MacBook Air :: Volume Very Low Even When Maxed?
Feb 26, 2008Just got a MBA and learning the machine. Are your MBA's really quiet? I have no problems with volume on my MB or MBP but on the MBA I find it quiet even when maxed.
View 5 RepliesJust got a MBA and learning the machine. Are your MBA's really quiet? I have no problems with volume on my MB or MBP but on the MBA I find it quiet even when maxed.
View 5 RepliesI need more USB ports, but want to add an internal component, like a PCI-E card (NOT a USB Hub). I just want a clean look, not an additional component. Does anyone have any recommendations? Does one even exist (?). I saw a PCI USB card at Office Depot & Best Buy, but I'm pretty sure that won't work.
I figured about now, in 2008, that machines would come with 6 USB ports (on the back) standard, considering everything is USB. Consumer Dell machines do it, so does HP and others... my $3000 Professional MP... 3 USB ports standard on the back.
so as you can see from the tittle of this thread i maxed out my g5 on ram, which is only a total of 2.5 gb but i really like the performance, definitly helps alot with alot more demanding programs. =) im so hapy i finally got this done! any body else have there g5 maxed out?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI know there had been some discussions here about the new i7 quad, and before I spend my hard earned cash I wanted some last minute opinions.
I post this here in the Mac Pro forums because I figure there might likely be more FCP users...which is what my main use for my new machine will be.
I have been wanting a new unit for several months now, and have been just waiting to pull the trigger on a Mac Pro. In fact, it has gotten to be a running joke around my house with my wife and I...we can be talking about something totally non-related and I will say "I just have one word for you...OCTO!!!" Anyway, I digress.
While I simply cannot justify (or afford really) a maxed out octo, I have been considering a "fairly" maxed out quad MP. But now that the new iMac has appeared, I am having more trouble.
I am not a pro...meaning I am not paying my bills with FCP. I would characterize myself as prosumer...which describing myself really means consumer who likes nicer equipment. I do want a "respectable" machine that will handle FCP with somewhat ease.
My current video set up is an HMC150 mixed with Canon 7D. Converting to ProRes 422 (not the HQ flavor) and using things like Magic Bullet. Not doing much Motion work...mostly because I have not learned that process yet. I am currently doing it on a maxed out 2008 iMac. And so far it has not been all that bad. Ingesting is not taking long enough to bother me really...and editing is nice and smooth. The only really long times are for rendering and encoding to H.264.
So, given these facts, am I way out in left field here considering a maxed out iMac? I am sure that during the process, the render and encode times will be what taxes the machine the most. And I am not even really sure that those times would be much different on a quad MP. Octo, sure. But even then I am not sure what kind of differences we are talking about. I mean would a similarly configured octo have double performance from the quad? Would a 2 hour render or encode on an octo take 4 hours on a quad?
The other thing I am thinking is this...Even if the iMac turns out to be way less than what I would like, I am thinking I can use it for awhile (as long as I can stand it) then maybe down the road look again at the MP...say after the 6 or 12 core thing plays out. I could always use the iMac as the monitor for a MP down the road. The glossy thing is not a factor for doesn't bother me at all.
I just upgraded my powerbook 1.5ghz g4 to 2 gb of ram. It runs multiply applications fine now. The only thing that I'm still disappointed with is when I am viewing videos on youtube or elsewhere my CPU maxes out and the video is all chopping.
I know it's old (6 years!) and I need a new computer (which I'm thinking of getting the 27" iMac i5) but I feel as if it should be able to view videos on youtube without being chopping and maxing out the CPU...
I have an iMac G5 (Ambient Light Sensor) that runs Leopard pretty slowly, even with 2GB of RAM. Sometimes, it's a pretty severe lag: Type a sentence, twiddle your thumbs, bam, it's all inputted at once. Sometimes, the whole system is non-responsive for 60-120 seconds, before, bam, accepting all your key- and mouse-strokes at once.
Activity Monitor also reports extremely high CPU-usage. I've been using it for a couple of hours this morning and it's been maxed-out or nearly maxed-out basically the whole time.
There aren't any processes that appear to be hogging resources. Sometimes, it's finder / time machine that's using the most. Sometimes it's Safari or Mail.
I'm open to the possibility that it's just time to upgrade, but I was wondering if the forums had any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or reclaim some CPU cycles.
Hi Everyone
I have an iBook G4 with 800MHz and 512 MB. I understand this is the max I can run this on. I really cannot afford a new one now and wondered if there was a way to increase the memory at all or get it to run faster. I deleted programs I do not use but it is still slow.
This morning I installed Windows 7 Upgrade ($30 student price) from XP running via boot camp on my 2007 24" iMac. I had to do the clean install, but it worked flawlessly. I ran the bootcamp setup from the Snow Leopard disk (3.0) and it installed fine. My problem is the screen resolution. My resolution is maxed out at 1280x1024. Windows 7 handles this nicely, though, by simply putting the desktop in the middle of the display with black space around it (it could have stretched it out and made it really bad). I'm not sure what to do, since the driver is installed properly (ATI, RadeonHD2600). I'm also trying to run dual-screens, and that doesn't seem to work either. All these things worked perfectly on XP.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been running some deinterlacing jobs with Compressor on our Mac Pro 3,1 dual processor. We'd added some RAM so I was interested to have a look in Activity Monitor to see how it was faring and noticed that the CPU activity never went above 50%. I find it very hard to believe that Compressor isn't intended to take advantage of both processors.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have the fully loaded 3.06GHz iMac with the upgraded video card. The native resolution is 1920x1200, which even with the iMac's decent specs, is a hefty performance dump being forced to run games in this high resolution. When I try lowering the resolution, literally every other resolution option looks like crap, while 1920x1200 looks crisp and perfect. Most of the other options aren't a matching aspect ratio for the widescreen monitor. Is there a good resolution you recommend, and if it isn't available in my game, is there a way to make it available?
Do I need to hack each game to display other resolution options that match my aspect ratio? How can I get better performance besides turning the graphics to crap? I would be happy running in a lower resolution with all other settings maxed, rather than most settings low with such a high resolution.
Do I have any options here or am I screwed? I'm sure some of you guys must have come across this issue! I'm a new Mac convert who can't get rid of my PC gaming.
Note: Preferably I would like to find an alternate widescreen resolution, rather than finding a way to use 4:3 with black bars, but either would be better than how it is now.
I recently bought a Power Mac G5 with 3 20" cinema displays, each with their own video card. I've since stopped using one and it sped up some. But even with the most simple tasks, it is hella slow and freezes sometimes. If I just have Firefox and iTunes open, it runs slow and the fans kick in overdrive. The main video card is an ATI Radeon x800 with 256 RAM and the other is a 9200 with 128 RAM. how to free up my RAM and speed it up?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the F11, 12 buttons, the pages go away or the dashboard comes up. I've tried to change the settings but that didn't work either
MacBook Pro with Retina display
I have a Mac Pro and not too long ago I swapped from a fat, heavy and filthy white Apple Keyboard to a new skinny silver one. I like it, and also love that the F7-9 Skip Back-Pause/Play-Skip Forward keys work for iTunes, even when another app is active (what's the word I'm looking for - in focus or whatever). But I use Optical output, so the volume keys (F10-12) don't do anything. I know that, when iTunes is the active app, I can command-+/- to change the volume, but I'd love to be able to map the F10-12 keys to do that - without having to have iTunes active (playing, but not the active window).
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
View 6 Replies View Related I have my imac apart right now and replaced the internal HD as it was not working. I assume the problem is the new one is not formatted with OSX, so from the INSTALL CD I opened the disk utility and see only one drive called "MEDIA".? Or is that just part of the install dvd that looks like a HD? In the system it shows as not formatted, 0 bytes. When selected in Partition it says :
"This voume is the startup volume and cannot be erased. Size 7.1 GB The disk is not writable and cannot be partitioned"
So i guess thats not my new HD I am seeing? Other than that there is only the two OSX install CD icons.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this- it is a pita to adjust separate volume controls on everything. If I adjust the volume on the keyboard, the volume slider in itunes doe snot move. If I set the volume on itunes with a mouse, then come home and use the volume controls on my keyboard, I have to also manually adjust the slider in itunes. Anyway to link the two?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently decided to increase the volume of my bootcamp disk, which I had done in the past using a method which ultimately made the disk unrecognizable. This time around I used Winclone to create an image of my bootcamp disk. I was not sure exactly how Winclone worked and to be safe I decided to keep the Bootcamp disk I had, and I created a third partition of a larger volume to which I restored the bootcamp image. Everything worked fine obviously, and the image was restored correctly to the new larger volume. The dilemma is I had two bootcamp disks, so I erased the smaller volume because I no longer needed it. Currently I am trying to restore this empty space within the main disk to the Macintosh HD. Disk util looks like:
I know I can just create a backup of the macintosh HD, another image of the bootcamp disk, and format the disk and start over, but I am hoping there is an easier way to go about this; considering there has been a method engineered such that I can just drag that corner of the mac HD and voila I have instantly more storage after applying, it seems viable that there is something that can be done rather than formatting my disk, unless the necessity for that of course was overlooked.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Before I get flamed and etc... I have google and done some research about this issue but cannot find much about it.
I am not sure if this is a very common issue or topic but how do you adjust or modify your apple keyboard so that you can adjust screen brightness or volume? I am currently running Windows XP SP3, on a 2.4Ghz Unibody Macbook.
I dont know whats going on but I'm not getting any volume on my macnook pro everytime i press the volume button i get a circle with a line threw it, does anyone know how to fix this problem.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Happens both when i have something plugged into the headphone jack, and when i don't.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe title pretty much says it all. I have an early 2009 13" MacBook, and no matter what the volume is when I shut down, it's always at max when I turn it on again.
View 11 Replies View Relatedhow to mount a volume on a mac
My mac no longer displayes the volume level at the top right corner, why is this? Is there a way for me to change it?
Im trying to use the keyboard for my volume but it isn't working.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
We have a MackBook Pro that we bought in 2012 and we have done all of our latest updates except the new OSX. About a week ago we noticed that our volume display shows that the volume is turned all the way up but you have to be within three feet to hear anything. We use to play our iTunes library and the sound nearly filled the house.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2
The volume on my macbook pro will randomly turn itself on. The volume image shows up and it then turns all the way up and keeps clicking until I hit one of the volume buttons. But it will do it again about 30 seconds later and it keeps repeating this process for days. Shutting off the computer doesn't do anything. It does this randomly, it may not happen for months but then when it does happen it can go on for days if not weeks.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI turned my MacBook Pro off before I went to sleep, and this morning when I awaken. I can't seem to turn up or down my volume. It comes up with all the volume bars and a little circle sign with a diagonal line in the middle, like a stop sign. I have gone to system preferences > Volume > Output BUT all my volume preferences have gone all light grey and wont let me access them.
MacBook Pro
I have a late '08 MBP hooked up to a new 27" ACD, using a bluetooth apple keyboard and magic mouse. It's been working fine in all respects until I woke it up today. Everything is fine except the volume. If I tap volume up or down on the keyboard, there's serious latency (5-10 seconds) between me pressing the button and it showing the volume moving. Secondly (and more importantly), there's no sound at all (no matter what volume it's set at). I've already directed the sound through the monitor's speakers (like I said, everything was working just fine). I've tried rebooting, double-checking the sound settings, and disconnecting/reconnecting the bluetooth keyboard.
View 3 Replies View Relatedis there a way to make the MBA louder?
View 6 Replies View Relatedis it just me or did my macbook's speakers get low? it seems like they aren't as loud as they used to be! did i perhaps mess with something? i went to the settings and checked the sound settings but everything there seems to be ok! i have the volume on my mac. all the way up, and itunes is also turned up!
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