Mac Pro :: Option Boot - 2010 Mac Pro 6 Core 3.33?
Oct 1, 2010
Anyone else had trouble option booting with a 2010 Mac Pro? Can't get to startup manager. All I get is a blank screen. Apple says it must be a hardware problem after having me test everything else. Keyboard checks out. Can boot from install disk holding C key, but cannot change startup disk with prefs to install dvd or to a cloned drive. Have reinstalled SL 10.6.4 from install disk. Zapped pram and unplugged power, held power button 5-10 secs. and plugged in again - to reset computer according to apple tech.
I plan on buying third party ram for the new Mac Pro. I want to have a minimum of 12GB of ram, possibly up to 24GB. How would you configure it, and is the sweet spot 12, 18, or 24, and not 16?
So my question is -- do you know if this would be an issue swapping drives from a 2009 Mac Pro to a 2010 running 10.6.5 on the drive? Is there an OS performance hit running the 10.6.5 from the 2009's drive on the 2010 Mac Pro?
The reason I ask is because I am upgrading to a 3.33GHz 6-core, it's ordered and on the way. When it comes, I would just like to swap my SSD from my 2009 to the 2010 (running 10.6.5) and hope that everything runs OK. I don't want to have to re-install the new OS X build from the system disks and then update it, I would like it just to work correctly on the new Mac Pro.
This will primarily be used for application development, primarily with Xcode.
I'll also use it for photography/video (GIMP, and stepping into Aperture and Final Cut Express).
I've ruled out an iMac because I want plenty of expansion options.
I know Xcode scales linearly depending on the number of cores but I am trying to look for a sweet spot in performance and budget. I want something I can grow with for a few years (i.e 3-4).
Starting today my 2010 Macbook Pro 2.66 GHz Core i7, OS X 10.7.3 (8 gigs ram) has experienced 4 "hard freezes" where the system locks up, itunes plays the same second of audio over and over, and nothing works (keyboard, trackpad, etc.. all frozen). You can't even make the caps lock key light up. This requires you to hold down the power button to reset. Obviously I'm very concerned that this is a hardware failure... or something is getting too hot. The thing is I'm not doing anything that crazy, no games or tons of programs open.
In my quest for a Mac Pro ...I have now found a 2008 8 core 3.2ghz that is in the price range of what you can buy a 2.93ghz quad core for now ....if there is any minus other than the warranty to considering that 2008 8 core 3.2ghx 8 core over the 2.93 Ghz quad?
My mid 2010 iMac i7 will not boot past the apple logo? I'm running 10.7.3. I have tried restoring from TM backup from recovery mode (worked the last time this happened) however upon completion it returns to the recovery screen? I made a disk of Lion when I downloaded the first time (followed same instructions sourced from numerous websites) which does not seem to work when i set to start up from this disk, just gets to the grey screen and flicks between the apple logo, a folder icon with a question mark and the circle with line through? Now I can't eject the disk either, a message appears that system can't eject and to make sure all applications are closed? Not sure how to go about closing these applications without being able to start the system? When I tried booting from the Macintosh HD I got a message that the boot cache partition was faulty? I have ran disk permissions etc all ok.
Last week I finally upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7, but now my Mac Pro (2008) won't boot properly. It'll start to boot with the gray screen and the Apple logo, but then the entire screen goes gray and it just locks up there. However, if I reboot and hold down the Option key to bring up the list of bootable drives that works fine. I've checked my Startup Drive settings and the proper drive is selected. why it won't boot on it's own anymore? Holding down the Option key is getting old.
I'm asking this question for my brother. He has a 15-inch MacBook Pro (late 2011). He recently reinstalled OS X Lion but now every time he boots his computer he ALWAYS gets the option to chose Macintosh HD or Lion Recovery disk. I'm tech savy but I've tried resetting the PRAM and everything else I culd think of but he still gets that same screen. He is not pressing the option key when booting it just does it automaticlly. Should I do reinstall OS X Lion aain for him or just take it back to Apple and have them look at it?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.3GHz Core i5, iPhone 4S,new iPad
im very interesting in buying a mac pro but as you know always money is the big problem , i decide to buy a quad mac pro but there is two option , is there to much diference in power processing between Quad-core 2010 "Nehalem" 2.8GHz and 3.2GHz? i check in geek bench mark and the 2.8 GHZ get a result of 8360 and the 3.2 GHZ get a result of 9968. is that to much diference ? please i need some help me in this dilema
I read that the new 6 core Mac Pro's use 32nm technology.
I guess this means a different mobo to the one in the 2009 4 core models?
Apple are offering an upgrade from 4 core to 6 core on the new models, so I'm wondering if I could do the same to my 2009 model or would it not be as simple to swap out the mobo as I think?
I have just bought this macbook pro,and i would like to play wow.I heard that the performance is better if you use bootcamp ,but is it a huge difference?I can use windows,but if wow runs on mac os,then i would not like to use bootcamp. I do not really need Ultra settings,but I would like to go for good/high with 45+ fps.nother question. I read about GPU overclocking... Is it only available when you use Boot Camp?
Alright I was going to load Windows on a partition thru Boot Camp. However I decided not to and then used the Boot Camp assistant to remove the Windows partition.
Ever since I got rid of the Windows partition, I've have to hold the OPTION key just to get my MBP to boot even though there is NO other operating system installed on the old partition. If I don't hold the OPTION key it won't boot, it just goes to a black screen.
When some usb devices are connected on my mac mini, all boot option aren't work...for exemple, when i have connected my external Hard Disque or my usb key or a usb device on my mac mini, i want to selecte Windows partition for the boot, BUT the OPTION Key DONT WORK!!!!! And its only want to work if i Unplug all those usb devices, when my mac mini has no usb plugged in, option key work good !! What is the problem ? please help because at the moment the only way if i want to swich between OSX and Windows is to use the boot device selector in the system menu panel, but i want to be able to use Option key even if plugged.
Is it possible to put a C2D processor in the PowerMac G5? Or can the Dual-core PPC G5s run boot camp? I was going to make it a gaming computer, as I will only buy Mac =].
I got a 13' Macbook pro, after a kernal panic, the computer stuck at the same page: u need to restart your computer. Later i run restore disk, but is seems cant find my hhd. Most likely i need to chaneg a new HHD?? I tried to search on apple website how much is the HHD but cant find any info. Is there one had same problem and got their HHD changed? Should I fix it thru apple or should i get the HHD myself and find someone to put it in for me? I am out of warranty.
Is a usb keyboard needed to switch between OS X and Windows in bootcamp when holding down the option key, or should the Apple bluetooth wireless keyboard work as well?
Powerbook g4, internal keyboard fried. Using an external mac keyboard. Rebooted with disc - Coriolis CD Maker using iDefrag [URL]. Did a full defrag of internal harddrive. Unable to boot back from internal harddrive/ There are no options to do so.
I would either need a hardware way of restarting from main internal hd or a command while idefrag is working. Unable to eject cd as well.
I installed a legal copy of Windows 7 Professional x64 on my new machine through Boot Camp.
All was well until I got to the desktop and wanted to begin installing updates. I noticed that it wasn't allowing me to get online, almost as if it wasn't detecting my wireless card. I thought this issue was because I hadn't run "setup.exe" from my Snow Leopard disc. So I put that in.
There were many reports of not being able to install any Windows OS using bootcamp with latest MBP 13" (2010, nVidia 320M) and Intel X-25M SSD combination (installer just wouldn't recognize the drive at all).I haven't heard about this problem for a while. But I'm still not sure about whether it's safe to go with X-25M or not.
I recently purchased the 13'' mbp (well my parents bought it for me because i was qualified for commercial pilot training in my country) and well besides the rough edges that hurt your wrists, I love my macbook pro, I love the interface, I love the design + the holy track pad (!) but as soon as I install boot camp things turned ugly, real uglyAfter struggling to install Windows 7 Home Premimum 64 bit's Drivers (It took me a long time to set windows to regconize that I need 64 bit drivers and not 32's) I grow more and more frustrated with the supplied drivers, it's horrible, the windows would frequently freeze and requires a shutdown. (I presume there's a problem with the NVDIA 320M driver). Another problem is that for some odd reason there's no fan running at all during windows operation! And yes I'm aware of the smrcfan restart thingy to transfer the setting over to windows but that is just so incovenient (sorry if i'm being a wuss).
Now I would love to hear feedback from experienced users how on earth can I find a subsitute graphics driver to fix this frequent freezing + a way to start the fans.
My config: 2.66Ghz 4GB DDR3 RAM + 320M GF Windows HP 64 bit Boot Camp 3.1
I just got my mac today, I tried to install windows 7 via bootcamp and it installs but then when it reboots the screen turns off and nothing happens...I wait and wait and the screen stays black until I reboot the computer and hold option to boot osx. Its windows 7 prop 64bit and it wont boot into windows at all, the display will show something if I try to boot in safe mode but it only gets as far as setting up for first use and then pops up an error saying you cant do that in safe mode
my Macbook Pro doesn't boot after updating the EFI, I just updated and restarted as it says in the description of the update and then it does not boot, making 4 short beeps and then 4 longer, I don't know what's happening. There was no problem during the update (no problem with electricity or similar)
My Air (2010, OS X) takes 2 hrs to boot. No peripherals, 4 GB unused. After booting the cursor is active but any action (eg opening app) results into beachball. Restart takes another 2hrs.
I have a 2010 mac book i'm trying to zero out. But it will not boot to target mode connected t my mac book pro via fire wire 800 ( im using a thunder bolt>firewire 800 adapter)