MacBook Air :: Wireless Randomly Losing Connectivity
Oct 10, 2009
So every so often after I open my laptop up my wireless will work initially but then all the sudden will stop working. All I have to do is turn off airport and turn it back on and it works again.
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Mar 13, 2012
I have a PC laptop which also uses the wireless and has never had a problem.My Mac Pro loses access to the net every few minutes or so. I usually follow a sequence of "Turn AirPort Off" / "Turn Airport On" to cycle the connection, and this works but only for a temporary solution until it drops out a few minutes later.also link to pic here..[URL] It always shows full bars even though in the activity monitor it just flatlines or flutters near 0kB/sec. Like many others, my connection drops although the wireless signal icon remains full. I've noticed that as long as my system doesn't idle (ie - if I'm downloading something, or on a webpage which is always sending or recieving data) the wireless connection seems alright. But if I am on a webpage (for instance, this Apple website which is idle and not sending or recieving data) for a few minutes or am away from the computer for 5 minutes, the connectivity dies and I cant access the net. I then follow a sequence of "Turn AirPort Off" / "Turn Airport On" to cycle the connection, and this works but only for a temporary solution until it drops out a few minutes later. Also, can I ask that NO ONE suggest that I hook my computer up via the ethernet cable as there is no access points upstairs and I'm not going to pay a tonne of money to get one installed when I paid a tonne of money for my "AirPort Extreme" so I didnt have to (which was just over 2 years ago).Â
Its been a constant problem for the last 12 months and the short-fix of "Turn AirPort Off" / "Turn Airport On" to cycle the connection has driven me to madness (especially when I write a lot of information into a site for example this, and after 15 minutes I click the next button or send and dont realise the net is no longer connected and I LOOSE EVERYTHING I'VE JUST TYPED. It's happened 1000's of times.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), AirPort Extreme
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May 13, 2012
My recent MacBook Pro is losing router connectivity based on its location every few seconds. I need to be in close proximity and direct view of the router for it to stay on. The problem is not with the router, because other machines are fine.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 17, 2012
My iMac, OS X ver 10.7.3 continually loses conectivity if I go awaya for 10-15 min. Each time I have to reconnect.Â
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Mar 8, 2012
My job requires me to be mobile, and I move from one office to the next frequently, to attend to various meetings etc. Every time I move from one office to the next, I have to turn WiFi OFF, and then back ON again, in order for it to re-establish connectivity. This is a major frustration, as quite often I am downloading or uploading work applications, and have to re-start the download / upload again from scratch. It's impractical to not move until these are complete.Â
Mac OS X Lion Version 10.7.3
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 30, 2008
Upon receiving the monitor, I immediately plugged it in to my Macbook, using the Mini-DV to VGA adaptor I already had, for use with projectors. The monitor was good, but a bit blurry and not too sharp, due to the analog signal. So I ordered a Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor. When it arrived, the improved picture quality was immediately apparent.
However, as time went on, I noticed my wireless connectivity was getting terrible. Extremely slow Safari page load times, and upon going to Terminal and pinging my router, I would often get response times of 21000 milliseconds, or worse! I did a lot of research, on router firmware, on wireless connectivity, etc., but to no prevail. Then, on a whim, while continually pinging my router, I removed the DVI adaptor from my monitor. The ping instantly dropped from tens of full seconds to just a stable 0.4 milliseconds! Using my VGA connection resulted in no worse wireless connectivity than without it, but upon plugging in DVI and stressing the connection a bit (i.e. downloading a large file), the connection went bonkers. The pings also immediately jump from 0.4 milliseconds to a range of 1-4 milliseconds, regardless of any "stressing".
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Jan 11, 2011
Is there any point in mixing wired and wireless connectivity with a Mac Pro? Would this bump up/down speeds at all?
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Sep 16, 2007
My wife has an iBook G3 500mhz with 320mb of ram. She is having trouble with the airport card that is installed in it. I have a 2.4ghz wireless access point in the upstairs of my house (next to my main machine) which is sending the signal to a 2.4ghz bridge in the downstairs. House is wood frame. She is having problems connecting to the wireless network. When she can actually connect, she has to be right next to a wireless router and even then it doesn't work sometimes to connect. Is the airport card going bad in this? Is it possible that the antenna has gone bad or has a kink in it or something?
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Jul 21, 2009
I get great wireless connectivity under Mac OS X, since the wireless base is in the room right next to the MacBook Pro, but under Windows XP Home Edition with the Mac drivers installed, I never get above two bars, and connection drops every 20 minutes or so. Windows is completely updated, all boot camp drivers are updated, everything.
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Apr 19, 2012
I am running an imac 24-inch Mid 2007 on 10.7.3. Always do the updates and everything seems ok. I have been having problems with connecting, reconnecting after sleep and just losing my connection in the middle of being on wifi. I have replaced my wireless router, I have deleted all previous wifi networks. I have also renewed my dhcp license. Nothing works. To reconnect, I have to continuously go to network preferences, assist me, diagnostics, then continue with the assist me and choose my network and it then reconnects. This is not just waking from sleep. Sometimes just randomly while working on the computer. I have read some things about equipment plugged in and I have an ATT micro cell plugged into 1 ethernet jack in my wireless router/modem, I also have a bluetooth mouse, a printer plugged in USB and a Lacie HD using Time machine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8 GHz Intel Core 24-inch Mid 2007
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Jan 2, 2011
Almost every time my laptop goes into sleep and back out I lose my wireless internet connection? It's not every time but it's getting more and more frequent. Is this a problem with my wireless router or a setting within? My 13" MBP is a June 2009 model. I have the Best Buy warranty but I can't be without my laptop while I'm on the road for work.
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Aug 18, 2009
i have a 13in macbook unibody and i keep losing my wireless internet i will be connected and then when i go into my network diagnostics everything is green except for my internet and i then have to reenter my password and reconnect with my wireless router this is an annoying problem and was wondering.
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Nov 1, 2008
I must admit that this posting is a last resort. However, remarkably, on narrowing the problem it seems it has to do with an unknown default setting on my Mac OS X Leopard on both my MacBook and iMac.
This week I invested in two new Wireless-N routers - Belkin and D-Link - and both fail to perform. The problem manifests itself as follows:
- When my Apple is wirelessly connected to the router, it takes a very long time to pull up any website. And unless I am imagining things, it seems to first pause when the blue progress indicator reaches just beyond "[URL]" each time. It is slow loading beyond this initial pause as well.
- When I change my security from WPA2 to WEP to None, it makes no difference whatsoever.
- When my Apple is connected to the router via ethernet, it performs very well. Each website appears very quickly and as expected i.e. no wireless connection.
- Very surprisingly, when I am using Windows via Boot Camp on my iMac, it performs very well when *wirelessly* connected. This threw me a little. This is what led me to suspect there's a default configuration with my Mac OS X that is causing the problem.
- In light of the above point, I have not yet checked to see whether wireless frequency or channel affect the download speed.
- For 2.5 years I had been using a Netgear Wireless-G router without any problem.
Might anyone know what the problem is? Or at the very least how better to diagnose it?
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Mar 26, 2009
I am new to the IMac experience which I have to say so far I love it but I am having 2 problems.
1) Every time my computer goes to sleep I lose wireless connectivity and I have to log back in where as my other computers I dont have to do this it signs back in automatically
2) Some how I lost Spaces from the icon bar at the bottom of the screen and can not figure how to get it back down there.
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Dec 12, 2009
I've been using a wireless adapter to connect a PC and a laser printer to my Apple based network. The laser printer is always available but the PC only shows up occasionally. I am not making any changes to cause it to show up when it decides to.
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Mar 4, 2009
I just installed the Airport extreme wireless card on my emac, but I have run into some problems:
1)after installing the card, the mac took a very long time to start up, I tested to make sure it was the card: everytime I started it up without the card, it did the normal thing, but with the card, it took a long time
2)after finally starting up, nowhere can i find where/how to configure the wireless. When I go to configure the network, it has all options, but the airport card option is not usable.
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Jul 30, 2009
On a 1st generation Time Capsule will an iPod Touch automatically connect to my wireless network via TC or do I have to manually toggle the 2.4GHz/5.0GHz options in preferences?
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Apr 12, 2010
I've been losing my wireless connection every 20 minutes or so since yesterday and I have to keep renewing my DHCP lease each time to restore it. I did change from wep to wpa2 over a week ago, but this problem only started happening yesterday.
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Mar 18, 2012
Imac and iphone lost internet connectivity via Linksys wireless router. Ehternet works fine. Keep getting note about "self-assigned" ip. Ideas? I have tried everything I have found and read.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 12, 2009
I am running into a headache with my wireless network connections. When I close my laptop to put it to sleep, I often lose my network connection. It is easy enough to reconnect; I simply try to connect to a web page, get network diagnostics, and re-enter my password (and click on the "remember password" box). All works great -- until I next close the laptop. It happens all the time at one site, sometimes at home (using Time Capsule), and seldom at the church where I volunteer.
I have checked all my settings and can't figure out what's going on. If my poor memory is correct, I didn't use to have this problem, but it has been going on for the last couple of months. I know I could keep the sucker open, but I want to save power by putting it to sleep -- and the desk where I work at home has a sliding drawer so it has to be closed to close the drawer. (And my network connections are all in the desk also.) I've posted this question to the Apple forum but haven't gotten any replies there other than a couple of followup questions. I am using Time Capsule as my router and I have updated the software
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Aug 22, 2009
My Wireless mouse keeps losing connection is there any way to stop that from happening a lot
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Nov 11, 2010
I have a 2008 MacBook running Mac OSX and it loses wireless internet connectivity on a continuous intermittent basis. I use a Linksys router and none of my wireless PC's are effected by any loss of connectivity when my Mac is, in fact, they do not lose connection to the internet at all. I am connected to my own secure network that is wep password protected.
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Feb 26, 2012
After a recent update, my iMac keeps losing the wireless internet connection, especially after going into "sleep" mode.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 25, 2007
Well it will connect then when I move it around and pick it up off the table it loses connection. It just started doing this a few days ago and continues doing it. It does this in windows as well. If I keep it on the table it will be fine, but as soon as I move around and pick it up on accident barely off of the table it's connection is lost.
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Jul 11, 2009
I've got a bluetooth mighty mouse and a 13" MacBook Pro. Yesterday, the mouse started losing its connection. It would just suddenly die and I'd have to go into my bluetooth settings and disconnect (because it wasn't actually disconnecting that end) and then reconnect it.
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Nov 2, 2009
I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.
This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
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Jan 26, 2010
I recently purchased (as in days ago) a refurbished 13" Macbook Pro. I just noticed today that my wireless connection on my Macbook Pro has been losing it's connection about every other 2-3 minutes. I was on iChat with a buddy this morning, and I must have been disconnected and then reconnected about 8 times in 20 minutes. I first thought it must have been a problem with iChat. That said, I have sat here looking at my screen for the past ten minutes, and I have seen the Airport wireless indicator disconnect and then reconnect again at least three times in the past ten minutes.
I have AT&T U-Verse Service, and I am forced to use their provided 2WIRE router. That said, I have had no problems with any other device that uses the wireless connection, from my iPhone to my PS3. I work from home and have my HP laptop literally sitting right next to my Macbook, and it has not disconnected once from the same wireless connection, whereas my Macbook has literally disconnected at least 20 times.
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Jan 3, 2009
My Apple Wireless Keyboard is haunted. It will randomly, in the middle of sentences, or sometimes after I haven't used in a few minutes, stop responding.
The really weird part? I open System Prefs, click Bluetooth, and viola! It works again. I don't have to do anything - just open the Bluetooth prefs. As soon as I do, everything I've typed since it went dead (usually just a word or two) is actually output into the search box in Systems Prefs.
There is no rhyme or reason to this weirdness. Sometimes it will literally happen a few times an hour for days (which drives me up the wall); sometimes it'll go months without doing it. When it's doing it a lot, no amount of rebooting/relogging-in fixes it. One thing I have not tried is using a fresh user account (or Guest), because it's so unpredictable... even on my own account it will take a break and work normally for a few hours, then go right back to freaking out.
The fact that it stores everything I type when it's "not working" is the really weird part. It's like the OS is receiving the data but just forgetting to process it until I poke it and remind it, "you have stuff coming in via Bluetooth, wake up and do something with it!"
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Mar 30, 2009
My iMac is waking up from sleep in the middle of the night. The only clue to what is going on is that is says the wireless keyboard has lost connection.
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Mar 18, 2010
I moved my room around yesterday, and originally my iMac was in the far corner of my small bedroom. After the rearrange, now its on the opposite side of the room, and since then the iMacs internet connection has been unstable. It'll drop, randomly slow down to a crawl etc. My MacBook is fine, and so is my PS3, its just my iMac thats causing havok, all because I moved it from one side of the room to the other. I can't be because I've simply moved the iMac from one side of the room to the other can it? My MacBook can pick up a strong signal from the bottom of the garden, so the iMac really has no excuse.
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