MacBook Air :: Installing Airport Express Via Remote Disk
Mar 3, 2008
I got a Mac Book Air, and bought the Airport Extreem, because I want to stream music to my HIFI system from ITunes. I have no external DVD/CD drive, so I have to use REMOTE DISK, from my windows based PC. My remote disk seems to work, but when I put in the installation CD that came with me Airport Express unit, I can only see two pdf files, Quicktime, but I cannot see the Airport Admin Utility. Is the REMOTE DISK facility completely transperant, so it should show everything on the CD, on the remote drive, or can there be files that REMOTE DISK will not give access to from my Airport Air? In other words, how can I install Airport Express on my Airport Air, via REMOTE DISK, form a XP windows based PC?
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Mar 8, 2009
can you use Apple TV or Airport Express as a remote feed for amp/speakers and I don't mean from iTunes I mean the system audio out? It seems such a basic request but I can't seem to find anything about it.
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Apr 21, 2009
I just bought an airport express and extreme. I was just wondering how I could have the extreme as the central station and, the express as a receiver which could add my desktop pc to the network using the express' wireless.
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Jan 11, 2009
MBP 2.2; OSX 10.4.11; Airport Express 802.11n (version 7.3.2); WD MyBook 320GB (format Mac OS Extended) I'm trying to get the WD HDD setup as a wireless hard drive, but it's not showing up at all in Airport Utility (I don't even have a 'disk' tab in the 'manual setup' menu). Airport Disk Utility just says "no airport disks found." Of course the HDD works fine when plugged in directly to the MBP. I've searched apple support and these forums, but haven't found anything that works yet. All help I have found says use the 'disk tab' in AE manual setup window. What do I do without a 'disk' tab? (or how do I get one?) is this a firmware/software issue with the AE?
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Sep 6, 2010
I have a cable modem with only one Ethernet port (out). To this port I currently connect my Apple Express as my only access point. However, now I need an extra Ethernet port for a Samsung HD TV recorder (to rent movies over my provider and for software updates). Solution would be to install a switch with 5 ports, like Net gear. Now I just wonder: Will it interfere with my IP address? (Dynamic) - Or does a switch only split the signal?
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May 31, 2009
install Wireless Airport Express, I have some experience on this matter but with the Airport I QUIT
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Aug 25, 2009
I purchased a copy of SL that I want to install on my MBA. I know that Leopard can be installed using the remote disk feature since my MBA doesn't have a DVD drive. problem is that I can't find anywhere saying that SL will support that function. Although I did see that the minimum system requirements require a DVD drive, but it doesn't say anything about a remote drive.
I'm sure it would be stupid if it wasn't supported, but then again you can't installed XP without the SuperDrive.
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Mar 7, 2009
I'm getting conflicting info about this. Those who seem knowledgeable say you need a MAC at home to use BTMM with the new Airport but there are reports of people that are connecting to TC or USB disks over the internet without a MAC at home.
And to make matters worse it's confusing to begin with. Also, there doesn't seem to be much interest in this issue.
From the Apple forum:
Re: Accessing time capsule drives on MobileMe
Posted: Mar 6, 2009 2:51 PM
"I have been reading online and it appears that you must actually have a Mac connected to the TC to enable the drive sharing. This apparently still requires a Mac at home. The new thing is only that drives connected via USB to a TC or AEBS are visible when connecting to your Mac at home via Back-to-my-Mac. I was under the impression you could connect directly to the TC less the Mac connection, it appears thats not the case."
"that completely defeats the whole purpose I hope that is not the case. Is there any other way to access your timecapsule from another internet location? "
"Nope. I just finally got mine to work without any home computer connected to the shared disks on my AEBS. I didn't change anything from 5 minutes ago when it didn't work, but it does now. "
Here are all the steps I took:
1. Added MobileMe info on the Advanced screen
2. Checked the box to share disks over the Internet
3. Checked the box to share the disks using Bonjour
4. Added a wide-area Bonjour hostname
Hopefully this was just something they turned on rather than a grim promise of spotty service.
"I did not even have to do (2) (3) and (4).
But I think the service is rather slow right now. So you might not see your AirDisk appearing on the Finder immediately.
Also AirPort Utility will take advantage of wide-area bonjour and MobileMe service as well, by login onto MobileMe, you can remotely configure your TC."
Update: Here's another one (for my own info)
" Ididn't even have to do that much. I have one of the original Time Capsules (purchased the first day they were available in the Apple Store). I updated to the latest firmware and the latest Airport Utility. Went into the MobileMe preference on the Time Capsule and entered my user name and password. I went to school, opened Finder, clicked on Time Capsule, it asked for my Time Capsule user name and password, and now could access the Time Capsule drive. I even copied a 24MB file over and it all worked just fine. The only thing I didn't do was try to copy something from my computer to the Time Capsule. I did try to do a backup via Time Machine but that did not work. Even if it had I don't think I would ever do backups remotely.
If it helps - I am a MobleMe subscriber/user, I have Back to my Mac turned on in the MobileMe preferences, I have a unibody MacBook, I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.6, and as I mentioned before - Time Capsule firmware 7.4.1 and Airport Utility 5.4.1. My Time Capsule is not connected to another Mac permanently. It is in my utility room connected only to my Comcast modem. "
end quote.
So it sure looks like you can do this. Not sure though as it's all a bit of a mess i'm not sure I want to step in.......
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Mar 4, 2009
can i use a HARD DISK with airport express? I love the airtunes, I think i will use it a lot. In another hand I also love time capsule, but I think that is too expensive. I really think that we can find more cheaper 500Gb or 1Tb now, and just because they added airport extreme in it, I don't think it has to be that expensive. Or another question : can I use airtunes with time-capsule or air port-express ? (because I think that we can conect a HD with airport express isn-it ?
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Apr 19, 2008
I have recently purchased an Apple Airport Express and have successfully set up a wireless network, connecting AirTunes and my printer. However when reading through the manual (I know who reads the manual nowadays) i discovered something interesting. Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Airport Express, page 25, states the following, "If you connect a USB printer or hard disk to your Airport Express, all of the computers on the network can print to the printer or share files on the hard disk." The Apple website clearly indicates that sharing a Hard Disk through an Airport Express is not possible. Is my discovery a one of dodgy print of the manual or are other people seeing this as well? A possibility that Apple could be enabling AirDisk use on the Airport Express in the near future?
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Apr 26, 2007
I can not find documentation ANYWHERE that explains - specifically - how to configure my Airport Extreme to access the attached USB hard drive from the internet. Has anyone successfully done this? I would like to type in an address and have it go directly to the drive. I think I've done everything in the airport utility that I'm supposed to do, and I've set up a dynamic dns account and opened up port 80.
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Jan 22, 2010
I punch my iTunes music through an Airport Express to a remote set of speakers in the kitchen, which works wonderfully, but I'd like to know if there's a way to run the system sounds through the AE as well. In particular, I listen to Pandora (through a browser) on my laptop, but would love to listen in the kitchen. Any way to do this? System 10.4 I believe...
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Apr 21, 2010
I would like to install Snow Leopard on my Macbook Air Rev A as I have work to do that requires 10.6.x - however I didn't buy the Superdrive so need to do this as a remote install.
I have a PC with a DVD drive and can install the software; I also have the USB ethernet dongle and assume this will be better to use than over Wifi
Has anyone got any hints about doing this? I'm slightly nervous about installing an OS upgrade over a network for some reason..
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Apr 25, 2010
I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.
Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.
My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.
For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.
The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.
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Jan 29, 2009
Just a question for those who have used the Airports. Can a USB hub be used to expand the number of devices the Airport can use? i.e., an external hd, a laserjet, and an inkjet.
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Oct 11, 2009
Can it? If it can, would Airtunes still work like normal.
In other words, can I be connected to my Airport EXTREME and Airtunes would still work since the Airport EXTREME and EXPRESS are using the same network wifi-name (the Express is just extending the Extreme's range).
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Sep 7, 2014
I have an old Airport Express (A1088).I am running OSX 10.9.4 - I have downloaded Airport Utility 5.6 and yet cannot install - I am getting "This version of Mac OS X on this volume is not supported".Unfortunately no PC or old Mac available. I used to be able set up on IOS but cannot do that anymore either.Any clues how to re-setup this old airport that works ok.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 18, 2010
After configuring wireless security on my Airport Extreme base station, the Airport Express I use to stream iTunes music to my whole-house stereo system has disappeared. Airport Utility can't see it. Yes, I checked connections. All I get is a blinking yellow light on the Express. The base station works as its supposed to.
I have a 17" Powerbook G4 with a 1.33 GHz Power PC processor. I'm running MacOS 10.5.8
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Mar 9, 2010
I currently have the apple extreme as my wireless router. It works great. I absolutely love it. I have two macbook pro's (wife and I both have one) and use it for my PS3 and Xbox 360. I started a new job and was given a free HP desktop (not my choice, but hey, it's free, so what can I say). The desktop is not wireless and I am not able to put my computer near the airport extreme because my TV already owns that territory. Today I bought the Airport express to use as a bridge (and other things in the future). I have plugged it in. I opened the airport utility using my macbook. It finds my extreme and my express. I select that I want to set up the express. I select that I want to set it up using an existing wireless network. I select my airport extreme. It tells me that it has to restart the express. I wait approximately 3 minutes. It then tells me that the settings to the express have been changed but it's not able to find it.
My main goal is to use the express as a bridge. I have the express plugged in beside the desktop and want to run an ethernet cable from the express to the desktop to allow for wireless capability.
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Mar 13, 2012
AirPort Express doesn't show up in AirPort Utility 6.0. I haven't updated the AirPort utility on my laptop, and can find it there. 6.0 doesn't even has a scan button... I've done a hard reset of the AirPort Express, still isn't showing up.
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Jun 3, 2009
I recently moved into a new apartment that has an Airport Express connected to a cable modem. The network does not have a password. I want to put a password on it so that not everyone in the building can use our internet.
When I connect to the Airport via the Airport Utility, it recognizes the Airport, but asks for a password when I try to configure it. I tried doing a soft reset on the Airport, but it didn't change anything. Are there two passwords for an Airport? If so, how can I bypass the second one? The "Resetting Airport Express" page at [URL] doesn't answer this question. Do I need to do a hard reset? If so, is there anything I need to know about that? We no longer have any of the original literature that came with the product.
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Feb 13, 2010
I am upgrading from a g wireless router to an n. I have a Belkin right now that I hate. Neither I, on a mac, nor my roommate, on a PC, can get a consistent connection on it. Needless to say it's going back and I want to get an express or an extreme. I had actually bought an Airport Extreme first and it was lightening fast, but I was told that the Express was just as fast, so I went to exchange. The guy at BestBuy told me the Belkin was cheaper and just as fast, so I bought it. I would really like this to be my last trip to the store for a router. Do I need to shell out for the Extreme or is the Express just as fast if all you need is an n router?
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Oct 7, 2009
i was wondering if it is possible to install snow leopard without a superdrive or the remote disc utility, but from an external hard disk drive which the snow leopard files have been put on.i have already googled to the end of the world. no success so far.
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Sep 13, 2010
I have an 17" i7 MBP which has connection issues with my Airport Express. Sometimes, it connects on the first try, other times I have to turn the airport, on the MBP, on and off several times before it will connect. Sometimes that won't even work, so I put the mbp to sleep, wake it back up, then it will connect. Once connected, it works fine and never have any of the disconnect problems I have read about.
The other weird thing is that at the office, where we use non-apple wireless access points, I never see an issue.
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Nov 28, 2009
Im a Little bit of a Nooby when it comes to this
How to Set up a new network with my airport express
How to Set up in What is in the Screen Shot
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Mar 23, 2010
I'm having with Apple Remote Disc. I'm using a MacBook Air (1st gen) and the optical drive from a Dell Inspiron 1720. I was using Remote Disc successfully with Vista 32-bit, but upgraded to Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and I cannot get it to work now. I've followed the install instructions from Apple's website (have the latest version 1.0) and sharing is enabled. I've tried turning off Windows firewall, but no dice. When I click on "Remote Disc" nothing at all shows up. They are connected to the same network... I don't know what gives.
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Apr 11, 2012
We've got a new macbook air running Lion. There's an icon for remote disk in the Finder window. We have two iMacs and both have CD/DVD sharing turned on. But the Remote Disk on the Air is empty. Do we need to install any software on the iMacs? Do we have to create a new wifi network? or is the Air not working properly?
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Apr 4, 2009
I am sooo frustrated with setting up and transmitting a signal from iTunes to my Airport Express from my new MacBook Pro. my dyslexic brain to blast through my stereo? I can't get NUTHIN to work, and there are so many approaches.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have a problem I've been working on for over an hour.
I have a uni MBP that has wireless internet and printing through an airport express (just internet and printing, not using Airtunes feature).
I bought a MBA last night and am trying to get it to work as well. It works just fine as far as wireless internet, but the wireless printing simply will not work. I have the printer listed in my MBA and all airport express utility settings seem to be A-OK, it just will not print wirelessly from the MBA. The printer queue just gives me the old Error 300: The printer does not respond.
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Aug 8, 2010
I tried turning on internet sharing to see if it would make things easier, but it didn't. My iPhone found the network my computer created instantly, but the AirPort Express couldn't seem to see it.
Is there any way at all to share an ethernet connection wirelessly through the AirPort Express?
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