Mac Pro :: Under Desk - Overheating - System Shuts Down
Aug 10, 2010
So I am about to order a 2010 Mac Pro. I am looking for opinions from users who own or have owned any recent model (last 2 years) Mac Pro in terms of how much heat they throw off and how much open air space they need. The reason I ask is my custom desk at home has one of those wooden "compartments" that a tower or workstation computer can slide into. If I put the Mac Pro in there, it will be exposed on the front, but the top and all sides will be surrounded. I am sure you have all seen the type of desk slot I am talking about. Its a bit like putting your mac pro in a coffin. with only one side open. do you think this will be a major problem and cause overheating? Or result in the Mac Pro shutting down? If so do you have any suggestions because my desk area does not have any open room for the computer stand with all open air around it.
I tried to install a larger hard drive in my mac mini pps version. Everything seems to be alright but after a few miniutes the computer gets hot on right side and then it shuts off .I have shut it down and wait untill I hear from you
I've been having trouble with my new iMac that i purchased recently (26th of August actually). Whenever I'm doing something CPU intensive, the machine just shuts off, but usually it's not right in the middle of whatever I'm doing, it's after I close the application. For example: I was playing SimCity4 the other day, pretty old game to cause this problem I would think. As soon as I exit the game, the system shuts off. No warning, nothing, just shuts off. This will happen when i close VMs (it actually happened yesterday while I was running the VM), etc. So I've reset the SMC/PMU, PRAM/NVRAM, and I've even reseated the RAM. Still the same problem. I've taken it in to a repair center in town, hoping I'll get it back by the end of the week. Does anyone have any idea why this would be happening?
I purchased a GoFlex Desk for Mac with the FW800 adapter. No issues with stability or performance.The only thing that is weird is related to deletion of files:
1) When I set a program to auto-clean files (for example, deleting source rar files after unpacking) it doesn't work
2) Whenever I try to delete a file, I get a warning that "This cannot be undone", and it's doing a permanent delete rather than moving it to trash.I've verified that I'm not using any Seagate drivers, and the drive shows up as the "Orange" generic external drive.
Over the last few months I've noticed a trend with my dual 2GHz G5 at home, it often locks up and the fans go full-throttle. It sometimes happens when I'm using it and often when I leave it idling for a while. I've noticed that the CPU A and CPU B temperatures start around 120 degrees F when the machine is first powered up and steadily climbs to around 150. Is that normal? The dual 1.8GHz G5 I have at the office doesn't run hotter than 110 degrees. The fans haven't failed. Is there a coolant link? Is there anything I can do to diagnose this, or do I simply need to call AppleCare?
I currently use an iMac i7 with Windows XP SP3 installed on the Bootcamp partition. I've noticed recently that when I'm on the Windows side for a long period of time the iMac gets quite hot and the fans are raging with a loud roar! Obviously, this does not happen on the Mac OS side. I got quite concerned, so I restarted it in Mac OS to check the iStat. The CPU fan was over 2000rpm and some of the temps just reached over 60 degrees C. So I decided to keep it in Mac for the time being and everything decided to calm down to the 'normal' temperatures. I've searched Mroogle / Google for solutions and it appears people are using smc Fan Control for Windows to increase the fan speeds. I'm not sure if this is the right path to go down where I can override the fan speeds and just put up with the fan noise... but is there another solution? Are there any drivers released to help deal with this issue or is it a windows problem?
I've googled to see if I can find a solution to this but not had any luck - wonder if you could help. My Mac Mini is 1.5Ghz PowerPc G4, 512Mb RAM, running Mac OS X Version 10.5.8. I bought it second hand a couple of years ago and in the past while it's really been playing up a bit. It first started overheating and shutting down when I was doing really resource intensive stuff - for example, opening a large amount of RAW image files. However, it's now started taking to shutting down when I'm doing normal browsing, using Spotify etc The machine also tends to hang a lot, and I can't really stream videos very well either. The vents at the back of the Mac definitely aren't blocked and there's plenty of space around the machine to let the air circulate.
My Macbook is 1.5 years old (13in, white, 2 GHz). About two weeks ago, it would randomly shut off. It would restart fine, but shut off sooner. Sometimes, it wouldn't even restart. Now, it's at the point where when I power it on, it rarely restarts past the white apple start-up screen.
My thought is that it is overheating. Are there any more ideas? What can I do to save my macbook?
Ive been experiencing multiple shut downs, particularly while streaming video from the internet. I think it may be overheating..anyone else have this problem? Running a MBP 2.16CD with snow leopard Also, I'd like to add I just experienced something weird. It was a shutdown, but it was like a shadow melting over the screen, then it said you must restart the computer in a few different languages. What's that about?
Up till last week everything was fine, I could run 'Second Life', photoshop, email, a browser, download stuff, play Itunes AND watch a movie all at once without any trouble.
But recently the computer has gone a bit weird.
It started getting very hot, much slower and turning itself off.
I have a 3 year old Powerbook G4. I just recently replaced the battery (with an Apple one).
Starting last week I keep getting the "the system clock is set before March 21, 2001" message every time I start the computer up.
I am also having a problem where...when I close my computer (still on) it'll shut down completely (after a bit of time). If the computer is open and the battery runs out, it'll also shut down.
Just wondering if anyone has ever encountered this or if any experts out there know of the issue.
I have a spare White Macbook (late 2008: Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz, 1GB, 120GB) that I'd like to set up for my brother to use to introduce him to the wonderful world of Macs. The problem it is having is that when I have a battery connected to it (I tried 2 different ones included a known-good one that is brand-new just purchased from Apple) it powers on and gives me the chime, but then immediately shuts off unexpectedly giving that little "whine" sound like if it just lost power all of a sudden. However, when i take out the battery, and just plug it into the Magsafe AC charger it works fine. Also when just trying to run on battery it does not turn on at all. Here's some cliffs:
1) Macbook with just battery does not turn on 2) Macbook with battery + Magsafe AC charger connects powers on, gives the chime, but then immediately shuts off making the "whine" sound as if the power was suddenly cut off 3) Macbook with no battery connected and just the Magsafe AC charger connected works fine.
Do you guys think this is either:
A) battery connector issue (the little piece with the metal wires that the battery connects to. ~$50 part) B) Logic Board issue
I already tried resetting the PRAM and SMU to no avail.
I do not have a problem with the Internet while I am using the system. However, when I wake the iMac up in the morning, there is no Internet connection.I have to use System Preferences/Network/ and select the network.iMac / Intel / Mac OS X version 10.7.3
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Starting abnormally, Like when I start my MacBook pro which is almost new. A bar runs on the white screen and then when it reached half way system shut down. Any way to reset my computer.
Also, when I am going to option, the system doesn't allow me by saying hard disk is locked.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
My battery needed replacing for a couple of months before i dropped it from about knee level onto a sidewalk. After the drop I got the not charging icon. I thought maybe the battery had just finally died. so I did not panic about the no charge. The laptop works fine when plugged in to power with the old battery on or no battery at all. Not at all when unplugged.
When I put the brand new battery on the lap top, the computer shuts down halfway through boot up. I tried holding the power button down through boot up reset, as well as removing all power (plug and battery) and holding down the power button for 10 seconds reset.
be more heathier for the mac pro to have longevity if it were on top. I guess if it were on top of a desk, the mac pro would collect less dust + able to breathe alot better for less stress on the logicboard/fan? I'm seriously thinking about putting the mac pro on top of my desk.
I plan on putting my quad Core Mac Pro inside my desk. It's completely open in the front but the sides and back are closed in. Will it get too hot for the computer?
I have been noticing more MacPros kept on top of desk rather than on the floor. Why is this. I think it's too big to go on a desk, even a big one. Is there something I don't know about. I guess the 'dust bunnies' may be a bit larger on the floor but it's also cooler. Getting to the back is just as much as a pain in both places.
I searched here and know of the mac pro cuff-pro and some other attaching thing that goes under the desk from ikea, what ones to include the ikea one (link possible?) and the cuff-pro could someone recommend to hold a mac pro either to the side, or bottom of a desk?
So I got tired and board and decided that instead of buying a desk everyone else has I would build my own so I am starting with this a base for the top ...i am picking it up in the morning but I still need to come up with a idea for some legs
I've been placing it on top of my desk, which is pretty huge BUT I noticed that including my 17" mbp on the desk and the additional of a second monitor, I need more space! I've been thinking about placing the mac pro underneath my desk, pushed to the far back. I do own a shihtzu that does have the occasional hairball popping out somewhere random and I try to vacuum twice a week. With that information, do you guys think that moving the Mac Pro on the floor on a carpet would attract that much more dust as to the Mac Pro being on top of the desk?
I just purchased an 11" MacBook Air and I'm loving it! I'm using it with the 24" Apple cinema display and was wondering what some of you are using as a stand. There doesn't seem to be much available to accommodate the smaller size. I'm currently using an mStand that I had from owning my just recently sold MBP. I'm considering a TwelveSouth BookArc, but I'm not sure if it will fit the 11" Air. Can anyone confirm this?
I'm looking for something that's not only aesthetically pleasing, but also something with a smaller footprint that will free up some desk space. Please share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and solutions!
I was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for a computer desk/workstation. I'm willing to spend some $$ on something, and am just wondering if there are any pieces out there that you guys really like. I use a Mac Pro, which I like to keep on the desk. Besides that, I don't have that much hardware -- MFC printer that's pretty big, but that will probably be replaced by something that has a smaller footprint. I'll be putting it in my basement, so size isn't really a huge concern.
Aluminum macbook sitting on the desk here. Thinking about going big with it. I'd love to get a TB or more in the machine and see what it does. Would give me plenty of room for my data.
When I start up my MacBook Pro, my desk top does not fit the screen. It's smaller. How do I get it to fit the 15" screen? Please give me step by step..
I'm trying to find a desk lamp for the 24" iMac. My Dad uses one for work and his eyesight isn't what it used to be, so I'm looking for something that will sit on top of the iMac and give light to the whole desk.
Unfortunately, a Google search finds only the old classic G4 'desk lamp' iMac, but I'm actually after an iMac desk lamp, if that makes sense.
Function over aesthetics, but preferably nothing too hideous that detracts from the natural beauty of the Mac. Any suggestions would be great
Maybe this is going to sound silly but do I have to worry about this thing being too heavy for my glass-top Office Max desk? It's 30.5 lbs, twice as heavy as the Dell widescreen monitor I currently use. This is my first all-in-one so it's all new to me!