MacBook Air :: GUI Interface Of Remote Disk Work With Other Machines?
Feb 22, 2008
if anyone has written anything to make it work with other Macs yet? Anyone figure out what restricts it from working with other machines? I would love to replace the beast of an external drive I have with this beautiful piece of work. I don't use the external a lot but enough I want one around. At the same time anyone figure out how to make the GUI interface of remote disk work with other machines? I know there is way to remote disk anything and have done it before but the GUI they added to this service is beatiful for the MBA. I would love to be able to use either of these things with out the MBA.
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Aug 4, 2008
So I have a MacBook Pro, and my Dad has a MacBook Air. I was wandering if I needed Wi-Fi to access the optical drive on my MBP through the MBA using remote disk
Will they find each-other without Wi-Fi?
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Oct 26, 2009
Does anyone know of a way to remote control a mac from a web page (with a Java applet or something) that is actually on your computer. I know LogMeIn can be used, but then all of the data goes through the LogMeIn server, and I would like a server that I can run on my mac, independently from any other server.
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Feb 4, 2010
I've just started to use ARD and have it installed on my Admin computer running 10.6.2. I'm aiming to control macs on different OS'. I seem to be able to work ok with machines running tiger but leopard and panther aren't working correctly.
I'm not sure if its because I need to create a new account on the machines to use in conjunction with ARD, I've seen this done before in apple tutorial videos. Does anyone know if this is the best way to implement the system or can I check the ARD box in the sharing preference of my machines?
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Dec 28, 2010
I'm wondering if I somehow have a bad firewire chip in my MBP. It hasn't been able to work with firewire audio interfaces.
- I tried a Metric Halo ULN 2 which loses sync with it's audio. It will be fine for a few minutes with itunes but then becomes distorted and ringy as if it's lost it's audio sync.
- Random kernel panics while using Logic 9, Garageband 11 with an Apogee Duet - all software fully updated. One time it froze while not doing anything - logic was simply open and sitting there. Using iTunes through the Duet seems fine.
- Pops and crackles using Presonus Firestudio.
I've tried wiping my software and reinstalling everything. I'm using a MBP 5,3 2.8Ghz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM, Snow Leopard (10.6.5) with the latest updates. I'm going to try an Apogee One which is USB, but I'd really like to use a firewire interface. If there's something wrong with my firewire port, I'd like it taken care of. My machine is under applecare 3 year warranty. I don't think this is an easy thing to prove though.
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May 19, 2010
I am trying to keep my work files with me for of site access � our IT folks will not let me access my desktop remotely. I don't want to use a laptop carry to and fro either. Instead, I am thinking about booting from a firewire 800 disk (7200rpm), and functioning from exclusively. I can take the drive with me, whenever I need to have all data with me at a home machine � more importantly I am hoping I can boot from the same disk on my home iMac and do what I need to do. I just tested it out for to see if the performance is acceptable � I can barely tell the difference! (perhaps a bit longer to boot - but that's about it). My work computer is 27" iMac Core i7 2.8GHz with 8GB ram and my home unit is 24" iMac Core2Duo 2.8GHz with 2GB ram. Will booting OS X on two different machines and changing files get me into troubles down the line? I know that some applications won't like it as they look at the MAC id for license authentication. Any other issues that I should be aware of?
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Sep 1, 2009
Does anyone know how many machines I am legally allowed to install 1 copy of snow leopard on?
What powers do apple have to trace 1 copy installed across multiple machines?
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Oct 8, 2009
i have a windows machine at work running VNC and i want to connect to it with my MAC. is there a VNC client i can use? as the VNC client that the windows machine isnt on mac. i can change the VNC clint on the windows Machine if needed just woundering is there a VNC Cleint that will work for viewing windows and mac machines?
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Mar 23, 2010
I'm having with Apple Remote Disc. I'm using a MacBook Air (1st gen) and the optical drive from a Dell Inspiron 1720. I was using Remote Disc successfully with Vista 32-bit, but upgraded to Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and I cannot get it to work now. I've followed the install instructions from Apple's website (have the latest version 1.0) and sharing is enabled. I've tried turning off Windows firewall, but no dice. When I click on "Remote Disc" nothing at all shows up. They are connected to the same network... I don't know what gives.
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Apr 11, 2012
We've got a new macbook air running Lion. There's an icon for remote disk in the Finder window. We have two iMacs and both have CD/DVD sharing turned on. But the Remote Disk on the Air is empty. Do we need to install any software on the iMacs? Do we have to create a new wifi network? or is the Air not working properly?
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Oct 20, 2010
It's not in the option when you check out..
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Nov 3, 2010
so when I try to use remote disc, on top of taking like 5 minutes to connect, when I try to open the audio CD in my PC laptop's disc drive, it doesn't work. It will just sit there for like 3-4 minutes and then tell me something about it not being found. I attached a picture of the message I get. What should I do?
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Nov 13, 2010
I'm considering a MBA (not sure on the size yet), but need to know if I can use the built in Remote File Access to grab files from my PC or if I would need to buy the Airport Extreme as well.
I'm also curious if anyone has used GarageBand on the MBA and if it runs smoothly. I'm considering the 4 GB MBA primarily for this purpose.
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Oct 11, 2009
I have the current model 15" MBP. I'm just wondering if there is a specific remote you need since they don't come with remotes any more I didn't know if Apple changed it or if they were only being cheap (which we know they are!). I need to use it for some Keynote presentations and I saw these on eBay and figured it wouldn't hurt to save $10 if they worked with my machine.
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Feb 25, 2012
I work with a iMac (intel) at work and at home i have a Macbook pro.I now it is posible to remote the iMac from a external location (for example with the Macbook pro at home)Â I use this to machine for work.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 3, 2008
I got a Mac Book Air, and bought the Airport Extreem, because I want to stream music to my HIFI system from ITunes. I have no external DVD/CD drive, so I have to use REMOTE DISK, from my windows based PC. My remote disk seems to work, but when I put in the installation CD that came with me Airport Express unit, I can only see two pdf files, Quicktime, but I cannot see the Airport Admin Utility. Is the REMOTE DISK facility completely transperant, so it should show everything on the CD, on the remote drive, or can there be files that REMOTE DISK will not give access to from my Airport Air? In other words, how can I install Airport Express on my Airport Air, via REMOTE DISK, form a XP windows based PC?
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Jan 9, 2009
Can you install XP/Vista on the MBA using remote disk during the bootcamp installation process or do you have to have the external super drive attached?
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Apr 1, 2012
I have the new 2012 Macbook Air 13''. I had heard there would be an infrared port so I can use my Mac remote control. I cannot confirm. Is this part of the 2012 Macbook Air?
macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Dec 30, 2010
I run a UMBP @ home and also have a work laptop connected to my LAN. I want to remote into my work laptop from my UMBP, but I am having trouble doing so. My work laptop has joint to the company domain and has Group Policy applied. However I made sure all the remote desktop firewall rules are open and I still can't remote into it. Work laptop is running Win7. My dad's pc is also a Win7 and I can remote into just fine.
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Feb 28, 2008
I get the message "Please insert "Null" disk to continue InstallationI am trying to install Microsoft Word 08, and the host computer is a PC with its firewall off
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Feb 13, 2008
I recently (obviously) purchased a MacAir. While on the whole I'm pretty happy, right now, I am having a problem with the remote disk feature. I was able to migrate most of my information from the Mac desktop, but now, I am unable to access DVD's on the desktop. Networks are fine, the MacAir "sees" the other three computers on the wireless network, and I can log into them fine. I have enabled sharing and Remote Disk. The mounted Remote Disk in Finder on the MacAir shows the desktop, and the volume name of the DVD. Then it says "the operation cannot be completed because the original item for "(DVD or CD volume name)" cannot be found" I've tried this with both applications I wanted to install from DVD, as well as date DVD's containing pdf's but no applications.
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Apr 17, 2012
I created an SD DVD in DVD Studio Pro 4, and when I tested it on a standard TV DVD player, the remote controls work just as they should. But, when I play it on a Mac computer using a remote, it doesn't work the same. For example, if I have a video track following a slideshow, when I'm on the last slide I can press PLAY and the video will play. But on a Mac, pressing PLAY is taking me back to the Menu page.
DVD Studio Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2010
I have a MacBook that is about 3 years old now. It came with an Apple Remote (the little white one). If I were to buy a new Mac Mini would I have to buy a new Apple Remote, or would the remote that came with the MacBook also work with the Mini?
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Jun 17, 2014
I'm trying to connect to a small (10) local network of imacs all running Mavericks 10.9.3. I'm using Remote Desktop over Bonjour and also trying to share an iTunes library using Home sharing. None of the computers will respond. I get an error (-3170) on the target computers for the home sharing and RD tells me they're all sleeping when I can see perfectly well that they are awake and logged in. They all have RD client 3.7.1 installed but the response I get from RD when I try to wake them is 'this is not supported on these computers'.Â
This system worked wonderfully well under 10.6.8 and now it's completely screwed with Mavericks. as all the computers respond readily via the 'Go/connect to server/browse/connect method'. They are obviously all connected it's just this new OS just doesn't work.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 7, 2009
I'm getting conflicting info about this. Those who seem knowledgeable say you need a MAC at home to use BTMM with the new Airport but there are reports of people that are connecting to TC or USB disks over the internet without a MAC at home.
And to make matters worse it's confusing to begin with. Also, there doesn't seem to be much interest in this issue.
From the Apple forum:
Re: Accessing time capsule drives on MobileMe
Posted: Mar 6, 2009 2:51 PM
"I have been reading online and it appears that you must actually have a Mac connected to the TC to enable the drive sharing. This apparently still requires a Mac at home. The new thing is only that drives connected via USB to a TC or AEBS are visible when connecting to your Mac at home via Back-to-my-Mac. I was under the impression you could connect directly to the TC less the Mac connection, it appears thats not the case."
"that completely defeats the whole purpose I hope that is not the case. Is there any other way to access your timecapsule from another internet location? "
"Nope. I just finally got mine to work without any home computer connected to the shared disks on my AEBS. I didn't change anything from 5 minutes ago when it didn't work, but it does now. "
Here are all the steps I took:
1. Added MobileMe info on the Advanced screen
2. Checked the box to share disks over the Internet
3. Checked the box to share the disks using Bonjour
4. Added a wide-area Bonjour hostname
Hopefully this was just something they turned on rather than a grim promise of spotty service.
"I did not even have to do (2) (3) and (4).
But I think the service is rather slow right now. So you might not see your AirDisk appearing on the Finder immediately.
Also AirPort Utility will take advantage of wide-area bonjour and MobileMe service as well, by login onto MobileMe, you can remotely configure your TC."
Update: Here's another one (for my own info)
" Ididn't even have to do that much. I have one of the original Time Capsules (purchased the first day they were available in the Apple Store). I updated to the latest firmware and the latest Airport Utility. Went into the MobileMe preference on the Time Capsule and entered my user name and password. I went to school, opened Finder, clicked on Time Capsule, it asked for my Time Capsule user name and password, and now could access the Time Capsule drive. I even copied a 24MB file over and it all worked just fine. The only thing I didn't do was try to copy something from my computer to the Time Capsule. I did try to do a backup via Time Machine but that did not work. Even if it had I don't think I would ever do backups remotely.
If it helps - I am a MobleMe subscriber/user, I have Back to my Mac turned on in the MobileMe preferences, I have a unibody MacBook, I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.6, and as I mentioned before - Time Capsule firmware 7.4.1 and Airport Utility 5.4.1. My Time Capsule is not connected to another Mac permanently. It is in my utility room connected only to my Comcast modem. "
end quote.
So it sure looks like you can do this. Not sure though as it's all a bit of a mess i'm not sure I want to step in.......
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Mar 10, 2009
I have the new Time Capsule and am able to access it remotely just fine. However, because I'm stuck at school all day, I rarely get the chance to back up my Macbook Pro. Does anyone know of a way to have Time Machine backup to a remote disk, such as my Time Capsule? (I'm a Mobile Me subscriber, by the way)
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Feb 2, 2012
I have a 2011 Mac Mini. I try to connect to another Mac via Remote Disk. The other computer shows up and the disk appears in the window. However, when I select the disk, I get a message telling me that the operation failed because the original could not be found. Apple Troubleshooting tells me that it has something to do with the firewall. So I turned off the firewall, but I still get the same message. Both computers are running 10.7.3.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 9, 2009
I've been thinking of using an iMac as a video player in my workout room. I'd like it to be able to grab videos (tv shows) from my main iMac. I'd also use it to play dvd's.
I was thinking of buying a used G4 iMac to do this, but would like to be able to use a remote control to use Front Row.
First, can I use Front Row on iMac #2 to get videos from iMac #1?
Secondly, does the Apple Remote Controller work with a ppc G4 iMac?
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May 23, 2012
Having problems with program that connects to my office. I get message that states ' power pc applications are no longer supported."
iMac, Lion
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Aug 25, 2009
I purchased a copy of SL that I want to install on my MBA. I know that Leopard can be installed using the remote disk feature since my MBA doesn't have a DVD drive. problem is that I can't find anywhere saying that SL will support that function. Although I did see that the minimum system requirements require a DVD drive, but it doesn't say anything about a remote drive.
I'm sure it would be stupid if it wasn't supported, but then again you can't installed XP without the SuperDrive.
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