I have a mac mini server so it doesn't have a built in drive. I've been using a macbook air superdrive and it works wonderfully. I've had the need to queue up multiple copies and disc reads though recently, so I bought a second superdrive. (Less having to change discs, more automation while I'm away). The problem is, the mini only reads one superdrive?Both superdrives work individually if they're the only one plugged in, in all usb ports. But if both are plugged in, the 2nd one is not recognized and appears to not even have power as it won't accept a disc. how to make the mini see both devices and treat them both as active cd/dvd drives?
My intel super drive died.Before I can get it repaired..I've got some work that needs to be done.Mac's External Superdrive appears to work only with Mini & Air.
last night my MacBook Pro (13inch early 2011 model) froze on me so I let it be and closed the lid. In the morning it was still frozen. I did a hard restart and got the question mark on a folder icon. I tried everything, resetting PRAM, etc, etc. Northing seemed to work untill I plugged in my external hard drive (used as my time-machine backup) and I got to the re-installation/ utilities / safari / restore from backup screen. In the utilities it saw my external hard drive, but not my internal main drive. Any ideas? I've read hundreds of similar posts and nothing seems to resolve an unseen hard drive. Oh btw I plugged in another SATA HDD and it didnt recognize that either.
Old time Mac guy, they are the best computers, serviced Mac in the field, was even trained on Macs first unix based server, 1998. Servers currently servicing are Sun, HP, Dell, EMC and a few other odds and ends. Just some history. The question, what is the password to become a "super user" SU in the terminal session? OS is 10.4
My friend gave me his old Apple cube G4 + 15" Cinema display in like 1000 pieces. Its completely teared apart. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work. The original IDE cable wasn't included, so I bought one for 2 cents. It should work or not? Maybe the powersupply. I'm not sure. I don't believe actually that the hardware itself, like the motherboard is broken. When everything is into place and I connect the cube to the powersupply it boots immediately. I don't have to do anything. Harddrive spins and the superdrive makes some noise as well. This repeats itself every 5 seconds. The screen is connected and gets power through DVI, but no display. Both the cube and display have touch enabled buttons to switch it on, but they do not respond (I guess).. Motherboard gives 2 light. DS1 is green, DS2 is red.
Ok I still have my iworks cd from when I bought the MB. Im thinking of getting the MBA tomorrow possibly. without buying a superdrive how could I get iworks onto the MBA. if I brought it with me could they just do it at the store?
Some of the new macbook pro 17" have been reported shippping with a Toshiba SSD. According to the results it stands for Super Snail DriveShould I be scare to find one of those in my next MBair 1.86 SSD ?
I have an old black Macbook (about 6 years old, with all of the recent downloads, etc.). I am going to get a Mac Air Book and I wanted, before I bought the Mac Air Book, to try out the external Super Drive with my old MacBook (which is working fine for burning and reading CDS and DVDS) ... I plugged in the USB cable of my brand new Super Drive to my old MacBook but when I inserted the blank CD into the slot of the external Super Drive, the CD was not taken up by the SuperDrive. It went in perhaps 95 - 98% of the way but did not "take hold" the way I suspected it would. I know that I don't need this Super Drive for my old MacBook but I wanted to see if it would work with it .. in anticipation for getting the Mac Air Book. Does this mean that I have a defective Super Drive ? Or does it mean that it will only work with a MacAir Book ... or what ? I am sure there are some easy answers. Or should I force the CD harder into the Super Drive ?
I just installed a new Samsung Lightscribe drive from OWC and now neither my Super Drive nor the new drive shows up. When I check my Sys Profile under Disc Burning this is what is showing up. No burning device was found. If you are using an external device please make sure that it is connected and powered properly.
So this is what i need help eith i did it all apart from this bit, i am so close any help would be amazing i am using VMware fusion 2, might i have to have version 1? link to thread [HTML] [URL] Code: I opened up the settings for the newly created virtual machine, and changed the disc to point to my Windows 7 ISO file.
Code: 'm working on installing Windows 7 without a DVD (broken SuperDrive here) using VMWare Fusion and the instructions provided by melchior....................
The last couple of months my 2 year old white Macbook does not read audio cd's anymore. Once in a while it will load one, most of the time the first after a restart, but after that every audio cd will be ejected after several attempts of my superdrive to load the cd. Data cd and dvd's play just fine, and cd-r's can also be burned, no problems there.
Been searching but nothing specifically addressing this issue. I can put in DVD's and music cd's but a blank CD-R is just not recognized. Just had this superdrive replaced 6 weeks ago.
Just checking to see if others have had the same issue with their Super Drive as I have had. In late Dec 2009 I bought a 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac which seemed to work great for a few months. Then, every so often, the Super Drive would act up and would not eject a cd/dvd when prompted to do so. At first this really didn't seem to be a major issue, just a minor annoyance to contend with every so often, so I never made a stink about it to Apple. When it did happen, though, I'd eventually have to go through all the usual steps to get the disc media to eject, which sometimes had me turn the computer of then back on again, all the while clicking on my mouse. This really has only happened maybe 10 to 15 times since I've had the computer, which in hindsight seems a lot, but recently, over many attempts to do so, the drive just wouldn't eject a disk. Eventually I got it to to eject, but now it wont except disks, of any kind, at all and it totally unresponsive. Where before it would make a sound as if it was about to mount, it now does absolutely nothing, making no noise and appears completely dead.
So… question: is it dead and if so, is it worth it for me to get it fixed or, maybe, instead buy an external cd/dvd drive that I can just hook up to one of my open USB ports? If so, what might be the best external drive to get?
When I insert a CD or DVD into my iMAC superdrive it is recognised and will play but then it is not displayed in the finder sidebar. consequently I cannot eject the disc. The only way to eject is to restart the machine.
Just wanted to let everyone know I had to update Mac OSX to be able to use the superdrive on the new macbook pro retina display. Before that it would show me what was on the disk but I couldn't access it. Even after I updated it I had to browse through finder to find the drive to be able to run what was on the disk, as it didn't pop up automatically.
So All of a sudden my superdrive wont burn dvd's or cd's. It says open session, and then immediately says close session. I tried using the Toast software and it did the same thing. i think about replacing the drive?
I have VMWARE and Vista ultimate full edition and do NOT have a super drive. Any ideas on how to go about getting Vista to work in VMWARE because it is not recognizing the disc via "Remote Disc" feature
I do NOT have the superdrive and would like to install windows XP pro on my MBA with VMware Fusion. I've tried making .dmg, .iso, & .cdr images of the windows XP disc but i'm having NO luck with Fusion recognizing the disc image. When I create the new Virtual Machine I select "use disc image" and point to the appropriate disc image file. I keep getting a "no bootable device" error from fusion.
Can somebody who has successfully installed windows on an MBA without using a superdrive give me the step by step instructions you used...I'm getting pretty annoyed at this point.
Okay so I'm thinking of putting a Intel SSD in my MacBook Pro 13" as soon the next generation is launched thus removing the SuperDrive in order to fit both drives. I haven't used it a lot of times but a few times I do need it and that's why I'm now asking this question.
What external DVD enclosure will work with the MBP SuperDrive if any and how will i eject the DVDs. I'm not going to shell out a 100 bucks plus shipping to Sweden for the MCE Optibay so that's out of question, however cheaper ebay alternative that ships to Sweden with reasonable shipping is okay.
Also while I'm here. I've been thinking about upgrading to 8GB ram kit however a friend of mine told me any ddr3 sodimm ram won't work which sounds weird but to be safe I'm asking if that's true? I'm thinking of buying a Corsair 8GB(2x4GB) 1333MHz kit.
It is from about a week that my Macbook Pro superdrive started randomly emitting Eject--like noise 2 or 3 times a day (the superdrive is empty, non cd on it)
I have a iMac (iMac7,1) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz that is 5 years old. The MATSHITADVD-R UJ-875 (DB09) Superdrive has been replaced once already. It is malfucntioning again. I was wondering if there were any troubleshooting steps I could take that I am unaware of before I replace the drive.
It seems to be a mechanical issue. The drive attempts to eject a disk - it sound like the disk is ejecting, yet it cannot. It keeps attempting to eject the disk over and over again. It has happened with a number of different disks, often after some time the disk will eventually eject. This time this one seems to be stuck for good. [URL]
Info: iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 4 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I received a new late 2013 iMac with 27" Monitor, track pad and super-drive. My problem is with learning to use the super drive.
It shows on my monitor and I rename the disc (i.e. Backup 1). I drag the files to the disc folder. Then I eject the disc. When I re-insert the disk it shows blank disk. However the original renamed folder still shows on the monitor with the files and they can be moved to other folders.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), also have VMware Fusion 5.0