MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On Networked Win7 Computer
Aug 6, 2010
I have an alienware desktop with 1TB RAID 0 for general purposes and a new-generation 13" Macbook Pro (4GB/GeForce 320M/250GB). Anyways I provided this information to help with a question. Can I create a shared folder on my Desktop and set Time Machine to back up to it over the network?
I have a Drobo external drive array connected by firewire to my primary home computer - a Mac Pro. the last year I've backed up two Macbook Pros (mine and my wife's) to this Drobo using Time Machine (The Mac Pro is always on and the laptops backup through the home network, through the Map Pro, to the Drobo).I recently did a fresh reinstall of Lion to all 3 computers. Now for some reason Time Machine can't kick the backup off. It gives me a "Can't backup - the backup drive us not available," or something like that.
A couple of key points:
* Through the primary computer, I have opened read/write file sharing permissions for all drives, including the FW connected Drobo
* From the laptops, I can see and read/write to the Drobo through Finder
* Through Time Machine preferences, I can select the Drobo as a backup destination - it's only when I kick off the backup that I run into the error.
* If I create a test admin account to try, I get the same problem when trying to back up.
* As a safegard, I have run a manual backup successfully to a separate external drive (mobile g-drive)
My macbook pro laptop recently died and I am trying to access its time machine backup data through Finder on a different computer. In each one of my folders from different dates, however, the majority of the computer folders I would like to access (i.e. desktop, documents, dropbox, etc) have a little red "no" sign in the corner and prompt the following message when selected:
"The folder “FolderName” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents"
How can I gain permission to see its contents? As the former user, I know whatever passwords are restricting these files, but I don't know how/where to go to give permission to these folders. I've tried going into Disk Utility and changing the permissions there, but to no avail, despite successful changing of the "Sharing & Permissions" to "Read & Write" for all listed accounts.
I'm currently trying to view this on an imac OSX 10.6.8. The dead MacBook pro ran OSX
I don't know how this happened, but Time Machine is no longer on my computer. I had it on my Dock, but there was a quesiton mark when I put the cursor over it. I tried a search on my computer but it is gone.
How do I reinstall it? I tried the recovery discs, but it says I cannot use them when I try using them. I have used it in the past, but for some reason is gone now.
I had a computer accident, and I think it my Macbook may be done for, but I do have my computer backed up through Time Machine on an external hard drive (but not a Time Capsule). When I buy a new Macbook Pro can I plug in my external hardrive and somehow configure my new computer to look like/be automatically organized like my old one? (that's what Time Machine is/supposed to do, right?) For example, I had Vmware Fusion on my Macbook and within it ran the mapping program ArcGis. If I do the "Time Machine thing" when configuring my new computer, will that all be in place (with the same file paths, etc), or will I have to re-install Vmware fusion and ArcGis, etc? Also, will there be a prompt when I open the new Macbook Pro asking me to connect an external hardrive, or something of that sort? (sorry for the dumb questions. I always backed up on Time Machine for safety, but never thought about actually how to do it).
I have a new macbook pro and I would like to have access to my old files and pictures that were on my old computer. I backed up my older mac onto an external hardrive using timemachine. Can I access those files without "downloading" it all onto my new computer? If so, how? If I can't, do I just need to get a new external hardrive and manually copy those files onto it from my old computer? I still have it and it is still working, just slowly.
both my MacBook and my time machine backups just got destroyed by the water sprinkers coming on. All I have left is the data on my iPhone. I keep all my iPhoto, music, contacts, calandar, and bookmarks on my phone. How will I transfer them to my new computer (even if it is a paid program, I REALLY need to keep this data. Also, how will I keep my new computer from deleting everything on my phone, ESPECIALLY my text messages, when I sync it for the first time? Again, a paid program would be fine because I REALLY need to keep this data
Unlocking my external hard drive crashes my computer. It was encrypted by Time Machine (and I think that means it used FileVault because the unlock window has the FileVault icon).
There's a prompt to unlock the hard drive as soon as I plug it in but when I press the Unlock button my computer crashes.
I've tried different user accounts, safe mode, disk utility, recovery mode, different USB cables and different USB ports all with the same problem. As soon as I press enter on the password prompt the system crashes. If I type the wrong password it denies me so I know the password is correct.
The drive is in a SATA to USB dock but unfortunately I don't have another one to test with. Other drives work just fine in this dock.
The data recovery software I tried is useless because all the data is encrypted .
I want to clone my hard drive to use on my new one. i dont have an external hd enclosure, though, and would be happy if i didnt have to buy one. i was hoping i could make a clone onto my networked time capsule, then replace the hard drives and somehow boot from the clone from my time capsule.
I plan on purchasing a new Apple computer within a few days. Currently, I have all my information backed up using Time Machine; I'm wondering if it would be possible to use the external hard drive (Western Digital 500GB) to restore (transfer) everything to my new computer. My desire to is to have my new machine have everything on it just as it was on my old computer, but it being a new machine of course.
I have a Drobo attached (via firewire) to my Mac Pro, with one partition dedicated for Time Machine backups.Is it possible to backup other Macs on my network to this Time Machine, or can only the Mac Pro use it?All Macs are using SL 10.6.3. I mount the Drobo (and separate TM partition) on every Mac at login, and both show up as eligible drives to use as TM backup destinations, under TM preferences. However, if I select either drive, and initiate the backup, after a few moments it tells me the "backup disk is not available".
I have just purchased a new MacBook Pro. My understanding is that you cannot boot from Time Machine. If I were to have a major failure what would be the best way to transfer all my data on Time Machine to the computer? I have a bootable backup on an external HD which presents me with a way to boot up and to actually transfer everything since I last updated. This seems to defeat what Time Machine is for I would think. I know I can drag and drop all the data. What if I did not have a bootable backup what would I do?
My roommate just lost his data, so I realized I needed to back up. I plugged in an external hard drive (it was an internal that we put into casing bought from OWC, if that matters). I wasn't thinking about Time Machine but it displayed a message, so I said yes, backup onto the hard drive. Then while it was backing up I was just reading a document, the machine crashed. I swiveled my desk to get something and this caused the external hard drive to fall, for a second it was dangling from the USB. (I'm not sure if that's relevant but.)
I first restart (held down the power button), since nothing was happening. At that point the hard drive was making a weird rhythmic clicking sound. Then it wouldn't start up! I tried this twice. Blank gray screen. I reset the PRAM (was that a bad idea?) and when it started again, I get a folder icon with a blinking question mark, over a gray background. Then I freaked out because this was what happened to my roommate, so I haven't touched the computer since.
What could have gone wrong? What to do now? (Local help centers only open on Monday..) Is it worth it to take a train for an hour to go to an apple store right now?
I've been using my Macbook for almost a year now and I backup my regular files using Time Machine and a Seagate HD. I store ALL of my digital media on another external HD. Its a decent system, but I'm taking on a bigger "backup" project and need to have all of my bases covered. My family's computer (a shoddy, 10 year old custom build pc) has their digital photos from the last 10 years on it. The computer is being "wiped" (its really in bad shape!) but before that's done, they want their files and photos backed up. My intended shopping list is:
- 1 External HD - for Important Files/Digital Media - 1 External HD - a backup for the above
- 1 New Desktop with a huge HD that can hold all old media as well as anything new they add in the next 10 years (that's how long we keep our desktops!) I'm trying to talk them into a Mac but budget is small and for email, word processing and photo storage, its just not necessary. Any PC suggestions? Should I wait for Windows 7? (No Vista...)
I am terrified of losing valuable data, but would love to see ALL of the family photos in one place. Backups needs to be accessible by Mac and PC and would (hopefully) be periodically updated. Is there reasonable backup software available for PC's that works like Time Machine? How big should I go on the Externals? The family currently has less than 100gb of photos, but that will exponentially increase now that digital cameras are getting better. I was going to buy 500gb or 1tb or bigger, since Newegg has some good prices. Is that excessive?
My MacBook's hard drive died last night, but luckily I have a backup from earlier that day on my Time Machine enabled external HD. My friend has a MacBook, and I have a paper due for a class in about a week, so I was wondering if I could hook my HD to her computer and recover just the word document. I would have tried this by now if the guy at the store who's replacing my hard drive had not told me to be extremely careful when trying this or else it won't restore when I get my computer back.
I just got my replacement macbook pro, and copied all my data over to it. When I went to set up Time Machine, I noticed that by default, it wants to create a new backup sparse bundle. Is there any way to either use the prior one or merge the old and new ones together? Rant:I find it crazy that getting a new computer means losing 18 months worth of backups. I called Applecare about this, and their responce was create a new backup and then if you need to you can connect to the old backup in a read only mode. The guy on the phone made it out like this is the best way to do it, new computer - new history of backups.
Why is this better? I mean, the time machine file i was using was 550GB of data. My home folder is 400GB of data. So that means to backup anything new (which for arguments sake, we'll say is 15GB) I also have to backup the other 385GB. So now instead of the total backup size being 565GB it is 950gb - 385GB double backed up.This seems like a very amateurish method of implementation, as if the easiest way to program the backups was new computer new backup. The path of least resistance is not the method of best backup solution.
I want to run Windows 7 somehow on my new 2009 Macbook (2.4ghz, 2gb ram, 250 gb HDD). Now, is it better to have a separate partition through bootcamp or run it through a virtual machine (Vmware Fusion or something). I need to run windows for very light video streaming programs and maybe some very very light management games.
So I got my mac fixed and I picked it up from apple store, when I was restoring I messed with the external as I was restoring and stopped it in the middle. So I don't have a snow leopard disk or any disk with me. If I borrowed a leopard disk could I restore? I want to restore completely from the day my computer crashed.
I have to send my MBP in for service and I am about to back up my computer, I was just wondering the best way to go about it so that I dont loose any of my information. I have an external hard drive and was wondering if I use Time Machine will it back up my applications and all information on my computer?
I'm having issues restoring from a time machine back-up. My old system was running 10.6, and I am using 10.5 install discs. I've tried it from various backups and I always get a 'you need to restart your computer' message upon booting up. I've now given up and just re-install 10.6 a fresh. I'm fairly confident restoring my music and documents wont be a problem, but will I be able to just drag and drop my apps onto my HDD? Do I need to copy the library folder across too, or is it just not possible and I'll have to start a fresh?
I currently have a 2007 MB, which I'm upgrading to either a MBP or MBA as soon as the new ones drop. I have a question I have my MB backed up with time machine to an external HDD, how can I save all my current info (pictures/files/documents) that are backed up on the external and use the new machine as a clean slate? How would I access say the pictures from the old machine once I start using the new one, ( the old machine itself will be sold) so I'll just have the backed up info do I need to do some other type of "save" before I sell the old machine?
Time Machine does not appear to be backing up my entire computer even though it says it has. No current files are stored on my Passport. I can't find options to direct the back up.
How to restore a file from the Time Share volume of one mac to a different mac.
I have 2 machines: macbook pro & mac air both both running latest mountian lion. Each keeps its own time share volume on a network server. The two have some sync'd shares, but in general, they are not fully sync'd.
the macbook pro is in the shop for repair for a few days and I'd like to fetch some of it's files from its time machine backup onto the macair. I'm a little reluctant to simply fire up Time Machine on the mac air and respecify it's storage volume to be the macbook pro's volume. I'm concerned about internal configuration changes Time Machine might make to the mac air, including making changes that might cause it to have to do a full (not differential) back up when I reconfigure the mac air's Time Machine to use it's own backup volume after I'm done getting files from the macbook pro backup volume.
In addition to simply getting access to some of the files of the mac in the shop, I want to get the mac calendar from that machine and use it on the mac air. I understand that this may be somewhat trickier.
I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.
I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?
I ran an experiment with Time Machine. Last Monday I attached a freshly erased 2TB Time Machine external HD to a Mac Mini with 400GB of data on the internal 1TB HD with no exclusions. I left the Mac Mini off network -- no wifi, no ethernet -- and did not use it for one full week. Today the 2TB Time Machine HD has only 35GB of free space.
Why is Time Machine filling up the HD with incremental backups when the computer is not in use?
I've got an iMac with a 1TB harddrive and am trying to use a time machine set up to back up my harddrive. The external harddrive I'm using for my back up is also 1TB. I currently have about 135GB of free space on my iMac's harddrive and my external drive is completely empty. When I try to back up using time machine it tells me that the back up is 1.2TB and cannot fit on my 1TB external harddrive. What would cause the initial back up to be larger than the actual computers harddrive? Is there anything I can do to rectify this issue without me needing to purchase a larger external harddrive for back up?
My entire iPhoto Library is gone, inaccessible, doesn't show up in finder. I tried to restore my last Time Machine back up but it says that I don't have enough space on my startup disk. In order to create space I deleted everything nonessential and moved all of my essential folders such as documents, photos, videos, everything, etc. to my external drive, then deleted them from my hard drive. I emptied the trash to make sure that everything was wiped.
I tried to do the Time Machine back up of my iPhoto Library again and is still says I don't have enough space. I looked at my storage under About this Mac, and it says that 120.35 GB of my current computer storage are photos, however, I don't have ANY photos on my hard drive at all. I don't know what to do because I can't delete applications and there is literally nothing else I can delete from my computer, so I don't understand how 135 GBs of storage is being used up.
Could there be somewhere my photos are hiding? I just don't understand why my library got deleted in the first place for that matter.