So i'm trying to figure out the best resolution for using my macbook pro in clamshell mode. I think ever since i installed snow leopard the new resolution choices i have are not longer pixel x pixel, but actual TV resolutions, such as 1080i, 720p, 420p. In the past I've used SwitchResX to do custom resolutions for my tv but that dosnt seem to work anymore.
I'm trying to find a resolution where text is easy to read. 1080i looks pretty but text is extremely small. 720p the text is larger and easy to see but is very fuzzy and not easy on the eyes. I guess this has something to do with the pixels on a tv being farther apart than that of a computer monitor. It's a 32" LCD TV. I'm using a DVI to HDMI cable (Non-Unibody Macbook Pro).
I have a bunch of 720p MKV files. I have my mini connected with HDMI to my 54" Panasonic 1080p. I set the resolution on the mini to 1080 and I play my MKV files...
When I set my resolution on my computer to 720p the movie takes up almost the full screen before i select full screen mode. When I set the computer resolution to 1080p and play the 720p media the movie screen only takes up about 3/4 of the screen until i set to full screen mode.
Do I lose any quality or get extra quality having my mini res at 1080p but playing 720p media?
Is the NVIDIA geforce capable of upscaling 720p to 1080?
On the 2009 iMacs you were limited to a 720p resolution when you for example plugged your Ps3 to the iMac, even though the connector could show 1080p. Does anyone know if this is still the case on the new iMacs? And this is only possible to do on the 27" models, since they have video input.
I have a custom resolution 1280x960 and having black bars. How do i stretch my resolution so that i can remove the black bars? I am using 13 inch Macbook Pro. OS X Yosemite
1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?
It is clear there are people who love their high-res antiglare display; the ability to have more pallets open in Photoshop, see more of what you are doing in Logic. However, there is a fair few of us who dislike the high-res because of decreased fonts, smaller graphical interface things.if you had the choice to go for a high-res or normal res antiglare 15", what would you go for?
i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this
Who has actually played games on BOTH the 2010 high res and standard res macbook pros?Reading through that gaming benchmark thread isn't much of an indicator as most people don't post their resolution and if they have they have only played on one or the other.Im trying to get a better indicator on the performance difference with newer games. Are we talking 2-6 fps drop or 10-20 or more?
I often have 720p MKV video to watch, and I was wondering whether the current generation base model MacBook White is capable of playing them. I know that the MacBook White has the 9400m GPU which should be capable of doing it, but does it work in reality? What software do you need?
I have a 13MBP 2.26ghz 2GB ram etc and when i try to play 720p movies like harry potter or deja vu, during action scenes the playback becomes choppy and the video turns into a bunch of squares and i usually miss a few second of the scene. it usually happens on graphic intensive screens such as the a girl dropped her teddy bear into the ocean waves and in harry potter 4 when all the glass frames break from the wall and fall down. Im using LED Cinema Display
Which one better handles HD video, the dedicated Intel HD or the nVidia 330M?
I watch a lot of HD video on my i5 and it mostly handles it without a hiccup but on occasion there is some slight stuttering when there is fast motion (with 1080p, the 720p stuff is handled well)...I think the default chip for most video is the Intel HD but I would think the nVidia would better handle these bigger files...any thoughts?
(of course with battery use I know the nVidia is a resourse/energy hog)
I am wondering what an easy solution would be to capture HD, 720p resolution video from an HD webcam?
I have a MacBook Pro, mid-2010 with the standard-def iSight. I will not be using the iSight for the video capture. Rather, I will be using a 3rd-party USB HD webcam.
The camera works well with Skype and the like, but I would like to capture full 720p video using a standalone piece of software.
I have a lot of 1080p movies that i do not want to delete and i need more space on my external hard disk so i have to convert them to 720p. I used quick time player to convert them but it does not work so any application that i can use for this?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have the monoprice mini display port to hdmi adapter and have it hooked up to my philips hdtv. Tried all sorts of resolutions and settings, overscan on/off but I find the 720p resolution with overscan on gives me the best crisp picture. The 1080p looks blurry and also does not fill the black spaces on the side.
The 1st pic is with 720p overscan on and the 2nd is 1080p overscan on.
The philips tv supports 1080p at 60hz and the Macbook is the 13" unibody late 2008 with the Nvidia 9400m
I have a 2008 15" 2.4GHz unibody macbook pro with the Nvidia 9400 & 9600 GPU's. It works great, but i notice when playing 720p HD video in Quicktime X, the video is often kind of stuttery at first when i skip through the video, and sometimes beachballs. I am disappointed, because i often like to skip to certain parts in videos (especially TV Shows/Movies). It doesn't do this with smaller videos.
I only have 2GB of RAM. Do you think upgrading the RAM to atleast 4GB would help with this problem? I am on the 9600 with the "Higher Performance" option. Do you notice this at all?
1) Having a difficult time finding anything good on this. Anyone got direct comparison pics between the two on the 15"?2) Also how much brighter are the mid-2010 15" displays compared with the late-08 15" displays? IIRC the 2009 screens got a wider color gamut and more brightness than the original unibody screens.
How does the Antiglare screen look? Does it look cheap and flimsy like the matte screens on the pc laptops?This is my first Mac and i'm looking at going all out and getting the top of the line 15". I know I definitely want the HD screen, i'm just not sure which screen looks better. What about a 5400 vs 7200 rpm hdd? Is this upgrade worth it?
For those who would like to try adapt to hi-res screen of the 15'' but the not sure if they can, if they can't adapt to the hi-res, it's possible to set the resolution to 1440x900 with no appearence differences from the standard res screens?So the appearence and quality of the hi-res screen set to 1440x900 is the same of the standard res screen?
I have recently purchased a brand new 2.3Ghz Mac Mini to act as a home theatre PC which is connected to my receiver via HDMI & running Plex.In the MAC OSX display settings I have the resolution set to 1080p & then launch Plex to watch my media & everything is fine. The issue is whenever I turn the receiver off (Mac Mini remains on) and then come back to watch my media, the Mac Mini has automatically reverted its resolution to 720p (Plex is still open). For the life of me I can't figure out why this is happening. Mac Mini is set to never sleep, no screen saver or other hibernation like settings are enabled, it's just got me perplexed as to why it's downscaling itself!
I purchased a 2.2 GHz Mac Mini today and connected it to my Samsung 720 p LCD TV via mini-DVI to HDMI adapter. I've already adjusted to remove overscan but all text on the screen is blurry. By blurry I mean it has ragged edges and looks "chunky." It's not good. Text looks clean and crisp on high-def TV channels. Photos look decent. Even YouTube videos (HD) look pretty good. But the text is awful. My display settings are 720p so it displays at 1280 x 720 @ 60 hz. If I plug in my Dell laptop, the same TV defaults to a 768 x 1360@60 hz display and looks great. I've tried all the display settings ranging from 480 p up to 1600 x 900.
Earlier this year, I finished ripping nearly every single one of my DVDs and Blu-rays (I only have a handful of the latter) so that I can play them off of my Mac Mini instead of having to load the DVD player every time I want to see a different movie.
On the Mac Mini 1.83 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and GMA950 graphics, I had no issues with the 480p videos in Front Row, but the high-def rips from the Blu-rays were very jerky, even though I downconverted them to 720p. I just upgraded to a 2.0 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and the nVidia 9400M graphics. Most of the 720p videos play well now, but a couple of them (Iron Man, particularly) are still a bit jerky in places.
Would upgrading again to a 2.26 gHz or a 2.53 gHz Mac Mini fix this issue? Do I just need more RAM? Does anyone have any advice?
Apple when they did their press conference for the new Apple TV - specifically stated that previous purchases of movies from iTunes could be updated to 1080p. There was no charge involved, I just needed to redownload them. I wish that were the case. What am I missing? All my preferences state 1080p. Viewing my purchases shows all my movies I can download and pretty much all of them are available in HD. Yet, they are still downloading in SD (720p). Why? Online support/itunes sends me in a loop as far as downloading in 1080p. It never answers the question.
Do I need to re-buy (not going to happen) all my movies in HD to get HD? That wasn't what was stated by Apple.
Why I can not sync 720p movies on my iphone 3gs? When I try to sync by selecting the film does not give me any error message but then there isn't on the iPhone.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've got a 2007 generation Mac Mini and a 720p Proscan HDTV with a VGA input. When I hook it up and crank up the Mini, the apple logo appears (on the standard gray startup screen), but when the OS starts to run my TV loses the signal and a message pops up that says "Not Support!" How can I fix this? Better yet, can I fix this? Are they just not compatible? I ordered a DVI to HDMI cable to give that a shot, but I've got a feeling it's not going to work.
I just got the vision pro, works fine for what I needed (iChat, skype, etc...) I see that it does 720p, but I'm trying to find an app that will allow that capture? Anyone doing this and can recommend an app? (the packaging recommends BTV Pro, seems like an out of date app)
I've got a bunch of 1080p video files that I want to convert to 720 before I start working on them in iMovie. Does anyone have any suggestions for software that can do this?
I have lots of DVDs, movies, games...that I want to watch on the 21'5 iMac. There will be any problem or bad quality for playing in 720p (HD Ready) instead of Full HD. It will also make a great increase of FPS performance with 4670, �no?
Had the Macbook for a few months now and Apple TV for a year or so. Just upgraded to iMovie 09 and thought I would put a few of my 720P video files together to make a holiday video. All went well until it came to outputting to my Apple TV in a format it likes? I seem to be able to out .mov, but for reasons unknown Apple have decided the ATV won't support this, slowly understanding that the whole "Apple" family of gadgets may well not be as compatible and wonderful as they first appeared.