Mac Mini :: Playing 720p MKV Files At 1080p Resolution?
Nov 19, 2010
I have a bunch of 720p MKV files. I have my mini connected with HDMI to my 54" Panasonic 1080p. I set the resolution on the mini to 1080 and I play my MKV files...
When I set my resolution on my computer to 720p the movie takes up almost the full screen before i select full screen mode. When I set the computer resolution to 1080p and play the 720p media the movie screen only takes up about 3/4 of the screen until i set to full screen mode.
Do I lose any quality or get extra quality having my mini res at 1080p but playing 720p media?
Is the NVIDIA geforce capable of upscaling 720p to 1080?
On the 2009 iMacs you were limited to a 720p resolution when you for example plugged your Ps3 to the iMac, even though the connector could show 1080p. Does anyone know if this is still the case on the new iMacs? And this is only possible to do on the 27" models, since they have video input.
I have lots of DVDs, movies, games...that I want to watch on the 21'5 iMac. There will be any problem or bad quality for playing in 720p (HD Ready) instead of Full HD. It will also make a great increase of FPS performance with 4670, �no?
I have recently purchased a brand new 2.3Ghz Mac Mini to act as a home theatre PC which is connected to my receiver via HDMI & running Plex.In the MAC OSX display settings I have the resolution set to 1080p & then launch Plex to watch my media & everything is fine. The issue is whenever I turn the receiver off (Mac Mini remains on) and then come back to watch my media, the Mac Mini has automatically reverted its resolution to 720p (Plex is still open). For the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. Mac Mini is set to never sleep, no screen saver or other hibernation like settings are enabled, it's just got me perplexed as to why it's downscaling itself!
Which one better handles HD video, the dedicated Intel HD or the nVidia 330M?
I watch a lot of HD video on my i5 and it mostly handles it without a hiccup but on occasion there is some slight stuttering when there is fast motion (with 1080p, the 720p stuff is handled well)...I think the default chip for most video is the Intel HD but I would think the nVidia would better handle these bigger files...any thoughts?
(of course with battery use I know the nVidia is a resourse/energy hog)
Apple when they did their press conference for the new Apple TV - specifically stated that previous purchases of movies from iTunes could be updated to 1080p. There was no charge involved, I just needed to redownload them. I wish that were the case. What am I missing? All my preferences state 1080p. Viewing my purchases shows all my movies I can download and pretty much all of them are available in HD. Yet, they are still downloading in SD (720p). Why? Online support/itunes sends me in a loop as far as downloading in 1080p. It never answers the question.
Do I need to re-buy (not going to happen) all my movies in HD to get HD? That wasn't what was stated by Apple.
I have a lot of 1080p movies that i do not want to delete and i need more space on my external hard disk so i have to convert them to 720p. I used quick time player to convert them but it does not work so any application that i can use for this?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've got a bunch of 1080p video files that I want to convert to 720 before I start working on them in iMovie. Does anyone have any suggestions for software that can do this?
I have a lot of 1080p videos on my Mac, and I can play them in every app but iTunes. iTunes says i cannot play the videos as I have a 1.86GHz CPU, which does not meet the requirements for playing 1080p HD videos in iTunes [URL]. The thing is is that I can play these videos in any other app (they are not protected files, as they are BluRay rips from my external BluRay drive).
My question is this: how can I get these videos to play on my Mac, and on my iPod touch as well?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13", 256GB SSD, Late 2010 Model
I just purchased a Mac Mini and was hoping to play VOB files (which I ripped on a Linux machine, not the Mac Mini) with the native DVD Player application. However, when I try to open the files, which have names like title1.vob, title2.vob, etc, the names are grey-ed out in the file selector window. I can't select those files, and therefore I can't play them. Am I doing something wrong? Can I play VOB files with DVD Player? If not, is there another way to play VOB files on a Mac Mini? I have an LCD TV connected to the mini-DVD port on the Mac Mini, and I'd like to be able to play the files to the TV screen, and also, use the Mac Remote to control Fast Forward, Rewind, File Select, etc.
I was playing a bunch of 1080p videos when I started to hear a vibrating/buzzing/rattling sound coming from my Mac Pro. I don't recall ever hearing this sound before. Is there something wrong with my Mac?
I've never owned a Mac before, but have a couple of friends who love theirs. So when the stunning new Air came out, I decided I'd join them after using only Windows PCs for so many years. I am trying to decide between the 128GB base 11.6" Air and the base 13.3" one. I prefer the form factor of the 11.6", and ideally, I'd just go ahead and get it, because portability is high on my wishlist.
However, my decision hinges on whether the 11.6" can play 1080p MKVs so I can output them to my TV when I'm not mobile.I've read elsewhere that the 11.6" with the 1.4GHz CPU struggles in OSX, but I'd be installing Windows 7 as well, my media player of choice being Media Player Classic. The reason for this is that it supports hardware acceleration of movie files with the GPU, so allows the CPU to be relatively unused, or assists a slow CPU in playing high bitrate/resolution movies.
So, after the drawn out intro, I guess my questions are: Does the GeForce 320M in the Air support hardware acceleration (DXVA) in Media Player Classic in Windows? If yes, is it capable of playing 1080p MKVs smoothly (for example, a 24 minute show weighing in at roughly 1-1.5GB)?
I would really, really appreciate it if some kind soul would be willing to try this out to help me make my buying decision. As I say, it would be my first Mac, so I'm really not sure when it comes to this kind of thing. And I do realise that what I'm asking is ridiculously specific, but I thought that if anyone could help me, it would be you guys.
Earlier this year, I finished ripping nearly every single one of my DVDs and Blu-rays (I only have a handful of the latter) so that I can play them off of my Mac Mini instead of having to load the DVD player every time I want to see a different movie.
On the Mac Mini 1.83 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and GMA950 graphics, I had no issues with the 480p videos in Front Row, but the high-def rips from the Blu-rays were very jerky, even though I downconverted them to 720p. I just upgraded to a 2.0 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and the nVidia 9400M graphics. Most of the 720p videos play well now, but a couple of them (Iron Man, particularly) are still a bit jerky in places.
Would upgrading again to a 2.26 gHz or a 2.53 gHz Mac Mini fix this issue? Do I just need more RAM? Does anyone have any advice?
I've got a 2007 generation Mac Mini and a 720p Proscan HDTV with a VGA input. When I hook it up and crank up the Mini, the apple logo appears (on the standard gray startup screen), but when the OS starts to run my TV loses the signal and a message pops up that says "Not Support!" How can I fix this? Better yet, can I fix this? Are they just not compatible? I ordered a DVI to HDMI cable to give that a shot, but I've got a feeling it's not going to work.
I attempted to google this however I got some mixed results. However I do think that most of the reviews that I was reading was from older Mac Mini models.
I want to get a Mac Mini for a Media Center for my TV. I have alot of iTunes HD TV shows and movies, as well as various Blu-Ray and Downloaded 1080p .mkv rips. I play them fine on my Mac Pro w/ VLC... was wondering how the Latest Gen Mac Mini handles it?
So I got 1080p to display on my plasma. The only problem I have is that when I try to run iTunes visualizers (any) it switches to 1080i. When I stop the visualizer the computer goes back to displaying 1080p. Anyone know a way to keep it on 1080p all the time?
When using bootcamp with Windows 7: My 1080p output is shrunk as if it has the wrong overscan settings. I am using a direct HDMI cable and the display works just fine when using OSX Lion. I tried updating the AMD Catalyst software directly and there is no change. In fact: it's as if the catalyst didn't even install. I can't find the control panel anywhere. It's not the monitor, I tried all the auto adjustment stuff. Plus, again, it works in OSX It's not a cable. I tried switching them. Other computers display correctly to the monitor (Acer, 1080p)
Why can't you play 1080p video on a macbook pro or mac mini? This means you have to sync files which are over 1GB in size one at a time to the new ipad just to view them and this takes a long time. When at home, I use itunes via a macbook pro/mac mini for all my multi media connect to my TV, now I have GB's of files I cannot watch at home.
It kind of defeats the object, there is not enough space on an ipad to hold much HD content, certainly I will not be buying anymore HD video files from itunes for this reason. I am dissapointed to have wasted money on 1080p videos that I have to sync one at a time to a new ipad just to watch them. The new ipad screen is great but surely we need the option to watch 1080p HD video on out TV too? The crazy thing is that itunes/quicktime can easily handle 1080p video which is not from the itunes store so Apple must be deliberately restricting itunes bought 1080p HD video to the new ipad.
The old Mini worked fine with my Westinghouse 24" LCD monitor (HDMI input -connected to Mini via DVI->HDMI cable).The new Mini Server 2010 has HDMI out, so I used a straight-through HDMI cable. The display looks terrible! All of the fonts appear to have a 'shadow' next to them - almost like an old analog VGA with 'interference'.Thinking it could be the cable, I went back to my old Mini's DVI->HDMI cable (and used the new Mini's HDMI->DVI adapter to connect to it). Same results.The Westinghouse monitor's native resolution is 1920x1200. The Mac says that it's configured for 1920x1200.
i just bought the macbook alu. w/ the mini displayport, i tried to plug it directly to my samsung 1080p hdtv with the Mdport to vga cable but the tv didnt display anything. so i searched the web to find other solutions (Mdport to dvi -> dvi to hdmi cable), but for me that means buying 2 other cables so i was wondering if i could use this route: mini displayport to vga -> vga/dvi-i adapter -> dvi-i/hdmi cable -> 1080p hdtv? with this example, i would have to buy only the dvi-i/hdmi cable since I already have the vga/dvi-i adapter (my old MSI 6600gt one) so hows that sound? thx for giving me the answer ASAP cause I need to make a surprise presentation for my boy!
I bought the correct Mini-DVI to VGA adapter and 3.5mm audio cable for my black macbook 2.4GHz in order to project and watch movies, etc. When I hook everything up, the MacBook display settings recognize another display immediately. However the Samsung doesn't see anything connected into the VGA input. I know its not the Samsung HDTV because I had an '08 HP laptop hooked up just fine a few months ago. Should I try different resolutions? I searched the forums for awhile but nata.
Basically I want to watch high definition videos on my 42" hdtv so I bought the mini display port to hdmi adapter. When I play the videos with VLC I notice choppiness when things move too fast across the screen. Is this a limitation of the hardware (the integrated GPU?) Anyway I can perhaps smooth it out?
Basically I want to watch high definition videos on my 42" hdtv so I bought the mini display port to hdmi adapter. When I play the videos with VLC I notice choppiness when things move too fast across the screen. Is this a limitation of the hardware (the integrated GPU?) Anyway I can perhaps smooth it out?
My old 24" iMac had an ATI radeon 4850 card, and playing some of my favorite game titles (fallout 3, and Dawn of War) worked fine - atleast in comparison to my old White iMac 24".
Now I'm going to purchase a 27" i5 iMac with the Radeon 4850 card. My question is; since it�s the same GPU and playing in native resolution will be a tough job. Will the quality of playing games in 1080p be much lower?
I just want to know if this will be a significante downgrade. Or if playing games in 1920x1080 will be a good quality choice.
I have just bought a second hand Mac Mini, Mac OS X Server, 10.6.8 It has got 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo and 2 GB of DDR2 RAM. I have attached it to my monitor, which supports the 1366x768 resolution (that's a 16:9 resolution). From the "System Preferences" -> "Displays" I looked for that resolution but I didn't find it - therefore the screen looks a bit weird, with very small fonts. Is there any way I can set up that resolution, or at least make the screen look a bit nicer?