here I am. I deeply love my G5 and what it can do I am just wondering if it is working at its most optimum I do regularly do my house keeping i.e. repairing permission and occasionally using Tech tool Pro to look over the system but nothing out of the ordinary jumps out. I have a screen shot of my activity monitor and cpu monitor but I do not know how to attach it.
G5 Dual 2 GiG
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
3.5gig of Ram 1530 Gigs of HD storrage/RME Hammerfall Multiface /Canopus 100
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Dec 7, 2007
I have a DP 2.7 G5 Tower and lately I come into my office to find it with dark screens (dual monitor setup), and I am unable to in any way control it by the mouse or keyboard. I imagine it's "hung?" The fans are on full blast and it sounds like it's planning to take off at any moment. I've awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of it and it's in that same state. What to do? I restart it at the power button. I then have to run Disk Utility to verify all the disks and RAID setups.
Anyway, I read about the coolant leaks issues. I started running a temperature monitoring program for the past few months, and its been doing about the same type of pattern since I started monitoring it. Doesn't appear to be unusual. Everything appears to be working fairly well, except for this issue. System is OS X.4.11, and checks out fine with Disk Utility. So far the hard reboots haven't done any damage to my disks, but it worries me greatly. Also the "liquid cooled" aspect worries me greatly.
Multiple Macs iMac G5 & PowerMac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Liquid Cooled
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Mar 24, 2012
I was out of town so this description was second hand but the computer has been running a little weird for a while. When I have too many apps open or on a website that has a lot going on...the computer starts revving up until I quit out of everything and let it slow down. I guess while I was gone, this happened but nobody quit out the apps and it eventually turned the screen black. When I tried restarting it sounds like the computer is working but the screen is black so I can't see if it is booting up or not. I took the monitor into the apple store yesterday and it started up right away for them. It's a cinema 23" I think.
Power Mac G5 (Late 2005), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 25, 2012
I've had problems with my Mac for a while now. First of all, it indicated ram problems with 2 beeps. I later fixed this by moving and changing around modules. It was solved, but now a new problem. The Mac seems to turn on, making its iconic sound for startup, but the screen remains black. After about a half to one minute, the fans go crazy and I have to shut it off. I've tried a few things like holding shift or alt, but that doesn't work as it doesn't even display a white screen.
I need to know what to do and I don't really have the time to buy new parts right now. I'm really a windows based pc fixer by the way so I'm new to fixing macs.
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
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Oct 23, 2010
I remember I once read that there is a file you have to create somewhere with some special name that tells Mac OS if it is the first startup after an installation or not.Depending on that it will bring up the welcome wizard or it won't. Does anyone know what file that is? I have been trying to Google it for a while now but somehow Google hates me...
I need it because I wanna reinstall Mac OS, then update with the latest Combo Update, and then kick it back into that Wizard mode so I can sell it fully updated but still asking for the initial set up info...
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Oct 9, 2005
I just bought a new dual 2.0 ghz power mac G5 about 2 weeks ago. I set everything up and dowloaded all the updates for everything, and then about a week into using it the problem started. I left for work and when I got home that evening after the computer had been asleep all day, it sounded like the computer was taking off from a runway. It would not respond at all to the keyboard or mouse so I had to shut it down by holding the power button on the front of the unit and then start it back up. I called tech support but they had me turn the option off that puts the harddrive to sleep when possible and then turn off my screensaver. Well it was fine again for about a week and then it happened agin yesterday, not once but twice. I looked on apple discussion boards and there is alot of this happening. Well I took one guy's advice that seemed to know what he was talking about. I restarted holding the command-option-o-f keys down, then prompted the computer to reset the v-ram, and two other things he suggested to reset that I cannot remember. Then I restarted, trashed the energy saver prefs and ran a repair disk permissions task inside OSX. Well that is where I am now, and it has not done it again, but I am still trying to find out what exactly is going on here. I just spent $2000 on a machine and it appears messed up and Mac has no answer.
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May 4, 2012
why the macbook pro get warm down button , when i put between in my legs
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2014
Is it normal for MacBook Pro 13in to get warm up to 80 celcius?
Another question, I get this view that you can see in the image in the first second while opening my laptop from the sleep, is that ok?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 4, 2009
On my second macbook and notice a difference in this one as opposed to the first one (although in all fairness i didn't use my first one all that much as i had to return it because of bad vibrations). I have no programs running and all I'm doing is lightly browsing the web (craigslist, macrumors, gamefaqs). My temps are 42C and approx. 1801rpm. I think this is normal, but my palmrest really warms up. Not to the point I can not use the notebook...just wondering if this is normal...
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Feb 3, 2010
The Mac Lab at my school has terrible temperature regulation. It's in the basement of an open floor plan building, and during the winter it gets so bad in there that my fingers go numb. Obviously these are not ideal conditions when you are trying to work with a keyboard, a mouse and a wacom for hours on end. I'm wondering, does anybody own or know of a pair of gloves that happen to be thin enough to allow for typing yet still keep your hands warm?
I tried googling for a bit but all I could find were gloves with the fingertips cut off. I think I must have poor circulation in my hands or something because my fingers and toes seem to stay cold most of the winter regardless of how warm my body is. And working on a computer in a cold room just makes it exponentially worse of course.
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Mar 5, 2012
Apple say MacBook Pro early 2011 should have 7+ hour capacity. Mine dries out in less than 2 hour. Beside: The computer gets very warm, cannot contact to a table without damage the table.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 23, 2009
I recently bought a MacBook Pro 15inch, the 2.66Ghz model;Nice laptop, but I'm worried about something: I play some games from time to time and I have been noticing that the CPU Temperature goes very High.My record is 92?C just moments ago while playing World of Warcraft.ou can see a screenie here:
(In this screenshot the Fans speed was about 2600rpm although under 90? they drop to 2000rpm)The laptop itself is not hot though, it's warm. (And I like it <3)
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Mar 4, 2010
I just thought i'd share my applecare story. I have a 2.2 ghz SR macbookpro. the headphone jack was acting a little static and i thought that the computer was running warm. So i sent it to apple with my installed seagate 500gb 7200rpm drive. Apple called me and told me they couldn't fix it with my drive in it because it wasn't under their warranty. But, they would put a free 160gb drive in instead and mail my 500gb back. They also did some additional work.
So the first time i sent it in they replaced:
Logic Board and graphics processor
Left in/out board
flex cable
hard drive
flex cable (a diff one)
left fan
right fan.............
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