I dont know whats going on but I'm not getting any volume on my macnook pro everytime i press the volume button i get a circle with a line threw it, does anyone know how to fix this problem.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a Mac Pro and not too long ago I swapped from a fat, heavy and filthy white Apple Keyboard to a new skinny silver one. I like it, and also love that the F7-9 Skip Back-Pause/Play-Skip Forward keys work for iTunes, even when another app is active (what's the word I'm looking for - in focus or whatever). But I use Optical output, so the volume keys (F10-12) don't do anything. I know that, when iTunes is the active app, I can command-+/- to change the volume, but I'd love to be able to map the F10-12 keys to do that - without having to have iTunes active (playing, but not the active window).
Recently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
I have my imac apart right now and replaced the internal HD as it was not working. I assume the problem is the new one is not formatted with OSX, so from the INSTALL CD I opened the disk utility and see only one drive called "MEDIA".? Or is that just part of the install dvd that looks like a HD? In the system it shows as not formatted, 0 bytes. When selected in Partition it says :
"This voume is the startup volume and cannot be erased. Size 7.1 GB The disk is not writable and cannot be partitioned"
So i guess thats not my new HD I am seeing? Other than that there is only the two OSX install CD icons.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this- it is a pita to adjust separate volume controls on everything. If I adjust the volume on the keyboard, the volume slider in itunes doe snot move. If I set the volume on itunes with a mouse, then come home and use the volume controls on my keyboard, I have to also manually adjust the slider in itunes. Anyway to link the two?
I recently decided to increase the volume of my bootcamp disk, which I had done in the past using a method which ultimately made the disk unrecognizable. This time around I used Winclone to create an image of my bootcamp disk. I was not sure exactly how Winclone worked and to be safe I decided to keep the Bootcamp disk I had, and I created a third partition of a larger volume to which I restored the bootcamp image. Everything worked fine obviously, and the image was restored correctly to the new larger volume. The dilemma is I had two bootcamp disks, so I erased the smaller volume because I no longer needed it. Currently I am trying to restore this empty space within the main disk to the Macintosh HD. Disk util looks like:
I know I can just create a backup of the macintosh HD, another image of the bootcamp disk, and format the disk and start over, but I am hoping there is an easier way to go about this; considering there has been a method engineered such that I can just drag that corner of the mac HD and voila I have instantly more storage after applying, it seems viable that there is something that can be done rather than formatting my disk, unless the necessity for that of course was overlooked.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Before I get flamed and etc... I have google and done some research about this issue but cannot find much about it.
I am not sure if this is a very common issue or topic but how do you adjust or modify your apple keyboard so that you can adjust screen brightness or volume? I am currently running Windows XP SP3, on a 2.4Ghz Unibody Macbook.
Just got a MBA and learning the machine. Are your MBA's really quiet? I have no problems with volume on my MB or MBP but on the MBA I find it quiet even when maxed.
The title pretty much says it all. I have an early 2009 13" MacBook, and no matter what the volume is when I shut down, it's always at max when I turn it on again.
We have a MackBook Pro that we bought in 2012 and we have done all of our latest updates except the new OSX. About a week ago we noticed that our volume display shows that the volume is turned all the way up but you have to be within three feet to hear anything. We use to play our iTunes library and the sound nearly filled the house.
The volume on my macbook pro will randomly turn itself on. The volume image shows up and it then turns all the way up and keeps clicking until I hit one of the volume buttons. But it will do it again about 30 seconds later and it keeps repeating this process for days. Shutting off the computer doesn't do anything. It does this randomly, it may not happen for months but then when it does happen it can go on for days if not weeks.
I turned my MacBook Pro off before I went to sleep, and this morning when I awaken. I can't seem to turn up or down my volume. It comes up with all the volume bars and a little circle sign with a diagonal line in the middle, like a stop sign. I have gone to system preferences > Volume > Output BUT all my volume preferences have gone all light grey and wont let me access them.
I have a late '08 MBP hooked up to a new 27" ACD, using a bluetooth apple keyboard and magic mouse. It's been working fine in all respects until I woke it up today. Everything is fine except the volume. If I tap volume up or down on the keyboard, there's serious latency (5-10 seconds) between me pressing the button and it showing the volume moving. Secondly (and more importantly), there's no sound at all (no matter what volume it's set at). I've already directed the sound through the monitor's speakers (like I said, everything was working just fine). I've tried rebooting, double-checking the sound settings, and disconnecting/reconnecting the bluetooth keyboard.
is it just me or did my macbook's speakers get low? it seems like they aren't as loud as they used to be! did i perhaps mess with something? i went to the settings and checked the sound settings but everything there seems to be ok! i have the volume on my mac. all the way up, and itunes is also turned up!
The volume seems to be on lock and no sound comes out of the computer speakers. If I go to the volume sign at the top of the page the volume meter is white and stuck at the top. If I press F5 and F4 it moves neither up nor down and underneath the volume bar there is a circle with a line in it, which I presume is mute. I have gone into system pref -sound -out put and thats stuck too. Also there is a red light on in the headphone socket.
I'm not sure if this is just me or if everyone experiences this but I usually shut down my computer when I'm not using it for long periods of time. When I boot up my computer it will remember the settings I have for the internal speaker but when I plug in my headphones it always goes to 3/4 volume which is way too loud for me. Is there a way I can get it to remember my headphone settings too?
I'm using Onyx every so often when things start to get sluggish. Recently, things keep flying out of whack for no obvious reason. Like, USB ports stop working, or icons won't load. When I run Onyx, it tells me that the startup volume needs repair. I'll put in the Snow Leopard disk, repair the startup volume and return to Onyx, which then says everything is fine and goes about its business. Then, after not too long, things fly out of whack again and I'll need to repair the startup volume again.
What causes the startup volume to need repair? Is there some way I can avoid this kind of thing? Is there something I'm doing that's making this happen?
This would be an obnoxious problem to try and recreate for the Apple store people. Taking it in there, they'll probably just repair the startup volume and send me on my way.
I just installed Windows Vista on my MacBook pro, and first time everything seemed to work fine. But i couldn't open the Bootcamp application and the volume wouldn't work no matter what. I tried putting my mac OS X install DVD back in and 'repaired', after this the Bootcamp application works, but i still can't get sound? It says no output is installed or something like that.
My volume buttons aren't working, the icons appear on screen but don't control the volume at all. The only way I can control the volume is by using the output volume scroller in system preferences. How can I get the buttons to control volume again?
I've been having this problem for a couple months now. When I use headphones or external speakers my MBP volume gets stuck at one level. When this happens my volume buttons don't work. Everything seems to be fine (according to apple), but I still can't fix it. There is no red light in the audio jack & all of the audio settings seem to be normal. I've used CCleaner to repair permissions with no luck, I've called AppleCare twice with no luck, I've reinstalled my entire OS with no luck, and yet this all seems normal. Does anyone know what the problem is? Apple says its something wrong with my OS and they left me out to dry with no solution. I'm open to anything...that won't void my warranty.Oh and I've also done the PRAM reset and it worked for about five minutes...without even plugging in headphones after it was "fixed".
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My output volume on my MacBook Pro is not working. When I go to "Settings", then "Sounds", then "Output", I can not slide the volume bar at all, or change it in the menu bar?
I have a Mac Book Pro. The keyboard controller for my volume does not work. It is stuck on full blast and when I try to lower the white image comes up on the screen showing that it is fullblast with a white circle and and a line through it. Also, when I try to lower it on the top right of my screen it is on full blast and will not let me slide it down. I tried shutting down the computer and then holding command+option+p+r until the start up sound to reset the PRAM but nothing happened.