Applications :: General Consensus Over Wether, Which Add Function To Itunes To Allow Different Track?

Nov 15, 2009

I currently use a number of Airport Express's to stream my itunes music content around my house.Is there a general consensus over wether Apple will ever add the function to itunes to allow different tracks/songs to be played on the express's at the same time?

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OS X :: General Consensus On OSX Firewall

May 4, 2010

Whats the general consensus on OSX Firewall. It's not enabled by default and I never knew the option existed. Is it problematic at all, or prone to slowdowns. I am behind a home router

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Applications :: Unable To Export Track In Logic Express / Not Saving The Track

Feb 24, 2008

i just bought it and am having a little trouble exporting a track i made. i didnt do much to it, just cut it and can not figure out how to export. i go to the export option and then try and save it to the desktop but it is not there when i go to find it

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Applications :: ITunes Track Name In Menu Bar?

Apr 14, 2009

Is there an app that anyone knows of which will enable my menu bar to display the current playing Itunes track and any other relevant information?

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Applications :: Track Markers In Itunes?

Apr 15, 2009

Another idea for itunes. I wonder why they have not implemented this yet...track markers. A lot of times I have a set or other 1 hour - mp3's in my itunes, but I sometimes like to fast forward to certain songs in my fast forward is not as good as itunes fast forward so it sometimes takes would be nice if we could place track markers in itunes then that info is saved in the mp3 or that when playing fro my iphone i can just fast forward to those markers.....know what i mean? would be ncie to be able to do htis without splitting the original long mp3 into a bunch of small ones...

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Applications :: ITunes Track Length Bar Bigger?

Apr 3, 2010

Is it just me but has 9.1 update brought a longer Song Length Bar (The bit in-between the two times showing how far through a song you are)

I just looked at it 10 minutes ago and it seemed noticeably different.

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Applications :: Remapping The Itunes Function Keys?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm wondering if there is any way to remap the Itunes fuction keys (Play/Pause, Volume, Prev, Next, etc). I'm not using an apple keyboard and the way OSX has re-maped the functions is really screwy, so I'd like to set them myself. Can it be done through iTunes or does anyone know of any application that will allow this?

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Applications :: Taking CD Track Names & Info Over To New ITunes

Jan 26, 2009

Gonna be moving from my old mac onto a shiny new MacBook and while its easy enough to take over the contents of my iTunes and the iTunes Library file over to the new machine to preserve my play lists & play counts, I want to be able to take over the CD track name and information so if I put in a CD I had personally amended the information to, the information is still there as apposed to just connecting to the great music database in the sky and downloading the information like it does when I put in a fresh music CD for the first time. When I copied over the Library file to my new machine and put in a CD that had already been done it went ahead and connected to the database instead so obviously the CD information is not stored there. Anyone have any idea what file I should be looking at to copy over or is this going to be horribly difficult?

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Applications :: How To Import Burned Cd's With Track Information In Itunes

Mar 7, 2010

I have imported many cd's into itunes and I know how to do it with info as long as it is a store bought cd or a copy of a store bought cd. I have been looking forever and cant find a way to import a mixed cd into itunes and have it recognize the info for each individual track. Is there a plugin or a separate program that could assist in this. I know you can do it one track at a time but modern

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Applications :: Manually Hack M4v Track Length In ITunes

Jun 4, 2010

I wanted a visual representation of all my videos, regardless of format, in iTunes so I've used a combination of QT reference files for AVIs and placeholder M4Vs for DVD rips. To get the placeholders I Handbraked a 7-second clip of a DVD to M4V and applied metadata. This works to get the coverart in iTunes but the minor annoyance to my OCD nature is that the track length shows as 7 seconds (see image). Is there anyway to hack this information somewhere so I can show the actual runtime?

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Applications :: ITunes Isn't Organizing My Playlist By Track Number?

Jul 7, 2010

And I want to burn it to a CD... I only have a single blank CD at the moment, so will it automatically burn them in order of track number?

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Applications :: How To Stop ITunes 9 From Embedding Album Artwork In Every Track

Jan 30, 2010

Is there a way to stop iTunes from embedding artwork into every file(track), and instead store 1 copy per album?

From what I remember thats the way cover flow used to work. Why the switch to embedding artwork in every file? A extra 20+MB per album is just ridiculous(Using a 800x800 PNG).

I know its possible to store the album artwork without embedding it in the file. Because I have a few older albums that still use the old method (storing only a single copy of the artwork in /iTunes/Album Artwork/).

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Applications :: Bizarre / ITunes Skips Importing Track 1 On ALL Discs

Jul 16, 2010

I have been importing my large music CD collection and midway through, I have noticed that the first track of EVERY disc has NOT been copied to my library. The remaining tracks (Track 2 and up) were imported fine. When each CD was importing, everything looked normal and I got a green checkmark next to the first track. What's even more bizarre is that now, I cannot recreate this problem because iTunes imports the first track of every CD as normal. What the heck?! I'm going to have to re-import the first track of every disc now... Did a Google search and got nothing. I'm running the latest, up-to-date iTunes (v9.2) and Mac OS X (v10.6.4).

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Applications :: ITunes Not Showing What Song It Has Shuffled To / Unable To View Track Info Box

Sep 2, 2010

Select Shuffle Mode. Pause your music, or make sure nothing is playing, then go to Minimize view.

Now hit FFW or REV. What appears in the track info box? Nothing, right? iTunes doesn't show you what song it has shuffled to. It only works if you are playing, not in pause.

Surely this is wrong? Sometimes you want to select song before playing it, right? This works fine on my Ipod. Everyone else have this problem?

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ITunes :: Edit The General List In It?

Jun 19, 2012

My genre list has become very random and I want to reduce it to the general Blues Jazz Rock Pop Classical?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes For Mac :: Doesn't Have Software Update Section Under Settings / General

Sep 11, 2014

My Mum just gave me her old iPhone 4s.  It doesn't have a 'software update' section under settings/general. I wanted to try to update it somehow using iTunes, but I need to update my IBook G4's iTunes first.  But when I try my laptop just says it can't connect with the server.  However, there's no problem with my internet connection. 

iBook, Mac OS X (10.4.3)

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Applications :: Any Freeware Program For General Drawing?

Jan 27, 2009

Does anybody know of a freeware program that is good for general doodling, and tablet-friendly? (eraser, in particular).

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Applications :: Final Cut Pro General Error (Out Of Memory)

Dec 30, 2009

I am running Final Cut Pro 7 on a MacBook with a 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. I have used FCP to edit before using video from a camera that used mini DV tapes and that worked fine. I recently got the Flip Ultra HD, which records straight to MP4 with the following format: 1280x720, 30 FPS, H.264 video compression. I imported the files on my computer and then imported them into FCP. When I try to play them in the viewer I get a window that says: General Error. Then another window that says: out of memory. I have tried restarting both the computer and the program.

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Applications :: IMovie Delay When Playing And General Lagginess?

Dec 21, 2010

When working in iMovie things always seem a little laggy. Like pressing the space bar to play, there is always a delay before it actually starts. And when dragging clips in it's definitely less than smooth. Is this a CPU thin or a RAM thing or neither. Just wondering if I'd see some improvement bumping up to 8GB of RAM or if not

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Applications :: Cannot Save Or Render In Final Cut General Error Message With No Number

Sep 27, 2009

I just opened a FC project in 6.0 from an XML file for the first time. The project originally came from 6.0.6 and I was happy to see that this kind of reversion was actually possible. Unfortunatly after doing a little work I started getting "general error" messages whenever I tried to save the project or render any transitions.

If I remeber correctly, I opened the XML and was asked to save a new project. I saved the project and started working. I dont remeber if any saves or rendering had worked in the new project before I got the error messages. Maybe none of them worked, I am not sure.

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Mac Pro :: Migration Assistant Consensus

Mar 24, 2008

Now comes the anxiety of getting all my "stuff" onto it. I've dome some searches regarding the use of migration assistant but have discovered some diverging opinions. I've heard to use it for everything. Some have suggested using it for prefs and settings but not hard files. I've also heard NOT to use it if I'm migrating from a G4, which I am.

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OS X :: Consensus Triple Bootloader?

Feb 2, 2009

Is there one single bootloader that stands out when it comes to triple booting of Mac OS, Linux and Windows on a MB? Just looked around and couldn't find one myself. It seems to be work-in-progress.

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MacBook Pro :: Consensus Estimate USB 3.0 In MBP?

Jul 31, 2009

What's the consensus USB 3.0 adoption timeframe in Mac Book Pros? I'll be buying my next MBP to coincide with this release.

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MacBook :: Consensus On Non-oem Charger?

Aug 16, 2009

I need a new charger for my c2d macbook. I'm wondering what peoples experiences with non-oem chargers are? A new one from apple is $80, whereas I can pick one up for $18 shipped on ebay.

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ITunes :: ITunes Not Reading Any Of Track Info

Oct 31, 2009

I have a lot of CD's that are compilations made in my friend's iTunes, but for some reason my ITunes is not reading any of the track info. My buddy says this is a very rare event for him and no suggestions as why I am not getting the track info. I've already tried unchecking the "search the internet for info" option.

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IMac :: Final Consensus On The HDD Noise?

Jan 18, 2010

Well I have been following the HDD noise threads for awhile now, (since I to have a "hungry iMac") and was wondering what the final word was on the issue?

How did you guys get the issue resolved? Return and replace? HDD replacement at authorized repair location? Give up? Did it even get resolved?

So from what I can read, it seems the Seagate drive is the hungry one? Is the Western Digital any better? Or is the consensus that the 2TB one is better?

I personally don't think there is anything wrong (as in malfunctioning) with my machine...its just the rumbling noise is kinda irritating. I know my case is clear cut in my mind too...cause even before I read this forum, the first few times I heard mine I actually thought it was MY stomach growling. Then I came and read the threads and saw what was going on.

So, can it be fixed? For me to go through the hassle, I need to know that something other than simple exchange can be done to remedy...cause I personally think that will not do anything. I would be willing to bet and exchange (all things being equal) would do the same thing.

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ITunes :: 10.6 Won't Show A Track?

Mar 12, 2012

I tried to import an MP3 file. I can see the MP3 file in the iTunes Music folder hierarchy, but the track doesn't show up anywhere in my Library.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 15" (early 2011) - 8GB RAM

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ITunes :: Songs End Before End Of Track?

Apr 7, 2012

Over the last couple of weeks the songs either on itunes or my ipod will skip to the next song half way through the song or about 10sec before the end.

The hard drive was recenty replaced but this has only just started. 

Itunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Change Name Of Track?

Apr 19, 2012

how can I change a name of a track in itunes?

iMac, iOS 5.0.1

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MacBook Pro :: Consensus For Best MBP Elevator / Riser For Cooling Purposes?

Aug 9, 2010

After a bit of Google research I've found countless notebook elevators for cooling purposes. So many to choose from. Just curious if any MacRumors users could share their first hand experience?

I have a 13" MBP and am looking for a slight elevator to let air get under the notebook. I do not want a stand with actual fans / coolers that plug into your notebook and use battery. I'm just looking for a simple, glorified phonebook to stick under the MBP

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