Windows On Mac :: Handling Maxed Out Screen Resolution

Oct 29, 2009

This morning I installed Windows 7 Upgrade ($30 student price) from XP running via boot camp on my 2007 24" iMac. I had to do the clean install, but it worked flawlessly. I ran the bootcamp setup from the Snow Leopard disk (3.0) and it installed fine. My problem is the screen resolution. My resolution is maxed out at 1280x1024. Windows 7 handles this nicely, though, by simply putting the desktop in the middle of the display with black space around it (it could have stretched it out and made it really bad). I'm not sure what to do, since the driver is installed properly (ATI, RadeonHD2600). I'm also trying to run dual-screens, and that doesn't seem to work either. All these things worked perfectly on XP.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Other Resolution To Run Games On My Maxed IMac?

Feb 1, 2009

I have the fully loaded 3.06GHz iMac with the upgraded video card. The native resolution is 1920x1200, which even with the iMac's decent specs, is a hefty performance dump being forced to run games in this high resolution. When I try lowering the resolution, literally every other resolution option looks like crap, while 1920x1200 looks crisp and perfect. Most of the other options aren't a matching aspect ratio for the widescreen monitor. Is there a good resolution you recommend, and if it isn't available in my game, is there a way to make it available?

Do I need to hack each game to display other resolution options that match my aspect ratio? How can I get better performance besides turning the graphics to crap? I would be happy running in a lower resolution with all other settings maxed, rather than most settings low with such a high resolution.

Do I have any options here or am I screwed? I'm sure some of you guys must have come across this issue! I'm a new Mac convert who can't get rid of my PC gaming.

Note: Preferably I would like to find an alternate widescreen resolution, rather than finding a way to use 4:3 with black bars, but either would be better than how it is now.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Get Screen Resolution

Oct 2, 2010

I have just installed Windows XP Professional on my 13" mac using VirtualBox. Everything is working fine but i can not get the screen resolution right.

OSX is running at 1280 by 800 but Windows doesn't have this option, the resolution closest is 1280 by 1024.

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Windows On Mac :: External Screen Resolution In XP

Dec 27, 2008

I got a penryn MBP with up to date drivers and I just picked up a Samsung T220 1680x1050 that works fine in OS X but I can't seem to get this resolution to work right under XP. It does not show the whole screen and when the cursor moves to the edge of the screen it scrolls/pans from side to side like it doesn't fit.

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Windows On Mac :: Multiple Monitors & Maximum Screen Resolution For A System

Oct 2, 2010

It's a Dell 29" monitor (I don't have the product name). I connected the two monitors using a mini-displayport-to-DVI connector. I would have chosen for HDMI, but the Dell monitor lacked that unfortunately. I've installed Windows 7 on a BootCamp partition, and I happened to be in Windows when I did this. When I turned it on, it was a duplicate display of my iMac screen. Same resolution. I went to control panel and screen resolution, and chose for 'extend these displays', but suddenly the resolution on the Dell went from 2560 x 1440 (like the iMac) to a max of 1280 x 800

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Mac :: Replace New MacBook Air High Resolution Screen With A Lower Resolution?

Nov 16, 2010

1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?

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MacBook Pro :1680x1050 Resolution Can Be Done On Standard Resolution Screen?

May 5, 2010

i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this

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PowerPC :: Screen Resolution And Color Calibration / Grey Flickering Screen On Internal Monitor

Dec 5, 2007

Thing is I got hold of a 1ghz 17" iMac almost for free, it had a dead logicboard (I checked it with a voltage-meter), but I figured I could fix it and have a small hobby project-thingie going on. Well I just got a new logic board today, for a 1ghz 17" iMac g4.

Things is I only get a bright grey screen from my Mac when I boot. I've tried connecting it to a external display and that works fine. Everything is there.

I then reinstalled Tiger on it, with the computer connected to my external screen. And I still have the same problem. (I have now disconnected the ext. screen and is controlling the iMac from my MBP). So at least it isn't the installation.

So what is the problem? I can via an Apple Keyboard control the brightness on the blank screen, which would indicate that it does react to input of some degree.

I've read that if the inverter is dead or anything else is dead, you would get a rolling grey screen, flicker or something like that and not a steady bright grey. One thing I'm thinking is. What if somehow this logic board was for a 15" 1ghz imac g4? Can I check this?

I read that long thread about guys buying hi-res displays for their MBPs, and they had to replace some display profile? Could I maybe fix it with a different display profile-file?

I'm really confused by all this, and would appreciate any help I can get.

Model: PowerMac6,1
CPU-Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)


the gfx chip is a GeforceMX4 with 32mb.

The display is a mode 9c27, manufacturer 610, serialnumber 00000, manufacture date: B84D7200.

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MacBook Pro :: Standard Screen Vs High Resolution Screen?

Jun 7, 2010

How much battery life do you loose when going for the High-res screen. Some people are complaining about low battery life with their high resolution screen and I was wondering if there is a connection.

Do the standard screen get better battery life. If so, how much better?

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Mac Pro :: Maxed USB Don't Want To Add HUB

Feb 16, 2008

I need more USB ports, but want to add an internal component, like a PCI-E card (NOT a USB Hub). I just want a clean look, not an additional component. Does anyone have any recommendations? Does one even exist (?). I saw a PCI USB card at Office Depot & Best Buy, but I'm pretty sure that won't work.

I figured about now, in 2008, that machines would come with 6 USB ports (on the back) standard, considering everything is USB. Consumer Dell machines do it, so does HP and others... my $3000 Professional MP... 3 USB ports standard on the back.

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PowerPC :: Maxed Out My IMac G5 On RAM?

Oct 22, 2006

so as you can see from the tittle of this thread i maxed out my g5 on ram, which is only a total of 2.5 gb but i really like the performance, definitly helps alot with alot more demanding programs. =) im so hapy i finally got this done! any body else have there g5 maxed out?

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MacBook Air :: Volume Very Low Even When Maxed?

Feb 26, 2008

Just got a MBA and learning the machine. Are your MBA's really quiet? I have no problems with volume on my MB or MBP but on the MBA I find it quiet even when maxed.

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Mac Pro :: Would An I7 Quad Maxed Out IMac

Oct 28, 2009

I know there had been some discussions here about the new i7 quad, and before I spend my hard earned cash I wanted some last minute opinions.

I post this here in the Mac Pro forums because I figure there might likely be more FCP users...which is what my main use for my new machine will be.

I have been wanting a new unit for several months now, and have been just waiting to pull the trigger on a Mac Pro. In fact, it has gotten to be a running joke around my house with my wife and I...we can be talking about something totally non-related and I will say "I just have one word for you...OCTO!!!" Anyway, I digress.

While I simply cannot justify (or afford really) a maxed out octo, I have been considering a "fairly" maxed out quad MP. But now that the new iMac has appeared, I am having more trouble.

I am not a pro...meaning I am not paying my bills with FCP. I would characterize myself as prosumer...which describing myself really means consumer who likes nicer equipment. I do want a "respectable" machine that will handle FCP with somewhat ease.

My current video set up is an HMC150 mixed with Canon 7D. Converting to ProRes 422 (not the HQ flavor) and using things like Magic Bullet. Not doing much Motion work...mostly because I have not learned that process yet. I am currently doing it on a maxed out 2008 iMac. And so far it has not been all that bad. Ingesting is not taking long enough to bother me really...and editing is nice and smooth. The only really long times are for rendering and encoding to H.264.

So, given these facts, am I way out in left field here considering a maxed out iMac? I am sure that during the process, the render and encode times will be what taxes the machine the most. And I am not even really sure that those times would be much different on a quad MP. Octo, sure. But even then I am not sure what kind of differences we are talking about. I mean would a similarly configured octo have double performance from the quad? Would a 2 hour render or encode on an octo take 4 hours on a quad?

The other thing I am thinking is this...Even if the iMac turns out to be way less than what I would like, I am thinking I can use it for awhile (as long as I can stand it) then maybe down the road look again at the MP...say after the 6 or 12 core thing plays out. I could always use the iMac as the monitor for a MP down the road. The glossy thing is not a factor for doesn't bother me at all.

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OS X :: Changes In Screen Resolution?

Sep 26, 2010

My wife and I have near perfect vision - for being average adults within our mid 40s. Within our Win XP and Win 7 systems, we set their Control Panel - use "large size" fonts and both fonts and menus become larger. Thus, allowing much better "comfort reading" on their default 1600x900 scren resoutions. Within one location, we simply change its "global level" font sizes and menu sizes, and still have clear screen images.

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PowerPC :: CPU Maxed Out When Viewing Youtube

Dec 8, 2009

I just upgraded my powerbook 1.5ghz g4 to 2 gb of ram. It runs multiply applications fine now. The only thing that I'm still disappointed with is when I am viewing videos on youtube or elsewhere my CPU maxes out and the video is all chopping.

I know it's old (6 years!) and I need a new computer (which I'm thinking of getting the 27" iMac i5) but I feel as if it should be able to view videos on youtube without being chopping and maxing out the CPU...

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IMac :: Using Full Screen Display On A Sony KDF-E42A10 - How To Achieve Full Screen Resolution

Mar 4, 2007

I just purchased a Mac Mini and am using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect it to my 42" Sony KDF-E42A10. I am unable to achieve full-screen resolution and downloaded SwitchResX to manually adjust the display. Does anyone know the timing parameters for the Sony or how to achieve full-screen resoltuion?

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OS X :: Cannot Change Screen Resolution?

Oct 1, 2010

i changed my resolution on my mac mini to a size my screen cannot support and now have no picture to change it back. is there anyway of restoring the settings in startup

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Mac Pro :: How To Reset Screen Resolution

Mar 1, 2008

I hooked up my MP to an HDtv and chose an incompatible resolution. Now the tv says incompatible signal and won't fix upon restart. I tried resetting pram, but that doesn't work.

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OS X :: Screen Resolution With SL 10.6.2 On Vmware

May 21, 2010

I set up SL 10.6.2 image using vmware player, and I installed Mac VGA driver for VMware. [URL]. Indeed I can change the resolution now, however it seems only the screen size is changing but everything else it still acting according to the default res. Meaning, the windows maximize won't open all screen (I have to stretch it myself), the tray icons (safari, system preferences etc..) are all very small, and more.

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MacBook :: How To Set Screen Resolution

Jun 28, 2012

I need to check and reset screen resolution on my MacBook in order to connect it to a new TV.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 - Non-Responsiveness, CPU Usage Maxed Out

Aug 7, 2008

I have an iMac G5 (Ambient Light Sensor) that runs Leopard pretty slowly, even with 2GB of RAM. Sometimes, it's a pretty severe lag: Type a sentence, twiddle your thumbs, bam, it's all inputted at once. Sometimes, the whole system is non-responsive for 60-120 seconds, before, bam, accepting all your key- and mouse-strokes at once.

Activity Monitor also reports extremely high CPU-usage. I've been using it for a couple of hours this morning and it's been maxed-out or nearly maxed-out basically the whole time.

There aren't any processes that appear to be hogging resources. Sometimes, it's finder / time machine that's using the most. Sometimes it's Safari or Mail.

I'm open to the possibility that it's just time to upgrade, but I was wondering if the forums had any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or reclaim some CPU cycles.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Maxed Out And Running Slow?

Sep 27, 2009

Hi Everyone
I have an iBook G4 with 800MHz and 512 MB. I understand this is the max I can run this on. I really cannot afford a new one now and wondered if there was a way to increase the memory at all or get it to run faster. I deleted programs I do not use but it is still slow.

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Mac Pro :: Processor Activity Maxed Out At 50% With Snow Leopard?

Feb 18, 2010

I've been running some deinterlacing jobs with Compressor on our Mac Pro 3,1 dual processor. We'd added some RAM so I was interested to have a look in Activity Monitor to see how it was faring and noticed that the CPU activity never went above 50%. I find it very hard to believe that Compressor isn't intended to take advantage of both processors.

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Windows On Mac :: 4:3 Resolution On My 24" IMac In XP?

Feb 2, 2010

I would really like to be able to select a 4:3 resolution like 1600x1200 in Windows XP and for it to work with pillarboxes on the side, like it does in OSX. Instead of stretching it out to fill the full screen. I have tried going into the advanced options for the video card and trying out each resolution at different refresh rates, but the result remains the same.

BTW...if it makes any difference I am using windows xp professional with service pack three and my video card is an Radeon HD4850.

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Windows On Mac :: Resolution In Win7 Does Not Go Beyond 1280x800

Aug 9, 2010

I am using a 2010 MacBook Pro (i7). I have installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on Bootcamp. Had to go to the command line to install the drivers. Now, I have a problem. While the native resolution is 1440x900, the resolution of windows does not go beyond 1280x800. I have done every update and I am running OS X 10.6.4 (if that's the latest version. I'm on windows right now).

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OS X :: Right Resolution For External 1366x768 Screen

Sep 20, 2010

I've got a Samsung LCD HD TV with the resolution 1366x768 My TV (nej means no, and ja means yes), and a Macbook Pro 13" (2010 version, 2,4 GHz). I connect those two with a standard VGA cable, but I can't get the right resolution (1366x768). I've tried to make my Macbook sleep, so my TV id the primary screen, but I can't get the right resolution. 800x600 is the lowest, 1900x1080 is the highest, and the closest to 1366x768 is something like 1340x760 (not exactly that number, but it's pretty close). Can I get 1366x768 resolution my TV when I connect my Macbook?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" MBP Screen Resolution?

Nov 25, 2010

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

Buddy called me, what is the significant difference between the glossy hi-res verses the anti-glare hi-res??? Is one better then the other??

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IMac :: Unable To Use Screen Resolution

Dec 31, 2010

My iMac screen resolution only has a problem with the admin account. When I log in as a guest account - the resolution is as it should be at 1680 x 1050 - but when the admin account is logged in, that same resolution - 1680 x 1050 is slightly expanded by the screen size. I can click on the edges of the screen and bring back the menus to do what I need to do.

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PowerPC :: ATI Radeon Screen Resolution On G4

Sep 5, 2006

I have a 64MB ATI graphics card and can't get the screen resolution I want. It was fine and I had it set to how I like, until I plugged in an S-video cable to my T.V then all the settings changed and now I can't get back to the resolution I had before. I unplugged the cable and tried to change them but still no luck. When I select the desired resolution it makes the screen tiny in the middle of the monitor. The resolution is fine on the T.V. I have a real pet hate of low screen resolutions which is all I can use at the moment. I bought the card on ebay but think it is a PC "flashed" to MAC as the factory drivers CD is PC and MAC drivers are on a cd-r. Is there any way I can clear the memory of the card or the files that the card uses so I can "restore" it to how it was before I connected the s-video. It also asked me in the ATI app (the first time I opened it with the T.V connected) if I wanted to have the connection to the T.V as always on. I removed the app and reinstalled but it seems to have remembered the settings and doesn't ask this again. Is there any way to change it back so it doesn't remember?

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PowerPC :: Screen Resolution - I28 / 64 MB Of VRAM

Jan 8, 2007

I'm honing in on the purchase of a powerbook. One area that has me a bit confused is the screen resolution of the 15" models. I can see two models that look identical in specs (apart from one having 128Mb of VRAM and the other 64. both are 9700 cards). Anyway one ad says it is 1280x854 widescreen and the other says it is 1440x960 widescreen. I can see these are the same proportions and maybe the 1280x854 can be set at 1440x960. The 1440 one is about 6 months old and the other one is about a year older so maybe some specs were changed. My question is, are these two different resolutions meant to be the native resolution on each machine respectively? Or do they both have the same native resolution and are just set up differently.

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