Software :: Unable To Use Mac Air Remote Disk

Feb 13, 2008

I recently (obviously) purchased a MacAir. While on the whole I'm pretty happy, right now, I am having a problem with the remote disk feature. I was able to migrate most of my information from the Mac desktop, but now, I am unable to access DVD's on the desktop. Networks are fine, the MacAir "sees" the other three computers on the wireless network, and I can log into them fine. I have enabled sharing and Remote Disk. The mounted Remote Disk in Finder on the MacAir shows the desktop, and the volume name of the DVD. Then it says "the operation cannot be completed because the original item for "(DVD or CD volume name)" cannot be found" I've tried this with both applications I wanted to install from DVD, as well as date DVD's containing pdf's but no applications.

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MacBook Air :: Remote Disk Nothing At All Shows Up

Mar 23, 2010

I'm having with Apple Remote Disc. I'm using a MacBook Air (1st gen) and the optical drive from a Dell Inspiron 1720. I was using Remote Disc successfully with Vista 32-bit, but upgraded to Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and I cannot get it to work now. I've followed the install instructions from Apple's website (have the latest version 1.0) and sharing is enabled. I've tried turning off Windows firewall, but no dice. When I click on "Remote Disc" nothing at all shows up. They are connected to the same network... I don't know what gives.

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MacBook Air :: How To Activate Remote Disk

Apr 11, 2012

We've got a new macbook air running Lion. There's an icon for remote disk in the Finder window. We have two iMacs and both have CD/DVD sharing turned on. But the Remote Disk on the Air is empty. Do we need to install any software on the iMacs? Do we have to create a new wifi network? or is the Air not working properly?

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MacBook Air :: GUI Interface Of Remote Disk Work With Other Machines?

Feb 22, 2008

if anyone has written anything to make it work with other Macs yet? Anyone figure out what restricts it from working with other machines? I would love to replace the beast of an external drive I have with this beautiful piece of work. I don't use the external a lot but enough I want one around. At the same time anyone figure out how to make the GUI interface of remote disk work with other machines? I know there is way to remote disk anything and have done it before but the GUI they added to this service is beatiful for the MBA. I would love to be able to use either of these things with out the MBA.

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MacBook Air :: Installing Airport Express Via Remote Disk

Mar 3, 2008

I got a Mac Book Air, and bought the Airport Extreem, because I want to stream music to my HIFI system from ITunes. I have no external DVD/CD drive, so I have to use REMOTE DISK, from my windows based PC. My remote disk seems to work, but when I put in the installation CD that came with me Airport Express unit, I can only see two pdf files, Quicktime, but I cannot see the Airport Admin Utility. Is the REMOTE DISK facility completely transperant, so it should show everything on the CD, on the remote drive, or can there be files that REMOTE DISK will not give access to from my Airport Air? In other words, how can I install Airport Express on my Airport Air, via REMOTE DISK, form a XP windows based PC?

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MacBook Air :: Can You Install Windows Using Remote Disk On Bootcamp?

Jan 9, 2009

Can you install XP/Vista on the MBA using remote disk during the bootcamp installation process or do you have to have the external super drive attached?

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Hardware :: Mac At Home For Remote Disk Access With New Airport?

Mar 7, 2009

I'm getting conflicting info about this. Those who seem knowledgeable say you need a MAC at home to use BTMM with the new Airport but there are reports of people that are connecting to TC or USB disks over the internet without a MAC at home.

And to make matters worse it's confusing to begin with. Also, there doesn't seem to be much interest in this issue.

From the Apple forum:

Re: Accessing time capsule drives on MobileMe
Posted: Mar 6, 2009 2:51 PM

"I have been reading online and it appears that you must actually have a Mac connected to the TC to enable the drive sharing. This apparently still requires a Mac at home. The new thing is only that drives connected via USB to a TC or AEBS are visible when connecting to your Mac at home via Back-to-my-Mac. I was under the impression you could connect directly to the TC less the Mac connection, it appears thats not the case."


"that completely defeats the whole purpose I hope that is not the case. Is there any other way to access your timecapsule from another internet location? "


"Nope. I just finally got mine to work without any home computer connected to the shared disks on my AEBS. I didn't change anything from 5 minutes ago when it didn't work, but it does now. "

Here are all the steps I took:
1. Added MobileMe info on the Advanced screen
2. Checked the box to share disks over the Internet
3. Checked the box to share the disks using Bonjour
4. Added a wide-area Bonjour hostname

Hopefully this was just something they turned on rather than a grim promise of spotty service.


"I did not even have to do (2) (3) and (4).

But I think the service is rather slow right now. So you might not see your AirDisk appearing on the Finder immediately.

Also AirPort Utility will take advantage of wide-area bonjour and MobileMe service as well, by login onto MobileMe, you can remotely configure your TC."

Update: Here's another one (for my own info)


" Ididn't even have to do that much. I have one of the original Time Capsules (purchased the first day they were available in the Apple Store). I updated to the latest firmware and the latest Airport Utility. Went into the MobileMe preference on the Time Capsule and entered my user name and password. I went to school, opened Finder, clicked on Time Capsule, it asked for my Time Capsule user name and password, and now could access the Time Capsule drive. I even copied a 24MB file over and it all worked just fine. The only thing I didn't do was try to copy something from my computer to the Time Capsule. I did try to do a backup via Time Machine but that did not work. Even if it had I don't think I would ever do backups remotely.

If it helps - I am a MobleMe subscriber/user, I have Back to my Mac turned on in the MobileMe preferences, I have a unibody MacBook, I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.6, and as I mentioned before - Time Capsule firmware 7.4.1 and Airport Utility 5.4.1. My Time Capsule is not connected to another Mac permanently. It is in my utility room connected only to my Comcast modem. "

end quote.

So it sure looks like you can do this. Not sure though as it's all a bit of a mess i'm not sure I want to step in.......

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Hardware :: Time Machine Backup To Remote Disk Possible?

Mar 10, 2009

I have the new Time Capsule and am able to access it remotely just fine. However, because I'm stuck at school all day, I rarely get the chance to back up my Macbook Pro. Does anyone know of a way to have Time Machine backup to a remote disk, such as my Time Capsule? (I'm a Mobile Me subscriber, by the way)

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Mac Mini :: Remote Disk Error - Operation Failed

Feb 2, 2012

I have a 2011 Mac Mini. I try to connect to another Mac via Remote Disk. The other computer shows up and the disk appears in the window. However, when I select the disk, I get a message telling me that the operation failed because the original could not be found. Apple Troubleshooting tells me that it has something to do with the firewall. So I turned off the firewall, but I still get the same message. Both computers are running 10.7.3.

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Installation On MBA / Installing Using The Remote Disk Feature?

Aug 25, 2009

I purchased a copy of SL that I want to install on my MBA. I know that Leopard can be installed using the remote disk feature since my MBA doesn't have a DVD drive. problem is that I can't find anywhere saying that SL will support that function. Although I did see that the minimum system requirements require a DVD drive, but it doesn't say anything about a remote drive.

I'm sure it would be stupid if it wasn't supported, but then again you can't installed XP without the SuperDrive.

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IMac :: Unable To Pair The Remote Up?

Dec 25, 2009

trying to pair my remote up, ive checked in security and it isnt blocked from accepting remotes,

ive done the hold right and menu buttons for 5 seconds...... but nothing??

i thought the receiver was in the apple logo on the front?

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ITunes :: Remote App Unable To Connect?

May 1, 2012

I have my iPhone's Remote app 'paired' to my iMac's iTunes but recently, when I try connecting the remote to iTunes it just doesn't connect.  There's the message that reads "Connecting to George's iTunes..." and the spinning gear but nothing. 

I control my home music this way and when this happens the only way to fix it is to quit iTunes and relaunch it but, obviously, isn't something I want to do (as I don't want to stop the music being played). 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 27in iMac . 2.8GHz i5 . 10GB RAM

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MacBook Air :: Remote Desktop Options - Null Disk To Continue Installation?

Feb 28, 2008

I get the message "Please insert "Null" disk to continue InstallationI am trying to install Microsoft Word 08, and the host computer is a PC with its firewall off

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Get Remote Desktop Connection

Nov 19, 2009

Rite as by the title i'm trying Remote Desktop Connection to connect from my Mac to Pc.

How do i go about doing this?

i have my pc's name kieran-pckieran , when i place this in the field on my mac's RDC it says failed.

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Read Audio CD / DVD Using Remote Disc

Oct 2, 2010

I am using my MBA with an old Dell Inspiron laptop (running Vista) for the optical drive when necessary. I've installed software using remote disc with no problems (reinstall of OS, then Sibelius music notation software). I assumed I would also be able to read audio CDs or DVDs using remote disc, but every time I have tried this it doesn't work. The connection is fine, but the MBA is unable to find the data - one message I've had says it cannot find the original source (or something like that!). Does remote disc only work for software? Or might there be a way around this? I don't particularly want to use iTunes on the Dell as it's set up with my wife's account and even plugging my iPhone into it got it all confused.

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OS X :: Unable To Use Apple Remote / Wake Up Screen Asks For Password

Jul 10, 2010

I have an apple remote control (the new aluminum ones). As I have log in password set up on my mac, when my mac is asleep, and I want to use my remote control, my mac wakes up with the window asking for my log in password, as it happens when you wake your mac up. Before entering the password, you cant see the "front row" screen.

Is there anyway that I can enter my password remotely using my apple remote? Or do I have to come back to my mac, enter the password by keyboard and then be able to use remote control? If not possible to use apple remote; maybe some good iPhone app instead

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OS X :: Disk Warrior Unable To Replace Startup Disk / Connect To TC To Transfer Across DW's Preview

Feb 18, 2009

Yesterday I switched on my macbook (Leopard) and got the flashing question mark. Ran all the resets and booted with disk utility which encountered an 'Invalid B-tree Node' when attempting to repair the disk. Additionally, the SMART status was verified.

I ran DW 4 last night, and performed the hardware tests which reported that the disk was operating like normal. The majority of my media files and additional work is backed up to my Time Capsule but I still have a folder of papers that are relatively new, and wanted to retrieve. While DW managed to reconstruct the majority of my drive (there seemed to be 15g missing - but it's just music files) including this folder, it couldn't replace the disk, as it encountered 'Serious Disk Malfunctions'.

So, via the Disk Preview I want to transfer my saved folders to my TC, but I don't appear to be able to locate it (via ethernet) through DW - even if it's connected when I boot up in DW. So, first request is: Can I connect to my TC to transfer across in DW's preview?

Second is: What are my options if DW can't replace? Do I need to take it into Apple and get a new HD (it's out of warranty)? It's possibly worth noting that I'm a student and have absolutely no money - so cost effective options are a bonus!

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OS X :: Unable;e To Boot From Internal Hard Drive / Use Disk Warrior To Repair Disk?

Apr 11, 2010

I am considering purchasing diskwarrior but want to make sure it can help my situation before I purchase it. My imac will not boot from the internal hard drive (Intel processor) When I use disk utility to try and repair the disk, I get error messages and it won't repair. I can see the HD but cannot repair it. When I connect using target mode with my mac book pro, the hard drive does not appear on my host (macbook pro) computer. I have reloaded OS X (Leopard) onto a firewire external drive and can boot my imac that way but I can not find my original internal Macintosh HD. Will disk warrior be able to help with this scenario. I would really like to access that internal Macintosh HD and retrieve my files.

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OS X :: Unable To Repair Disk / Unfixable Permission After Running Disk Utility

Jan 2, 2010

Running Diks Util on my iMac 10.6.2. i am given this warning.
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/" has been modified and will not be repaired.

Is it something I should heed and what to do in that case?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Check External Hard Disk / Cannot Find The Disk

Feb 15, 2011

I've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.

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Mac Mini :: Unable To Read Dual Layer Dvd Disc / Remote Install Not Available

Jul 25, 2009

my mum has a mac mini core solo 1.5ghz. those cannot read the dual layer dvd discs so therefore i cannot upgrade the leopard to snow leopard directly. is there any other way i can do it? i checked to see if remote install was on the mac mini but it dosent come with it so anyone have any tips?

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Applications :: Unable To Burn Disk While Using Disk Utility?

Apr 11, 2010

the burning disk is maxwell dvd+r

an error appearing when burning ''failed to calibrate the laser power level''

i have mbp (late 2008)

how to fix it ?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Application For Administrators That Can Provide Both Remote Wipe And Remote Desktop?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Won't Work With Optical Drive / Can't Work With Remote Disk

Aug 4, 2008

So I have a MacBook Pro, and my Dad has a MacBook Air. I was wandering if I needed Wi-Fi to access the optical drive on my MBP through the MBA using remote disk

Will they find each-other without Wi-Fi?

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OS X :: Unable To Boot From Disk

Sep 23, 2010

So I have been running into a bunch of weird issues lately (got errors on emptying the trash, FCP is acting all crashy, couldn't unmount an internal disk to format it, etc) so I wanted to run the hardware test that is on the installer disk that came with my MP. Problem is, the machine won't boot from the disk. If I boot holding down the D key it boots to a grey screen and a dialog box pops up for a second and then *poof* the computer shuts down. It happens so quick there is literally no chance to read what it says. If I boot holding down option and try to click the install disk I immediately hang, the mouse doesn't respond anymore and I'm screwed and need to hard restart.

So I figured "hey I got a backup, I'll just reinstall OS X". Nope, still won't boot using the "install Mac OS X" from the disk. I click restart and I just get a grey screen again and nothing happens. I hear the drive spin up and then spin down and silence. Everything is disconnected from the computer except for my screen my keyboard and mouse.

Everything is up to date. Zapped pram, repaired permission and ran cron scripts via Onyx so I am at a loss what to do now. This is troubling because even if I have a problem I have no way of reinstalling the OS. I can work because the computer is working almost normally but this worries me.

This is a new MP 2.8.

Everything has been working tip top until this morning.

EDIT - I bought SL for my MBP so I have the retail disk. I was able to boot from that but it doesn't have the hardware test so it still looks like I am SOL for now.

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OS X :: Unable To Eject - Disk In Use?

Oct 25, 2007

I have just started getting this pretty annoying error today on my external FW drive.

I want to eject it so I can put some felt pads underneath it as its making a right humming noise on the desk but when i try to eject it i get the error.

Now unless I am missing something, it tells me to quit all apps, yes, ive done that, the only thing that is running is finder.Is there any easy way of finding out what is open on the external drive before I just pull the plug on the whole thing!?

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OS X :: Unable To Use OEM 10.6 Disk On Another System

Oct 19, 2009

Is it possible to use a 10.6 disk that was included with my purchase of a MacBook to perform a clean install of snow leopard on my 2 year old Mac Pro? I remember back in the system 9 days all we had to do was a key combination(command-shift-K methinks?) at the install screen to use the system discs on other systems...

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OS X :: Unable To Know About Photoshop Scratch Disk

Oct 1, 2004

I keep getting a message "scratch disks are full" whenever I do a Gaussian blur or any filter. How do I empty my scratch disks?

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OS X :: Unable To Burn ISO's To DVD Using Disk Utility

Jul 20, 2009

It all started last week when I tried burning an ISO to a blank Memorex DVD-R. When I inserted the DVD it would eject the CD over and over again no matter how many times I tried. The same thing would happen if I used a Memorex CD-R. Now these CD's worked in the past without any issues, and seem to work just fine on my other computers.

I decided to go out and buy a different brand of DVD-R's at Office Depot, thinking the laptop just wasn't really into these DVD's anymore. I ended up buying TDK DVD-R's. The computer seemed to like these more because it didn't eject them when I placed them into the drive.

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OS X :: Unable To Find External Disk?

Apr 27, 2010

I got a 500GB WD external disk for my MBP 2.2GHZ/2GB/500GB which with up-dated Snow Leopard and Windows XP pro(Boot camp). Here's wot happened and my probs:Last Tuesday I used the external disk with no problem. But on Friday the external disk is unable to be founded by MBP either in Disk Utility or Finder. I tried to switch to Windows XP where I installed MacDrive to read Mac partition under windows. The system says it cannt install the disk coz device unrecognizable. First I suspect it 's the problem with external disk enclosure but when I replaced it with another new one, problem stay still.

So here's some questions, First, is there any instruction I can take to solve the issue, or if the disk unfortunately crashed any possible chance I can rescue the data (My vital working data achieve is inside) using application or else.

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