MacBook Air :: IFixit Videos - Replacing Actual LED Display
Jul 28, 2008
I need to know exactly how to remove the display portion of a macbook air, and how to go about replacing the actual LED display. The pictures, unfortunately, do not suffice. A video would be ideal, otherwise I may be going into my repair project quite blindly and unprepared. If there is no such video available.
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Jul 6, 2009
On ifixit pages seems that the samsung hs12yha (120gb) could be put inside a mba first gen. I had asked ifixit support confirmation, and they told me it will work, but from the specs page the block size il 4k and not 512.. (the reason why the 5th gen ipod hd does not work in the air).
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Dec 28, 2009
I recently thought it would be a smart idea to volunteer to replace the failing HDD on my friend's Macbook (white, late '07 model), since she could get a higher capacity than 120GB this way, as opposed to getting a replacement at the Genius Bar. I went on, since I was able to change a couple of components on my 1st generation Macbook Pro without much trouble, and followed the guide step by step. Now, I am no rookie with this stuff. I even used to work at an Apple store, but as a specialist, not a genius. However, when I did everything (and it would seem that the installation itself was done properly), the computer screen would remain off once I booted the computer.
I tried changing it back to its original drive to see if I could at least get it to boot, but the same thing happened. Nothing on the display. I tried starting up while pressing C to run from the Snow Leopard disc, I tried starting up while pressing Option, I tried everything I can think of. I am running out of options and I have no clue what to do. Is there something I should have done before putting in the drive? Does anyone know what could be done, aside from taking it to the store and paying the $200 for an HDD replacement? (my former co-workers at the GB seem to be MIA for this).
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Sep 25, 2009
jpg display in MacBook Finder no longer shows image, just JPG icon, no matter which file or folder I try to look at. How do I reset to show actual images?
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Aug 14, 2009
Looking at the Apple online store, the 24" Apple Cinema Display comes with:What's in the Box * LED Cinema Display* AC power cord* Cleaning cloth* Printed documentation So, my question is, do you have to buy the actual connector cable separate, or is it permanently attached to the display? I would like to connect it to a brand new MacBook Pro 15".
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Feb 21, 2010
Long story short, I now have a late 2008 15" MBP with a broken display housing, LCD housing, and glass bezel. The LCD itself, along with the iSight etc., is functional. I have the opportunity to buy a display assembly for the mid 2009 MBP, including a new screen, for a good price.
Would replacing the entire display assembly with the mid 2009 assembly work?
Or could I buy the new assembly and simply replace the screen with my current one?
Essentially, what is the compatibility of the two units. I'd prefer the mid 2009 screen for obvious reasons.I searched the forums here, as well as searching many other places, and I have not found the answer.
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Sep 17, 2008
Is there any way in Leopard to associate QuickTime display attributes with given videos?
For example, I might want one video to always show in Full Screen mode, and another video to be shown in Double Size, and yet another to be shown in Actual Size, and I'm looking for a way to store these values so that QuickTime always opens each of the videos with these given, per-video attributes.
Is this possible at all?
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Feb 28, 2007
Just wondering if there is a way to have videos in iTunes play full screen on a secondary display. I know you can do it in Quicktime, VLC and eyeTV with terminal... but all my content is in iTunes..Can anyone help?I take it from this overwhelming responce that it is not possible to do??
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Oct 31, 2010
The most demanding thing I would do with a new Air is watch videos, while having 5 windows open, while also running Office. Would 2GB be enough? And if it isn't just wondering when the MBA accesses more RAM virtually using the SSD how slow would it be? Half the speed of actual real RAM? A quarter? Or maybe it would be almost as fast as real RAM??
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm about to order a Macbook Pro and I'm undecided between a regular 500gb 7200rpm HHD or the 128 SSD. I've heard the SSD is fast but I'm afraid it might not be enough space. Typically, hard drives actually have a little less free space than the number it indicates. For example, a 500gb might have about 460gb of free space.
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Mar 6, 2012
How do i delete the actual app of iTunes on my macbook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 18, 2010
If you have a Hypermac battery in any capacity what are the actual usage times you get with it then? I'd rather not pay extra for time I don't need but I don't want to buy too little either.
My machine is 2.26 MBP 13" with 8 GB ram and x-25m 160gb so I'm guessing I might get a little more out of the internal battery. Hypermac tells me that the 100w is their most popular model.
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Nov 2, 2009
I have a mbp purchased in late september and over the last few days the actual physical click on the trackpad is not working. If I apply a lot of pressure it will work but im afraid ill further damage the trackpad if i keep doing this. Anyone else have this problem and how did you solve it?
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May 29, 2012
I am a total Mac dummy but our owners daughter came in with her Macbook and said that no one can receive her attachments because they always get changed to DAT files. This happens if she uses both GMAIL and YAHOO mail (via safari). I can easily rename the file back to DOC or DOCX on my end but most of her friends and co-workers will not want to do that.
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Mar 24, 2008
Exactly as the title says - is there a program out there that can track how long my MBP is running when i run it off of battery power? As we all know the power usage varies depending on what you're doing on the computer, and I don't tend to do any one thing for hours on end. I know on my windows PC i used some program that charted on a graph power usage over time until the battery died.
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Mar 31, 2009
Here is whats happening: my 3 y.o. 15 MBP is connected to external speakers (Bose MusicMonitor) and every time there is a sound, any system sound, say an email in, a volume chirp, or a Skype chirp, anything at all, I hear an audible POP, before hearing the actual sound, in fact the POP sort of overlays the sound. I hear the second POP sometimes, after the sound has sounded, so to speak, and sometimes the second one does not happen at all. To me it reminds me of the Pioneer Amp my dad used to have in the 70's, when you first turn that thing on, it would produce an audible POP. So, back to to this, it sounds like an amplifier POP by being awaken by the system, and I'm inclined to think it is the MBP's audio "amplifier" on its board. Oh, btw, both the speakers and the MBP's volume is set to low.
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May 13, 2012
The symptoms is: The flash videos are only display with a full red bar and nothing happen, no video no sound nothing. The Flash player was upgrade with before safari 5.1.7. I have an iMac with SL, and a Macbook with SL too. However after I upgraded safari 5.1.7 the flash videos are not display correctly, (only videos). The same happen in both computers. I need to tell you that I follow all the possible recommendations that I founded in internent. I uninstall flash pug-in many times. I restore both. I switch many buttons and options like "reset safari", "empty cahe", "block pop-up windows", "enable java-script", "enable java". I turn off and on the firewall. I switch all the options in the flash player plug in preferences. And nothing. I turn on and off the plug ins. In fact I tried all the possibilities in the preferences menus from the programs.
In one occasion I had a glimpse of functionality for only one hour without problems after I reinstall safari from the Apple website, but only worked until I turned off the computer. The next day was the same problem. After I fought with safari 5.1.7 and the plug-in flash player Now I noticed something wired, only when I switch the "Private browsing" option in safari is when the videos are displayed correctly.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 7, 2009
I was wondering it it was possible to buy a LED display off eBay, and replace it with my LCD panel on my current Macbook (late 2006 C2D 2.0). There is nothing wrong the LCD, I am just curious as of whether or not it is possible.
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Jul 16, 2009
I recently took apart my macbook to see if I could get my wifi antenna nudged to work better. It does seem to be fixed, but when I put the laptop back together the inverter cable shorted to the frame, smelled like burning electronics and stopped working. However, I put a new inverter in and it is not fixed. I was careful to note that the second inverter did not create any smell, but the screen did not even light up for a second. The LCD IS still working, as I can see everything on the screen if I shine a light on it. Except for no backlight, the computer works fine. What could possibly be wrong, and what are my options?
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Oct 16, 2008
I am trying to upgrade my hard drive on one of the new MacBook Pros. MBP ships with an ATA hard drive but on NewEgg all the larger hard drives (400 - 500 gigs) are SATA. Am I limited to only ATA hard drives or will these SATA work as well?
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May 6, 2012
My son broke the LCD screen on our older Macbook. Only the upper screen is visible. It looks like a LCD screen can be purchased for about $100 and is quite difficult to install. Can I ask the forum's opinion if it is worth replacing this screen? He will be entering college in the Fall and will need a PC. It's the only mac that runs on 10.6 instead of 10.7.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 8, 2011
I am doing a school project where I need videos. How do you rip videos off Youtube and have them in the format for imovie (free). Also does anyone know how to rip videos off the c-span website?
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Jun 26, 2012
I've recently upgraded to Lion and have found that Quicktime movies and embedded Flash movies won't work. With the embedded flash all I get is a black box, and with quicktime movies, such as the ones on the Apple website, I get nothing - the irony of not being able to watch movies on the Apple site with my Apple iMac gives me a little chuckle. Anyways ....... I've been reading thread after thread and trying lots of different things but nothing works. I've got this feeling inside that says it's something simple but just can't seem to find it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 24, 2010
my 250GB HDD in my MacBook Pro but have been holding off for one big eason...iTunes. I have my iTunes library set up the only way i've ever done it. All my albums are playlists. Does anyone know if was to get an external HDD and make it a time machine, if it will save the playlists and files in iTunes, i know that time machine makes an image of your disc, but to what extent? I want to do this so i can just backup from time machine when i install the new HDD.
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Oct 12, 2010
Was watching a 720p HD movie on a plane. Movie starts to freeze up. I can move the mouse but the rest of the computer is unresponsive. I force shut down by holding the power button.
Upon restart, all seems well, I login but computer quickly becomes unresponsive again. I force shut down again.
Next restart is over 10 minutes. Gets to login screen but can't login.
I boot from install disk and run HD repair. It finds some problems and repairs them. Reboot. Same symptoms.
I decided it is the HD and archive and install. Install fails. I wipe the HD cleaned and reinstall osx.
All seems fine as I go through set up and login in. A few minutes later same unresponsiveness.
So finally I did what I shouldve done awhile ago which is swap my current hd with my old one. I do and the computer runs fine! I'm at my wits end.
Just so everyone knows, the day before all these symptoms started I swapped my stock 2x1gb ram for 2x4gb ram. I originally thought that was the problem but I've had my original ram in since I've been trying to diagnose and it's made no difference.
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Dec 27, 2010
i need to clone and replace my internal hard drive. it's 150 GB and almost full, so I'm replacing it with a Seagate 500 GB so I can upgrade from Os x 10.4 to Snow Leopard, and generally have TONS more space
I'm attempting to do the cloning in Disk Utility- I've got the new internal hard drive connected via USB right now, however when i select it as the destination, the 'Restore' option remains greyed out...
I imagine I need to format my hard drive, however I impulsively clicked 'New Image' and it began creating a disk image of the new hard drive...
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Jan 11, 2009
My brother's MacBook's hard drive just died. He has a backup of all of his data. If I were to buy this, what do I do after installing the hard drive? We have the Leopard disks and everything.
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Jan 23, 2009
I recently bought a MBA with the 128GB SSD. When at the store I launched Word on the SSD version as well as the SATA version and there was a noticeable difference so I decided to pay the extra $700 and go with the 1.86GHz with SSD model. I use this machine for development and my builds carry out file intensive operations that delete and generate a few thousand files (when I generate javadocs). My old Dell desktop from 5 years ago completed this operation in 90 seconds but my MBA takes 400 - 700 seconds. I did some reading and all indicators seem to point to the SSD being fast for reads but slow for writes. Is this correct? I'm not sure I can deal with this slowdown for much longer and I'm thinking a having my SSD replaced with the SATA drive. Will the mac store do this? or is there any less expensive option?
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Jun 22, 2009
My girlfriend's MacBook has some deep scratches on the bottom that a polish kit would not fix. I wanted to buy a new bottom cover and replace it for her. I have found quite a few on eBay, but I am not sure on which model will fit. She has the new white NVIDIA MacBook. I assume that because the motherboard is different, would she need a case specific for the NVIDIA model, or will an older Core 2 Duo case work all the same?
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Jul 11, 2009
I know it's ancient tech... but I've reverted to a 12" PB after selling my uni MacBook. I've owned two of these 12" PB 1.5ghz previously, both bought new (combo+60gb hd/superdrive +80gb) and the latter one cost me some bad business deal points because I was in a meeting outside in the sunlight and I could not read the screen. I sold it with Applecare to someone on MR last year. The one I bought is used, obviously, and the screen is "fine" no dead pixels or cracks or anything, it just will only be workable inside. Does anyone have any tips on the brightest or best screen replacement I can get for this? This one has a build date of August 2005 so it's been around, though in great condition. A bit "dim" and it might be worth it if I could get a new screen that is somewhat brighter.
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