MacBook Air :: Backup Multiple To A Networked Drive?

Feb 23, 2012

I will now have four MacBook Airs in my house (me, my wife, two kids) and would like to setup a SIMPLE way to back up all of them to a networked drive that I could connect to my Airport Extreme. Having read the horror stories about the Time Machine, I'm looking for a different solution if it's out there. Since both my kids and my wife are not too tech savy when it comes to this, I'd like something as simple as a networked drive where I can direct Time Machine to perform it's backups from each of their computers.  

Is there a good solution that's close to plug and play to do this? I've looked at some different NAS drives online, but each seem to have different quirks to their setup.

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MacBook Air :: How To Backup IPad And IPhone To Networked Drive

May 12, 2012

Since it's clear now that my Win 7 machine will never again run iTunes properly. I'm reduced to using my MBA for all my iTunes needs. My music collection is huge, of course (whose isn't?) but that's no problem because it exists on a networked drive and my MBA has no issues playing from it. However, both my iPhone and iPad are 64GB and I need to back them up.

I can't use the Cloud, of course, because it's not big enough (it's not just music or I'd subscribe to the music service on my iPad it's mostly other data which takes up 50GB or more). I can't back them up to my SSD because there's not enough room. So I really want them to backup to the same networked drive I'm using for my music. Except I don't see a way to do that in iTunes.

MacBook Air

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OS X :: Backup Multiple Macs Using Time Machine On Single Hard Drive?

May 13, 2009

I'd like to take one hard drive and back up 3 different Mac computers using Time Machine. The hard drive has the capacity greater than the 3 computers.

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Backup Multiple Computers Using Time Machine To Single Drive

Jun 11, 2012

Is it possible to backup multiple computers to a single external drive connected to an Xserve using Time machine? We have a Six TB external drive that we are connecting to an Xserve that has three drives. We want to backup the entire

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Networked Drive With 4 Partitions

Sep 14, 2010

What happens when 3 people try to access different partitions at the same time on my 2 TB drive that is connected to the Airport Extreme? I'm assuming with only 1 arm something would get messed up. Example: watching Iron Man 2 from the hard drive with apple TV and then my wife starts going through photos on her MBP, then my iMac starts doing its time machine business.

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OS X :: Windows D Drive Not Shown On Networked PC

Mar 2, 2009

I have a (newly) mixed network - Mac OS X 10.3 and Win XP Pro. I have two internal hard drives in each machine. After downloading SharePoint I was able to see the second Mac HD from the XP machine. I can't for the life of me find any reference to accessing the D: drive on the XP machine from the Mac box. It seems to me that using "Finder->Go->"connect to server" forces you to log on as a user and then only gives you access to user level and below. In other words you can't get to "My Computer" to access other drives. Links don't appear to work so I can't set a shortcut (tried the "nethood" folder under the user account but they are only links and didn't get me anywhere). I have all sharing turned on. Can access the user folder no problem. Just can't get to upper level resources.

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OS X :: Unable To Work With Networked Optical Drive

Dec 23, 2009

I have created a image of my macbook pro (2006), on a DL-R disk. (This was so that I can restore my mac without having to do any updates or having to download and install programs) However, the person who made the image for me is no longer available and as such I have no way to use the DL-R disk. Apparently the macbook pro 2006 cannot read DL-R disks. I know that apple has a networked optical drive feature for the macbook Air. Would I be able to use this feature on my macbook pro?

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OS X :: Locking Folders On A Networked Hard Drive?

May 22, 2010

Here's my setup: I have three Macs and one PC sharing a wireless network with a Belkin N+ router and a 2 TB external HD shared via the router. The HD is formatted in NTFS as a legacy of originally being mostly used with the PC (and the router will only read NTFS.) I've installed NTFS-3G to be able to read and write to the drive from the Macs. Everything works dandy.

My question: I'd like to be able to restrict access to one of the folders on the HD somehow; either to just one of the Macs, or via password. I have no clue where to start with this.

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Intel Mac :: Connection Failed To Networked Drive

Mar 28, 2012

I've been having a connection issue for a while where some days I can connect to our networked drive just fine and some days it fails and gives me the connection failed window.The shared drive is hard connected to an imac and I connect to it via the shared items or apple + k with the ip address. When the connection fails they both stop working.

Info:iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Networked Hard Drive Is Slow Working Live From It?

Mar 29, 2010

i have a small mac office with a PPC G5 and an intel G5 as my two main boxes. I currently work from a very slow raid network box - no screen, just a networked hard drive really. problem is that it is really slow working live form it. Everything is fine when I copy files to my machine first then work on it.

I can't do this as I'm in the graphics field, and all my links, pics, blah blah are on the server - linking to things like InDesign etc.i need to upgrade in here and add a new machine, but not sure on which way in terms of software for my old G5.The PPC G5 is to become my server (its got to be better than my current network server). As per software tho, because its a non-intel G5, i read that i cannot upgrade to latest software. I'm currently running 10.4.11.

Do I, or, Should I, or for what reasons - would I upgrade to a 'server' software, rather than leave it as its current tiger 10.4.11 software (non software)basically, are there major security, network, etc features of the server OSX over non-server OSX?

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Applications :: Cant I Backup Multiple Days Without Using The Same Size Of Backup?

Feb 1, 2009

i am having a minor problem with TM

i use 1 external tb to back up everything

i back up about 725 gb if stuff and when i go to run my TM it tells me i only have 150 or so GB of space to back up the aforementioned 725gb.

Maybe i misunderstood TM, but cant i back up multiple days without using the same size of backup? i.e. i back up january 1st, december 1st and november 1st and it wont need 2.175 TB of space?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Can't Find Drive Connected To Other Networked Mac

Feb 5, 2012

I have a Drobo external drive array connected by firewire to my primary home computer - a Mac Pro. the last year I've backed up two Macbook Pros (mine and my wife's) to this Drobo using Time Machine (The Mac Pro is always on and the laptops backup through the home network, through the Map Pro, to the Drobo). I recently did a fresh reinstall of Lion to all 3 computers.  Now for some reason Time Machine can't kick the backup off.  It gives me a "Can't backup - the backup drive us not available," or something like that.

A couple of key points:

* Through the primary computer, I have opened read/write file sharing permissions for all drives, including the FW connected Drobo

* From the laptops, I can see and read/write to the Drobo through Finder

* Through Time Machine preferences, I can select the Drobo as a backup destination -  it's only when I kick off the backup that I run into the error.

* If I create a test admin account to try, I get the same problem when trying to back up.

* As a safegard, I have run a manual backup successfully to a separate external drive (mobile g-drive)

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Applications :: Can Timemachine Backup Multiple Drives To Multiple Drives?

May 21, 2009

I have searched but I can't seem to find an answer to this question...

I have 4 x 500MB drives in my Mac Pro and 4 x 500MB external firewire drives.

Currently I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone each internal drive to it's respective backup. ie Drive 1 > Backup 1, Drive 2 > Backup 2 etc

Is it possible to use Timemachine in a similar way? so that each internal drive has it's own corresponding Timemachine backup?

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OS X :: 1 Backup For Multiple Macs

Jul 8, 2010

I work for a media company, we hire out our stock of macs to clients and they often come back full of unwanted files and applications, we want to create a single backup on our network that we can automatically sync our macs to when they come back from a job, so it gets rid of all the extra files and resets back to just being the software we want. Then when software updates come out we can just update the 1 backup and it will sync to all the macs. Is this possible?

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OS X :: Time Machine-backup Multiple Computers?

Jul 6, 2009

First off, I have an iBook G4 with Leopard, and an iMac Intel that I just recently upgraded to Leopard. I have used my external drive to previously backup my iBook with Time Machine. I would like to start backing up my iMac too, with the same drive. Would this present a conflict as far as the multiple backups from different systems on the same drive? Obviuosly space would be an issue in the long run...250GB drive, devoted only to backups. Also, if/when I utilize Boot Camp on my iMac, will the Windows partition backup through Time Machine?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Multiple Drives?

Nov 2, 2009

have all of my music/videos on an external Maxtor 750 GB USB drive. I have all of my photos on the 750 GB internal drive of my iMac.

I want to get a 2 TB external for BU purposes.

Can I set time machine to BU both 750 GB drives on the 2 TB drive?

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Mac Pro :: Span Multiple DVD In Backup Set Using External Burner

Dec 3, 2014

I am wondering if there is any way to span multiple DVD's in a backup set using the Mac and an external burner.

Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Sharing My ISight Cam With Another Networked Mac?

May 21, 2012

I'm using a MacBook Pro (2007) and a Mac Pro. Currently I've got them connected, via ethernet, to enable me to swap files etc, and to connect to the Internet.What I would like to do is find a way to use my iSight Cam (on my MacBook Pro) through my Mac Pro.Is it possible? I know I can use it, in a way, via remote desktop, but that's not quite what I want. 

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Two Drives To Multiple Sources

Nov 19, 2009

Here is what I want to achieve: I have my MBP with a 500GB hard drive that I want backed up to an external 750GB drive (A). Then I have an external 1TB drive (B) that I also wanted backed up to an external 1TB drive (C).
Internal -> drive A
Drive B -> drive C

Can Time Machine do this all for me or am I going to need a 3rd-party app to help. I know I can easily use TM for doing one of the backups, but will it handle both? If not, what's a good 3rd-party app that will help me accomplish this?

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ITunes For Mac :: Restore From Cloud Backup - Still Asking For Multiple Old Apple IDs

Aug 31, 2014

If I don't want to restore content from my backup with old Apple IDs (wife's old deactivated account, brother's account, etc), how do I remove that content from a backup?  I skip in the restore process, but that doesn't seem to remove anything.  I'm assuming the content/media from the other accounts isn't loaded.  

I guess I'm looking to create a fresh backup with only the iTunes items associated with my account.  I can't find a way to identify what media is from these other accounts in iTunes, so I keep getting this issue when I restore from a backup.

iPhone, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Backup Data On Hard Drive When Time Machine Is Setup On External Drive?

Sep 5, 2014

Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Get Photos From Backup External Drive On To New Hard Drive?

Mar 27, 2012

How do I get photos from backup external drive on to my new hard drive on my MacBook

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Way To Make A Backup Of Time Machine Backup On A 2nd Hard Drive?

Mar 9, 2012

Is there a way to make a backup of your Time Machine backup on a 2nd hard drive? I want to be doubly sure that my data is backed up!Right now I get an error saying that the second hard drive isn't authorized to copy my Time Machine data from the original hard drive I have set up as my Time Machine.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Carbon Copy Cloner Causes Multiple Freezes During Backup?

May 26, 2010

I've just starting using Carbon Copy Cloner, and I'm running my first initial backup right now, and it's causing freezes everywhere on my Mac. Everything is extremely slow, and every application seems to freeze. Is this normal or is something wrong? I just want to know to make sure I'm not doing something incorrectly.

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IMac PPC :: Time Machine Backup Of Multiple Drives Of One Computer?

May 23, 2012

Can I use Time Machine to backup multiple drives of one computer?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On Networked Win7 Computer

Aug 6, 2010

I have an alienware desktop with 1TB RAID 0 for general purposes and a new-generation 13" Macbook Pro (4GB/GeForce 320M/250GB). Anyways I provided this information to help with a question. Can I create a shared folder on my Desktop and set Time Machine to back up to it over the network?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule With Multiple Computers - Backup Priority Details?

Jun 1, 2010

I have 2 Macs in the house, with a 3rd coming soon. I backup mine to an external hard drive using Time Machine, but neither of the others have a backup plan in place.

One user doesn't really need a robust backup solution, but the person getting a mac soon does.

I was thinking I could kill two birds with one stone if I got a Time Capsule. Now I've read all about how you can partition Time Capsule and stuff like that (and I'm technical enough that I could probably pull that off if I wanted to, but I don't think I do). What I haven't found out is what the Time Capsule does if two users have been syncing to it, and on the next backup it runs out of space.

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Boot From External Drive On Multiple Computers

May 24, 2010

On my external drive I installed 10.5.8 on it and I've only used it with my macbook pro for booting up. Is it possible to plug it into, for example, a mac pro and run the partition or does it only work with one machine?

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MacBook Pro :: Multiple Drive Failures Using Seagate Momentus XT 750?

May 10, 2012

I have a 2011 macbook pro (8,1) and in january 2012 I replaced the OEM drive with a momentus XT.  I can report that the drive makes a BIG difference in performance. However, the drive failed with bad sectors within a week of installation. I got a warranty replacement, and that drive also failed within a couple weeks.

I got a second warranty replacement, and that drive failed after about a month.

I am currently awaiting my third warranty replacement drive! 

All of the failures were the same mode - bad blocks after a fairly short period of use.

I used SMART Utility to detect the problem - typically the disk itself did not flag a SMART error (so does not show up in Disk Utility) but my utility detected the problem and the SMART self tests fail.  In all cases these drives were eligible for replacement via SeaTools test.  These drives also caused IO errors which showed up in the system log, and the evil pinwheel cursor of impending doom. 

So my question to the community is: if anyone out there is using these drives, have you had these problems?

If you have one of these drives I recommend using SMART Utility or other SMART monitoring software to check your drive. 

I know seagate is not known for reliability these days, but three drive failures in a row is a little ridiculous!  ... so I'm concerned that there is some bad interaction with the mac.  The only other thing I can think of is bad yields related to the thailand floods - all of these drives were dated around Oct 2011. 

I've searched around a bit but I haven't seen anyone reporting problems.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Backup Drive Ejects After TM Backup?

May 7, 2012

I have an external 1TB WD My Passport drive which I use for TM backup's.  When I plug in via USB, DriveUnlock appears.  I unlock the drive, then instigate a TM backup.  All goes fine, then from what I can gather, when the TM backup has finished, the drive ejects itself.  There is no error messages, unmount drive issues, it just dissappears from finder.  I can only assume the backup has been successful, as no error messages appear, meaning the drive wasn't ejected while backup was in progress.  I have changed the USB cable, as well as tried different ports, but the same always happens.  In System Preferencies/Energy Saver, I have made sure the Put HD to sleep is un ticked.  Still it happens.  Has anyone else had this problem, and is it fixable?  I would love to keep the drive attached and backing up for  the period I am working, usually 12 hours a day, rather than the once a day at the moment. 

Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacBook Pro

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