Mac Pro :: Nothing Works - When Bluetooth Connected?

Dec 5, 2008

I have just been given a second hand powermac g5, dual 2ghz, 1.5 gb of ram and 2 500 gb hdds. I have just installed the copy of leopard that came with it, it's all up to date with all the latest updates. Now this model does not have a built in bluetooth device so i have my targus one that i no works because i have used it in the past with my mac mini. The power mac picks it up, and allows me to go searching for bluetooth devices how ever when i connect one , it locks the use of the mouse and the connected bluetooth keyboard. I have to hold the power button at the front. I have reset the PRAM, but no the PMU or the nvram yet on this unit.

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MacBook :: Connected To Vga Monitor - Never Works Smoothly

Mar 16, 2010

I feel like when i try to hook up my macbook to a monitor with the vga adaptor, it just never works smoothly. i always have to play around with the wires for a while until i have an image on the screen. plug out the usb mouse and keyboard, plug them back in, unplug the adaptor, plug it back in. then finally it works, and this is every time i try to do it. i prefer to to it with my laptop closed, not in dual screen mode. can anyone point me to a simpler process to do this? its getting really annoying

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OS X Mavericks :: Bluetooth Mouse Pointer Works But Can't Land Anywhere

Jun 5, 2014

It is happening more and more often: When I start my iMac the mouse pointer is moving normally but when I click on, say, Finder nothing happens, or when I click on the Dock nothing happens. It will not stay or land on any app. It is just hovering and nothing seems to be affected by the mouse pointer.

I turn the mouse off and back on and it works fine. So it is an erratic behavior which baffles me. 

I have read numerous cases in the discussions and all point to a PRAM reset. Will a PRAM reset delete or revert modifications I have made to my iMac, such as disabling the startup sound, via sudo?  

I don't mind restarting the mouse but it is a hassle

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook :: Paired, But Not Connected Bluetooth?

Feb 22, 2012

I can pair my MacBook (OS X 10.4.11) with my logitech wireless bluetooth speaker adapter, but cannot get them to connect, and therefore can't get audio. The devise pairs and connects just fine with my iphone 4.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X :: Internet Works Fast When Connected Via Ethernet Cable

Jan 10, 2010

I just got the new macbook, with snow leopord, and is running on 10.6.2. My internet is really slow when I connect it to my linksys router. It is a wrt54g router. And I am using a WPA2 password. The internet works fine with the three other laptops in my house. But is slow when I connect with wireless to the router. But when I connect to the router with a ethernet cable it works really fast.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Boot From HDD But Works When Connected Via SATA

Apr 4, 2012

I recently was forced to restart my 13" MacBook Pro with Lion OS. After the standard start up sound and gray screen the startup ceased. After multiple failed tries and attempts to use command-r I removed the hard drive and connected it via. a SATA to USB2 connector. I'm assuming since I can work off the HDD because of the USB adaptor it is not a HDD error but something else. Would a new HDD solve the problem?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1

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IMac :: Bluetooth Mouse Connected And Then Freezes

Feb 28, 2009

I have endless trouble with blue connectivity. I have tried all the obvious things. Like check the batteries, sync, pairing etc. The mouse is showing connected and strangely even wake the computer. Problem is then it freezes given no other option but to Hard start my mac. What a bummer. I am now using usb mouse no problem.

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Software :: Cannot Works Fine When Connected To Tiger Macbook Pro Intel And Old G4 With 9.2.2 ?

Aug 10, 2006

bought another (have one already) HP laserjet2100 with 600N network card exactly the same as an old one I had which works fine when connected to tiger macbook pro intel and old G4 with 9.2.2However when put new printer into ethernet network at first could not see printer but this was sorted using HP Direct and assigning IP adress on Intel mac. Howver when I print I get code on first page followed by masses of blank pages.To solve this I downloaded ghost and gimp printers and managed to get it to print.However quality is really poor when compared to old printes fonts are jagged etc. Any ideas to get it up to speed with exactly same machine?

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MacBook Pro :: Internal And Headphone Sound Does Not Work / Only Bluetooth Speakers Works

Aug 30, 2014

Internal and headphone sound does not work. Only bluetooth speakers work for sound. Whats the problem and how much does it cost to fix?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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Hardware :: Bluetooth Auto On / Off When Connected To Power Supply?

Apr 10, 2009

I only ever want to use bluetooth when my Macbook is attached to a power supply (the 24'' cinema display power in particular, as my the Macbook is in clamsell mode and i want to use my wireless keyboard and mouse). Is there any way to automatically toggle bluetooth on/off when it is attached to the display. I tried to play with automator, and i found how to turn bluetooth on and off, but couldnt find a way to trigger it.

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OS X :: Music Skips On Bluetooth Headphone (Modem Connected)

Feb 12, 2010

With the modem I am currently using, I connect it VA bluetooth to my macbook pro. Now, when I try to listen to music with my bluetooth headphones at the same time I am using my modem the music from my headphones skips quite a bit. If I shut off my modem, I can play music 100% fine to my headphones - without skips. Is it possible to be using my modem and playing music to my bluetooth headphones without my headphones skipping the music?

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Mac Mini :: How To Keep Bluetooth Keyboard Connected When Screen Locked

Mar 17, 2012

Using an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, when I lock my screen (using the Keychain Access dropdown menu method) and leave my computer for an extended period of time (a matter of hours), the keyboard disconnects and thus, I cannot enter my password when I return. I checked the Bluetooth set up options and while I realize this is likely due to battery life concerns for the keyboard, is there anyway to keep the keyboard connected while not in active use? Is there a screen locking method that still allows me access to the Bluetooth set up menu when locked?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: Keyboard Wasn't Connected / Bluetooth Icon Kept Saying That It Was Not Available

Jun 22, 2014

My bluetooth used to work perfectly fine. Then one day my keyboard wasn't connected. I changed the batteries. But the Bluetooth icon kept saying that it was not available. I went into my settings and it all looks chinese to me. My keyboard isn't connecting at all.

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MacBook Pro :: Seagate 500gb - 7200rpm Works With EFI Firmware Update 1.7 Works Well?

Jun 27, 2009

I just installed a Seagate 500gb, 7200rpm hard drive in my 13" MBP that was updated to EFI Firmware Update 1.7. Clean install of OS X and iLife '09 & iWork '09 went fast. It's quite and fast compared to my old Samsung 500gb, 5400rpm hard drive. It was worth the $120 I spent on it!

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MacBook Pro :: If It Plugged To Electricity It Works Normally But If Unplug It, It Works Really Slow?

Apr 5, 2012

Like two months ago, my MBP started to work really slow when not plugged to electricity, but as soon as I plug it in, my MBP works perfectly. I already sent it to apple for they to fix it, but they solved other issued except for that one. Please, any idea what could it be.

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Remove Bluetooth Devices From My Bluetooth File Transfer List?

May 28, 2007

So how do I remove bluetooth devices from my bluetooth file transfer list? I have a few extra phones in there that I no longer use.

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MacBook Pro :: Disable The Built-in Bluetooth And Enable A Bluetooth Dongle Instead?

Mar 4, 2008

I have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard that I want to share between a PC and MBP via a DVI/USB KVM switch. I think I can do this by plugging a USB Bluetooth dongle into the KVM's USB input.

If I use the MBP's built-in bluetooth then when I switch from one computer to the other via the KVM, the keyboard and mouse will stay paired with the MBP; but if I disable the built-in hardware then the dongle can provide the bluetooth capability and be switched between the computers.

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Hardware :: Bluetooth Keyboard - Wireless And/or Bluetooth Keyboards Safe?

Aug 14, 2009

I've shied away from wireless keyboards in the past because I do alot of online baking and investment activities from my computer. I also love a clean workspace and a wireless keyboard could remove yet another wire from my desk. Do you consider wireless and/or bluetooth keyboards safe?

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MacBook Pro :: See Unknown Bluetooth Devices Under Bluetooth In System Preferences

Apr 6, 2012

I've got a MacBook Pro 15" Early 2011 and I see unknown bluetooth devices under Bluetooth in System Preferences.

I never used Bluetooth on my MacBook but these devices appear. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Turn Bluetooth Function Back On Given That I Have Bluetooth Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2012

I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Use Built-in Bluetooth To Connect To Non Bluetooth Printer?

Feb 3, 2009

This isn't directly related to macbooks but if I want to use the bluetooth built into my computer to connect to my non bluetooth printer can I buy any USB bluetooth dongle to plug into the printer ( Kodak all in one 5300) or do I need some specific kind? All the ones I look at don't mention anything about printers just connection between computers and phones.

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Transmit Music Through Bluetooth To Bluetooth Receiver?

Dec 10, 2009

I have a new macbook pro, can I transmit music through bluetooth to a bluetooth receiver?

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Software :: Using Bluetooth Headset/non-apple Bluetooth?

Sep 1, 2005

Hey guys..>I'm trying to set up my jabra bt200 bluetooth headset to work with my mac (osx 10.4.2, 15" powerbook 1.67ghz)...and I can get it to pair, but it won't stay connected for more than a split second. this is a problem i've seen a few people have, looking around on various forums and stuff, and i was trying various solutions when i decided to try doing a firmware upgrade on the internal bluetooth module. I downloaded the firmware updater (1.2), tried to run it and it came up with the following error:

"This computer does not have an Apple Bluetooth module installed. It cannot be updated by this application."

Why would my Powerbook not have an Apple Bluetooth module?!?!?! It's got bluetooth installed, it's internal, but looking at the system profile, it says it's the manufacturer is Cambridge Silicon Radio. So is this normal or what? Is the firmware upgrade even going to help me out in the end? Just to clarify...the powerbook came with bt installed's not something added by me!

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Hardware :: Drive Recognized When Connected Via USB But Not When Connected Via FireWire?

Jan 28, 2009

I consider myself very good at all things Mac. But this one has me stumped.

I've just arrived home with a WD My Book Home Edition 1TB external drive. Formatted for Windows it mounted correctly via FireWire and USB.

First things first: I formatted it for the Mac... Mac OS Extended (Journaled), two GUID partition tables. So far so good. Each partition is recognized, each mounts like it should.

Time Machine then backed up my Intel iMac... again, everything's normal. No odd or unusual behavior.

Here's where things get strange.

For whatever reason I formatted the drive via USB. But my intention hereafter is to connect via FireWire... I need each USB port for peripherals.

But the drive isn't recognized through FireWire. I'm asked if I want to initialize it. When reconnected through USB the drive mounts again.

What's going on? Why is the drive recognized when connected via USB but not when connected via FireWire?

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Windows On Mac :: XP Bootcamp - Connected, But Not Connected?

Aug 15, 2009

The little icon on the lower right corner of my XP partition shows that I am connected to my internet, and the connection is very strong. But when I open up Firefox or Steam or AIM, it all says I'm offline and asks if I would like to connect. I tried restarting, repairing the connection, and almost everything else I can think of.

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OS X :: Connected To The Internet, But Shows Not Connected?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a 13" MacBook Pro and it is not connecting to the internet! Airport says im connected to my internet connection, but safari won't load the internet. I tried Firefox and still, the same result. I resetted the modem and the router, but still nothing. The internet connection on my other computer works fine. So I got on the Windows partition and it connects to the internet! So it's just OSX that won't let me connect cause my Windows partition works fine.

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OS X :: Bluetooth Icon Says "Bluetooth Unavailable"?

Feb 23, 2009

So I finally install the latest updates from Apple, and reboot, and now my Bluetooth icon says "Bluetooth Unavailable". I have a 1.5Ghz PowerBook G4 with internal Bluetooth. I've been using BT since I got this thing in late 2004. Now the icon doesn't even show up in the control panel.

Has anyone else had this problem? I kind of need the BT to use my current setup. And I'm out of AppleCare time. (It's an OLD laptop.)

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OS X :: Bit Torrent Works Lately?

Dec 23, 2010

I have the Transmission bit torrent downloader and it works great, but lately, if I try to download a larger file like a blue-ray movie or something a few GB or bigger, there is an error that the file is too large and it won't download. I hit "resume transfer" and it downloads for a few more MB at a time.

Has anybody else had problems with Transmission? Is there a way to fix this, or will I just need to download a different bittorrent?

(this is my first post, so i apologize if it's in the wrong forum)

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PowerPC :: Usb PCI 1.1 Works But Not 2.0 On G4?

Nov 12, 2007

I have two different PCI cards usb 2.0 cards, one that specifically supports osx on the box, and none of them seem to be able to read my ipod. They are detected in system profiler, and work perfectly when I plug in a usb mouse or printer into them, but when i try to use a hi-speed device like an ipod or flash drive, they don't read the device. Are there OSX drivers i need? The cards are by sabrent and macsense, respectively. The macsense card says that it supports mac osx on the box

I just installed leopard, but the problem was prevalent when I had tiger as well.

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OS X :: What Keychain Is And How It Works?

Dec 30, 2008

can someone explain what keychain is and how it works. I been using my mac for about a week now. At start up it asked me if I'd wanted to allow keychain for a startup program. Did I miss something while registering my macbook pro?

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