Mac Pro :: Super Duper Alarming On Backup?

Nov 2, 2009

i'm getting a alarm saying failed to enable ownership on backup drv2 which i have enabled read write and ownership,after when i go back to get info the drive is not ticked off on the ownership,tried locking and unlocking can someone tell me where i am going wrong

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IMac :: How To Use Super Duper To Make Full Backup

Aug 12, 2010

Im gonna use Super Duper for the first time to make a full backup of my system. I wanna know if the full backup option copies the system files of Mac OS X. I just read on the manual that it doesnt. I was hoping it would copy everything.

For example, my OS X is 10.6.4. If I do the full backup will the 6.4 update backup too or when restoring the full backup I will need to update again from 6.2?

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OS X :: Super Duper - How To Copy Over

Aug 29, 2009

Gotta give back my MBP to work on Monday and am trying to figure out the best way to clone my entire hard drive to a T so when I buy my new MBP on Tuesday I can just copy eveything over and work on a system like i never had to switch.

I really really need my fonts and programs with serials etc. Will all these copy seamlessly over? Also, how easy is it to copy over. I have never used the program and am weary of losing some of my important files.

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OS X :: Time Machine Or Super Duper - Which Is Best

Dec 27, 2010

i've been doing a lot of backups recently and was wondering which is better to use for frequent backups.

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OS X :: Super Duper To Clone Then Restore An HDD?

May 16, 2009

I want to clone my iMac's internal HDD to an external one, erase the internal one, then restore the clone to it (to solve a Bootcamp partition error).

So in Super Duper, do I want to cope the HDD to a disk image, or to the external HDD?

As I understand it, when I have my back-up ready on my external, I need to reboot with the Leopard installer, open Disk Utility, select Restore, choose the source Disk Image (on my external HDD), then select the internal as the destination.

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Mac Pro :: Using Carbon Copy Or Super Duper Clone

Apr 4, 2008

What would be the best way to apply back the clone created by Carbon Copy or Super Duper to Mac Pro

1. Boot from Mac Pro and then restore from the clone, or
2. Boot from the clone and then restore

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Applications :: How To Best Use Super Duper To Back Up Several Computers

Apr 25, 2009

I just bought a Western Digital 1To drive to back up my iMac, my girlfriend's MacBook, and my other external hardrive on which I put all my videos.

Since I already use Time Machine with an other smaller drive, I would like to use that new 1To drive to be my master bakcup system, with bootable disk image of the two computers. I bought SuperDuper to do all that, but I'm not quite sure how to best use it.

Basically, I'd like to do a total backup of the two computers once a month, as well as back up the files on m multimedia hard drive.

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Applications :: Super Duper 2.6.2 Vs Carbon Copy Cloner 3.3?

Jan 5, 2010

I was going to buy Super Duper because i keep hearing about it, but i looked at CCC, but as far as i can tell they do the same things now. Bootable backups, incremental updating, scheduling, etc. Are there any advantages of SD that i'm missing?

And while i'm asking, can these handle bootcamp partitions? as far as i see, they can't.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Using Super Duper To Erase And Restore Hard Disk?

Apr 18, 2012

My older MBP is running very slow, and I have tried all the usual ways of making it run quicker - repair permissions, repair disk from Lion recovery partition, remove extraneous files, checking Activity Monitor, etc. etc. Someone suggested reformatting the HD and then restoring from a backup. I have the HD cloned to an external HD with Super Duper, but if I reformat the internal HD and restore from the clone, won't the problems that caused the issue in the first place just be cloned into SD and then restored to the reformatted internal drive, thus defeating the excercise?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Update A Super Clone From Most Recent Time Machine Backup?

Oct 23, 2009

Is there a way to update a super duper clone that I have on a portable external from my Time machine backups? It would simplify my backup protocol a lot, I travel with a live clone in case my system crashes.

When I'm at home I backup tirelessly to a time machine drive connected to my server. I would love to be able to just dock my portable with my server and be able to update my clone easily.

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Applications :: Ical Alarms Not Alarming Enough?

Feb 7, 2010

can anybody tell me if it is possible to add different sound effects for ical to use, the ones that ship are so lame, or a bit too minimalist for me, I need something that grabs my attention.

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Intel Mac :: Alarming Number Of Files In Trash?

Feb 13, 2012

My computer has been acting strangely so I decided to empty the trash since I hadn't done so in a couple of months.  The finder shows 110 "items" in the trash- some of them are folders (some of them iMovie temporary items), so I realize I have more than just 110 to delete.  I don't  trash many things, and certainly don't use the trash for storage!  I was quite surprised and alarmed when the status bar showed over 16,000 items being deleted, so I immediately stopped the process.  I then saw the trash included user files (copies?), dated the exact time I started to empty.  This, together with the fact that my computer has been flaky at startup, and quite un-mac-like in frequent freezing and other troublesome behavior, had me quite concerned. 

I asked a similar question over the weekend, but obviously wrote it too quickly and didn't make myself clear, as I only received snarky, unhelpful responses. I would really like some advice here, so I am trying again. 

I do use Time Machine for backup, I'm hopeful that is the reason for the large number of files (including user files) in my trash, and that it is safe to go ahead and empty the trash.  I'd guess that many unnecessary files would be contributing to my initial problems.  However, I would feel much better if I had some confirmation from this community.  If this is the case, I am also curious if I can change something so that I don't continue to have this many files going into the trash. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Flickering Screen And Loud Alarming Sound

Apr 16, 2012


I have a late 2011 MacbBook Pro with Lion. Sometimes my Mac gets vertical flickering bands almong with a really loud alam/emergency sound. Since I am in an office with svereral people, I have to swith it off by using the power button. I upgraded my RAM to 8GB (did it my self)... but there dosen't seem to be a problem with it since it says OK in the System report. Can someone please tell me what the problem might be? 



Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: Time Machine Unable To Perform Backup / Backup Is Too Large For Backup Volume

Oct 26, 2008

I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.

Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free)
Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)

The Time Machine error is: Quote:

"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?

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PowerPC :: Super Hot Powerbook

May 10, 2007

Lately my powerbook (12") seems UNBEARABLY hot. I use it on my chest/stomach while laying down. While I realize this is probably not ideal for the fan, it has never been this hot before. It is so hot I am breaking out in a sweat, and my small room becomes stifling (due to the door being closed with this heat source). I did send back my battery in the recall, but its not the battery side that is hot. Actually, its probably the coolest area. The hottest is the left side/top left. It seems to only get this hot while using the adapter. When it's running off the battery, it is only a bit warm (as expected). Does this mean my adapter is probably messed up in some way?

and FWIW, my dashboard CPU heat has it at 62C or 144F

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PowerPC :: Super Glue On IBook LCD

Sep 27, 2006

There was a little leak of a super glue canister in the vicinity of my iBook... A small amount, probably the size of a penny got on my screen. It did the typical super glue thing when it dried; it turned to white hard stuff. You cannot see it that much when the screen is off, but it is noticeable when it is off. I was thinking about that super glue removal liquid; the stuff for unsticking unwanted objects together. Will this work/will it make it worse?

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MacBook Air :: Without Super-drive How To Get Pages On MBA?

Oct 31, 2008

Ok I still have my iworks cd from when I bought the MB. Im thinking of getting the MBA tomorrow possibly. without buying a superdrive how could I get iworks onto the MBA. if I brought it with me could they just do it at the store?

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MacBook Air :: Which SSD In The New MBA Used ? - Super Snail Drive

Feb 25, 2009

Some of the new macbook pro 17" have been reported shippping with a Toshiba SSD. According to the results it stands for Super Snail DriveShould I be scare to find one of those in my next MBair 1.86 SSD ?

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OS X :: Internet Is Super Slow, Restart Fix It?

Nov 2, 2009

For at least 24 hours now the internet has been incredibly slow on my Alubook. By super-slow I mean 10-15 minutes to load MacRumors. I was sure it was my connection, until I today tried it on my iPhone on the same WiFi network. Took a couple of seconds to load.

So I then thought Safari might be the problem, but I found it was equally slow in Opera and Firefox.

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Mac Mini :: It Only Recognizes 1 Super-drive?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a mac mini server so it doesn't have a built in drive. I've been using a macbook air superdrive and it works wonderfully. I've had the need to queue up multiple copies and disc reads though recently, so I bought a second superdrive. (Less having to change discs, more automation while I'm away). The problem is, the mini only reads one superdrive?Both superdrives work individually if they're the only one plugged in, in all usb ports. But if both are plugged in, the 2nd one is not recognized and appears to not even have power as it won't accept a disc. how to make the mini see both devices and treat them both as active cd/dvd drives?

Apple Remote Desktop, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Intel :: Mac Being Super Slow During Start Up

Apr 23, 2012

My Mac is booting really slow from the time power button is pushed to the home screen.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Can Super Drive Work With Old One

May 26, 2012

I have an old black Macbook (about 6 years old, with all of the recent downloads, etc.). I am going to get a Mac Air Book and I wanted, before I bought the Mac Air Book, to try out the external Super Drive with my old MacBook (which is working fine for burning and reading CDS and DVDS) ... I plugged in the USB cable of my brand new Super Drive to my old MacBook but when I inserted the blank CD into the slot of the external Super Drive, the CD was not taken up by the SuperDrive. It went in perhaps 95 - 98% of the way but did not "take hold" the way I suspected it would.  I know that I don't need this Super Drive for my old MacBook but I wanted to see if it would work with it .. in anticipation for getting the Mac Air Book.  Does this mean that I have a defective Super Drive ? Or does it mean that it will only work with a MacAir Book ... or what ? I am sure there are some easy answers. Or should I force the CD harder into the Super Drive ? 

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Intel Mac :: Goes Super Slow And Doesn't See HD

Jun 14, 2012

But today when I started my iMac he first didn't show my external hard drive so I thought maybe my hard drive is broken so I tried instead of FireWire an USB cable but that didn't work either. So I tried connecting it to another computer and it worked so the problem must be with my Mac somewhere. 

Now my Mac goes extremely slow and when I do 'Shut down' it takes minutes to get him powered off completely.  

Now after a few minutes my Mac sees my Hard Drive again but the Hard Drive usual Icon isn't showing and when I open it to browse through it, it goes extremely slow. It looks like he is initializing everything on my hard drive, so I can't copy or open anything that is on it because it goes so slow. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Its Running Super Slow

Jun 16, 2012

Got a 21.5 inch iMac desktop summer of 2010. I think it is the base model. All other info I can't get to on "about my mac" because my Mac is running like frozen molasses.

Anyway, last few days I thought the internet/Safari was running kind of slow. Pages would load, I'd get stuff done, but I just thought it was being glitchy. Then last night, my Mac would all out freeze. Rebooting took at least 5 minutes, and it doesn't matter what I try to use (chrome, firefox, safari), pages just won't load at all or freeze if I am able to make it to Google/Facebook/etc. Now the computer just sits at the blue screen part of the startup, and I had to just finally hard shutdown since I am not getting anywhere to even run a virus scan.


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Windows On Mac :: Install Bootcamp Without Using The Super Drive

Sep 12, 2010

So this is what i need help eith i did it all apart from this bit, i am so close any help would be amazing i am using VMware fusion 2, might i have to have version 1? link to thread [HTML] [URL] Code: I opened up the settings for the newly created virtual machine, and changed the disc to point to my Windows 7 ISO file.

Code: 'm working on installing Windows 7 without a DVD (broken SuperDrive here) using VMWare Fusion and the instructions provided by melchior....................

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IMac :: Unable To Know About Noisy Super Drive?

Nov 8, 2010

When I put a CD into the Super Drive on my imac it is clattering & rattling as it reads the disk.

Does this seem right to you guys ?.

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OS X :: Screenshot Command On Desktop Super Slow

Nov 18, 2007

This is the first time I try since my leopard install and once I hit Cmd-Shift-3 the screen freezes for 10 sec before having the screen shot on my desktop. On Tiger it was immediate, on my GF leopard MB it is als super fast.

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MacBook Pro :: Super Slow Wireless With New Router?

Jul 9, 2008

So I recently bought a Linksys WRT160N to replace an old router in my house. The network worked fine with the old router before it died... Browsing speed was great, download speed was great. Now that I have the WRT160N however, my network speeds have plummeted. And it's JUST my MBP... the rest of the computers in my house are Windows PCs and they are surfing away at supersonic speeds compared to what I'm getting on my MBP.

At first I thought it may be the wireless security (WPA) so changed it to WEP... no change. So then I just disabled it altogether... no change.

The Windows PCs are getting speed of about 2000 Kbps whereas I'm getting between 150 and 500 Kbps. I've already replaced the router once...

Is there anything I can do, or is this router just not going to play nice with Mac?

BTW- I have a 2.2 SR MBP

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Install Without Using The Super Drive?

Nov 16, 2008

I have an iso from my university and a new Macbook with a broken superdrive.

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Mac Pro :: Vista Loses Super Drives In 2008?

Jun 13, 2009

I wonder if this problem has affected anyone in the past but I, for the life of me can not figure it out.

I have re-intstlled Vista Business 64 bit already and have had sucess with the computer recognizing them and I can access them but now I cant access them in the explorer windows or eject them at all.

I have tried to re-install boot camp, tried re-installing the disk drive drivers in control panel but nothing works.

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