PowerPC :: Normal IBook Running Temperature?
Jan 11, 2008On a dual USB iBook G3, what is the standard temp? Mine is currently at 113 degrees
View 1 RepliesOn a dual USB iBook G3, what is the standard temp? Mine is currently at 113 degrees
View 1 RepliesI was just wondering how hot is it ok for the Macbook Pro to get before it becomes an issue. Today my CPU got up to 80 celsius, and I got a little worried, because my computer usually runs around 49 - 55 celsius. Here is a screen shot I took a hour ago while I was running iTunes, Yahoo Messenger and Safari.And here is another one I took a minute ago while just running Safari
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhat is the normal temperature in C for my dualG5 1.8? is 47normal cause thats what im getting!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried to open Safari on an iBook with a new hard drive. Wouldn't open it after clicking and clicking and doubleclicking some more on the trackpad. Sometimes this happens on my 12" PB too. It won't open apps normally with the doubleclick on the trackpad
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just checked my iStat and it shows that my temperature is around 70C, is this considered as normal? I think it's too hot for an i5
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy 13 inch Macbook has been getting kind of warm on the right side lately, and with iStat Pro it appears the temperatures of the picture I'm uploading. Are these temperatures normal?? Are the fans okay? I'm not sure, but I think it's been a little slow as well, and I've just bought it 3 months ago...
View 15 Replies View RelatedI downloaded and installed Temperature Monitor and iMac Fan Control - mainly for observational purposes and not for toying around with the fan speeds and I've got some questions. Mind you, I haven't tampered at all with the fan speed settings, just installed Fan Control. Here are my readings (while browsing the internet with Safari and doing a chat via iChat):
Fan Speeds:
CPU fan (desired) 1300 RPM / (current) 1530 RPM
HD fan (desired) 2100 RPM / (current) 2099 RPM
DVD fan (desired) 1300 / 1298 RPM
CPU Heatsink: 92F
Internal HD: 108F
Internal DVD: 95F
GPU Heatsink: 107F
Are these, under the circumstances, normal readings?
I recently downloaded the fan speed app which allows you to control fan speed. I just uninstalled it and the fan speed seems to be higher than before. The Temperature is around 110 F and 3000 rpm. Is this normal?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if anyone could tell me what the normal temperatures are when booting Windows on a Macbook Pro.I'm getting around 60-75 GPU temperature and about 48-60 for CPU when I'm doing normal things like I do in Snow Leopard.Is that okay? Is it also okay to have such temperatures for like 5 hours straight or so?I'm getting around the same temperatures when I'm using Snow Leopard, but the laptop doesn't feels as hot as it feels when I'm using Windows, and that is bugging me much.
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy biggest problem on my old laptop was overheating, so I like to keep a close eye on my temperature. I'm using istats menu thingie, showing me my temperature (in degrees F). I've been keeping an eye on it ever since I got my new i7 MBP.
It tends to run around 100 or 110 degrees... 120 if I'm running firefox.
According to the coconutbattery app, my laptop's battery temperature is usually around 87ºF. I got worried when I checked my sister's macbook pro and noticed that her battery temperature is around 25ºF (with the same app). I put a fan next to my laptop for an hour and the battery only cooled down to 85ºF. The temperature stays the same regardless of it being plugged in to the charger or not. Is it normal for my battery to constantly be this hot? I play computer games fairly regularly, but even when I have no applications open the battery is still hot. I am currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I don't want to upgrade to Lion at the moment.I have already tried resetting the SMC, and nothing happened.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Can I run Mac OS 7 .5.3 on my iBook Clamshell? Am I providing enough info? If you need more info, I'll tell you. Right now I'm copying some files over to my hdd drive, getting ready to clear 68 something MB's off. I will then put Mac OS 7 in the root (almost). Will this power pc thing do it? It seems that it's like the old Macintosh's, just more powerful and better.
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PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have had my iBook for a good 4 years now. I have a 1.2ghz G4 ppc running Tiger and it is starting to run slow. I noticed that videos will now pause if something else is running or downloading. This never happened before. I was thinking about reinstalling my OS but would like to avoid that. Does anyone have this same problem or have any tricks to speed this up again?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI was recently given a (supposedly) non-functional iBook. I reinstalled Tiger on it, and it did fine through the installation and initial startup. However, everything runs really, really slow. It will work normally for about 5 seconds, and then slow to a crawl. Opening system preferences just took 5 minutes. The beach ball shows up with nearly every click.
Anyone know what this means? Bad ram? Bad HD? It is the 14" 1.42 ghz model with 756 mb ram.
Oh yeah, the reason it was presumed dead was because the previous owner smacked it on something, and the LCD screen is bashed up. The rest of it seems physically fine, but it was subject to some sort of impact.
My old clamshell iBook seems to be running very slow suddenly, I have to wait for typing to catch up with me and in this chatroom I go in, the chat screen keeps filling in and changing to same colour as background so I cant read what people have sent into room or and all buttons disappear until I run cursor over where they were!
It doesnt do this when I go in same room on iMac. It didnt used to do it on the iBook either! is it just getting old and needs replacing? Think mine was made in 2000, so is about 8 years old.
How do I do things like disk defragment or see how much hard drive and memory is been used? I wondered if it was maybe full?
Hi Everyone
I have an iBook G4 with 800MHz and 512 MB. I understand this is the max I can run this on. I really cannot afford a new one now and wondered if there was a way to increase the memory at all or get it to run faster. I deleted programs I do not use but it is still slow.
What the normal temperature for a macbook pro 15-inch i7 2,4GHz when watching videos on youtube on 1080p?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
A friend of mine gave me her old iBook G4 so I can fix it. Something was wrong with it (half the applications are missing, spotlight reindexes every time it restarts etc). So I'm just gonna reinstall everything from the ground up. My question is though, should I install Tiger again or would Leopard be better? The only thing I am afraid of is that Leopard would slow down the iBook since it's an older Laptop. Here are the specs:
iBook G4 (PowerBook6,7)
CPU: 1.33GHz - PowerPC G4 (1.5)
512MB Ram
ATI Mobility Radeon 9550
I recently bought myself an Xtra monitor to hook up to my Ibook. I also used the hack to be able to split up the monitors to have full resolution of my new monitor.
but now my computer is running slower. somewhere in this forum I have found out that because of the hack my Ibook now has to work extra hard to be able to run on 2 monitors.
my question is, isn't there a way to be able to use my new monitor at full resolution and just shut of the original Ibook monitor? so my Ibook does not have to split up his memory? If I mirror them I Can't work on full resolution ...
somebody doing this?
Or... What do I do/buy/download that my Ibook can work on 2 monitors, but doesn't run slower.
I seem to be in the high 50s, 57-62 C for my rev B 1.86 SSD.
What I am thinking about is if this is normal or if this is a sign to think about replacing the heatsink paste with Arctic 5?
My friend gave me his ibook 900mzh that was not displaying because he did not know how to fix it so I took a stab at it. I am not new to fixing computers as it is my profession but I'm new to Apples. Anyway, the first time I turned on the laptop the lcd displayed without any problems, every time after that it turns on randomly. After taking it apart about 3 times for various reasons and mistakes the laptop now displays every time I turn it on, but if I apply any type of pressure to the lower left side if the laptop the screen either goes black or gets small lines running through it. From what I have learned the only possible conclusion that I could come up with is the magnet that tells the ibook if it is open or closed has something wrong with it. It feels almost as if whenever there is any pressure around the hard drive the screen goes black. Any ideas, or tests I could do to fully determine the problem?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy first gen macbook is running with a CPU temp of 71 degrees celcius while running nothing. The mds and mdworker processes are taking up most of the processor and it wont change after quitting the processes or restarting or shutting down the computer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I've been having issues with my laptop crashing repeatedley and I ended up putting it down to overheating (from feeling the base/black strip) and do I downloaded a widget for dashboard which tracks CPU temperature and I'm runnin fairly consistently at 70-95, sometimes up to 103 degrees or so. Figure this can't be good for it, and from my reading it should be running at about 60 degrees or so. So how hot is too hot, and how do I go about cooling it more than the fans at 6300rpm?
MacBook Pro, Running Leopard
Recently i've added a Panasonic CRT to my setup running dual screen on my iBook G4 (latest rev.) Just wondering if it's safe to run lid closed mode on it. I know that it's capable (even though it's not supposed to be.) Would i run into severe problems if I did this as far as screen damage? I'm not sure if the heat comes through the keyboard and would create pixel problems.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got my 13" MacBook Pro back from being repaired (apple replaced the display and the logic board), and now it is running at 83 degrees C (according to iStat Pro) and the fans are only at 2000rpm. Is that normal? My computer never used to be this hot. I can't even hear the fans running.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI have a '09 24in iMac and the HD temp is in the 120F range. CPU is over 100F, is this normal?
Also I see processes running like ps, configd,windowserv..., pmtool......What is this stuff?
I could just by the replacement fan and swap it out but I am wondering if there is anything else that could be malfunctioning and causing the fan to NOT spin up - anything I can check before forking out the cash.Is there a way to see if the temp sensor is working? Could it be the LB? Can I test the electrical supply to the fan by using a multimeter? If so what setting/voltage, etc should I use to read that? And lastly, is there more than one fan?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow fast is the fan capable of running at? 6000rpm? Is this really fast, or bad for the fan to be running this fast?
View 11 Replies View RelatedSafari locking up originally. I would get beach balls pretty often, and simple tasks like opening a new tab would take a long time. One day last week I noticed it took like 30 minutes to index in spotlight..just random weird things like that.Yesterday, I got home and the computer had the little loading icon on the middle of my desktop and was completely locked up. The computer wasnt doing anything other than running normal processes.
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