MacBook :: Connected To Vga Monitor - Never Works Smoothly
Mar 16, 2010
I feel like when i try to hook up my macbook to a monitor with the vga adaptor, it just never works smoothly. i always have to play around with the wires for a while until i have an image on the screen. plug out the usb mouse and keyboard, plug them back in, unplug the adaptor, plug it back in. then finally it works, and this is every time i try to do it. i prefer to to it with my laptop closed, not in dual screen mode. can anyone point me to a simpler process to do this? its getting really annoying
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Apr 4, 2012
I recently was forced to restart my 13" MacBook Pro with Lion OS. After the standard start up sound and gray screen the startup ceased. After multiple failed tries and attempts to use command-r I removed the hard drive and connected it via. a SATA to USB2 connector. I'm assuming since I can work off the HDD because of the USB adaptor it is not a HDD error but something else. Would a new HDD solve the problem?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Aug 10, 2006
bought another (have one already) HP laserjet2100 with 600N network card exactly the same as an old one I had which works fine when connected to tiger macbook pro intel and old G4 with 9.2.2However when put new printer into ethernet network at first could not see printer but this was sorted using HP Direct and assigning IP adress on Intel mac. Howver when I print I get code on first page followed by masses of blank pages.To solve this I downloaded ghost and gimp printers and managed to get it to print.However quality is really poor when compared to old printes fonts are jagged etc. Any ideas to get it up to speed with exactly same machine?
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Oct 22, 2009
I was surprised one day to find an inch of white line running from top to bottom on my screen. Then after a week it expanded to two inches white line, then suddenly it turned all black and I can't see two inches of my screen from the right edge. I was reading some forums and found out that I can use a dell monitor as a secondary monitor, but is it possible to use the dell monitor as the primary monitor in case the black line will spread throughout the entire iMac screen? so the iMac would serve as a stand alone processor like a regular desktop?
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Aug 24, 2014
I have used an external 23" monitor with my macbook air for almost 2 years, i have had a few issues, mainly just temporary blackouts lasting for just a second or two, but also seen red screen (all colors become red), this was however just a rare issue and usually it was working just fine.i borrowed a friends macbook and connected with the same cable to the same screen, and it worked immediately with no issues.
the screen would go completely black or start flickering (haven't seen this flicker before), and i had to fiddle around with reconnecting to get it working. the next day when i turned it on i had no picture, i tried again and still nothing, so i decided to install the updates, including thunderport firmware update. Now i got the old glitches and lots of new ones, at the times when i assume it would have worked before i am just getting static (black and white dots randomly everwhere) i can also get red'ish screen with instense flickering, but mostly just completely black. I thought the problem could be my cable or the monitor itself, but that's not the issue since those worked immediately without any problem on my friends computer, so it must be the macbook air itself!
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012)
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Dec 5, 2008
I have just been given a second hand powermac g5, dual 2ghz, 1.5 gb of ram and 2 500 gb hdds. I have just installed the copy of leopard that came with it, it's all up to date with all the latest updates. Now this model does not have a built in bluetooth device so i have my targus one that i no works because i have used it in the past with my mac mini. The power mac picks it up, and allows me to go searching for bluetooth devices how ever when i connect one , it locks the use of the mouse and the connected bluetooth keyboard. I have to hold the power button at the front. I have reset the PRAM, but no the PMU or the nvram yet on this unit.
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Nov 12, 2009
I have seen people all over the internet saying that their MBP monitor would not turn on, but I have not seen my situation before. I used the computer a week ago (it's a work machine and I'm a part time intern) and both the external and internal monitor worked. I shut it down and when I came back the computer booted up to the external monitor but gave no video on the internal.
I shut down, removed the external monitor (connected by DVI cable) and rebooted. Nothing came up but when I connected the external again it worked fine. This had happened before, but when I shut down and rebooted without the cable connected it came back on immediately. I'm just hoping its not a bad graphics card or something that needs to go in for warranty.
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Feb 17, 2012
Computer: Macbook Pro 13 inch purchased Spring 2011 OS: Mac - Lion (10.7.3), Boot Camp - Windows 7 (64 bit) Utilizing an adaptor, I'm able to use my Samsung monitor without I problem when working in the Mac operating system. Unfortunatlely, when I switch to Windows 7 / Boot Camp partition, plugging in the Samsung makes both the external and laptop monitors go blank. I have spent hours researching this, but I have be unable to come up with solution. It seems like the problem might have something to do with the NVIDIA drivers.
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Jul 26, 2010
I am trying yo plug my NEC EA231WMi into my MBP via DVI and a DVI to mini display port Adaptor and the computer is not recognizing the monitor. It does nothing when I plug the monitor in.
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Aug 18, 2010
I bought a 22 inch monitor. its a pretty generic brand, but its very high resolution and works great on other computers. i got the vga adapter for my aluminum macbook (i posted in this section because its closer to the 13" mbp). i have an apple keyboard connected to it. i try to use it in clamshell mode and when i press a button on the keyboard to wake it up the screen just flickers as if its trying to adjust the resolution. strangely enough, it works perfect in mirror mode. anyone have an idea?
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Jan 4, 2009
Did any of you experienced this ? My WiFi slows down or even stops working when external monitor is connected (via the big connector, don't remember it's name, DMI or something like that). Air Rev A, 1.6.
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Sep 28, 2009
I have a strange problem with a WiFi slowdown when connected to a TV. Here are the specs of the equipment:
2.2 Ghz white macbook, santa rosa, 4 gb ram, purchased January 2008
Panasonic TV connected via HDMI to DVI cable + Apple Mini DVI to DVI connector
USB Western Digital harddrive connected to a 500 GB Time Capsule (1st edition, no dual channels)
Snow leopard 10.6.1
Before upgrading to snow leopard, I would frequently use the macbook to provide video to the above mentioned TV streamed from a hard drive connected to an imac (connected to the same time capsule). I moved, and upgraded to snow leopard, and haven't tried this until finished setting up my equipment yesterday. I can stream videos to the macbook from this hard drive fine when nothing is connected. However, the moment I plug in the mini-DVI connector, the WiFi drops to a crawl. This applies not only the to air disk but any data from the network (internet, etc.)
A couple of additional notes: Display is set to mirror. Has nothing to do with clamshell mode because the macbook isn't closed. Nothing to do with location/interference- the effect is instantaneous with plugging and unplugging the cable. The base station is actually closer than in my previous setup and is pretty much 20 feet away in direct line of sight. I connect to another external monitor daily at work (vga, again with apple mini dvi to vga adapter)- no issue whatsoever restart did not help. I canceled all time machine backups over the network to limit that as a factor- no effect.
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Jan 10, 2010
I just got the new macbook, with snow leopord, and is running on 10.6.2. My internet is really slow when I connect it to my linksys router. It is a wrt54g router. And I am using a WPA2 password. The internet works fine with the three other laptops in my house. But is slow when I connect with wireless to the router. But when I connect to the router with a ethernet cable it works really fast.
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Nov 21, 2010
WITHOUT closing the lid, because i like using the touchpad. i know that you can turn the brightness all the way down, but sometimes windows from the main screen randomly open on the other display. and it also slows down performance. i want to turn off the 13" screen as if the lid was closed. that way, the mac doesn't even see it.
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May 1, 2007
I'm using a DVI->HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook to my Sony LCD TV. The Sony's native resolution is 1366x768. For some reason my Powerbook doesn't want to switch to this resolution. I can get 1280x720, but this leaves a black border around the images the whole time.
I've tried setting a custom resolution using the trial version of SwitchResX but to no avail. It won't do it.
Anybody have any similar experiences and possibly found a fix?
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Jun 18, 2009
I've been searching for a vertical laptop stand for awhile now, since I use my MacBook Pro and my Dell Inspiron both in clamshell mode and connected to the same monitor. There were some pricy options out there ranging from $40 to $300, and then I found the perfect solution at the thrift store today for $1.50: a napkin holder.I bought one very similar to the one pictured here, and will be sanding it down and painting it black. It works extremely well as a vertical stand, and I'm getting a second for the Dell. Forget overpriced stands and repurpose something
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May 22, 2012
When I close my macbook pro whilst it is connected to an external monitor the internet connection slows down?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 7, 2010
Well my unibody macbook display decided to screw up last night, it was working fine last night no problem. Connected to a external monitor. I fell asleep last night with front row left on, obviously it went to sleep and then I woke up and the screen was black. Now the LED lights are working, my external display is also working. The display settings recognize a screen being present (when I click detect displays and gather windows - 2 windows appear). Ive reset PRAM, SMC, reseated the RAM, control+shift+eject (which just made the screen flicker a little after turning it back on) and Im out of ideas. Its out of warranty and about about 18months old.
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May 2, 2012
I have a 13" MBP and just bought a new 23" external monitor connected via mini DVI to HDMI adapter.The monitor is recognized fine, but there is extreme jitter on the screen - basically very annonying and unusable.
MacBook Pro
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May 29, 2012
my screen cracked on my MacBook and I'm unable to see anything (it's just fuzzy white) so I purchased the VGA adaptor so I can connect to an external monitor. When I plug in the screen is zoomed to close and I can not view the entire screen. I can see one application that I have open, which is iMovie but can not see the top menu or my icons at the bottom. How can I adjust the settings seeing how I can not access the menu bar or anything else for that matter. It also appears to be showing a second screen, maybe not my desktop because the background is different. I'm running on OS X Lion.
I'm trying to finish an end of the year slide show for my kindergartner that I need completed today, I was five minutes away from finalizing then my two year old threw his monster truck at my screen!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 8, 2009
I searched the archives and I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet! This is a huge problem on both my Rev A and my new Rev B. When you connect an external monitor and external speakers using the headphone output, there is a high frequency ringing sound coming out of the speakers. I've managed to live with it by turning the treble to minimum and keeping the volume low enough but at the expense of sound quality. The strange part is, if you disconnect the monitor, the ringing sound stops. The problem only occurs if you have speakers and monitor plugged in at the same time. I've tried this on my Samsung monitor, my SONY TV, and my Panasonic audio receiver. The problem occurs with both Rev A and Rev B while my white MacBook and 2007 MacBook Pro all sound fine.
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Sep 8, 2014
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
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Jan 17, 2007
Is there an easy way to cause a connected external monitor to be "disabled?" E.G. I have an iMac connected to an LCD TV (via VGA, spanned, external at 1360x768). If the TV is plugged in, even if it's off, the computer switches to spanning mode. The consequence of this is that, if my preferred setup is to have the external be main, for instance, I essentially have to unplug it from the iMac whenever I don't want to be using it. Even if the external is the 2ary dsplay, it means that the mouse can go off the edge of the screen on one side, and that two of the hot corners are messed up. Is there any utility that could do something like add a "disable external display" item to preferences or the menu bar?
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Mar 22, 2009
I am considering replacing my G4 Mac mini, which is used primarily as a desktop. It turns out that my computer desk is very close to my Sharp Aquos LC32GA5U TV. With the right adapters, it should be possible to have my monitor and TV connected to the new Mac mini at the same time. The DVI/HDMI cable to my TV should be about 12 ft. I have some questions about a setup like this. Will a video cable of this length cause any issues? My TV will not be turned on all the time. Does Leopard recognize the fact that a display is turned off and prevent apps from putting their windows on it?
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Apr 1, 2012
can it be connected through what wire cables?
Mac mini, iOS 5.1
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May 27, 2012
I own a g4 quick silver which has a "formac" flat monitor. This monitor connects straight in to the g4. I have just bought a g5 but it will not connect, I have looked at adaptors but cannot find the right one. Does.
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a new Mac Mini connected to an older VGA monitor using the Apple brand VGA adapter. The mini is fully up to date and runs perfectly when booted. However, if I reboot the mini with the VGA monitor connected, it fails to boot. I just hear the faint chime sound every other second. There is no output to the monitor and the only way I can get it to boot is to disconnect the monitor and then power cycle the mini. I can reconnect the monitor just seconds after powering back on and it finishes booting properly.
I've also tested with an HDMI connected monitor (without the VGA adapter) and it boots just fine and the display works properly.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 25, 2014
my mac pro desktop was bought roughly in 2009.its running the latest os that this model can run with tiger.the problem used to be intermittent,now it is very hard to get this thing to communicate with the external monitor.the led on the mac shows that its on but it won't chime as it starts up.whenever it did cut on,it would stay on for a moment then a dark tint would scroll over the screen desktop from top to bottom and everything freezes.i then have to turn off the computer from the button.A side note:This computer never functioned properly from day one when i was using it to run my protools music recording DAW.i could barely complete songs as it would run out of cpu and processing power.the computer has 14 gigs of ram,and quad core processing.i took it to apple store for tech support but they found i am solely trying to run my serato dj software with it.based on these symptoms,what is wrong with my computer? is it software problem or is it a bad graphics card,bad cpu,is there any parts i can buy to inexpensively overhaul this computer?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 25, 2008
I want to run my g4 17 inch powerbook connected to an external screen with the lid closed, when i shut it the external screen goes off aswell, I have been told to use an external keyboard etc, I want to use a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. Is there anyway of doing this?
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Apr 28, 2010
Looking for a keyboard (preferably wireless) and mouse to hook up to my mac that will be connected to a monitor. I also want to use the display for my pc laptop. Will I have to keep registering and unregistering the keyboard and mouse every time I want to switch between my mac and pc? Also does anyone know if I will have any problems with the apple wireless keyboard and logitech mx revolution mouse with both my computers?
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